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    • Vulnerable to cyber attacks, 193 local governments: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Among the local governments to manage the server, the server at least 193 groups, if a cyber attack, the ministry concerned that a foundation could allow unauthorized access to the easy 地方自治情報Senta an internal document according. It was a dangerous condition that could lead to leakage of personal information of residents, even after the group uncovered 54 financial difficulties because of not taking such measures. Experts to realize the height of public interest, should proceed with planned improvements, they claimed.
      Parmi les administrations locales à gérer le serveur, le serveur au moins 193 groupes, si une attaque informatique, le ministère concerné que la fondation pourrait permettre l accès non autorisé au facile 地方自治 情报 Senta un document interne According. Il s agissait d une condition dangereuse qui pourrait conduire à des fuites de renseignements personnels des résidants, même après que le groupe à découvert 54 des difficultés financières» à cause de ne pas prendre de telles mesures. Experts pour réaliser la hauteur de l intérêt public, devraient procéder à des améliorations prévues , affirmaient-ils.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): former president of Fujitsu, u0026quot;dismissalu0026quot;, sparked merger talks Nifty - Business and Economy (1 / 2 pages)
      The former president of Fujitsu dismissal was the Nifty and the IT subsidiary of a major Internet outset that the negotiations were over and the integration of six companies said Thursday. The company is in negotiations to have an inappropriate relationship, the companies involved said. Other officials of the problem. Nifty the Internet industry (providers) established the (old shop). Fujitsu approximately 67 percent stake, Mr. Takashi Imamura, president of the former Fujitsu. However, fiscal performance in 2009 to 3 ...
      El ex presidente de Fujitsu despido fue el Nifty y la filial de TI de un principio de Internet más importantes que las negociaciones habían terminado y la integración de las seis empresas el jueves. La compañía está en negociaciones para tener una relación inapropiada , las empresas involucradas, dijo. Otros funcionarios del problema. Nifty la industria de Internet (proveedores), estableció la (antigua tienda). Fujitsu aproximadamente el 67 por ciento de participación, el Sr. Takashi Imamura, presidente de la Fujitsu anterior. Sin embargo, el desempeño fiscal en 2009 a 3 ...

    • Wind of the times: the world of Japan u003d Tamaki Saito, a psychiatrist - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      ◇ responsibility of developed countries Hikikomori Banbotchoni You may have heard that Italian. Probably will not draw even listed in the dictionary. Pacifier big boy in the sense coined and refers to young people are living with their parents. Speaking in Japan, parasite single almost appropriate. This word is also flourishing in Italy is growing rapidly because these young people. In Italy now, live at home 20 to 30 the proportion of teenagers getting over 70% ...
      ◇ ответственности развитых стран Hikikomori Banbotchoni Возможно, вы слышали, что итальянский язык. Наверное, даже не перечисленные в словаре тянуть. Соска Big Boy в том смысле, придуманный и относится к молодым людям, живущим с родителями. Выступая в Японии , одного паразита практически целесообразно. Это слово также процветает в Италии растет быстрыми темпами, поскольку эти молодые люди. В Италии сейчас живу в доме 20 по 30 доли подростков получать более 70% ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;In Translationu0026quot; Public housing policy change more lonely death 府営 clearly Osaka - Social
      First home accidents People who watch the housing lottery was a public offering of u003d 府営 Osaka in February, Chuo-ku, Osaka Prefectural Office, there is room for lonely death by suicide and shooting tenants Kenta muscle field, 府営 Osaka This year the Housing Corporation to manage the housing office housing crash and began a public offering to stipulate. Housing has been a public offering in principle, of the state of housing sales nationwide, excluding the 34 Osaka prefectural public offering and said that such a situation before. Corporation has, until now 府議 mediation ...

