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    • Random Cage: Buransharu other macroeconomic policy rethink 』from『 u0026quot;I. Introductionu0026quot; and u0026quot;II. I thought that we know.u0026quot;
      Other macroeconomic policy rethink 20100305 Buransharu 』from『 I. Introduction and II. I thought that we know. IMF s 『Rethinking Macroeconomic Policy Manual (PDF direct link, 19 pages, 206KB) from II. What we thought we knew and excerpts from the Management Entity. First words of thanks. Mr. Tanaka Hideomi and capped the first place did n. ..
      Autres repenser la politique macroéconomique 20100305 Buransharu de 『』 I. Introduction» et «II. Je pensais que nous connaissons». FMI 『Repenser la politique macroéconomique manuel (fichier PDF de lien direct, 19 pages, 206KB) à partir de «II. Ce que nous avons pensé que nous savions» et des extraits de l organe de gestion. Premiers mots de remerciements. M. Tanaka Hideomi et plafonné la première place ne n. ..

    • Mathematics 徒然 day we will be at FC2 | Blanchard et al. u0026quot;Rethinking Macroeconomic Policyu0026quot; IMF Section 3
      tmpsoulcage are working in cooperation with IMF translation of the three sections of the report. III A lesson from the crisis and stable inflation is necessary, the core inflation rate that is not enough until the beginning of the crisis was the most stable countries. Core inflation is not an appropriate measure of inflation, some economists and was recalled to take into account oil prices and housing prices. However, this is (a similar measure the rate of core inflation indicators, a stiff price for the ...
      tmpsoulcage están trabajando en cooperación con la traducción del FMI de las tres secciones del informe. III Una lección de la crisis y la inflación estable es necesario, la tasa de inflación subyacente, que no es suficiente hasta el comienzo de la crisis de los países más estables. La inflación subyacente no es una medida adecuada de la inflación, algunos economistas y fue llamado a tener en cuenta los precios del petróleo y los precios de la vivienda. Sin embargo, esto es (una medida similar la tasa de los indicadores de inflación subyacente, un alto precio para la ...

    • Ikeyau0026#39;s u0026quot;upside-down car on the electionu0026quot; ... the upper house election candidates announced: Society: Sports Hochi
      Ikeya s upside-down car on the election, said Yukio Iketani ... formally announced his bid for the Democratic nomination upper house election, announced his bid. After the conference was decided to pause this summer s upper house election finish in gymnastics, Olympic gymnastics medalist Yukio Iketani s candidacy from the Democratic Party s proportional representation (39) May 4, the candidates held a press conference in Tokyo. The campaign, the plan to appeal to the car upside down on the election, cranked. Also during the 88 Seoul Olympics, Combined high school students who swept the world as a former partner, said Daisuke Nishikawa (3 ...
      Upside Икея s вниз машину на выборах , сказала Юкио Iketani ... официально объявили о его заявке на выдвижение от Демократической партии верхней выборы доме, объявил о своей ставки. После конференции было решено приостановить верхней палатой летом этого года завершить выборы в гимнастике, кандидатура гимнастике олимпийского чемпиона Юкио Iketani из пропорционального представительства Демократической партии (39) 4 мая, кандидаты провели пресс-конференцию в Токио. Кампании, планируют обратиться в машину вверх дном на выборах, коленчатые. Также в течение 88 Олимпийских Игр в Сеуле, Комбинированный учащихся средней школы , который охватил мир в качестве бывшего партнера , сказал Дайсуке Нисикава (3 ...

    • Committee Room blog notes: NHK Blog | contemporary opinion Public opinion | Public opinion contemporary opinion, u0026quot;what is wrong bill to combat global warming?u0026quot;
      Previous article | Home | Next Article March 4, 2010 (Thu) contemporary opinion public opinion, what is wrong bill to combat global warming? (Caster Fujii) framework of the government measures against global warming aims to submit to the Diet a bill on global warming and the final adjustments are underway within the government are facing difficulties. What is the problem? The story of Shimazu commentator. (Shimazu commentator) Hatoyama administration, even as much as possible from outside the government s decision ...
      “”前条|首页|下一页文章“”2010年3月4日(星期四)当代舆论认为,“什么是错误的法案,以应对全球变暖?”(连铸藤井)对全球变暖的政府措施的框架旨在向国会提交一份关于全球变暖和最后的调整法案是政府内部正面临困难。这是什么问题?岛津评论员的故事。 (岛津评论员)鸠山由纪夫的管理,甚至尽可能来自政府以外的决定...

