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    • The true import of Japan | To the New Century Big Brother blog
      Big Brother blog to the new century is the blog of writer Akira Takashi Mitsuhashi. Japan s economy, the U.S. economy, the Chinese economy, the Korean economy is working mainly on writing and media issues. PR calendar March Lake Tues Sat 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 of Takaaki Mizuki Kon Bridge 3 Bridge 3 free Merumagamerumaga unsubscribe Ulla read readers subscribe unsubscribe economic reports ...

    • [] Akagi Tomohiro 紙背 gaze of the government and the happiness of the people a say - 紙背 eyed - BLOGOS (Burogosu) - livedoor News
      紙背 eyed gaze 紙背 Yes and discernment] is: Devotion to 紙背 eyed , and to understand the profound sense that lurk between the lines. This column, livedoor chosen news-and-coming contributors, like to face in life and work issues for many users, discovering that will provide information and news between the lines filled the world go read the series. Font Size: | | [] Akagi Tomohiro 紙背 gaze of the government and happiness of the people a say in March 4, 2010 ...
      纸 背 eyed regard 纸 背 Oui et discernement] est: La dévotion à 纸 背 eyed , et de comprendre le sens profond qui se cachent entre les lignes. Cette colonne, Livedoor nouvelles choisies et des contributeurs de venir, comme de faire face à la vie et les questions de travail pour de nombreux utilisateurs, la «découverte» qui fournira des informations et de nouvelles entre les lignes rempli le monde aller lire la série. Taille du texte: | | [] Akagi Tomohiro 纸 背 regard du gouvernement et du bonheur du peuple son mot à dire dans 4 Mars, 2010 ...

    • Yoshito Hori blog Globis ■: ■ Opinion: Japan, strengthen the independence of individuals
      In the earlier opinion, Whether the employment reform without sanctuary, he said. Assuming, of course, need to maintain the virtues of Japanese management style community, I am sure. It also has direct access from the strengths of Japanese companies that. However, only in the surroundings of this rapidly changing environment, companies are asked to adapt the rapid changes. Then the lifetime employment may be 守Renaku. The first place, companies, and are not guarantees of lifetime employment, and thinks. Theory of business 30 years, the ...
      在较早前提出的意见,“无论就业改革而不庇护,”他说。假设当然,要维持日本社会管理方式的优点,我相信。它也有来自日本公司的优势直接访问的。但是,只有在这个迅速变化的环境的环境,公司被要求以适应迅速变化。然后,终身雇用,可守Renaku。首先,公司,并且是终身雇用不能保证,并认为。 “营业30年来理论”的...

    • u0026quot;Office of Sportsu0026quot; and established u0026quot;sports nation strategyu0026quot; to develop a ministry - MSN Sankei News
      Suzuki Hirohumi Vice Minister of Ministry at a press conference four days, indicating the direction of sports administration after regime change strategy sporting nation, announced plans to develop. We plan to conduct such hearings from experts and athletes, think finals in the summer. The strategy is set by the country s role in promoting sports, sports law and modalities of the departments of centralized ministries agency sports and will include installation of outlook. Suzuki said, Shi sport for the Japanese nation.
      Suzuki Hirohumi vice-ministre du ministère lors d une conférence de presse quatre jours, indiquant la direction de l administration du sport après un changement de régime la stratégie sportive de la nation , a annoncé son intention de se développer. Nous avons l intention de procéder à ces auditions des experts et des athlètes, pensez finales de l été. La stratégie est définie par le rôle du pays dans la promotion des sports, droit du sport et les modalités des départements de l agence de ministères centralisés sports et comprendra l installation d Outlook. Suzuki a dit, «le sport Shi pour la nation japonaise.