    • This is freedom of expression! (Legendary emperor 』watching the movie) - note Iu0026#39;m evil
      Movies, freedom of expression, Stock Photos Stock radio works has been watching film director too Sugo Watanabe Humiki Nomonhan 』and『 The Legend 』emperor and most of you reading this who is also going Watanabe Humiki Who is? I think. Very easy to explain and has been screened around the limb and community centers in Japan have made their own movies, film director and promoter of the Ojisan. (Reference) wikipedia: Kono Watanabe Watanabe Humiki coach can talk like this to display a poster in the city to the box office ...
      Films, la liberté d expression, Stock Photos œuvres radiophoniques stock a été réalisateur de films à regarder trop Sugo Watanabe Humiki Nomonhan et 』『 』Légende L empereur et la plupart d entre vous la lecture de ce qui va également Watanabe Humiki Qui est? Je pense. Très facile à expliquer et a été présenté autour du membre et des centres communautaires au Japon ont fait leurs propres films, réalisateur et promoteur de la Ojisan. (Référence) Wikipedia: Kono Watanabe Watanabe Humiki entraîneur peut parler ainsi d afficher un poster dans la ville au box-office ...

    • media debugger - u0026quot;special accountsu0026quot; publication rapidly approaching! Weekly Friday 『expression techniques』
      In a recent entry, but omit details, the latest (February 26, 2008) issue of the weekly『 Friday, by comparison, is opposed to foreign residents to vote has been published an article that no longer special accounts standing 的Naru and leftist that clearly suggests that the melting and even borders, but pointed out, 『Sassoku』 Friday is the weekly special accounts publication found that violent 擦Ri寄Tsu did. Following blog Kin You, the March 5 entries date off the bottom of the upper house election official said Akira Maeda, from (...

    • 2chu0026#39;m addicted guy 損Shi half of life - Live Steam VIP
      Homeu0026gt; Internetu0026gt; 2ch guy m addicted 損Shi Oldertwitter half of my life I do. The most gentlemanly remarks. 2ch 損Shi m addicted guy lives half of 2010-03-07Internet / Hatena Bookmark 1 Name: crayons (Kanagawa): 2010/03/07 (Sun) 02:20:08.24 ID: v8TFV1Xx keen to play husband and wife raising children, ‰ ì 3-month-old son ...
      Accueilu0026gt; Internetu0026gt; 2ch guy m accros 损 Shi Oldertwitter moitié de ma vie que je fais. Les remarques les plus polis. 2ch 损 Shi m Guy accros vit la moitié de l année 2010-03-07Internet / Hatena Signet 1 Nom: crayons (Kanagawa): 2010/03/07 (dim.) 02:20:08.24 ID: v8TFV1Xx désireux de jouer le mari et la femme élevant des enfants, ‰ I 3-mois-fils âgé de ...

    • 歴博 u0026quot;modernu0026quot;, pointed out smoothly because of the lack of bomb Battle of Okinawa: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      16 National Museum of History are scheduled to open in the Sun (Sakura, Chiba Prefecture) a new permanent exhibition of modern about a series of officials to worry that the lack of the exhibits on the Battle of Okinawa and the atomic bombings, preparation are significantly delayed. About the press conference to announce the insufficient, because the original was postponed from April 2 to 8 days. First challenge in interpreting the history of the Showa War National Museum of History exhibition war has been attracting attention as the likely number of difficult start. Was opened in 1983 and ...
      16 Museo Nacional de Historia se han programado para abrir en el Sol (Sakura, Prefectura de Chiba) una nueva exposición permanente de moderno , sobre una serie de funcionarios que preocuparse de que la falta de exposiciones sobre la batalla de Okinawa y los bombardeos atómicos, la preparación se retrasó considerablemente. Sobre la conferencia de prensa para anunciar la insuficiente , porque el original se pospuso el 2 de abril a 8 días. Primer reto en la interpretación de la historia de la Showa Nacional Museo de la Guerra de la Historia guerra exposición ha estado atrayendo la atención como el número probable de comienzo difícil. Fue inaugurado en 1983 y ...

    • Gong County High School, painting, book report: Kato, Katsumata grade one award three straight years and best friends / Shizuoka - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      County high school book report 09 year painting competition (County High School Library Conference, sponsored by Mainichi Shimbun Shizuoka Branch) Awards ceremony on April 15, Center for Gender Equality, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka Prefecture, Oh Azare opened at 21 People was awarded. This time, the prefecture from 16 schools who entered 282 people. The prize is a three year high 江之島 Hamamatsu, Katou Masaru s love of Claudia, said Takashi Nishi, Numazu, 1 year, Katsumata Miho says, with water was chosen. Wow, three years of high school students were awarded from the time of the second consecutive year. Kato is ...