    • Express opinions and participate in the Cabinetu0026#39;s resignation due to the circumstances described, painter Support Center for Independent Living will identify non-profit organization - News
      This time, October 26 Cabinet s resignation had been appointed advisors from the Sun, March 5 has been received since the date the report. January 29 for a longer period of time until the acceptance letter of resignation from the date of submission, etc. We have received a lot of worry from you. Say it with gratitude, the following description of the circumstances and in my opinion, that in the future I would like bon appétit. Will be long, please forgive me. 1, October 4 year history when he was approached by Deputy Prime Minister Kan day, I ...
      Cette fois, la démission du Cabinet Octobre 26 avaient été nommés conseillers auprès du Soleil, Mars 5, a été reçue depuis la date à laquelle le rapport. Janvier 29, pour une plus longue période de temps jusqu à ce que la lettre d acceptation de la démission de la date de soumission, etc Nous avons reçu beaucoup de soucis de vous. Dites-le avec reconnaissance, la description suivante de la situation et à mon avis, qu à l avenir, je voudrais très bon appétit. Sera long, s il vous plaît pardonnez-moi. 1, Octobre 4 Historique année où il a été approché par le vice-Premier Kan journée, le ministre, je ...

    • Exertion: Japanese version u0026quot;Rethinking Macroeconomicsu0026quot; - Economics Lovers Live
      The net heat the butter has been recently in the first place may have caused the IMF Article of their Buransharu. I also read in the government is talking about and also in Japan (I hear). Debate has been repeated over and around the world in this paper. Given the importance that the foundation literature macro-economic policy framework in the future no doubt. In terms of content which can be very hard to get if you read without complete knowledge. But basically if you read this ...

    • Financial Diary: I think Japan is too weak policy-makers have an excellent salary?
      Japan 06 days in March 2010 I think the salary is too low for good policy-makers? Yesterday, after the draft report referred to in Twitter for the ministry comes in the column at Mr. Soichiro Tahara, who found the report of followers who immediately. Since this report was very well done, went quickly spread to the world of Twitter. Current status and issues surrounding the industry in Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2010 2 more each month, you can read it ...
      Japon 06 jours en Mars 2010 Je pense que le salaire est trop bas pour une bonne politique des décideurs? Hier, après le projet de rapport visé à l Twitter pour le ministère vient dans la colonne à M. Soichiro Tahara, qui a trouvé le rapport de partisans qui immédiatement. Puisque ce rapport a été très bien fait, est allé se propager rapidement dans le monde de Twitter. Situation actuelle et des enjeux entourant l industrie au Japon, le ministère de l Economie, du Commerce et de l Industrie, 2010 2 de plus chaque mois, vous pouvez le lire ...

    • Katsuma Kazuyo said u0026quot;the cause of deflation is capitalism Silveru0026quot; | Make Money on the art of one rank | MSN Money
      He seems not to have been eroded into a deflationary Japanese economy as a whole, the feeling that many people would have. In fact, the Cabinet Office announced this time, 2009 10 to 12 quarter gross domestic product (GDP), according to statistics, GDP deflator rose 3.0 percent were negative. This figure means that the meaning of place, he said that the negative trends that represent the consumer price index. It is growing rapidly. This time he is Katsuma Kazuyo, cooperative foreign correspondent ...
      Он, кажется, не были подорваны в дефляционную японской экономики в целом, ощущение, что многие люди будут иметь. В самом деле, на этот раз объявленный кабинета министров 2009 от 10 до 12 квартала валовой внутренний продукт (ВВП), согласно статистическим данным, дефлятор ВВП увеличилась 3,0 процента были отрицательными. Эта цифра означает, что значение место, он сказал, что негативные тенденции, которые представляют индекса потребительских цен. Он быстро растет. На этот раз он Katsuma Kazuyo, кооперативные иностранным корреспондентом ...

