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    • The standard medical treatment center, alternative medicine is a misconception that prevention center - NATROM Diary
      Is the standard medical treatment center, argued that prevention is better to be good, and alternative medicine. That is friendly to alternative medicine, nor does it deny people the standard medical Nevertheless, common to these claims. Here is an example. January 2010 Sun 28 Budget Commission (emphasized by quotes) ○ The Prime Minister (Mr. Yukio Hatoyama) Gozaimashita ask the Commission for Integrated Medicine from Yamane. The following is a broad medical, so-called Western medicine, medical care, ie, it is large ...
      Est le standard du centre de traitement médical, a fait valoir que la prévention est mieux d être bon, et de médecine alternative. Qui est sympathique à la médecine alternative, ni ne nie les gens à la norme médicale Néanmoins, commun à ces réclamations. Voici un exemple. Janvier 2010 dim. 28 Budget de la Commission (souligné par des guillemets) ○ Le premier ministre (M. Yukio Hatoyama) gozaimashita demander à la Commission pour la gestion intégrée médecine de Yamane. Ce qui suit est une vaste médicale, la médecine dite occidentale, de soins médicaux, c est à dire qu elle est grande ...

    • Remaining 10 large earth u0026quot;scaru0026quot; - (Epoch Times)
      Epoch Times [Japan] November 21 gold and diamonds, the excavation of human greed and other natural resources, the stars of this beautiful we are taking advantage of people came to leave scars. Website devoted to environmental issues Environmental Graffiti , and has just made the earth by mining large scars on 10, the repair of these wounds take a long time pointed out. Kalgoorlie Super Pit in Western Australia 10th place (Kalgo. ..
      Epoch Times [Japón] 21 de noviembre de oro y diamantes, la excavación de la codicia humana y otros recursos naturales, las estrellas de este bello que se están aprovechando de la gente llegó a dejar cicatrices. Sitio web dedicado a las cuestiones ambientales Environmental Graffiti , y acaba de hecho de la tierra por la minería cicatrices grandes en 10, la reparación de las heridas tardan mucho tiempo señalado. Kalgoorlie Super Pit lugar en el oeste de Australia 10 º (Kalgo. ..

    • The origin of dinosaurs, fossils may be old new species more closely related 4000 u003d 200 million million years ago - found in Tanzania (newsletter) - Yahoo! News
      The origin of dinosaurs, fossils may be old new species more closely related 4000 u003d 200 million million years ago - March 4 discovered in Tanzania in the south about 4:58 minutes Tanzania Africa newsletter delivered 240 million million years ago (Triassic period mid) from strata of early dinosaur closest Reptilia (the commentary of the) kind kind Shiresaurusu fossils were found, from previous estimates of the origin of dinosaurs dating back more than 1000 million years could rise. This is the oldest fossil kin, a new genus was classified as a new species. University of Utah and the U.S. International Chi ...
      Происхождение динозавров, ископаемых может быть старый новый вид более тесно связанной 4000 u003d 200 млн млн лет назад - 4 марта в Танзании обнаружили на юге страны около 4:58 минуты Танзания Африка бюллетень доставлено 240 млн млн лет назад (триасовый период MID) из ранних слоев динозавр ближайших Reptilia (комментарием) рода были найдены Добрый Shiresaurusu окаменелости, с предыдущими оценками происхождения динозавров уже более 1000 миллионов лет может возрасти. Это самая старая ископаемым родственникам, новый род был классифицирован как новый вид. Университет штата Юта и У. С. Международный Чи ...