    • Inflation target of 0% and 4% difference - himaginary Diary
      Economy | In yesterday s entry, 4 percent of respondents avoided the topic of Australian interest rates falling to maintain zero inflation rate. This is a way of practice or recommendations 恰Mo Buransharu. Provides more quantitative study of the risk associated with falling interest rates and zero inflation goal is to have what? In fact, last month introduced the last 20 of the magazine The Economist Free Exchange on the date of entry, have been introduced in such simulations.
      Economía | En la entrada de ayer, un 4 por ciento de los encuestados evitado el tema de la caída de las tasas de interés de Australia para mantener la tasa de inflación cero. Esta es una forma de práctica o las recomendaciones 恰 Mo Buransharu. Proporciona un estudio más cuantitativo de los riesgos asociados con las tasas de interés y la caída a cero la meta de inflación es que qué? De hecho, el mes pasado presentó el pasado 20 de la revista El libre intercambio Economist sobre la fecha de entrada, se han introducido en esas simulaciones.

    • The LDP, u0026quot;draftu0026quot; Study? u003d Secretary, immediately denied discourse (newsletter) - Yahoo! News
      自民党憲法改正推進本部が4日まとめた論点整理で、徴兵制の検討を示唆するかのような表現があり、大島理森幹事長が慌てて否定の談話を発表する一幕があった。 First Draft is the obligation of the people in the item, such as Germany, pointed out that stipulates the rights of conscientious objectors to military service with the public. On the relationship with the public about the meaning of military service and military in a democracy, it is necessary to consider more packed, said the draft study.
      自民党憲法改正推進本部が4日まとめた論点整理で、徴兵制の検討を示唆するかのような表現があり、大島理森幹事長が慌てて否定の談話を発表する一幕があった。 Первый проект, как обязательство народа в пункте, например в Германии, отметил, что предусматривается право отказников от военной службы с общественностью. На Связь с общественностью о значении военной службы и военных в условиях демократии, необходимо рассмотреть более упакованы, сказал, что проект исследования.

    • u0026quot;Gold 過払Iu0026quot; followed by u0026quot;return businessu0026quot; and overtime to the renewal fee for the rental housing industry to find a lawyer | Itou Hirotoshi u0026quot;deep in the Newsu0026quot; | Business Hyundai [Kodansha]
      Industry lawyers, return business a new genre was born. The opportunity for mortgage companies and consumer lenders of Commerce Fri 過払I demand restitution was. Then, the Sara金 to truly tease out the peak, and the next looking for a solid market. Blowing in the wind industry has a lawyer. Born Consumer Agency, the Democratic administration of the responsibility rather than consumer protection that a clear position. To assess the trend, the court, reversion in many cases be ordered to ...

    • The Art Of Reform ─ ─ crush fantasy sanctimonious principles and interests covered Kamatoto u0026quot;Damn realismu0026quot; Collaboration: Petitu0026#39;s Miyashima Satoshi Forum freelance writer since1997
      Good Cop Bad Cop in combination, but a thorough reform have played the most effective collaboration.実現不可能な理想論を振りかざして改革の漸進を阻害した上で、すかさず利益誘導政治が隙間に入り込み、その足場を堅固にするというものだ。 In this regard, the regime crushed a Democratic administration reform is perfect. The reformist party, Koizumi is not real reform, It is better if reforms do not do like that that was all ...
      Bon Cop Bad Cop en combinaison, mais une réforme en profondeur ont joué la collaboration la plus efficace. L inhibition de la réforme progressive de manier un idéalisme impossible, l obtenir immédiatement dans l espace entre la politique du favoritisme, mais l idée est de bases solides. À cet égard, le régime a écrasé une réforme de l administration démocratique est parfait. Le parti réformiste réforme , M. Koizumi n est pas réel», «Il vaut mieux si les réformes ne font pas comme ça c est tout ...