    • Prime Minister Hatoyama, there is actually blurred. Research scholar of the era which boasts a u0026quot;decisionu0026quot; | said the Bungei Mr. Masaru Sato: Glasses King blog: warm, sometimes sunny.
      March 5, 2010 12:09 given category. Prime Minister Hatoyama, seems to really be thoughtful decision. Research scholar of the era decision, Foreign Affairs, Mr. Hatoyama is often seen as a blurred streak of both domestic politics. However, the person said, I do not blurring and may respond with a straight face. As lying is not visible, many people have the impression that the words and deeds do not feel there is stability. Thinking about the roots of such Hatoyama, Bungei three terms in the July issue ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;When the reversion of Okinawa, interest-free deposits in the U.S.u0026quot; The survey finds a secret agreement Kan - Politics
      菅直人副総理兼財務相は5日の閣議後の記者会見で、1972年の沖縄返還費用をめぐる密約に関連し、日本政府が米連邦準備銀行に無利子で預金していたことを認めた。 In this issue, bring up the operating profit in the U.S. secret agreement and pointed out that there was, according to Kan, whether or not it was intended that these will be confirmed. According to a survey by the U.S. Treasury Department s secret agreement. For deposits to the Fed last December, taking over public information about the secret agreement.
      菅直人副総理兼財務相は5日の閣議後の記者会見で、1972年の沖縄返還費用をめぐる密約に関連し、日本政府が米連邦準備銀行に無利子で預金していたことを認めた。 Dans ce numéro, faire apparaître le bénéfice d exploitation en tête du accord secret et a souligné qu il n y avait, selon Kan, si oui ou non il était prévu que ceux-ci seront confirmées. Selon une enquête menée par un accord secret de la U. S. du Département du Trésor. Pour les dépôts à la Fed Décembre dernier, qui reprend l information du public sur l accord secret.

    • Participate in the Cabinet Office: Yuasa Makotou0026#39;s resignation u0026quot;with the stanzau0026quot; as - daily jp (Mainichi)
      Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Naoto Kan on July 5, participate in the Cabinet Office announced that Yuasa Makoto, who resigned the same day. Yuasa is the end of his 08 from 09 in Hibiya Park was established in early sunrise dispatched village known as the mayor. Kan village efforts to support the Democratic Party acting leader during the dispatch. After the change of government in October last year, to get advice on employment issues, Mr. Yuasa had to participate. Year-end as the unemployed, based in Hello Work one-stop service , but he worked to achieve Yuasa ...
      El Viceprimer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas Naoto Kan el 5 de julio, participan en la Oficina del Gabinete anunció que Makoto Yuasa, quien renunció el mismo día. Yuasa es el final de su 08 de 09 en el Parque Hibiya se estableció en la salida del sol temprano envió pueblo , conocido como el alcalde. Kan esfuerzos del pueblo para apoyar al Partido Demócrata el líder interino durante la expedición. Después de que el cambio de gobierno en octubre del año pasado, para obtener asesoramiento sobre cuestiones de empleo, el Sr. Yuasa tenía que participar. Final del ejercicio como los desempleados, con base en una obra Hola servicio integral , pero ha trabajado para lograr Yuasa ...

    • Captainu0026#39;s beard, u0026quot;Defense is the largest welfare,u0026quot; the prime minister u0026quot;important diplomatic efforts,u0026quot; the House of Councilors Budget Committee - MSN Sankei News
      Yukio Hatoyama said the prime minister asked the question of the LDP Masahisa Sato u003d March the House of Councilors Budget Committee on July 5, the upper house of Parliament committee room 1 (photo Sakamaki Shiyunsuke) Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is 5 am in the House of Councilors Budget Committee for Japan s security policy from the perspective the importance of defense protecting the lives of the people are aware of. diplomatic efforts around the country are extremely important to raise people s trust with, he said. Captain s beard, said Captain Masahisa Sato, the first former Ground Self-Defense Forces to Iraq, known as the (LDP) is the prime minister ...
      Юкио Хатояма сказал премьер-министр задал вопрос о ЛДП Масахиса Сато u003d март Палаты советников Бюджетный комитет 5 июля, в верхнюю палату парламента комитет комната 1 (фото Сакамаки Shiyunsuke), премьер-министр Юкио Хатояма это 5 утра в палате советников бюджет политики в области безопасности Японии с точки зрения важности обороны защиту жизни людей известны. дипломатическими усилиями по всей стране имеют чрезвычайно важное значение для повышения доверия людей с , сказал он. Бороду капитан , сказал капитан Масахиса Сато, бывший первый землей Self-Defense сил в Ирак, известный как (ТБД) является премьер-министр ...