    • Birth of Earth from the Big Bang, the flow of biological evolution in the three-minute delightful flip book: Karapaia
      前の記事│このブログのトップへ2010年03月04日【動画】ビッグバンから地球誕生、生物の進化の流れを3分間の痛快パラパラ漫画で 小気味良いテンポと手書きの味わいがすごく楽しくて、何度theme will be tempted to see the flip book is about Earth history too spectacular. I have drawn the evolution of organisms from the Big Bang. Sukima Windows Plus: a flip animations depicting the flow of the history of the universe from the Big Bang ...
      前の記事│このブログのトップへ2010年03月04日【動画】ビッグバンから地球誕生、生物の進化の流れを3分間の痛快パラパラ漫画で 小気味良いテンポと手書きの味わいがすごく楽しくて、何度主题将是诱惑看到翻转书是有关地球历史的太壮观。我来自大爆炸的生物进化。 Sukima视窗加:1描绘了从宇宙大爆炸宇宙历史潮流翻转动画...

    • Method of preparing a mouse model of Kawasaki disease, doctors hope to improve treatment established in Osaka - MSN Sankei News
      Infants developed symptoms, coronary aneurysm of the heart (coronary artery Ryuu) of unknown cause some side effects such as fear of Kawasaki disease a method of preparing a mouse model of hospital Chibune (Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka) Huzimoto Zirou Department of Surgery ( Digestive Surgery) was established. The results lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki disease may be presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society, Kyoto, Japan to begin the day. Fujimoto will advance research in cancer, the mushroom extract, note that the mouse have Renchinan for anticancer ...
      Nourrissons ont développé des symptômes, les anévrismes coronaires du coeur (artères coronaires Ryuu), de cause inconnue certains effets secondaires tels que la peur de la «maladie de Kawasaki une méthode de préparation d un modèle murin de l hôpital Chibune (Nishiyodogawa-ku, Osaka) Huzimoto Zirou Département de chirurgie ( Chirurgie Digestive) a été établie.川崎病の診断・治療法の改善につながる成果で、5日に京都市で始まる日本循環器学会総会・学術集会で発表する。 Fujimoto fera progresser la recherche sur le cancer, l extrait de champignons, notez que la souris ont Renchinan pour anticancéreux ...

    • u0026quot;Personality of the insectsu0026quot; identify: a behavioral analysis of the full use of the machine (video) | WIRED VISION
      The female frog of herbicides in the previous post also adversely affect immune function personality of the insects identify: a behavioral analysis of the full use of the machine (video) 2010 Science Technology Sun, March 04 Comments: Trackback (0) Feed Science and Technology Alexis Madriga Speaking of animal behavior, previously divided into nature, meant to keep a detailed record of gorillas. But now, biologists have knowledge of their programming, compilation ...
      La rana hembra de herbicidas en el post anterior también afectan negativamente a la función inmune personalidad de los insectos identificar: un análisis del comportamiento de la plena utilización de la máquina (video) 2010 Ciencia, Tecnología Sun, 04 de marzo Comentarios: Trackback (0) Feed Science and Technology Alexis Madriga Hablando de comportamiento animal, que había estado dividida en la naturaleza, la intención de llevar un registro detallado de los gorilas. Pero ahora, los biólogos tienen conocimiento de su programación, elaboración ...

    • IBM, developed a more communications equipment to speed communication between processors: News - CNET Japan
      Statement: Andrew Nusca (ZDNet.com) the text size: Yagura Midori, Hase Atsushi 2010/03/04 13:12 IBM researchers from the U.S. ships the March 3, between a computer chip by using light instead of copper wire announced the development of communication equipment. This new technology, aims to further improve energy efficiency, in order to employ means other than electronic signals for communication between computer chips, say one and one advances. Nanofotonikkuabaranshe received ...
      Заявление: Андрей Nusca (ZDNet.com) Размер шрифта: Yagura Мидори, Hase Ацуси 2010/03/04 13:12 Исследователи из IBM суда США 3 марта, между компьютером чипа с помощью света вместо медных проводов объявила о разработке коммуникационного оборудования. Эта новая технология, направленная на дальнейшее повышение эффективности использования энергии, с тем чтобы использовать средства, чем другие электронные сигналы для связи между компьютерными чипами, скажем, и один авансы. Nanofotonikkuabaranshe получил ...