    • g100225a06j.pdf Japanese industry over the current situation and challenges
      Information concerning the current situation and challenges of Japan s industrial structure 6 2010 2 Vision Mon Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (tentative) for study of why, winning technology, business and profit or lose? Given the seriousness of Japan s industrial and gridlock today, In the future, Japan is earning what, whether it intends to employ , is considered. New strategy of public-private common vision Industrial Structure (tentative name) for consideration, to establish a new committee to the Council s industrial competitiveness in the industrial structure. 1. Division 2 Establishment of industrial competitiveness. Main considerations (to be ...
      Informaciones sobre la situación actual y retos de la estructura industrial de Japón 6 2010 2 Visión lun Ministerio de Economía, Comercio e Industria (provisional) para el estudio de por qué, la tecnología ganadora, de negocios y sin fines de lucro o perder? Dada la gravedad de la actualidad industrial y la paralización de Japón, En el futuro, el Japón está ganando lo que, si tiene intención de emplear , se considera. Nueva estrategia de la visión común público-privada Estructura industrial (nombre provisional) para su examen, para establecer un nuevo comité para la competitividad industrial por el Consejo en la estructura industrial. 1. División 2 Establecimiento de la competitividad industrial. Principales consideraciones (que se ...

    • Mireru tweets on hay fever in Japan: hay fever Nau everyone! β
      Inevitable when itchy eyes. Have a runny nose. I ~. What? A lot of people would love so popular? What is hay fever?
      Неизбежно, когда зуд в глазах. У меня насморк. Я ~. Что? Многие люди будут любить так популярны? Что такое сенная лихорадка?

    • Look at an example of the UK bank underwriting bonds. - Market Hack (Plaza foreign stocks Version 2.0)
      March 4, 2010 01:29 look at the example of the British bank underwriting bonds. Has discussed the underwriting of government bonds by the BOJ. If you ask me, and I have to discuss matters metaphysical angulioris skip another bubble, concrete precedent already exists overseas. In the UK, for example, HM Treasury (Ministry of Finance Naishiha UK) gilt issued by the Bank of England most of the Central Bank (UK) has bought a. Below is a chart of the UK government (local government ...

    • Dot-com topical: the LDP, u0026quot;draftu0026quot; Study? u003d Secretary, denied the statement immediately
      The LDP, draft Study? u003d Secretary, immediately denied the Liberal discourse draft Study? u003d Secretary, the task force statement denying constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party compiled immediately clarify points in four days or something like that in consideration of the draft suggests, in a hurry to release a statement denying the Secretary Tadamori Oshima was one act. First Draft is the obligation of the people in the item, such as Germany, pointed out that stipulates the rights of conscientious objectors to military service with the public. On the soldier of democracy ...
      Le LDP, projet d étude? u003d Secrétaire, a immédiatement rejeté le discours libéral projet d étude? u003d Secrétaire, le groupe de travail déclaration niant l amendement constitutionnel du Parti libéral-démocrate compilé immédiatement clarifier les points en quatre jours, ou quelque chose comme ça dans l examen du projet l indique, à la hâte de publier une déclaration niant le Secrétaire Tadamori Oshima était un acte. Premier projet est «l obligation du peuple dans l élément, comme l Allemagne, a souligné que stipule les droits des objecteurs de conscience au service militaire avec le public. Sur le «soldat de la démocratie ...

    • Employed full-time: u0026quot;No,u0026quot; the worst since the start of the survey data, 47% Empire - 10 Years - every jp (Mainichi)
      47.5% of the 10 companies that it does not expect the adoption of full-time year, a private research firm Teikoku Databank, according to survey results announced three days. 1.6 to 45.9 percent from the year 09 points worse, began an investigation after 05 minutes in the worst year. The company is potentially effective and economic policy, important measures to eliminate the mismatch in the labor market and that. 21.75 thousand in the country for two companies and a survey in January, 10,624 companies responded (response rate 48.8%) were. ...
      El 47,5% de las 10 empresas que no espera que la adopción de año a tiempo completo, una firma privada de investigación Teikoku Databank, de acuerdo a los resultados de la encuesta dio a conocer tres días. 1,6 a 45,9 por ciento desde el año 09 puntos que es peor, comenzó una investigación después de 05 minutos en el peor año. La empresa es potencialmente eficaz y la política económica, importantes medidas para eliminar el desajuste del mercado laboral y que. 21,75 mil en el país por dos empresas y una encuesta realizada en enero, 10.624 empresas respondieron (tasa de respuesta 48,8%) eran. ...