    • Debt may not actually matter - himaginary Diary
      Economy | Tim Harford is 3 / 1 so that write (Economist s View over. The original title is Maybe debt doesn t matter after all ). Following its translation 拙. Saturday I took up the paper, Ken Rogoff and Carmen Reinhardt tremendous effect on economic growth given the high level of government debt. But now is not sure about it anymore. Econometrics Oxford ...

    • Plant Factory u0026quot;export industryu0026quot; --- you can become a professor emeritus Dr. Toyoki Kozai Chiba ask - Industry Trends - Tech-On!
      Safety and environmental control of plant growth and secure the plant ・ production (manufacturing) that attempts to plant factories that is in the limelight. It s worth noting in particular, a move that let the plant grow as a industrial plant export. In the manufacturing industry suffered a slump since the Lehman shock, which is expected as a new export industry. Truly, what are the potential plant to plant export industry. He asked Professor Toyoki Kozai Chiba University has been working in research and dissemination activities in Agriculture for many years. - Plant ...
      De seguridad y control ambiental de crecimiento de la planta y asegurar la · planta de producción (fabricación) que trata de fábricas de planta que está en el centro de atención. Vale la pena señalar, en particular, una medida que deja la planta crecer como la exportación de plantas industriales. En la industria manufacturera sufrió una caída desde la crisis de Lehman, que se espera como una nueva industria de exportación. Verdaderamente, ¿cuáles son los potenciales de las plantas para la industria de exportación de la planta. Le pregunté al profesor Toyoki Kozai la Universidad de Chiba ha estado trabajando en la investigación y difusión de actividades en la agricultura durante muchos años. - Plant ...

    • u0026quot;Tweetu0026quot; the effect of one million books! 10 square meters publishers, bookstores challenge Hatori: Nikkei Business Online
      March 5, 2010 (Fri) tweet the effect of one million books! 10 square meters publishers, bookstores challenge Hatori, says a recession is not published in a leading publisher bookbinding Miyazima Yasuhiko [profile] e-book publishing bookstore Kindle 羽鳥 Twitter Twitter University of Tokyo Press Diary iPad Shiro Akira Yamaguchi Suzu 』(from previous reading), representatives of the notice in the paper last bookstore Hatori, Hatori Kazuyoshi says is, Kindle (Kindle) and e-books such as iPad no interest. Young companies.
      5 марта 2010 (Пт) чирикать эффект одного миллиона книг! 10 квадратный метр издатели, книжные магазины задача Hatori , говорит рецессия не опубликованы в ведущих издателей переплетных Miyazima Ясухико [профиль] E-книгоиздания книжный разжечь 羽 鸟 Twitter Twitter Университета Токио пресс Дневник iPad Сиро Акира Ямагучи Суза 』(от предыдущего чтения), представители уведомление в работе последнего книжного магазина Hatori, Hatori Kazuyoshi говорит, есть, зажигать (разжечь) и электронных книг, таких как iPad никакого интереса. Молодые компании.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): former president of Fujitsu, the cancellation request resignation u0026quot;was a false reasonu0026quot; - Business and Economy (1 / 2 pages)
      9 Nozoe who resigned last month as president of Fujitsu (E ll s) Dan Province (Kuni Aki), who, it was a document submitted to seek the cancellation of the resignation of its President, 4, OK. Held a meeting of the board in writing, to establish a forum for seeking clarification by himself. Nozoe said the company is the reason for the change of president. Medical treatment and was, according to his side, President Naoyuki Akikusa from their adviser before the Board of Directors, appropriate as there is nothing the President said, was forced to resign he said. Fujitsu is a reporter ...
      9 Nozoe qui a démissionné le mois dernier en tant que président de la Province Dan Fujitsu (E ll s) (Kuni Aki), qui, il s agissait d un document soumis à demander l annulation de la démission de son président, 4, OK. Tenue d une réunion du conseil par écrit, d établir un forum pour demander des éclaircissements par lui-même. Nozoe dit que la compagnie est la raison du changement de président. Traitement médical et était, selon son côté, le président Naoyuki Akikusa de leur conseiller avant le conseil d administration, «approprié car il n est rien dit le Président, a été contraint de démissionner dit-il. Fujitsu est un journaliste ...

