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    Internet Reportage Politics Hardware Technology related words sought after illustration - pixiv diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga

    • Nearby accident - tabby cat diary
      Hobbies that you Motsuta | 17:25 | Parasyte is one of the comics, but I love 嵌Tsu had started junior high school students read about, but I think the hand sign thing Kore emotion. In the beginning of the story from someone in the head of the parasite, which revealed that the instructions that came to kill this kind of eating. → principle of behavior that the instruction program by program, reminiscent of the computer. Kill eating a top priority and that this kind of life to achieve it ...
      爱好,你Motsuta | 17点25分|寄生兽是喜剧演员之一,但我喜欢嵌津市已开始中学生阅读,但我认为一方面签署的事情是枝情绪。在从在寄生虫,结果发现该指令来杀死这头吃这类人故事的开始。 →原则的行为,按程序指令程序,计算机的联想。杀吃了优先处理,这样的生活实现它...

    • If you trust the person, the u0026quot;action principleu0026quot; to trust the u0026quot;freeu0026quot;, u0026quot;autonomy,u0026quot; u0026quot;independenceu0026quot; is closely related - Zope diary junkie
      When you were young - freedom and autonomy http://hiroshimo.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/autonomy/ u0026lt;The administration opposed the word freedom there. The former is responsible for the request to move from good to Toranaku instruction. Latter will be asked to take responsibility for their own work. Or autonomy and the set we are talking about . Autonomy means including without limitation from the rule of others ...
      When You Were Young - la libertad y la autonomía http://hiroshimo.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/autonomy/ u0026lt;La administración se opuso a la palabra libertad allí. El primero es responsable de la solicitud de pasar de la buena instrucción Toranaku. Este último se le pedirá que asuman la responsabilidad de su propio trabajo. O autonomía y el conjunto que estamos hablando . Autonomía significa incluyendo sin limitación a la norma de los demás ...

    • Earthquake in Chile on u0026quot;1u0026quot; is shorter than one microsecond? Slashdot FAQ --
      10/03/03/0219215story impact of the earthquake in Chile, 1 is shorter than one microsecond? hylom by March 3, 2010 11:20 Osorubeshi earthquake on the minutes from the power sector. Says TarZ Feb. 27 earthquake in central Chile, the Sun (M8.8), in addition to the damage is being reported near the epicenter, said the tsunami surge across the Pacific to Japan, very was significant. And, NASA JPL s ...
      10/03/03/0219215story последствий землетрясения в Чили, 1 меньше одной микросекунды? hylom от 3 марта 2010 11:20 Osorubeshi землетрясения минутах от энергетического сектора. Говорит TarZ 27 февраля землетрясение в центральной части Чили, ВС (M8.8), в дополнение к ущербу в отчетах вблизи эпицентра, сказал, что цунами всплеск через Тихий океан в Японии, очень было значительным. И, NASA JPL s ...

    • Mule Q: strange patterns on the surface of Mars spacecraft ... u0026quot;Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter,u0026quot; taken
      ... Strange patterns on the surface of Mars spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mars taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter is the responsibility to investigate the landing ground for future exploration, NASA by 2005 about eight years was launched in January with a budget of 700 billion yen. The spy satellite on a par with high-resolution camera, and much attention has been portrayed as a mysterious patterns on the surface of Mars. ※ Click to enlarge image (credit: NASA ...
      ...奇怪的现象在火星飞船表面的“火星侦察轨道器”火星采取的“火星侦察轨道器”的责任调查今后勘探,到2005年美国宇航局降落场大约8年1月启动了为700亿日元的预算。与高分辨率的数码相机相提并论间谍卫星,并引起广泛注意,描绘了火星表面的一个神秘的模式。 ※点击放大图片(来源:NASA ...

    • Sound the alarm about chemicals do not want creeping closer 『Febreze』 - Saizouman
      Examined the safety of products 』and『 Do not buy a best-seller, a stone cast from the early decades of the consciousness of consumers. Since then, the weekly Friday in Journals such as, s new book was released Watanabe Yuuzi science journalists have been accused of dangerous products. The modern man is surrounded by unnecessary chemicals, talked to continue to alert Mr. Watanabe. - The title of the new book is, frankly I do not want 『Febreze』. It is a shocking title. Yuji Watanabe (Watanabe below) this ...
      Examinó la seguridad de los productos y la 『』 No compre un best-seller, una piedra lanzada desde las primeras décadas de la conciencia de los consumidores. Desde entonces, el semanario viernes en revistas tales como, fue lanzado s nuevo libro de Watanabe periodistas científicos Yuuzi han sido acusados de productos peligrosos. El hombre moderno está rodeado por los productos químicos innecesarios, habló de seguir alerta Sr. Watanabe. - El título del nuevo libro es, francamente, no quiero Febreze 『』. Es un título impactante. Yuji Watanabe (Watanabe abajo) esto ...