    • Autechre - IBC Radio «Manchester Radio Music
      FM Radio show samples from MCR England - Hip Hop - Techno - Electronic - Soul - Dub etcEvery Sunday night 10 - 12 on IBC Radio. (Pirate Radio broadcast weekends only) 87 - 92Side ADownloadautechre 91 - ...
      调频收音机从MCR英国 - 嘻哈 - Techno - 电子 - 灵魂 - 配音etcEvery周日晚间10 - 在国际生物伦理委员会收音机。(海盗电台广播周末只)87 - 92Side ADownloadautechre 91 - 12显示样本...

    • The female frog of herbicides, also adversely affect the immune system | WIRED VISION
      Touch-screen technology to change their skin previous article (video) personality of the insects identify: a behavioral analysis of the full use of machines (videos) of the female frog herbicides following article, also adversely affect immune function Sun March 2010 4 Comments Environment: Trackback (0) Environment Wikimedia feed image Brandon Keim amphibian skin is permeable thin, rain and ground water, easy to absorb moisture and chemicals contained. That that they have been decreasing in the world ...
      Touch-Screen Technology изменить свою кожу предыдущей статье (видео) Личность насекомых определить: поведенческого анализа полного использования машин (видео) женщин гербициды лягушка следующей статье, также отрицательно влияют на иммунную функцию Вс марта 2010 4 комментариев окружающей среды: Trackback (0) Окружающая среда Викимедиа кормить изображение Брэндон Keim земноводное кожа проницаема тонких, дождевых и грунтовых вод, легко впитывает влагу и химических веществ, содержащихся. То, что они снижаются в мире ...

    • Bikewan online bookstore: paperback Bunshun girls wrestling legend u0026quot;and the threshold mouth Yannai Takashi Tachibana is my life.u0026quot;
      By Ida Makiko Price: ¥ 489 (unit: ¥ 466) Publisher: Bungeishunju size: 16cm / 350p ISBN: 4-16-755401-1 Publication date: 1993.10 Eligibility: General shipping time possible: Takashi Tachibana Yannai mouth and the threshold for life so decided, and the first since his comments concerning this book. Girls Wrestling Legend 』is the award-winning nonfiction book called Oya Soichi, les LPGA ...
      由国际开发协会田中真纪子价格:¥ 489(单位:¥ 466)出版商:Bungeishunju尺寸:16cm / 6950书号:4-16-755401-1出版日期:1993.10资格:一般运输时间可能:“立花隆Yannai口和生活门槛“,以便决定,因为他的第一个评论,这本书。女子摔跤传奇』是屡获殊荣的非小说类书籍称为大屋聪一,莱LPGA巡回赛...

    • News - Science u0026amp; Space - Dragon in the fog of mystery in the universe emit gamma rays (full article) - National Geographic Japanese Site
      If you drew a chart of the universe and the ancient mariner, the cosmic gamma rays meet the fog to note the Dragon will fill a statement warning that it was. In the latest study about the fog of gamma rays, which turned out to be larger than expected mysterious source of high-energy radiation of gamma rays.これまでは、この霧を形成するガンマ線のすべてではないにしても、その大半は活発な超大質量ブラックホールを中心に持つ強力な銀河が放出していると考えられていた。 ...
      Si vous avez dessiné une carte de l univers et le vieux marin, les rayons gamma cosmiques rencontrer le «brouillard» à «prendre note du Dragon comblera une déclaration mettant en garde qu il était. Dans la dernière étude sur le brouillard de rayons gamma, qui s est avéré être plus important que prévu mystérieuse source de rayonnement de haute énergie des rayons gamma.これまでは、この霧を形成するガンマ線のすべてではないにしても、その大半は活発な超大質量ブラックホールを中心に持つ強力な銀河が放出していると考えられていた。 ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Yes, I learned to learn their baby Robo - Science
      Yes robot baby u003d 3 pm, Chuo-ku, Osaka, sleep baby robot shooting Yagi Takaharu u003d 3 pm, Chuo-ku, Osaka, shooting up a baby robot grab Yagi Takaharu u003d 3 pm, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Yagi baby robot learning ability of children to study photography, Takaharu M3 Neoni developed by Professor Minoru Asada of Osaka University, and announced three days. When asked to move forward, at first, but the limbs are moving randomly flap from the motion of them happened Alternatively ...
      机器人是婴儿u003d 3时,中央区,大阪,睡机器人拍摄八木晴u003d 3时,中央区,大阪,拍摄了一个婴儿机器人抓住八木晴u003d 3时,中央区,大阪市,八木婴儿机器人的学习能力的儿童学习摄影,高治“货币供应M3的Neoni”发达国家浅田稔教授大阪大学,并宣布3天。当被要求先向前推进,但四肢正在随机从他们的议案皮瓣发生或者...