    • u0026quot;Study suggestsu0026quot; What is it, that 通Rijan - Apes! Not Monkeys! Annex Hatena
      Secretary of http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/www.47news.jp/CN/201003/CN2010030401000592.html Oshima kicking firefighter skip common people and the other with glee, but several people, constitutional amendment aimed at First Draft of national obligation in the article that military service obligation in a democracy means (omitted), also need to consider working out by writing that there is, Liberal draft Study system.
      Секретарь http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/www.47news.jp/CN/201003/CN2010030401000592.html Осима ногами пожарный Пропустить простых людей, а другой с радостью, но несколько человек, конституционные поправки, направленные на Первый проект национальных обязательств в статье, что военной службы обязаны в условиях демократии средства (опущено), также необходимо рассмотреть вопрос о разработке в письменном виде, что есть, либеральные проекты изучение системы.

    • Twitter / Takeshi Iwaya: u0026quot;considering the draft of the LDP!u0026quot; But fabrication, how to spend a period of national social system, u0026quot;recruitmentu0026quot; and you will be worth some consideration.
      Consider the draft of the LDP! News is what it called a fabrication, recruitment system may be worth considering if there is. In other words, they proposed establishing a system of national social spending for the period of time. Police also good cooperation in international forestry development in nursing. Current government policy and spoil the trick the people have to feel like a fool would. About 4 hours ago via web
      Examiner le projet du PLD! Nouvelles est ce qu elle a appelé une fabrication, le système de recrutement mai être utile d examiner s il existe. En d autres termes, ils ont proposé l établissement d un système de dépenses sociales nationales pour la période de temps. La coopération policière aussi bien dans le développement forestier international en soins infirmiers. Politique actuelle du gouvernement et de ruiner les duper les gens doivent se sentir comme un fou. Environ 4 heures par le web

    • 404 Blog Not Found: Easy way first thing I Beshikkuinkamu
      BI, but is, to abolish the tax, if funds are to ensure the currency by issuing government, ostensibly to compensate for the inflation in yields to cause BI to achieve it. Seigniorage and the financial assets from the tax, the levy be used, once the tax is not no use. If no alternative to raising taxes. @ dankogai Basic Income (キ Ø ¯ heated debate live until morning Nikoniko 1 / 3 this time I was their own estimate ¥ 50,000 / person-month (¥ 72 trillion needed revenue / year) ...
      BI, sino que es, a abolir el impuesto, si hay fondos para garantizar la emisión de moneda por el gobierno, aparentemente para compensar la inflación en los rendimientos a causa de BI para lograrlo. Señoreaje y los activos financieros del impuesto, el impuesto se utilizará, una vez que el impuesto no sirve de nada. Si no hay alternativa a aumentar los impuestos. @ Dankogai la Renta Básica (キ Ø ¯ debate acalorado en vivo hasta la mañana Nikoniko 1 / 3 esta vez fue su propia ¥ 50.000 Estimación de persona / mes (¥ 72 trillion ingresos necesarios / año) ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): fast rate u0026quot;to raise theiru0026quot; Maehara minister, mentioned in the new price - Politics
      Seiji Maehara, the transport minister in an interview five days after a Cabinet meeting, the six highway to introduce new charges in January, will increase, he predicted. To turn the highway widening and construction of a portion of the funding was supposed to be 振Ri向Ke discount, smaller than the width of the current discount, is expected to increase substantially. The new rate would not give concrete. Maehara minister, the ongoing 1000 yen limit holiday instead of a discount, such as how to introduce a new rate system by establishing a maximum rate models.