    • Generation of college experience, the percentage of Masteru0026#39;s College - vocal exercises
      Is often forgotten when discussing the role of universities and graduate schools are ideal for university faculty and doctoral degrees, Master s College and being a college by the majority of their discussion partners. The Master s College accounts for all voters (especially if the person entering the doctoral program) or a percentage of how much exactly? I have roughly calculated. Rough enough value so necessarily match those I calculated as follows. Statistics: two years from the estimated population of 20010 over the age of 20 floor five-year-old age segmentation.
      Часто забывается при обсуждении вопроса о роли университетов и выпускников школ являются идеальными для университетских преподавателей и докторских степеней, мастер колледжа и, будучи колледжа большинством своих партнеров по обсуждению. Магистр Колледжа счета для всех избирателей (особенно, если лицо, входящее в докторские программы) или процентах, сколько именно? Я примерно рассчитаны. Неосторожное достаточное значение, так обязательно совпадают я рассчитывается следующим образом. Статистика: два года с населением 20010 в возрасте старше 20 этаж пяти-летнего возраста сегментации.

    • Cold is u0026quot;Arctic Oscillationu0026quot; Showa strongest after 54 years because - MSN Sankei News
      Review Meeting of the Japan Meteorological Agency climate analysis (Kimoto Masahide Chairman Professor, Center for Climate System Research, University of Tokyo) on May 3, winter (December to February of this year last year) to the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, including Japan and bring heavy snow in Hokuriku For outstanding cold higher than normal atmospheric pressure at high latitudes and the Arctic Circle, it was lower at mid-latitudes of the Arctic oscillation』 by 『introduced in and summarizes the views. According to the study, south by cold weather in northern latitudes during the winter Arctic Oscillation in the strongest of Showa since the winter of 54-55 years ...

    • Z Association, students who pass the u0026quot;voice of joyu0026quot; to deliver on Twitter: MarkeZine (Makejin)
      Z meeting, Kyoto University of Tokyo to distribute nationwide, including 10 Know the voice of joy from students who passed the university entrance exams early. (2010/03/03 11:30) Z meeting in March between 6th and 10th day of the previous year s national university entrance exams, Conference Report passed was held, the students have just had the news of the passing of Happiness voice to be published on Twitter. Successful applicants will hold a meeting to report, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University in Japan and other 10 universities.
      Reunión de la Z, la Universidad de Kyoto de Tokio para la distribución a nivel nacional, incluyendo 10 conocen la voz de la alegría de los estudiantes que aprobaron los exámenes de ingreso a la universidad temprano. (2010/03/03 11:30) Z reunión en marzo entre 6 º y 10 º día de exámenes de la universidad nacional del año anterior entrada, Informe de la Conferencia pasado se celebró, los estudiantes acaban de tener la noticia de la aprobación de la Felicidad la voz que se publicará en Twitter. Los candidatos seleccionados se celebrará una reunión para informar de la Universidad de Tokio, la Universidad de Kyoto en Japón y otras 10 universidades.

    • News - Environment - Chile earthquake gap in the earthu0026#39;s axis - National Geographic Japanese site
      February 2010 earthquake in Chile on 27 days. Move the axis of the earth by the tremendous destructive power, could become one with the shorter day length is NASA announced. Earthquakes of this magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in recorded history, according to the announcement of the five size and the second was 8.8.早Mari the speed of rotation of the earth by this earthquake, one day, one millionth of 1.26 seconds, a shortened
      Февраль 2010 Землетрясение в Чили на 27 дней. Перемещение по оси Земли с помощью огромной разрушительной силы, может стать одним с более короткой длиной день НАСА объявило. Землетрясения такого масштаба, У. С. геологическая служба (USGS) в истории, в соответствии с объявлением о пяти размеров, а второй 8,8.早 мар скорости вращения Земли с помощью этого землетрясения, один день , одна миллионная 1,26 секунд , сокращены