    • Consultants from the diary of the time: interesting factory tour is not enough - K Learning Gear Manufacturers
      Time management and SCM to hear the name of the village, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture essay collection critical consideration of experts, the city with a cupola, the think the word is older and probably more than me or the baby-boom generation people going on it. The cupola was originally called the dome is referred to, pointing also turned the furnace to melt iron. Kawaguchi City, has long been known for a long period of high growth as an industrial city cast, the movie City in the cupola Showa as it also set in 37 ...
      La gestion du temps et SCM pour entendre le nom du village, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Préfecture recueil d essais examen critique d experts, «la ville avec une coupole , le pense que le mot est plus ancien et probablement plus que moi ou du baby-boom les gens vont là-dessus. La coupole a été appelé à l origine du dôme est fait référence, en montrant également tourné le four pour fondre le fer. Kawaguchi City, est connue depuis longtemps pour une longue période de forte croissance d une galerie ville industrielle, le film «La ville dans la coupole Showa comme elle a également prévu dans 37 ...

    • Japanese culture does not allow to commit suicide again - skicco2 Diary
      In Japan, it should 背負Wanakere fails even once a lifetime. It is seppuku is also similar. Not coming right now to actually cut the belly, but as an idiom remains Teru Hashi, Shikujittara apologize to die have to. So have failed to take the job even more difficult for companies were forced to change jobs in the job if it fails, somebody who has a low rating from one job to another before work, and try hard. Following two issues, but I think deep down together. Source prison ...
      En Japón, debe 背负 Wanakere falla ni una sola vez toda la vida. Se trata de seppuku es también similar. No ha venido ahora para realmente reducir el vientre, sino como un lenguaje sigue siendo Teru Hashi, Shikujittara pedir disculpas a morir , tiene que hacerlo. Así que no han tomado el trabajo aún más difícil para las empresas se vieron obligadas a cambiar de empleo en el trabajo si no, alguien que tiene una baja calificación de un trabajo a otro antes del trabajo, y se esfuerzan. Después de dos cuestiones, pero creo que en el fondo juntos. Fuente de prisión ...

    • Person of leisure \ (^ o ^) /u0026#39;s official: the innate ability to be honest community. My body could manage the effort - livedoor Blog (blog)
      Community is a natural ability to be honest. Power community could manage to say the effort is clearly not something inborn. Do not let effort be managed in one name: Notes (Saitama) [] Added: 2010/03/07 (Sun) 11:17:30.83 ID: UjNaAf6m ● BE :960951773-PLT (12001) workplace benefits alter the point ~ The Power of Conversation (1 / 2) If you are told by one who received it ...
      Сообщество природные способности быть честным. Power сообществу удалось бы сказать усилия, безусловно, не нечто врожденное. Не позволяйте усилий вестись в одно название: Notes (Сайтама) [] Добавлено: 2010/03/07 (Sun) 11:17:30.83 ID: UjNaAf6m ● БЫТЬ :960951773-PLT (12001) выгоды месте изменить точку ~ The Power разговор (1 / 2) Если вам говорят, что тот, кто получил его ...

    • u0026quot;Kangaroo Careu0026quot; Baby Clinic of Nagasaki during asphyxia (Sankei Shimbun) - Yahoo! News
      Clinic last year in the city of Nagasaki in December, right after giving birth Kangaroo Care (KC) and the baby stopped breathing while now that the brain dysfunction is 2, OK. My parents have discussed promoting reconciliation with a view to the clinic to sue. KC is a certain amount of time the mother immediately after birth, the baby may have a chest, named after its resemblance to the scene with their parents in the kangaroo. On the other hand are effective in promoting breastfeeding and improving mother-child relationship, the baby hypothermia during the implementation ...
      Clinique de l an dernier dans la ville de Nagasaki en Décembre, juste après l accouchement Kangaroo Care (KC) et le bébé a cessé de respirer tout en maintenant que le dysfonctionnement du cerveau est de 2, OK. Mes parents ont discuté de la promotion de la réconciliation en vue à la clinique pour poursuivre en justice. KC est un certain temps la mère immédiatement après la naissance, le bébé mai ont un coffre, du nom de sa ressemblance avec la scène avec leurs parents dans le kangourou. D autre part, sont efficaces dans la promotion de l allaitement maternel et l amélioration de la relation mère-enfant, l hypothermie bébé pendant la mise en œuvre ...