    • u0026quot;Return businessu0026quot; »Economics 101
      It covered a similar story before, again for the common good: Fri 過払I followed by return business and overtime to the renewal fee for the rental housing industry to find a lawyer | Itou Hirotoshi News deep | Business Hyundai [Kodansha] In addition, you will know that more and more demand restitution for overtime.過払I became a topic of debt claims, current trends are that the return of overtime claims. What s wrong is the return of overtime. Parariga business ...
      Он охватывает аналогичные историю, снова для общего блага: ПТ 过 払 я , а затем Возвращение бизнес и сверхурочно, чтобы плата за перенос позиции на аренду промышленных жилье найти адвоката | Itou Хиротоши Новости Deep | Бизнес Hyundai [Kodansha] Кроме того, вы будете знать, что все больше и больше требовать реституции за сверхурочную работу.过 払 я стал тем долговые требования, текущие тенденции, что возвращение сверхурочных претензий. Что случилось, является возвращение сверхурочной работы. Parariga бизнес ...

    • Liberal Democratic Party, suggested the final draft of the study aims to introduce conscription Mon 5 - Infoseek News
      LDP constitutional revision task force four-day meeting and announced with a strong conservative issues such as the study suggests the introduction of conscription. This is based on the discussion, the referendum law enforcement procedures established by the five constitutional amendments aimed at compiling the final draft by June. The issue is a national obligation in the item, he said on the national military service obligations stipulated in the Constitution and Germany, incorporating a direct representation of the resurrection seems to claim, but avoided conscription.

    • Hatoyama said, u0026quot;As one of the guys are good people,u0026quot; u0026quot;pathetic existenceu0026quot; took the survey results interesting Takashi Tachibana was born in the Heisei. : Glasses Kingu0026#39;s blog: warm, sometimes sunny.
      March 3, 2010 16:23 Categories Takashi Tachibana, American Political Ichiro Ozawa, is dead, Hatoyama said, As one of the guys are good people, miserable existence, the results of a questionnaire to Takashi Tachibana was born in the Heisei interesting. Mr. Takashi Tachibana, Takashi Tachibana No. 3 Mon Bungei, American Political Ichiro Ozawa is dead at a seminar in your own classes, I was taking a survey about Ichiro Ozawa. All six-question survey. Question No. 1 and the dawn of history to you? Q second image of Ichiro Ozawa, continue to ...
      3 mars 2010 16:23 Catégories Takashi Tachibana, American Political Ichiro Ozawa, est mort , Hatoyama a déclaré: «En tant qu un des gars sont de bonnes personnes», «existence misérable , les résultats d un questionnaire à Takashi Tachibana est né dans la Heisei intéressant. M. Takashi Tachibana, Takashi Tachibana No. 3 lun. Bungei, American Political Ichiro Ozawa est mort lors d un séminaire dans vos propres classes, je prenais une enquête sur Ichiro Ozawa. Les six sondage en question. Question n ° 1 et l aube de l histoire pour vous? Q deuxième image de Ichiro Ozawa, continuer à ...

    • Only because of the economic base, will question the ability of the organization: Captain and forth grinding BLOG (blog) Lead-off manu0026#39;s Blog
      Well, I m closing it. In that memorandum the last year or so and differences. Http://kirik.tea-nifty.com/diary/2009/03/post-42a3.html the great war will end poverty, it is unfortunate, that guy is capable of such fine pops http: / / kirik.tea-nifty.com/diary/2009/03/post-dfe9.html ● I m a business growth, achievement ...
      Bueno, estoy de cerrarla. En esta nota el último año y las diferencias. Http: / / kirik.tea-nifty.com/diary/2009/03/post-42a3.html la gran guerra acabará con la pobreza, es una pena, ese tipo es capaz de tal multa aparece http: / / ● kirik.tea-nifty.com/diary/2009/03/post-dfe9.html Soy un crecimiento de los negocios, el logro ...

