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    • Collected papers and articles related to reflation International - Home
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    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Chile earthquake tsunami, 旧北上川 dating back 22 km from the mouth - Society
      Tsunami earthquake occurred in Chile in South America, from the mouth of the city of Ishinomaki, Miyagi 旧北上川 22 kilometers from the mouth of each of Kitakami River until it has reached 17 kilometers. Tohoku University Prof. Jin Tanaka (Hydraulic Engineering) has said, identified by analyzing data from the Ministry of Land and Water level in the prefecture.旧北上川, non Prefecture Kitakami River 5 km upstream of the tsunami in the river (complaint) that it had been confirmed.旧北上川 from the mouth up to 22 kilometers in the tsunami was 20 centimeters. Also, in the former prefecture Tome ...
      Terremoto tsunami ocurrido en Chile en América del Sur, de la boca de la ciudad de Ishinomaki, Miyagi 旧 北上 川 a 22 kilómetros de la boca de cada uno de Kitakami río hasta que haya cumplido los 17 kilómetros. Profesor de la Universidad de Tohoku Jin Tanaka (Ingeniería Hidráulica) ha dicho, identificados mediante el análisis de los datos del Ministerio de Tierras y del nivel de agua en la prefectura.旧 北上 川, no Kitakami Prefectura de Río 5 km aguas arriba del tsunami en el río (queja) que había sido confirmada.旧 北上 川 desde la boca hasta 22 kilómetros en el tsunami fue de 20 centímetros. Además, en la prefectura de ex Tomé ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Yosano Liberal u0026quot;democratic alternative to consider,u0026quot; including the New Party - Political
      Former Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano of the Liberal Democratic Party on June 7, NHK TV program, was asked the possibility of creating a new party, there is not going to talk, if there is an alternative to the Democratic Party is all I have to think in and hints have made. And also showed signs of Labor and Welfare Minister Yoichi Masuzoe before the party s own party, Tanigaki unloaded are starting to see signs of. Yosano is a monthly magazine released on 10 Bungeishunju contributed a paper to. Hatoyama criticized the government while, Nitsu LDP president Sadakazu Tanigaki said ...
      Бывший министр финансов Каору Есано от Либерально-демократической партии 7-го июня, NHK TV программа, спросили о возможности создания новой партии, есть не буду говорить, если есть альтернативы демократической партии все, что мне придется думать , и намеки сделал. А также показал признаки труда и благосостояния Йоити министр Masuzoe перед собственной партии, партии Танигаки патронов начинают видеть признаки. Есано это ежемесячный журнал выпущен 10 Bungeishunju способствовали бумаги. Хатояма критикой правительства, а, Nitsu президента ТБД Садакадзу Танигаки сказал ...

    • 『Sartre colonial issues』 - Arisan notes
      By colonial problem: J.-P. Sartre, Jean-Paul Sartre, Tada Mititarou, Michihiko Suzuki, Urano Kinuko, Atsushi Watanabe, Ban Take shrimp, Katou Haruhisa Publisher / Manufacturer: Jinbun Shoin Release Date: 2000/02 media: This product includes blogs Paperback (4 cases) probably show even in the many works of Sartre, but one that I think has been the most widely read in Japan, and from among them, here is an international tribunal for war crimes in Vietnam, the so-called La ...

    • Agora: u0026quot;sharing economyu0026quot; and u0026quot;commercial economyu0026quot; What can coexist - 『REMIX』
      Wicked book best book category IT · media sharing economy and commercial economy What can coexist - 『REMIX』 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (critics) REMIX author Nobuo Ikeda ways of culture and commerce thrive in the Hybrid Economy: Lawrence Lessig distributor : Release Date :2010-02-27 - Simplify the growing Internet economy is represented by the share-mouth show it is true, it is clear that society simply can not maintain it. Story extreme when abolish the copyright ...
      Wicked livre catégorie meilleur livre IT Media · «partage de l économie et l économie commerciale» ce qui peut coexister - REMIX 『』 ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (critique) REMIX auteur Nobuo façons Ikeda de la culture et le commerce prospérer dans l économie hybride: Lawrence Lessig distributeur : Date de sortie :2010-02-27 - Simplifiez la croissance de l économie Internet est représenté par la part aphteuse montrent que cela est vrai, il est clair que la société ne peut tout simplement pas le maintenir. Story extrême lorsque abolir le droit d auteur ...