    • Summary of Site Development Ordinance to revise the Tokyo youth health
      Summary of Ordinance to revise the site healthy youth development, Tokyo Tokyo Metropolitan Government Ordinance and foster healthy youth? The official name is bill on the sound development of youth-ku, Tokyo . Roughly speaking, to regulate the material was considered a bad influence on youth, said the ordinances. Tokyo, this time by revising the regulations of the three month plan to non-existent youth and showed the policy to regulate the sexual content. Non-existent youth mean? Tokyo is shown in the revised dress or age, personal belongings, ...
      Резюме Постановление по пересмотру сайт здорового развития молодежи, Токио Токио Постановление правительства и поощрять здоровую молодежь? Официальное название Билль о рациональном развитии молодежного-ку, Токио . Грубо говоря, регулировать этот материал считается дурным влиянием на молодежь , сказал постановления. Токио, на этот раз путем пересмотра правил за трехмесячный план несуществующих молодежи и показал политику регулирования сексуального содержания. Несуществующее молодежи означает? Токио показан в пересмотренном платье или возраст, личные вещи, ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Biofuels, CO2 than gasoline even if many research ministry - Economy u0026amp; Business
      Such as biofuels made from plants, not necessarily carbon dioxide compared to gasoline (CO2) emissions and less is not supposed to -. This survey is compiled by the investigative committee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. As well as during combustion, including a comparison to the results of development and manufacturing process. A survey of domestic biofuels from Brazil and has been used in Japan. If the product was made from sugar cane grown in Brazil, a lot of CO2 was changing a field into a forest to absorb, there are things that grow. Forest ...

    • [2ch] New speed quality: parent u0026quot;even inexperienced parenting and marriage. Can not trustu0026quot; her new teacher (23) u0026quot;Iu0026#39;m incompetentu0026quot; arrived two months after suicide
      1 knife (Alabama) 2010/03/06 (Sat) 00:11:00.33 ID: t57GCdde? PLT (12000) had been newly appointed women teachers working in elementary school award points, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (then 23) over the suicide of the Metropolitan Branch Committee Local Government Employees Compensation Fund, contrary to the disposition of the Tokyo branch of the off-duty accidents and suicide, a verdict that finds the five disaster official said Tuesday. Family had to dispose of the appeal was long and painful time. ...
      1 couteau (Alabama) 2010/03/06 (Sam) 00:11:00.33 ID: t57GCdde? PLT (12000) avait été récemment nommé des femmes enseignantes qui travaillent dans des points d attribution des écoles élémentaires, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo (puis 23) sur le suicide de Direction générale de la Metropolitan Comité local des employés du gouvernement du Fonds d indemnisation, contrairement à la disposition de la succursale de Tokyo de l off-accidents de droit et le suicide, un verdict qui trouve le officielle de cinq cas de catastrophe, a déclaré mardi. Famille a dû statuer sur le pourvoi était temps long et douloureux. ...

    • Mule Q: just a single u0026quot;waru0026quot; per say ... talking about pictures overseas
      Only a single war pictures of the name in Japan say that ... do not talk about sending troops abroad, or if they go and what to say to war as a soldier s next of kin and family, it is not difficult to realize. Country is being done on a daily basis, you can see a lot of people to publish content such as images and articles and issues raised and discussed. Overseas war that entitled the picture, it will introduce the topic was a little kidnapping. War is an interesting contrast to the picture ...
      Sólo una única guerra imágenes del nombre en Japón decir que ... no se habla sobre el envío de tropas al extranjero, o que puedan ir y qué decir a la guerra como un soldado de los familiares y la familia, no es difícil darse cuenta. País que se está haciendo sobre una base diaria, usted puede ver un montón de gente para publicar contenido, como imágenes, artículos y cuestiones planteadas y debatidas. De Ultramar guerra que el derecho de la imagen, que introducirá el tema fue un secuestro poco. War es un interesante contraste con la imagen ...