    • u0026quot;Open Chofu Aerospace Centeru0026quot; News Conference - JAXA | Topics
      March 2010 3 Mei 2007 Open Chofu Aerospace Center News Conference April 18 (Sunday), will hold a public according to the Science and Technology Week this year. Usual research facilities are also a rare sight, and prepare a variety of events and fun experience corner. Sun held April 18, 2010 (Sun) 10:00 to 16:00 Place No. 1 Venue: Chofu Aerospace Center (Jindaiji-machi 7-44-1, Chofu, Tokyo) 2nd place ...
      Mars 2010 3 Mei 2007 Open Chofu Aerospace Center Nouvelles Conférence 18 avril (dimanche), tiendra un public selon la Science et de la technologie de cette année. Installations de recherche habituels sont aussi un spectacle rare et préparer une variété d événements et d un coin expérience amusante. Dim. tenue le 18 avril 2010 (dim.) 10:00 à 16:00 Nombre Lieu 1 Lieu: Chofu Aerospace Center (Jindaiji-machi 7-44-1, Chofu, Tokyo) 2e place ...

    • YouTube - Kris Menace - Metropolis (Serge Santiago Italo Boot Edit)
      Santiago Edit
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    • Acceptable placebo - Dr.Pooh Diary
      My opinion, presented to appeal to patients who consult an outpatient medical practice, and to match the actual problems that face necessarily. Too often put the drug should not feel bad and even to demand, rather than try and drugs from the medical cases that should be considered to deal with the rest. In this case, the interaction of treatment among drug patients are strictly objective rather than means to understand that the purpose of the original (in this case the disease ...

    • Superconductivity: Organic compounds found in the expression 255 below zero degrees - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Using a substance called picene consisting of carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds is the world s highest temperature of 18 Kelvin (255 degrees below zero) to the superconducting state can lead to zero electrical resistance, and Professor of Okayama University Yoshihiro Kubo Park (properties physical and chemical properties of surfactants) and Professor Minoru Yamaji of Gunma University (chemical, biological or chemical application) were discovered by a research team. Four days the British science journal Nature was released. According to the same group, superconducting materials are alkali metals potassium and Le picene crystal ...
      En utilisant une substance appelée picene composées de carbone et d hydrogène dans les composés organiques est le plus élevé la température du monde de 18 Kelvin (255 degrés en dessous de zéro) à l état supraconducteur peut conduire à une résistance électrique nulle, et professeur de l Université d Okayama Yoshihiro Kubo Park (propriétés propriétés physiques et chimiques des agents de surface) et le professeur Minoru Yamaji de Gunma University (chimique, biologique ou épandage de produits chimiques) ont été découvertes par une équipe de recherche. Quatre jours, le magazine scientifique britannique «Nature» a été libéré. Selon le même groupe, les matériaux supraconducteurs sont des métaux alcalins et de potassium Le Crystal picene ...