    • u0026quot;Ichiro Ozawa u003d System Koreau0026quot; over the mystery of: Isabella!
      «Darkness Kino Hukashi Ozawa family - mother and the mystery surrounding the credit union silver morning, Kim» Shincho No. 45 of 2010 Mon 4 separate volume editor 『Sakurai Yoshiko, Ichiro Ozawa, 』 research in non-fiction writer who Kimishima Humitaka but would like to look at whether it is writing articles, and also revealed new facts. Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party for character formation, than the things his mother had a strong influence of his father, the so-called book Ozawa and is also well-known story. Ozawa Miti said that the mother (deceased, following Kei ...
      «Darkness Kino Hukashi Одзава семья - мать и тайна вокруг Кредитный союз серебро утро , Ким» Shincho № 45 от 2010 Пн 4 отдельные Редактор тома 『Йошико Сакураи , Итиро Одзава, 』 исследований, не связанных с писателем-фантастом, который Kimishima Humitaka но хотелось бы посмотреть на будь то написание статей, а также выявлены новые факты. Итиро Одзава, генеральный секретарь Демократической партии на формирование характера, чем вещи его матери был сильным влиянием своего отца, так называемая Книга Одзава , а также хорошо известная история. Одзава Miti сказал, что мать (умерших после Кей ...

    • u0026quot;A pause before mutteru0026quot; and lawmakers know Twitter? (1 / 2): J-CAST News
      With the spread of Twitter as a tool to leverage political activities originating Senator Twitter has increased. Prime Minister and the Minister also issued a murmur, or political will to begin now on I will turn the attention to the kind. Tadashi Shima and industry minister, now is not the mind about using Twitter, now is not the mind, said Tadashi Shima Masayuki Tsune production phase, the ministry is seeking to make policy recommendations on Twitter, and Twitter started Minister do not think March 2010 ...

    • isologue - by office Isozaki Tetsuya: u0026quot;Introduction to Modern Financial [New Version]u0026quot; during the boom generation
      Puchibumu I have become. Reading Of that we have today, I belatedly, in spite Shinsho compactly together, it is recommended to learn the latest financial theory! ---- I also buy their passing, the teacher Ikeo Postscript link and leave the holding below that recommended in the book.
      Puchibumu je suis devenu. Lecture de ce que nous avons aujourd hui, je tardivement, en dépit Shinsho communauté compacte, il est recommandé d apprendre les plus récentes de la théorie financière! ---- J achète également leur passage, l enseignant Ikeo Postscript lien et quittez l exploitation inférieure à celle recommandée dans le livre.

    • Togetter - once u0026quot;the difficulties of the Japanese economy and growth strategy (the 成San tweet from Hiromu Seko)u0026quot;
      Representative Umezawa Japan s position in the world economy will slow. According to the forecast of Goldman Sachs, the world s GDP share of Japan in 1990 was 14%, China 2%. 2007 Japan 8%, China 6%. 2030 Japan 4%, China 21%. 2050 was 2% China 25% Japan SekoHiroshige 2010-03-06 22:46:07
      Представитель Умэдзава Позиция Японии в мировой экономике будет медленным. Согласно прогнозу Goldman Sachs, ВВП в мире доля Японии в 1990 году составляла 14%, Китай 2%. 2007 Япония 8%, Китай 6%. 2030 Япония 4%, Китай 21%. 2050 составил 2% Китай 25% Японии SekoHiroshige 2010-03-06 22:46:07

    • 『Sugosou What is rightly an issue』 4 Mon - kojitaken Diary
      Sankei, rightly, far-right http://www.sankei.co.jp/seiron/wnews/1003/mokji.html [Preface] Ichiro Ozawa, a firm NO! Free Japan lost to tyranny and fascism always left that side by side. Nishio Kanji 2 critics penetrate the country by the end of the political and Junichiro Koizumi, Ichiro Ozawa ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Our Sun
      产经新闻,正确,极右翼的http://www.sankei.co.jp/seiron/wnews/1003/mokji.html [前言]小泽一郎,公司不!免费日本输给了暴政和法西斯主义总是留下的一方方。西尾汉字2批评渗透在结束该国政治和小泉纯一郎,小泽一郎... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...我们的太阳