    • Mule Q: extend below the frozen lake forest lake Kaindi in Kazakhstan ...
      Forest extend below the frozen lake ... lake Kaindi cold region and Kazakhstan has become the winter, will also frozen lakes and rivers. The lake is frozen enough for ice skating, or below it is happening, do not worry about that now? Kaindi lake in southeastern Kazakhstan in Central Asia lake forest is unexplored, with its men had a Challenger I purposely stay under the cold winter season. Kaindi one way to a secluded lake.
      Лесные продлить ниже замерзшего озера ... Озеро Kaindi холодный регион и Казахстан стал зима, будет также замерзшие озера и реки. Озеро замерзает достаточно для катания на коньках, или ниже это происходит, не беспокойтесь об этом сейчас? Является неисследованной Kaindi озеро на юго-востоке Казахстан в Центральной Азии Лесное озеро , с ее мужчины Challenger Я нарочно находиться под холодный зимний сезон. Kaindi один способ уединенного озера.

    • Frei saying two Sil: u0026quot;The bread mold does not contain additives that are from?u0026quot;
      March 7, 2010 from bread mold not contain additives that? The major manufacturers of hard bread mold, from Tappuri containing additives and preservatives! ... Sorry Possibly, most of the people s and critics should Gurumeburoga of great interest to the general public as well as the food just seems like this is a misunderstanding. Additive-free bread, that it is not unusual for the same claim to bread manufacturers and small shops that sell bread. Suppose also live in a world of food ...
      2010年3月7日“的面包模具不含添加剂吗?”“硬面包模具的主要生产商,从Tappuri含有添加剂和防腐剂!”...对不起也许,人民和批评者的极大兴趣Gurumeburoga向公众以及食品,就像这似乎是最重要的是一种误解。 “无添加剂的面包,”这不是同一索赔面包制造商和小商店出售的面包不寻常的。假设还生活在一个世界食品...

    • I asked Mr. Junkudo. u0026quot;Why I thought you were selling 売Renuu0026quot; book list - want to be a programmer
      Sunday evening I watched the net, fall into the acupuncture points found so fair. Fukuoka Tenjin Junkudo of Why I thought you were selling 売Renu fair. I thought we 売Renu selling book Fair is by impact? Junkudo Fukuoka in Tenjin, the clerk, I wanted to sell, 売Renu why the book and I collected 100 points, the book fair is open to the unexpected sell. The line up is Love and groin finger for middle school life was published under the title of an exciting ...
      Dimanche soir j ai regardé le net, tombent dans les points d acupuncture trouvé si juste. Fukuoka Tenjin Junkudo de «pourquoi je pensais que vous vendiez 売 Renu« équitable ». «Je pensais que nous 売 Renu seller Fair est de l impact? Junkudo Fukuoka Tenjin, le greffier, «Je voulais vendre, 売 Renu pourquoi le livre et j ai recueilli 100 points, la Foire du Livre est ouverte à la vente inattendue. Le line up est «amour et à l aine doigt de la vie de collège a été publiée sous le titre d un passionnant ...

    • News painful (É ∀ `): Self mock battle that almost wiped out the Korean War and Japan Ground Self-Defense
      Self mock battle that almost wiped out the Korean War and Japan Ground Self-Defense 1 Name: fishfinder (Osaka): 2010/03/07 (Sun) 14:34:02.31 ID: kr9udaIc? PLT member of the Japan Ground Self-Defense Army recently Korean Hongcheon combat training mission of science and Gangwon (KCTC) and survival in the game, it was found seven days to win. According to the army, belonging to the Japanese Ground Self-captain and three members of the two captain KCTC 12 people visited the four in the afternoon, KCTC ...
      Burlarse de la batalla que casi acabó con la guerra de Corea y Japón de Autodefensa Terrestre 1 Nombre: localizador (Osaka): 2010/03/07 (dom) 14:34:02.31 ID: kr9udaIc miembro? PLT de Autonomía de la tierra del Japón-Corea del Ejército de Defensa recientemente Hongcheon la misión de luchar contra la formación de la ciencia y Gangwon (KCTC) y la supervivencia en el juego, se encontró siete días para ganar. Según el ejército, perteneciente a la propia tierra japonesa capitán y tres miembros de los dos capitán KCTC 12 personas visitaron las cuatro de la tarde, KCTC ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;I thought we 売Renu selling booku0026quot; Fair is by impact? - Society
      The Junkudo Surprisingly, this sell fair u003d Tenjin, Fukuoka Tenjin 1-chome, Chuo in Junkudo of the clerk, I wanted to sell, 売Renu why the book I thought 100 points collection, the book fair is held surprisingly unsuccessful. The line up is Love and legs and life guideline for junior high school book was published under the title of an exciting 50 million-selling book reprinted over a year ago, and 10 essays were reprinted keep walking town years. They are buried in the interior of the largest in Kyushu.
      Junkudo Удивительно, но это продать Ярмарка u003d Тэндзин, Фукуока 1 Тэндзин-темэ, Тюо в Junkudo от клерка: Я хотел продать, 売 Рено почему книгу, я думала 100 пунктов сбор, книжная ярмарка проходит на удивление неудачно. LINE UP является Любовь и ног и жизни ориентиром для средней школы книга была опубликована под названием захватывающий 50 миллионов продаваемую книгу перепечатали более года назад, и 10 эссе были перепечатаны Keep Walking городе лет. Они похоронили в интерьере из крупнейших в Кюсю.