    • Difficult enemy helicopter u0026quot;noiseu0026quot; to challenge the new rotor blades - GIGAZINE
      Helicopter mobility, without asking questions like our military for the private sector are used in areas on the mechanisms that cause the air to lift the blade 切Ri裂I huge weakness when it comes to sound even bigger if luck is. Therefore, the rotor blades hold the noise, it has developed a European helicopter manufacturers. Hear on the video as far as actually measured, it has a small enough noise is evident, and can expect much. More ...
      La movilidad de helicópteros, sin hacer preguntas como nuestras fuerzas armadas para el sector privado se utilizan en las zonas de los mecanismos que hacen que el aire levante la hoja 切 Ri 裂 I enorme debilidad cuando se trata de sonido aún mayor si la suerte es. Por lo tanto, las palas del rotor mantener el ruido, se ha desarrollado un fabricantes de helicópteros europeo. Oye en el video como la medida de lo realmente medido, y el ruido es menos que evidente, se puede esperar mucho. Más información ...

    • Assumed 300km per hour in the future also, backpack-type device with water jet to fly in the sky u0026quot;Jetlev Flyeru0026quot; - GIGAZINE
      以前にも紹介したリュックサックのように背負った装置から勢いよく水を噴射することでちょっとした飛行が楽しめる「Jetlev Flyer」で、水上を走るように飛行する様子などが映ったムービーをお届けします. I need to supply water hose, a device that can fly free as in free flight rocket 楽Shimemasen is from the ground is personal flight equipment and enjoy the relative safety of the water. More from below. Home -...
      以前にも紹介したリュックサックのように背負った装置から勢いよく水を噴射することでちょっとした飛行が楽しめる「Jetlev Flyer」で、水上を走るように飛行する様子などが映ったムービーをお届けします.水を供給するホースが必要なので、小型ロケットで自由な飛行ができる装置ほど自由な飛行は楽しめませんが、地上よりは比較的安全な水上で個人飛行が楽しめる装置となっています。 Подробнее снизу. Главное -...

    • u0026quot;Sick stomachu0026quot; light therapy, understanding the full scope of international news in the digestive microbes: AFPBB News
      Hong Kong (Hong Kong) Kuinmari of (Queen Mary) in a hospital, a research assistant to examine a sample of the microorganism (2009 taken on April 28 and body does not matter). (c) AFP / MIKE CLARKE [March 4] the full scope of AFP genes of microorganisms that inhabit the human digestive system for 3 days, 100 to be explained by the research scientists present there, the British science journal Nature (Nature ) was released. Ulcers (canker) and inflammatory bowel disease (I. ..
      香港(香港)(玛丽)Kuinmari在医院,研究助理,研究的微生物样本(2009年采取了4月28日和身体并不重要)。 (三)法新社/迈克克拉克[3月4日]的微生物居住在3天的人体消化系统法新社基因的全部领域,100个由科研人员解释,目前,英国科学杂志“自然(自然)“被释放。溃疡(溃疡病)和炎症性肠病(一..

    • McNeill, u0026quot;World Historyu0026quot; is this Sugo: Sugo this I do not know, you surely have read
      Great book to review the history of the world in 800 pages. Shiviraizeshon there is a simulation game of civilization. I started with the intention of killing time, a dangerous game that could not spare hours to kill. McNeill, World History Mosou. What happens then? Why that happens? We will answer the following book is highly addictive, just because I can read Shiviraizeshon. As the game is not that interesting, so engrossed in the game, McNeill world history of ...
      Grand livre de revoir l histoire du monde en 800 pages. Shiviraizeshon« il ya un jeu de simulation de la civilisation. J ai commencé avec l intention de tuer le temps, un jeu dangereux qui ne pouvait se passer des heures à tuer. McNeill, «l histoire mondiale» Mosou. Qu advient-il alors? Pourquoi cela se passe?に次々と答えてくれる本書は中毒性が高く、読むシヴィライゼーションといってもいい。 Comme le jeu n est pas tellement intéressant, si absorbé dans le jeu, McNeill «histoire du monde de ...