    • New light on cancer treatment - Dr. Fujitau0026#39;s autonomic immunotherapy (絡療 law fir needles nail therapy) - Rakuten Blog (Blog)
      Baiorezonansu in treatment planning instrument is as follows. 1: activation energy of the body --- the means to harmonize treatment and let the waves in the resonance Baiorezonansu, how the cancer is gone because the energy of the wave force will receive the first place, the first energy program will activate. 2: I say acupuncture meridians (energy flow path of air) to harmonize the. This is in line autonomic immunotherapy.
      在治疗计划文书Baiorezonansu如下。 1身体:活化能---协调的手段,让治疗的共振Baiorezonansu,癌症是如何去的浪潮,因为波浪力的能源将获得第一,第一次能源程序将启动。 2:我说针灸经络(能量空气流路),以协调。这是自主免疫一致。

    • News - Environment - Chile earthquake gap in the earthu0026#39;s axis (full article) - National Geographic Japanese Site
      February 2010 earthquake in Chile on 27 days. Move the axis of the earth by the tremendous destructive power, could become one with the shorter day length is NASA announced. Earthquakes of this magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in recorded history, according to the announcement of the five size and the second was 8.8.早Mari the speed of rotation of the earth by this earthquake, one day, one millionth of 1.26 seconds, said a shorter format. In place of NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California ...

    • Chile earthquake shifted the earthu0026#39;s axis, one day, u0026quot;one millionth of 1.26 seconds,u0026quot; short international news NASA: AFPBB News
      [March 3] in Chile, AFP magnitude that occurred February 27 Sun (M) 8.8 earthquake, the earth s axis shifted the earth, could become one with short day length, American Airlines Space Agency (NASA) announced. NASA s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL) geophysicist, Richard Gross (Richard Gross) by his calculations, about the earth s axis during the earthquake of 8 cm deviated obviously could ...
      [Mars 3] au Chili, l AFP ampleur qui ont eu lieu Février 27 dim (M) 8.8 tremblement de terre, axe de la terre déplacée la terre, pourrait devenir un avec la longueur du jour à court, American Airlines Space Agency (NASA) a annoncé. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL) géophysicien, Richard Gross (Richard brut) par ses calculs, sur l axe de la Terre pendant le tremblement de terre du 8 cm dévié ne pouvait évidemment ...

    • 6 shows the design of million years ago an advanced civilization of ancient Africa | WIRED VISION
      Previous article Nexus One screen is inferior to the iPhone : comparative findings snake in the predatory dinosaur eggs just 孵Tta fossil found the following article shows the design of the six million years ago an advanced civilization of ancient Africa Science March 2010 3 comments Technology Sun: Trackback (0) Technology Feed Science Bruce BowerImage: Pierre-Jean Texier, Diepkloof project ...
      Artículo anterior Nexus Una pantalla es inferior a la del iPhone : los resultados comparativos serpiente en los huevos de dinosaurio depredador sólo 孵 Tta fósil encontrado el siguiente artículo muestra el diseño de los seis millones de años atrás una civilización avanzada de la antigua África Ciencia marzo 2010 3 comentarios tecnología de Sun: Trackback (0) Tecnología Feed Science Bruce BowerImage: Pierre-Jean Texier, proyecto Diepkloof ...

    • Atlantic bluefin tuna, the embargo crisis in the Washington Convention: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      13th Conference of the Parties to CITES held in Qatar from the Middle East, the Atlantic bluefin tuna is some risk of extinction is given to growing exports and imports may be banned. Current quotas of about 23.9 thousand tons of imports 8 percent, but Japan has strongly opposed, the situation is tough. If the first is a case for the treaty to ban the distribution market for edible fish. Bluefin tuna are disappearing from the table or -? ◆ screams sushi shop ◆ in anticipation of the embargo, and wholesalers are holding off any more.
      13 Конференции Сторон СИТЕС состоявшейся в Катаре на Ближнем Востоке, атлантического тунца голубом является некоторым риском исчезновения дается растущий экспорт и импорт может быть запрещен. Текущие квоты около 23,9 тыс. тонн импорта 8 процентов, а Япония решительно выступает против, ситуация является жестким. Если в первом случае это по Договору о запрещении распределение рынке съедобных рыб. Обыкновенный тунец исчезает из-за стола или -? ◆ ◆ крики суши-магазин в ожидании эмбарго, и оптовики, прекратив больше.