    • Which countries have failed, Japan: Diary President Rokesuta
      Web CEO is the company that started doing that makes the rocket or the community. Is always luck. Japan can not fail to fail actually works - Zope had this diary diary junkie. And say very roughly - in Japan because of the fire regulations, if adopted once the full-time, can be fired from the company is not nearly - so the company can not fail to be cautious about hiring people to take - Baggage Company ...
      PDG Web est la société qui a commencé à faire qui fait de la fusée ou de la collectivité. Est toujours la chance. Le Japon ne peut manquer d échouer ACTUALLY WORKS - Zope eu ce junkie journal journal. Et dire très grossièrement - au Japon en raison de la réglementation anti-incendie, s il est adopté une fois que le temps plein, peut être tiré de l entreprise n est pas près - si l entreprise ne peut manquer d être prudents sur l embauche de personnes à prendre - Bagages Company ...

    • Japan can not fail - Zope diary junkie
      Japan is not allowed to fail, said society. So can not fail . Employment of young people are not suffering. Graduates to be employed, employment opportunities can be greatly reduced since then, becomes obsessed with 就活. I can not fail is not. Why is that Japan is not. Companies Why do not adopt more abrupt. It is also the company can not fail you are from. In Japan, because of fire regulations, if adopted once the full-time, dismissal from the company ...
      日本是“不允许失败,说:”社会。因此,“不能失败”。青年人的就业也没有痛苦。毕业生就业,就业机会,可以大大减少自那时以来,成为活的就痴迷。 “我不能失败”则不是。为什么是,日本并非如此。公司为什么不采取更突然。这也是该公司“不能失败”你是从。在日本,由于消防法规,如获通过,一旦全职该公司,解雇...

    • News painful (É ∀ `): cute and talked about the ongoing mess in the Chinese cartoonists Urujan
      Insanely cute and discussed the ongoing Chinese cartoonists in the name Urujan 1: Stand (Aichi): 2010/03/06 (Sat) 20:27:27.48 ID: MZ + XbIcm? BRZ Chinese cartoonists summer We (Shaataa) cute and the Kusu Maniatsu Z has been introduced. Seen so many photos of our summer, says the site will want to check whether or not cute. In our summer s comics non-child language the Japanese version of Nobody Knows ...
      Безумно милые и обсудили текущие китайских карикатуристов во имя Urujan 1: Stand (Айти): 2010/03/06 (СБ) 20:27:27.48 ID: МЗ + XbIcm? BRZ китайских карикатуристов лет Мы (Shaataa) Симпатичные и Kusu Maniatsu Z был введен. Видел так много фотографий наших лет, говорит сайта захочет проверить или не милый. В наши комиксы лета Non-ребенку язык в японской версии знает никто ...

    • Against foreigners to vote! If ... - Robert Middleton snob Seaton
      It is an issue I have to vote abroad. We oppose something 賭Shi Minister Kamei job. If you submit the bill eliminates the coalition, said Kamei, defense of foreigners to vote in the Finance Minister Shizuka Kamei http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0303/TKY201003030417.html the upper house budget committee three days permanent grant local suffrage bill for foreigners as the party that is taking the opposite position. (the bill Prime Minister) Assembly ...
      Es una cuestión que tiene que votar en el extranjero. Nos oponemos a algo 赌 Shi ministro de Trabajo Kamei. Si usted presenta el proyecto elimina la coalición , dijo Kamei, la defensa de los extranjeros a votar en el ministro de Finanzas Shizuka Kamei http://www.asahi.com/politics/update/0303/TKY201003030417.html la parte superior el comité de presupuesto casa tres días permanente concesión de proyecto de ley del sufragio local para los extranjeros como la persona que está tomando la posición opuesta. (el proyecto de ley del primer ministro) de la Asamblea ...