    • Eroge sales gap on the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient - spring efemeral
      Eroge, Statistics | 18:54 | Eroge sales of gaps and that in terms of measurement, the experiment is to visualize. Gap or inequality is commonly used as a measure of the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient is. This time I tried to use it to look. This chapter is the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient so described, the only conclusion you may even skip 読Mitai. Lorenz curve and the Lorenz curve is ...
      Eroge, Estadísticas | 18:54 | Eroge las ventas de las lagunas y que, en términos de medición, el experimento es visualizar. Gap o desigualdad se utiliza comúnmente como una medida de la curva de Lorenz y coeficiente Gini es. Esta vez traté de usar para mirar. Este capítulo es la curva de Lorenz y el coeficiente de Gini , la curva de Lorenz y coeficiente de Gini , así describe, la única conclusión que se puede incluso saltarse 読 Mitai. La curva de Lorenz y la curva de Lorenz es ...

    • Debt crisis, following in Greece or Japan? JBpress (Japan Business Press)
      (2010, the Financial Times, March 05 date) Japan is how together, you can boost the national debt without difficulty. 1995 Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura big question this year was (then), the debt has already exceeded the limit, was summoned. Total government debt at most of the time, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) was equivalent to 86%. This year it is expected to reach around 200 percent. Anything which limits the fire. Still, there is silence that is pessimistic about the future direction of Japan s national debt is among ...
      (2010, Файнэншл таймс , Март 05 дата) Япония каким вместе, можно увеличить национальный долг без затруднений. 1995 Министр финансов Масаеси Такэмура большой вопрос, в этом году (тогда), долг уже превысила предел, была вызвана . Совокупный долг правительства на большую часть времени, ВВП (валовой внутренний продукт) был эквивалентен 86%. В этом году ожидается на уровне около 200 процентов. Все, что ограничивает огня. Тем не менее, есть тишина пессимистично в отношении будущего направления государственного долга Японии является одним ...

    • Structural reform or expand the gap between GDP * - Nobuo Ikeda blog
      March 7, 2010 17:26 GDP, economic restructuring or expanding technical gap * ¥ 35 trillion gap to fill in the story of the macro-economic policy is a kind of urban legend, it s Japan, where more than one year also, there is little effect of fiscal and monetary policies. It is a shock to fill the demand for real government and not because the rapid decline in exports. These changes are basically just have to adjust to changes in relative prices. Monetary policy, the effect is to promote coordination Oh ...

    • Why 『perversion of public opinion or the LDPu0026#39;s defeat』: pata
      Would you like us to work together? (George s blog) BRUTUS in the Special Yoshimoto Takaaki ! (Doku solution, Mr. Yoshimoto) language encyclopedia Shibuya 2008 | Shibuya language work committee (communications contact on Sale) U.S. 『THE NEWS HOUR with Jim Lehrer PBS』 (Diary of love and anguish) Tae Gen (Genmyo) iron pan hamburger. (Life is good) Triumph of the Will Triumph des Willens (Machirudabeibi!) This week ...
      ¿Te gustaría que trabajemos juntos? (Blog de Jorge) Brutus en el Especial Yoshimoto Takaaki ! (Solución de Doku, el Sr. Yoshimoto) enciclopedia idioma Shibuya 2008 | Shibuya idioma de trabajo del comité (de contacto de comunicaciones a la venta) EE.UU. 『The News Hour with Jim Lehrer de PBS』 (Diario de amor y angustia) Tae Gen (Genmyo) sartén de hierro hamburguesa. (La vida es buena) Triunfo de la Voluntad Triumph des Willens (Machirudabeibi!) Esta semana ...