    • Tend to extremism? Students wary of math and science | USA | Last post | Newsweek Japan Official Site
      [2010 posted March 10 issue of] government agencies that focus on terrorist profiling of reserve forces. Notice that they are now is math and science students. Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, the radical Islamic organization that is recruiting and Hamas is that many graduates of medical and engineering fields such as science and mathematics. Herutoku terrorists are highly educated at Oxford University sociologist Diego Gambetta and Steffen surveyed 178 people, half ...
      [2010 Publicado 10 de marzo cuestión de] los organismos gubernamentales que se centran en perfiles de terroristas de las fuerzas de reserva. Observe que ahora es de matemáticas y ciencias. Al-Qaeda y Hezbolá, la organización islámica radical que es la contratación y Hamas es que muchos graduados de la medicina y la ingeniería como las ciencias y las matemáticas. Terroristas Herutoku son altamente educado en Oxford, sociólogo de la Universidad Diego Gambetta y Steffen encuestadas 178 personas, la mitad ...

    • Wind twin-sha Publishing Books: [series], u0026quot;the brain or heart can write au0026quot; third signal u0026quot;humanu0026quot; and u0026quot;languageu0026quot;, or aspect of 偶有
      Letter to Mr. Ken Mogi Mogi ■ Saito from the first ring. Two and a half years after the blank, that this correspondence is reborn like a zombie, but for now if you are perceived. While waiting for a reply had been teary-eyed, I thought that this correspondence would-diabetics. To vary the response, but it was very sad, also the fact, Kenichiro Mogi A Case believes that it is one aspect of the figures shows that, less so ...
      Письмо г-н Кен Могу Могу ■ Саито из первого кольца. Два с половиной года после пустой, что эта переписка возрождается как зомби, но сейчас, если воспринимаются вами. Во время ожидания ответа не было слезящимися глазами, я думала, что это соответствие бы-диабетиков. Чтобы изменить ответ, но было очень грустно, а также тот факт, Кэнъитиро Могу Случай считает, что она является одним из аспектов цифры показывают, что, в меньшей степени ...

    • Essay Ghost: O-Test offers a host of tricks that your ring
      (03/03) O-Test offers a host of tricks that your ring (02/28) For all that is likely to be expelled from the UK finally homeopathy (02/13) BioInformatician to aim for people to four. Bioinformatics industry s economic situation this year ~ (01/26) seems to have broken the Kazusa Akademia Park (01/25) in the risk of viral hepatitis infections in blood Sarasara victim of fraud (01/22) Lee ...
      (03/03)O型试验提供了技巧的主机,你戒指(2月28日)对所有的可能是来自英国终于顺势疗法(02/13)BioInformatician驱逐到瞄准至4人。今年のバイオインフォマティクス業界の景気状況について〜 (01/26)かずさアカデミアパークが破綻したらしい (01/25)血液サラサラ詐欺の被害者にウイルス性肝炎感染の恐れあり (01/22)イ...

    • [Book review] to determine the success of science (Richard Wiseman): Far East Blog
      What is written in a world full of self-help book, for example, negative thinking is positive thinking or trying to quit, and to be successful or successful 思I描Kou image, some kind of true story like that? What is it really that mean? I think Why do not you know the validity of a scientific experiment about the point of such self-development? In that, just a science experiment paper summarizes the various existing social psychology from this perspective, the essence of self-help book ...
      ¿Qué está escrito en un mundo lleno de libro de autoayuda, por ejemplo, el pensamiento negativo es el pensamiento positivo o tratando de dejar de fumar, y para tener éxito o 思 éxito I 描 imagen Kou, una especie de historia verdadera de esa manera? ¿Qué es lo que realmente significa eso? Pienso ¿Por qué no conocer la validez de un experimento científico sobre el punto de tal auto-desarrollo? En eso, simplemente un documento experimento científico resume las diversas psicología social existente desde esta perspectiva, la esencia del libro de autoayuda ...