    • u0026quot;Energy-poor Japan has refused to immigrantsu0026quot;: Nikkei Business Online
      The turning point in the cooling down of Singapore s growth strategy. Last 10 years (2000 - 09 years) average growth rate of about 5 percent in 2001 and the IT bubble burst last year s financial crisis despite two occasions fallen into negative growth, the economy is expanding steadily getting Ta. In particular, from 2004 to 2007 average growth rate reached 8 percent in one year, per capita GDP comparable to Japan as the country recorded a phenomenal growth pace. The government s 2010 growth rate was the decline in the previous year.
      Переломным моментом в охлаждении стратегии экономического развития Сингапура. Последние 10 лет (2000 - 09 годы) среднегодовые темпы роста составляли около 5 процентов в 2001 году и ИТ-пузырь лопнул финансовый кризис в прошлом году, несмотря на два раза попал в отрицательные показатели роста, экономика развивается стабильно получать Та. В частности, с 2004 по 2007 год средние темпы роста достигли 8 процентов в год, ВВП на душу населения сопоставимы в Японию в качестве страны было зарегистрировано феноменальных темпов роста. 2010 рост правительством ставке было снижение в предыдущем году.

    • Bookmark Hatena - Liberal Democratic Party, suggested a constitutional amendment to consider the introduction of conscription - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      The Liberal Democratic Party, to consider the introduction of amendment in the draft amendment suggests - 47NEWS (news and yon) www.47news.jp202 users constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters (Policy Research Council Chairman Kosuke Takeshi Hori 輔前 headquarters) is a four-day meeting, the draft released a maintenance issue with a strong color such as the introduction suggests a study. The discussion based on this, and modify the draft 2005 Constitution was formulated, the referendum law enforcement procedures established by constitutional amendment to compile final draft to 5 Mon.
      自民、徴兵制導入の検討を示唆 改憲案修正へ - 47NEWS(よんななニュース)www.47news.jp202 users 自民党憲法改正推進本部(本部長・保利耕輔前政調会長)は4日の会合で、徴兵发布了一个强大的色彩一个维修问题,例如引进建议进行研究。在此基础上讨论和修改2005年宪法草案,制定,全民公决的执法宪法修正案规定的程序编制最后草案5周一

    • Financial Diary: The Urban Legend Mittsu crush laugh anymore.
      05 In March 2010 Sun today to refute a laugh Mittsu urban legend is gone I would rather try to refute the myth or urban legend-old Mittsu. I mean, I thought it was foolish not to trust anyone this, but I never wanted to write this blog every, try to run a real policy change in the Democratic Teachers 気Gatsuitara they can, and Shimatsu Itari have actually ran into the other leg, not laugh with me?
      05 en marzo de 2010 a día de hoy dom refutar una risa Mittsu leyenda urbana se ha ido prefiero tratar de refutar el mito o leyenda urbana-Mittsu de edad.というか、こんなバカなこと誰も信じてないと思っていたので、いちいち本ブログで書くこともないと思っていたのですが、気がついたら民主党の先生方がリアルで変な政策を実行しようとしてque pueden, y se han Shimatsu itari encontré con la otra pierna, no te rías de mí?

    • Twitter / Kazuhiro Haraguchi:u0026#39;s where I type u0026quot;Linuxu0026quot; party of ideals. Rain so far ...
      I aim type Linux party of ideals. Dependence on polar opposites of the political pyramid and distribution so far. Can come and go freely in the equality of all people. Enclosing Komanai open source information and profits. Independence and creativity, I think the political aim of the collaboration network type. May have similar modes of communication Tsuitta. 1:37 PM Mar 2ndvia web
      Я цель типа участник Linux идеалов. Зависимость от полярно противоположные политические пирамиды и распределения до сих пор. Могут приходить и уходить свободно в равенство всех людей. Если заключить Komanai информации из открытых источников и прибыли. Независимость и творчество, я думаю, что политическая цель тип сетевого взаимодействия. Могут иметь аналогичные виды связи Tsuitta. 1:37 вечера мар 2ndvia Сети