    • When you exclude Japan from the center of Japan 老害 person to win overwhelmingly - Rails going on! - BLOGOS (Burogosu) - livedoor News
      Hide Tadashi Sakai (Eiji Sakai, elm200) you are interested in technology, economic and cultural. While in Vietnam today. Soft Corporation representative culture. Font Size: | | When you exclude Japan from the center of Japan 老害 person to win an overwhelming March 6, 2010 at 16 minutes 08 / offer: the best analysis of the problem. But anti-obsolescence simple. Was to document and analyze the current state of misery of the Japanese economy, METI. Current Analysis → → ■ ■ advocacy also ...
      Скрыть Тадаши Сакаи (Sakai Эйджи, elm200) Вы заинтересованы в технологии, экономических и культурных. Хотя во Вьетнаме сегодня. Мягкая представитель корпорации культуры. Размер шрифта: | | Если исключить Японию из центра Японии лица 老 害 получить подавляющее 6 марта 2010 на 16 минуты 08 / Предложение: лучший анализ данной проблемы. Но анти-износа проста. Было задокументировать и проанализировать текущее состояние тяжелое положение экономики Японии, METI. Current Analysis → → ■ ■ пропагандистская также ...

    • I want to think thoughts together ... against Liberal Defense Minister: Government: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      北沢防衛相は7日、長野県茅野市での民主党衆院議員らの会合で、自民党から、普天間問題が5月末までに決着しない場合に鳩山首相の退陣を求める声が出ていることを批判し,, from the ride together to discuss and think about their feelings, I am not an 国士 there s a need that, he said.

    • UN forces and Futenma Korea: Far East Blog
      Five questions in the House of Councilors Budget Committee, Prime Minister Hatoyama had to confess ignorance of the UN military base in Futenma specified. Civilian control in an emergency and recognize that this is what I do in person at the head of the SDF, I wonder if that had any Yappari. As the Sankei Shimbun reported that five critical of the administration Hatoyama Sun article UN forces in Futenma Prime Minister, Chief Cabinet Secretary of the question without knowing captain of the beard disgust face (see) has picked. More inter Upper House ...
      Cinq questions à la Chambre des Conseillers du Comité du budget, le Premier ministre Hatoyama devait avouer l ignorance de la base militaire de l ONU à Futenma spécifié. Le contrôle civil en cas d urgence et de reconnaître que c est ce que je fais en personne à la tête du SDF, je me demande si cela avait tout Yappari. Comme le Sankei Shimbun a rapporté que cinq critique de l article Hatoyama d administration de Sun «forces de l ONU à Futenma Premier ministre, le chef de cabinet de la question sans le savoir Capitaine de la barbe face dégoût» (voir) a repris. Plus «inter Upper House ...

    • Monetization or financial or non-Eternal - Baatarism sigh of communication
      16:13 | recent book has been released about the problem of deflation and reflation policy in relation to several books Katsuma Kazuyo says. I have one myself as I read, easy to understand just how, and I think a good introduction to this issue. I turn one way to revive the Japanese economy Easy (Shinsho Kobunsha 443) Author: Kazuyo Katsuma, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Yasuyuki Publisher / Manufacturer: Kobunsha Release: 2010/02/17 Media: Buy Shinsho: Click one person: this 126 times Products ...
      16:13 | последняя книга была выпущена около проблема дефляции и рефляция политику по отношению к нескольким книгам Katsuma Kazuyo говорит. У меня есть себя, как я прочитал, легко понять, как именно, и я думаю, хорошее введение к этой проблеме. Я перехожу один способ оживить японскую экономику Easy (синсе Kobunsha 443) Автор: Kazuyo Katsuma, Тэцуя Миядзаки, Иида Ясуюки Издатель / Производитель: Kobunsha выхода: 2010/02/17 Media: Продам синсе: Нажмите на одно лицо: это 126 раза Продукты ...