    • Runaway doctors on the Internet, medical defamatory remarks to the victim: Social: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Personal attacks and support to victims of medical malpractice, defamation without dignity, and reproduction of medical records without permission, their doctors on the Internet to send Runaway were outstanding, the following two cases of psychological harm families that repeatedly. Japan Medical Association was concerned about the situation (JMA) bioethics conference (Chair, President of the Japan Medical Takashi Hisashi i) In February, the perpetrators of these on the net is inappropriate as a profession, and strongly admonish a report. Remarks was violently attacked on the net from a few years ago. 2.
      Личные нападки и поддержки жертвам медицинской халатности, диффамации без достоинства и воспроизводства медицинской документации, без разрешения своего врача в Интернете, чтобы отправить Runaway был выдающимся, две следующие случаи психологического вреда семьям что многократно. Япония медицинская ассоциация выражает обеспокоенность по поводу ситуации (ЯМА) конференция по биоэтике (председатель, президент Японской медицинской Такаши Хисаси I) В феврале, виновных в совершении этих о чистой является неуместным, поскольку профессия , и решительно предостеречь доклад. Примечание был жестоко напали на сеть из несколько лет назад. 2.

    • Mysterious sounds from the closet, women who report international news blush Germany: AFPBB News
      Kale Germany (Kehl) in the city and the Strasbourg eastern France (Strasbourg) police cars to stop before the bridge that connects the (2009 taken on March 26, the text does not matter). (c) AFP / DDP / SASCHA SCHUERMANN March 6 [AFP] Bochum in western Germany (Bochum), and at home sounds suspicious, you hear a woman named in the report, the officer on the scene where Kaketsuketa, sound The identity of Datsu vibrator ...
      芥兰德国(凯尔)在城市和东部的斯特拉斯堡法国(斯特拉斯堡)警车停止后,桥梁,连接了(2009年3月26日采取的文字并不重要)。 (三)法新社/顺铂/萨沙许尔曼3月6日[法新社]在德国西部(波鸿)波鸿队,和“可疑的声音在家里,”你听到报告中提到的女人,在现场的人员在Kaketsuketa,声音在脱亚振身份...

    • All you need is u0026quot;Japanese companiesu0026quot; rather than u0026quot;the Japanese company will hireu0026quot; - Rails going on!
      Has been a sore heart that I read. Employed full-time, no 10 year working 47.5% mono News: Life VIP blog www craftsman 阿鼻叫喚 hear young people. Why this should have their eyes 遭Wanakere why, and. Nothing like a good thing and my life from birth. They may be painful abuses are on the path I have been through more life. Sounding credentials to say something I might not. In April 1989, I enter the university in Tokyo in January ...
      一直疼痛的心,我读。 “全职人员,没有10年”的工作47.5%,单声道新闻:生活贵宾博客万维网工匠阿鼻叫唤听到年轻人。为什么这应该有自己的眼睛遭Wanakere原因,。没有像一件好事,我从出生的生命。他们可能是痛苦的虐待行为是对我自己的人生走过的路。探空凭据说几句话我可能不会。 1989年4月,我在进入1月在东京大学...

    • To suppress speech absurd, and not change the future of the newspaper headlines makes Japan! | Uesugi Takashi Weekly | Diamonds Online
      March 1, three times the ministry of ICT Security Forum was held in the rights of the people. Agenda setting under the two previous times, listening from the start of the day. On this day, I was also a member, the description of the organization, did a walk out in anger. Con is the meaning of protest. The reason is that it can receive instructions were also supposed to suppress speech in this meeting to discuss the freedom of speech. This can force a debate or press agency Press Club? This day forum, original ...
      1 de marzo, tres veces el Ministerio de Seguridad de las TIC del Foro se celebró en los derechos de las personas. Definición de la agenda en las dos veces anteriores, escuchando desde el inicio de la jornada. En este día, yo también era miembro, la descripción de la organización, hizo un paseo por la ira. Con es el sentido de la protesta. La razón es que puede recibir instrucciones se supone que también suprimir la expresión de esta reunión para discutir la libertad de expresión. Esto puede obligar a un debate o de la agencia de prensa del Club de Prensa? Este foro de un día, original ...

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