    • Katsuma Kazuyo, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Yasuyuki u0026quot;revive the Japanese economy / Easy way Iu0026quot; - BI @ K accelerated: hatena annex, bewaad.com
      BOJ, book, economy Katsuma Kazuyo, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Yasuyuki revive the Japanese economy / Easy way I last year, the economics of poverty, What is economic growth, why would I need? And non - Mr. Iida jump to smash against the book and talk to economists (personally, the economics of poverty is the best economy in the last year or two of the book think this is a fight. By the way Tanaka Hideomi rival Deviation from 40 to enter a good company ) was involved, the new ...
      央行,书籍,经济和世胜马,宫崎哲也,饭田康幸“振兴日本经济/简单的方法我说:”去年,“贫困的经济学”,“什么是经济增长,为什么需要?”和非 - 経済学者を相手とする対談本でスマッシュヒットを飛ばした飯田先生(個人的には、「脱貧困の経済学」は、昨年のベスト経済書の1、2を争う本だと考えています。ちなみに田中秀臣的对手“偏差从40进入一个好公司”)参与了新...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Politicians, Twitter addict? Live coverage of the interaction of the Budget Committee - Politics
      On the Internet for short tweets to Twitter politicians are addicted to transmit. 3 House of Councilors Budget Committee that the three ministers who are late, several lawmakers who live on it. Only you can easily send, the more one is Tsubuyakazu politicians can not. Twitter is a critical blunder on their ministers, the LDP upper house lawmaker Hiroshige Seko. Five minutes late unprecedented and we constantly writing and state. Seko said in his budget committee, the committee submitted between late start ...
      Sur l Internet, en abrégé tweets aux politiciens Twitter sont accros à transmettre. 3 Chambre des Conseillers du Comité du budget que les trois ministres qui sont en retard, plusieurs députés qui l habitent. Seulement, vous pouvez facilement envoyer, plus on est Tsubuyakazu politiciens ne peuvent pas. Twitter est une bévue critique sur leurs ministres, la Chambre haute député PLD Hiroshige Seko. «Cinq minutes de retard sans précédent et nous avons écrit sans cesse et l État. Seko a dit dans son comité du budget, le comité a soumis entre le début de retard ...

    • u0026quot;Head of the Emperor,u0026quot; u0026quot;foreigners to voteu0026quot; Liberal Cabinet consider issues such as constitutional amendment - MSN Sankei News
      Constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters (Director: Koji 輔本 Poly) is a four-day meeting, the Cabinet announced the issue of constitutional revision.天皇を元首と明記することをはじめ、国旗・国歌や外国人に参政権を付与しない規定など、同党が平成17年に発表した新憲法草案に盛り込まれなかった内容が中心となっている。 Task force to advance the constitutional debate from the academic aspects of Satoru Satoru national image should be (Mr. Poly) and as the law enforcement procedures established by constitutional amendment referendum until 5 Mon ...
      Конституционная поправка Либерально-демократическая партия учреждений (директора: Кодзи 辅 本 Poly) рассчитана на четыре дня заседания кабинета объявил о проблеме пересмотра Конституции.天皇を元首と明記することをはじめ、国旗・国歌や外国人に参政権を付与しない規定など、同党が平成17年に発表した新憲法草案に盛り込まれなかった内容が中心となっている。 Целевая группа для продвижения конституционных дебатов в академических аспектов Сатору Сатору национальных изображение должно быть (г-н полей), так и правоохранительные процедурам, установленным конституционным референдумом поправки до 5 пн ...