    • Hane example of the company lead the salaries of temporary staff dispatch - xmalloc programming notes
      Mr. Fujisawa and IT Horiemon, should be banned because the exploitation of temporary workers and temporary staff salaries pin shrew dispatch company is one of the legends or city, since unknowingly Teru You Hozai situation, individuals was heard in a shrew lead to a temporary agency employee salaries I think so Do you want to give two examples to refute that do that. The following story, but mind you in advance for all IT related companies in the story, whether true of other industries dispatch Dunno. 1. Employee of a temporary agency.
      藤泽先生和IT Horiemon,“应该禁止,因为临时工和临时工作人员的工资剥削针泼妇派遣公司”是传说或城市之一,因为在不知情的特鲁你Hozai情况,个人在听到“泼妇导致临时机构雇员的薪酬”我想你想举两个例子来反驳说这样做。下面的故事,但事先要记住,所有与资讯科技有关的故事的公司,其他行业是否真正派遣不知道。 1。雇员临时机构。

    • Mystery why the recession of the largest debt in the yen u0026quot;Yenu0026quot; or a favorite of investors around the world (MONEYzine) - Yahoo! News
      This week s four days in Tokyo foreign exchange market rose to about ¥ 88 to 14 sen, 2009 December 10, since nearly three-month highs. Yen s sharp appreciation against the exporting companies and became the Nikkei stuck in one level that is causing a little more than a million yen. The yen has led to the observation will give you a strong and prolonged low interest rate policy by the United States and European economic concerns financial unrest in Greece. Yen and the destination of the money in the world around them, fearing the risk of ...
      Cette semaine, quatre jours à Tokyo marché des changes est passé à de yens de 88 à 14 sen, 2009 Décembre 10, puisque près des trois sommets mois. Forte appréciation du Yen contre les entreprises exportatrices et est devenu le Nikkei coincé dans un niveau qui provoque un peu plus d un million de yens. Le yen a conduit à l observation vous donnera une forte et la faiblesse prolongée de politique de taux d intérêt par les États-Unis et l préoccupations économiques turbulences financières en Grèce. Yen et la destination de l argent dans le monde autour d eux, craignant le risque de ...

    • 続落 cabinetu0026#39;s approval rating 36% 58% expecting a Democratic majority - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      6,7 Kyodo News nationwide telephone poll was conducted the weekend, Hatoyama Cabinet s support rate was 36.3% and 5.1 month from the previous survey two points dropped. Cabinet of the month since the launch last September, falling below 40 percent approval rating for the first time. The disapproval rate was 48.9 percent compared to last time was 3.8 percentage points. Through the upper house election in summer better alone accounted for the majority Democrats in the Upper House and the answer was 28.3 percent, better to occupy a majority climbed to 58.6 percent. Last 10 points ...
      6,7 Kyodo News общенационального телефонного опроса было проведено в выходные дни, уровень поддержки кабинета Хатояма был 36,3% и 5,1 месяца по сравнению с предыдущим обследованием двух точках сократилось. Кабинет месяца с момента запуска в сентябре прошлого года, падение ниже 40 процентов, рейтинг одобрения на первое время. Неодобрения составил 48,9 процента по сравнению с прошлым временем была 3,8 процентных пункта. Через верхние выборы доме в лето лучше один составляли большинство демократов в верхней палате , и ответ был 28,3 процента, лучше занять большинство поднялась на 58,6 процента. Последние 10 баллов ...

    • Togetter - together, u0026quot;WADA president Sukueni theory of country risku0026quot;
      Only situation in Japan will be at a disadvantage from the standpoint of country risk management in Japan. Our managers are not fools. Nante does not pass through the network system. I do not have any pride in being Japanese. We want to discuss things Kakazu be content to cross-legged on the system. # About to discuss the bill. yoichiw 2010-03-06 21:32:20 Country Risk 1: Compliance. Public Enterprise Law Seriously? Corporate ...
      Seule situation au Japon seront dans une situation désavantageuse du point de vue de la gestion du risque-pays au Japon. Nos gestionnaires sont pas dupes. Nante ne passe pas par le système de réseau. Je n ai aucune fierté d être japonais. Nous voulons discuter de choses Kakazu se contenter de les jambes croisées sur le système. # A propos de discuter du projet de loi. yoichiw 2010-03-06 21:32:20 Country Risk 1: Conformité. Public Enterprise loi au sérieux? D entreprise ...