    • Japanese Economy »Economics 101
      But it s just about here, so the slides have been published by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (ht @ kazemachiroman). Has carefully described the circumstances leading up to Japan s troubles here. That there is no convincing suddenly become part of what I do in, all worth reading and I think that there is Japanese. Especially to extract some interesting graphs. First country s savings rate trends and current issues surrounding the industry in Japan. Japan s high savings rate, the U.S. is heavily in debt.
      Mais c est à peu près ici, donc les diapositives ont été publiés par le ministère de l Economie, du Commerce et de l Industrie (ht @ kazemachiroman). A soigneusement décrit les circonstances ayant conduit à des troubles du Japon ici. Qu il n y a pas de convaincre une partie tout à coup devenu ce que je fais, toute lecture de dollars et je pense qu il y est le japonais. Surtout pour l extraction quelques graphiques intéressants. Premier pays l évolution des taux d épargne et des enjeux actuels entourant l industrie au Japon. Japon taux d épargne élevé, les États-Unis est fortement endettée.

    • g100225a06j.pdf Japanese industry over the current situation and challenges
      Information concerning the current situation and challenges of Japan s industrial structure 6 2010 2 Vision Mon Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (tentative) for study of why, winning technology, business and profit or lose? Given the seriousness of Japan s industrial and gridlock today, In the future, Japan is earning what, whether it intends to employ , is considered. New strategy of public-private common vision Industrial Structure (tentative name) for consideration, to establish a new committee to the Council s industrial competitiveness in the industrial structure. 1. Division 2 Establishment of industrial competitiveness. Main considerations (to be ...
      信息关于当前形势和日本的产业结构6 2010年2视觉周一日本经济,贸易和工业的挑战(暂定)的研究,为什么获奖的技术,业务和利润或损失?鉴于日本的工业和停滞今天的严重性,“未来,日本是赢得什么,是否打算聘请”,被认为是。新战略的公共和私营部门共同愿景“工业结构(暂定名)审议”,建立在工业结构新的委员会,安理会的工业竞争力。 1。第2分部建立工业竞争力。主要的考虑因素(将...

    • Mireru tweets on hay fever in Japan: hay fever Nau everyone! β
      Inevitable when itchy eyes. Have a runny nose. I ~. What? A lot of people would love so popular? What is hay fever?
      Inevitable cuando picazón en los ojos. Tienen una nariz que moquea. I-. ¿Qué? A mucha gente le encantaría tan popular? ¿Qué es la fiebre del heno?

    • Financial Diary: The Urban Legend Mittsu crush laugh anymore.
      05 In March 2010 Sun today to refute a laugh Mittsu urban legend is gone I would rather try to refute the myth or urban legend-old Mittsu. I mean, I thought it was foolish not to trust anyone this, but I never wanted to write this blog every, try to run a real policy change in the Democratic Teachers 気Gatsuitara they can, and Shimatsu Itari have actually ran into the other leg, not laugh with me?
      05 en marzo de 2010 a día de hoy dom refutar una risa Mittsu leyenda urbana se ha ido prefiero tratar de refutar el mito o leyenda urbana-Mittsu de edad. Quiero decir, yo pensaba que era absurdo no confiar en nadie, pero yo nunca quise escribir este blog todos los días, intenta ejecutar un verdadero cambio de política en el Gatsuitara de Maestros Democráticos 気que pueden, y se han Shimatsu itari encontré con la otra pierna, no te rías de mí?

    • Katsuma Kazuyo, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Yasuyuki u0026quot;revive the Japanese economy / Easy way Iu0026quot; - BI @ K accelerated: hatena annex, bewaad.com
      BOJ, book, economy Katsuma Kazuyo, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Yasuyuki revive the Japanese economy / Easy way I last year, the economics of poverty, What is economic growth, why would I need? And non - Mr. Iida jump to smash against the book and talk to economists (personally, the economics of poverty is the best economy in the last year or two of the book think this is a fight. By the way Tanaka Hideomi rival Deviation from 40 to enter a good company ) was involved, the new ...
      央行,书籍,经济和世胜马,宫崎哲也,饭田康幸“振兴日本经济/简单的方法我说:”去年,“贫困的经济学”,“什么是经济增长,为什么需要?”和非 - Iida先生跳粉碎对本书和交谈经济学家(个人,贫穷的“经济学”是最好的经济在过去一年的两本书认为这是一个打击。顺便田中秀臣的对手“偏差从40进入一个好公司”)参与了新...