    • Girlu0026#39;s lemonade stand to learn from one of nine art marketing | Web Kurieitabokkusu
      Jim Lodico marketing consultant and freelance copywriter for his articles, Web Designer Depot last year was to blog about it. Na and suddenly remembered that article was interesting because, Walter try to understand his free translation of the original. Original article 9 Marketing Tips from a Six-Year Old s Lemonade Stand is! One day, the daughter of one software ...

    • Liberal studies suggest conscription Mon 5 prospect, to a constitutional amendment - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      Constitutional amendment the Liberal Democratic Party Headquarters (Policy Research Council Chairman Kosuke Takeshi Hori 輔前 headquarters) is a four-day meeting and announced with a strong conservative issues such as the study suggests the introduction of conscription.これを基に議論を進め、2005年に策定した改憲草案に修正を加えて、憲法改正の手続きを定めた国民投票法が施行される5月までの成案取りまとめを目指す。 The issue is a national obligation in the item, he said on the national military service obligations stipulated in the Constitution and Germany soldiers in a democracy ...
      L amendement constitutionnel du Parti libéral-démocrate du Siège (le président du Conseil de recherche en politiques Kosuke Takeshi Hori 辅 siège 前) est une réunion de quatre jours et a annoncé qu un aspect d une forte conservateurs tels que l étude suggère l introduction de la conscription.これを基に議論を進め、2005年に策定した改憲草案に修正を加えて、憲法改正の手続きを定めた国民投票法が施行される5月までの成案取りまとめを目指す。 La question est une «obligation nationale» dans la question, at-il dit sur les obligations de service national militaire stipulé dans la Constitution et l Allemagne soldats dans une démocratie ...

    • Dot topical: tough on crime Prime Minister Hatoyama from anti-party activities
      Strict anti-party activities from the party act tough on crime u003d more crime against Prime Minister Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio Hatoyama Hatoyama Prime 3 pm in the House of Councilors Budget Committee, Democratic Party over the operation, severe punishment than the criminal anti-party activities and of course make the recognition shown. I answered the Reform Club Mr. Yasuhiro Oe. He added, noted that 2008 was over expel themselves from the Democratic Party was anti-party acts, the House of Representatives lawmaker from the Party of the Democratic Party Hiroshi Satoru Ishikawa was indicted on charges of violating the Political Funds Control Law nothing ...
      犯罪より反党行為に厳しく=鳩山首相犯罪より反党行為に厳しく=鳩山首相鳩山由紀夫首相は3日午後の参院予算委員会で、民主党の運営をめぐり、犯罪よりも反党行為により重い処分をet bien sûr faire de la reconnaissance affichée. J ai répondu à la réforme du Club M. Yasuhiro Oe. Il a ajouté, a noté que 2008 a été expulser plus de lui-même du Parti démocrate est des actes anti-parti, la Chambre des représentants député du Parti du Parti Démocratique Satoru Hiroshi Ishikawa a été inculpé de violation de la loi sur le contrôle des fonds politiques rien ...

    • u0026quot;Workplacesu0026quot; he ranked one workspace management: Nikkei Business Online
      Rewarding and is reflected in the lake like a floating cloud. The position of moderate and light show, and feeling the changed appearance rattle. 1 to change the face of controversy in two, deterioration of performance and interpersonal relationships, they are easily lost in the wake of corporate and institutional changes. Such brittle, fragile rewarding. But once you start feeling employees of the company by the sum of the heat will rise to its maximum capacity. March 1 issue of Nikkei Business provides human resources management research in the name of work ...
      Recompensar y se refleja en el lago como una nube flotante. La posición de los moderados y mostrar la luz, y sentir el cambio de aspecto sonajero. 1 para cambiar la cara de la controversia en dos, el deterioro del rendimiento y las relaciones interpersonales, que se pierden con facilidad en la raíz de los cambios institucionales y corporativos. Esa frágil, frágil gratificante. Pero una vez que se comience a sentir los empleados de la empresa por la suma del calor se elevará a su máxima capacidad. 1 de marzo cuestión de la Nikkei Business , dispone de los recursos humanos de investigación de gestión en el nombre de trabajo ...

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