    • Typical misunderstanding of one of three ─ ─ deflationary economics needed now is deflation (4) | Read Yukio Noguchi, an unprecedented economic crisis | Online Diamonds
      Deflation is about, there are several misconceptions. Multidisciplinary discussions on the economy can not be justified at all, many, yet we have done and Hall. In some cases, that is exactly the opposite claim that the proposition of economics. Such discussions, even though it is clearly wrong, people would have a major impact on the. And also have considerable impact on Japan s economic policy. Japan s economy during the past 15 years, could not break away from long-term stagnation, these wrong ideas ...
      Déflation est sur le point, il existe plusieurs conceptions erronées. Discussions multidisciplinaire sur l économie ne peut être justifiée à tout, beaucoup, pourtant nous avons fait et Hall. Dans certains cas, c est exactement la réclamation opposée à celle de la proposition de l économie. Ces discussions, même si elle est manifestement erronée, les gens auraient un impact majeur sur le. Et aussi avoir un impact considérable sur la politique économique du Japon. L économie du Japon au cours des 15 dernières années, ne pouvait pas se détacher de stagnation à long terme, ces idées fausses ...

    • When you exclude Japan from the center of Japan 老害 person to win overwhelmingly - Rails going on!
      Analysis of the problem is better. But anti-obsolescence simple. Hatena bookmarks was discussed, the document analyzes the disastrous situation of the Japanese economy by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. ■ Analysis of current situation and challenges over the 6 → Materials Industry of Japan (PDF format: 2,680 KB) ■ Reference 1 → advocacy growth strategy outline (PDF format: 495KB) Note: Industrial Structure Council - Committee on Industrial Competitiveness bookmarks (and 雑感) - ageha Dear analysts note id: ageha0 according to whether it ...
      对问题的分析更好。但是,反被淘汰简单。 Hatena书签进行了讨论,该文件还分析了经济,贸易和工业部对日本经济的灾难性局面。 ■分析当前的形势和挑战,在6→材料产业的日本(PDF格式:2,680单位:kB)■参考1→宣传发展战略纲要(PDF格式:495KB)注:工业结构会 - 工业竞争力委员会书签(和雑感) - 凤蝶亲爱的分析师指出,编号:ageha0根据是否有...

    • Brief mention Yomiuri date March 6: Editorial Column: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Why this trend include (Hayate), or a lock. Rapidly growing number of Internet users in the world of Twitter so to tilt the head (however) the low quality 多Karou ◆ 140 people could send anyone to the net within a short letter. Decide who should not have read. Speak tweet that. Hungry sleep there. Political, economic and international situation, some people are talking about the political space ◆ well recently, murmur . Legislators estimated that as being used by over 300 people ...
      Pourquoi cette tendance, on retrouve (Hayate), ou un verrou. Rapide du nombre croissant d utilisateurs Internet dans le monde de Twitter afin d incliner la tête (malheureusement) la faible qualité 多 Karou ◆ 140 personnes pouvaient envoyer quelqu un à la net dans une lettre brève. Décidez qui ne devrait pas avoir lu. Speak tweet cela. Hungry veille là-bas. La situation politique, économique et international, certaines personnes parlent de l espace politique ◆ bien récemment, «murmure». Estime que les législateurs comme étant utilisé par plus de 300 personnes ...

    • Fujitsu Nozoe former president u0026quot;firedu0026quot; the truth of motion cancel all | Close-Up Enterprise | Diamonds Online
      Last September, a sudden Fujitsu President Kuniaki Nozoe ago, has resigned because of illness. Description of the person not leave, the mysterious Nuguenakatta. Now after five months, that is about to be revealed all its truth. The former president of Fujitsu s current management team Nozoe written notice of revocation of resignation, he sent to. There have been detailed to the fact that it is virtually dismissed. ( Diamond Weekly Endou Noriko deputy editor) here, written notice of revocation of resignation, there is a written document and one copy. This four-page ...
      En septiembre pasado, de repente Fujitsu Presidente Kuniaki Nozoe atrás, ha dimitido a causa de la enfermedad. Descripción de la persona que no dejan, la Nuguenakatta misterioso. Ahora, después de cinco meses, que está a punto de ser revelado a todos su verdad. El ex presidente de la corriente de Fujitsu Nozoe equipo de gestión de aviso por escrito de la revocación de la renuncia , enviado a. No se han detallado el hecho de que es virtualmente despedido. ( Diamond Semana Endou Noriko editor adjunto) aquí , un aviso por escrito de la revocación de la renuncia, no es un documento escrito y una copia. Este cuatro páginas ...