    • Twitter / medtoolz: maybe soon, u0026quot;the young guys are motivated enough. The motivation ...
      Maybe soon, the young guys are motivated enough. Defend the life of me the motivation and on that generation, it s not structural problems motivated. Sabotta ye this happens are you from. 老害 Shiro quickly sent off my life The younger generation that will never understand Aenai war. The majority always lose at 5:52 PM Feb 21stvia Tween young
      Tal vez pronto , los chicos jóvenes son lo suficientemente motivado. Defender la vida de mí la motivación , y en esa generación, no es los problemas estructurales motivados. Sabotta vosotros esto sucede es usted. 老 害 Shiro enviado rápidamente de mi vida La generación más joven que nunca entender la guerra Aenai. La mayoría pierde siempre a las 5:52 PM Feb 21stvia Tween jóvenes

    • Sound the alarm about chemicals do not want creeping closer 『Febreze』 - livedoor News
      Sound the alarm about chemicals do not want Febreze 『close』 sneaking up on March 3, 2010 12:00 / offer: examined the safety of products 』and『 Do not buy a best-seller, the consciousness of consumers After 10 years spent a stir quickly. Since then, the weekly Friday in Journals such as, s new book was released Watanabe Yuuzi science journalists have been accused of dangerous products. Modern people are surrounded by chemicals unnecessary punishment continue to talk to Mr. Watanabe warned ...
      Бить тревогу по поводу химических веществ, не хотят Febreze 『』 тесные подкрадываясь по 3 марта 2010 12:00 / предложение: рассмотрели безопасностью продукции и 』『 Не покупайте бестселлером, сознание потребителей После 10 лет провел переполох быстро. С тех пор , еженедельный пятница в таких журналов, как был выпущен S новая книга Ватанабе журналистам Yuuzi науке, были обвинены в опасных продуктов. Современные люди окружены ненужными химическими веществами наказания продолжают говорить Г-н Ватанабе предупредил ...

    • u0026quot;Imperfect law aside,u0026quot; (President)
      Practice and Nobel Prize winner! The ultimate art of time imperfect law aside, President March 2 (Tue) 10:15 min Distributor / Economics - General Economic Evaluation ■ If the announcement after one day even when reading English classics and difficult to zero , while pulling the dictionary, and will carefully translate every word, one s patience and years rolled by, you are going to do the whole, it would expire without the slightest clue. Human Arts Many are called, the pitfalls of such a perfectionist ...
      实践与诺贝尔奖得主!最终的时间艺术“不完善的法律外,”总统3月2日(星期二)10时15分发行/经济 - ■综合经济评价后公布这一消息,如果有一天,甚至在阅读英文经典,难以零,而拉动字典,并会认真翻译每一个字,一个人的耐心和几年,你会做整体推出,其有效期没有丝毫线索。 “人艺”许多被称为,这种完美主义的陷阱...

    • Recorded world history lectures
      This is a recording of my high school world history classes. The central narrative is the class-conscious trying to convey to students the excitement of world history. All gathered for a story, sometimes, myths, 珍説, odd theory, the theory I m Talking, as we have seen The story is not that 引Kitsukeyou students. Story, including excursions, we try whenever possible fidelity. So, in some areas and little long-winded, each Bae - page is long. However, the actual means of conveying the atmosphere of the class ...
      Esta es una grabación de mis clases de historia de la escuela de alta del mundo. La narración central es la conciencia de clase tratando de transmitir a los estudiantes de la emoción de la historia del mundo. Todos se reunieron para una historia, a veces, los mitos, 珍 说, extraña teoría, la teoría Estoy hablando, como hemos visto La historia no es que los estudiantes 引 Kitsukeyou. Historia, incluyendo excursiones, tratamos siempre de fidelidad posible. Así, en algunas zonas y poco prolijo, cada Bae - página es larga. Sin embargo, los medios reales de transporte de la atmósfera de la clase ...

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