    • u0026quot;Head of the Emperor,u0026quot; u0026quot;foreigners to voteu0026quot; Liberal Cabinet consider issues such as constitutional amendment - MSN Sankei News
      Constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters (Director: Koji 輔本 Poly) is a four-day meeting, the Cabinet announced the issue of constitutional revision. Stipulate that the head of state, including the emperor, flag and anthem as the provisions do not grant voting rights to foreigners, and that is Heisei 17, the party s central and what was not included in the draft constitution was announced. Task force to advance the constitutional debate from the academic aspects of Satoru Satoru national image should be (Mr. Poly) and as the law enforcement procedures established by constitutional amendment referendum until 5 Mon ...
      Конституционная поправка Либерально-демократическая партия учреждений (директора: Кодзи 辅 本 Poly) рассчитана на четыре дня заседания кабинета объявил о проблеме пересмотра Конституции. Предусмотрено, что глава государства, в том числе императора, флаг и гимн, как положения не предоставляют права голоса для иностранцев, и это Хэйсэй 17, партии было объявлено, что центральные и не был включен в проект Конституции. Целевая группа для продвижения конституционных дебатов в академических аспектов Сатору Сатору национальных изображение должно быть (г-н полей), так и правоохранительные процедурам, установленным конституционным референдумом поправки до 5 пн ...

    • Girlu0026#39;s lemonade stand to learn from one of nine art marketing | Web Kurieitabokkusu
      Jim Lodico marketing consultant and freelance copywriter for his articles, Web Designer Depot last year was to blog about it. Na and suddenly remembered that article was interesting because, Walter try to understand his free translation of the original. Original article 9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old s Lemonade Stand is! One day, the daughter of one software ...
      Джим Lodico консультант по маркетингу и независимые копирайтер за статьи, веб-дизайнер депо в прошлом году в блог об этом. Na и вдруг вспомнил, что статья была интересна тем, Вальтер попытаться понять его вольном переводе с оригинала. Оригинал статьи Советы по маркетингу 9 из Six-Year Old Лимонад Стенд является! Однажды дочь одного программного обеспечения ...

    • Liberal studies suggest conscription Mon 5 prospect, to a constitutional amendment - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      Constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters (Policy Research Council Chairman Kosuke Takeshi Hori 輔前 headquarters) is a four-day meeting and announced with a strong conservative issues such as the study suggests the introduction of conscription. The discussion based on this, and modify the draft 2005 Constitution was formulated, the referendum law enforcement procedures established by the five constitutional amendments aim to compile a final draft by June. The issue is a national obligation in the item, he said on the national military service obligations stipulated in the Constitution and Germany soldiers in a democracy ...
      L amendement constitutionnel du Parti libéral-démocrate du Siège (le président du Conseil de recherche en politiques Kosuke Takeshi Hori 辅 siège 前) est une réunion de quatre jours et a annoncé qu un aspect d une forte conservateurs tels que l étude suggère l introduction de la conscription.これを基に議論を進め、2005年に策定した改憲草案に修正を加えて、憲法改正の手続きを定めた国民投票法が施行される5月までの成案取りまとめを目指す。 La question est une «obligation nationale» dans la question, at-il dit sur les obligations de service national militaire stipulé dans la Constitution et l Allemagne soldats dans une démocratie ...

    • u0026quot;Workplacesu0026quot; he ranked one workspace management: Nikkei Business Online
      Rewarding and is reflected in the lake like a floating cloud. The position of moderate and light show, and feeling the changed appearance rattle. 1 to change the face of controversy in two, deterioration of performance and interpersonal relationships, they are easily lost in the wake of corporate and institutional changes. Such brittle, fragile rewarding. But once you start feeling employees of the company by the sum of the heat will rise to its maximum capacity. March 1 issue of Nikkei Business provides human resources management research in the name of work ...
      “奖励”,并反映在这样一个浮动的云湖。温和的和光显示的位置,感觉变样拨浪鼓。 1,改变了两个争议,业绩和人际关系的恶化,它们很容易在企业和机构变化后丢失。这种脆弱,脆弱的奖励。但是,一旦你开始感觉由热量的总和公司的员工将达到其最大容量。 3月1日的“日经商务”的问题提供了在“作品名称人力资源管理的研究...

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