    • Yahoo! Onbijinesu - Masayoshi Son continue to develop 300 years flow management u0026quot;galaxyu0026quot; Softbank President Masayoshi Son, listen
      Masayoshi Son continue to develop 300 years flow management galaxy Softbank President Masayoshi Son, listen to 2009 on December 09, Sun (Monthly BOSS) sales business for 30 years soon and wait for that to become a 3 trillion yen Softbank. Mobile phone companies also entered three years ago, the number of subscribers and would be better lead in 26 consecutive months. Masayoshi Son s Softbank, led to this theory of business 300 years, argues. Corporate life, but is generally said that 30 years, the life I do ...

    • Financial Diary: I think Japan is too weak policy-makers have an excellent salary?
      Japan 06 days in March 2010 I think the salary is too low for good policy-makers? Yesterday, after the draft report referred to in Twitter for the ministry comes in the column at Mr. Soichiro Tahara, who found the report of followers who immediately. Since this report was very well done, went quickly spread to the world of Twitter. Current status and issues surrounding the industry in Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2010 2 more each month, you can read it ...
      Japón 06 días marzo 2010 Creo que el salario es demasiado bajo para una buena política-los responsables? Ayer, después de que el proyecto de informe a que se refiere en Twitter para el ministerio viene en la columna de el Sr. Soichiro Tahara, quien consideró que el informe de seguidores que de inmediato. Dado que este informe fue muy bien hecho, se fue rápidamente se extendió al mundo de Twitter. Situación actual y retos de la industria en Japón, el Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria, 2010 2 más cada mes, usted puede leer ...

    • Japanese Economy »Economics 101
      But it s just about here, so the slides have been published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (ht @ kazemachiroman). Has carefully described the circumstances leading up to Japan s troubles here. That there is no convincing suddenly become part of what I do in, all worth reading and I think that there is Japanese. Especially to extract some interesting graphs. First country s savings rate trends and current issues surrounding the industry in Japan. Japan s high savings rate, the U.S. is heavily in debt.
      Pero se trata sólo de aquí, así que las guías han sido publicadas por el Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria (HT @ kazemachiroman). Ha descrito minuciosamente las circunstancias que condujeron a los problemas de Japón aquí. De que no hay convincentes convertido de repente en parte de lo que hago en todos vale la pena leer, y creo que no es japonés. Sobre todo para extraer algunos gráficos interesantes. De ahorro primer país evolución de los tipos y temas de actualidad que rodea a la industria en Japón. De alta tasa de ahorro de Japón, los EE.UU. están fuertemente endeudadas.

    • g100225a06j.pdf Japanese industry over the current situation and challenges
      Information concerning the current situation and challenges of Japan s industrial structure 6 2010 2 Vision Mon Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (tentative) for study of why, winning technology, business and profit or lose? Given the seriousness of Japan s industrial and gridlock today, In the future, Japan is earning what, whether it intends to employ , is considered. New strategy of public-private common vision Industrial Structure (tentative name) for consideration, to establish a new committee to the Council s industrial competitiveness in the industrial structure. 1. Division 2 Establishment of industrial competitiveness. Main considerations (to be ...
      Informaciones sobre la situación actual y retos de la estructura industrial de Japón 6 2010 2 Visión lun Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria (provisional) para el estudio de por qué, la tecnología ganadora, de negocios y sin fines de lucro o perder? Dada la gravedad de la actualidad industrial y la paralización de Japón, En el futuro, el Japón está ganando lo que, si tiene intención de emplear , se considera. Nueva estrategia de la visión común público-privada Estructura industrial (nombre provisional) para su examen, para establecer un nuevo comité para la competitividad industrial por el Consejo en la estructura industrial. 1. División 2 Establecimiento de la competitividad industrial. Principales consideraciones (que se ...

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