    • Essay Ghost: O-Test offers a host of tricks that your ring
      (03/03) O-Test offers a host of tricks that your ring (02/28) For all that is likely to be expelled from the UK finally homeopathy (02/13) BioInformatician to aim for people to four. Bioinformatics industry s economic situation this year ~ (01/26) seems to have broken the Kazusa Akademia Park (01/25) in the risk of viral hepatitis infections in blood Sarasara victim of fraud (01/22) Lee ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): length of day one, short, Chile ... You feel the earthquake? - Science
      WASHINGTON, Katsuta Toshihiko] earthquake occurred in Chile (magnitude u0026lt;Mu0026gt; 8.8) in 速Mari the rotation of the earth, one day in length and 1.26 million will be calculated in hundredths of seconds shorter , National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) on May 1 announced. The earthquake caused the slip, slightly changing the shape of the earth, because of the slight change in the expected direction of the earth s axis. Calculated by assuming the size of the slip. Selection of figure skating ...
      WASHINGTON, Katsuta Toshihiko] tremblement de terre survenu au Chili (magnitude u0026lt;Mu0026gt; 8,8) 速 Mari dans la rotation de la terre, un jour de longueur et 1,26 millions d euros seront calculées en centièmes de secondes plus courte , National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) a annoncé le 1 Mai. Le séisme a provoqué le glissement, en changeant légèrement la forme de la terre, en raison du léger changement dans la direction attendue de l axe de la Terre. Calculé en supposant que la taille du coupon. Sélection du patinage artistique ...

    • Chile earthquake, the earthu0026#39;s axis deviation (Japanese site National Geographic) - Yahoo! News
      2010 February 27, magnitude 8.8 occurred near the epicenter of the Sun earthquake in Chile. Subducting plate, a change in the Earth s mass distribution. (Image courtesy NASA Earth Observatory) 2010 February 27 earthquake that occurred in Chile in the day. Move the axis of the earth by the tremendous destructive power, could become one with the shorter day length is NASA announced. Earthquakes of this magnitude, the U.S. Geological Survey (...
      2010 27 de febrero de magnitud 8,8 se produjo cerca del epicentro del terremoto de El Sol en Chile. Subducción de la placa, un cambio en la distribución de la masa de la Tierra. (Imagen cortesía de NASA Earth Observatory) 2010 27 de febrero del terremoto que ocurrió en Chile en el día. Mueva el eje de la tierra por el tremendo poder destructivo, podría convertirse en uno con la longitud del día más corto se anunció la NASA. Los terremotos de esta magnitud, la U. S. Encuesta Geológica (...

    • Yun free texture patterns taken marble Marble | Collis
      Taken by itself is marble, marble-patterned fabric texture * mary-chan from the introduction. Marble Textures - Carrara marble patterned texture material is also equipped above. [...]
      Само по себе это мрамор, мраморный узор ткань текстуры * Мэри-Chan от введения. Мраморные текстуры - из каррарского мрамора рисунком текстуры материала также оборудован выше. [...]

    • [Book review] to determine the success of science (Richard Wiseman): Far East Blog
      What is written in a world full of self-help book, for example, negative thinking is positive thinking or trying to quit, and to be successful or successful 思I描Kou image, some kind of true story like that? What is it really that mean? I think Why do not you know the validity of a scientific experiment about the point of such self-development? In that, just a science experiment paper summarizes the various existing social psychology from this perspective, the essence of self-help book ...

    • Twitter / medtoolz: maybe soon, u0026quot;the young guys are motivated enough. The motivation ...
      Maybe soon, the young guys are motivated enough. Defend the life of me the motivation and on that generation, it s not structural problems motivated. Sabotta ye this happens are you from. 老害 Shiro quickly sent off my life The younger generation that will never understand Aenai war. The majority always lose at 5:52 PM Feb 21stvia Tween young
      Может быть, скоро , молодые ребята мотивированы достаточно. Защитить жизнь мне мотивации и на этом поколении, это не структурные проблемы мотивированным. Sabotta вы это происходит, ты с. 老 害 Сиро быстрее отправили моей жизни Молодое поколение, которое никогда не поймут Aenai войны. Большинство всегда проигрывают в 5:52 вечера февраля 21stvia Твин молодые

    • Sound the alarm about chemicals do not want creeping closer 『Febreze』 - livedoor News
      Sound the alarm about chemicals do not want Febreze 『close』 sneaking up on March 3, 2010 12:00 / offer: examined the safety of products 』and『 Do not buy a best-seller, the consciousness of consumers After 10 years spent a stir quickly. Since then, the weekly Friday in Journals such as, s new book was released Watanabe Yuuzi science journalists have been accused of dangerous products. Modern people are surrounded by chemicals unnecessary punishment continue to talk to Mr. Watanabe warned ...
      健全有关化学品报警不想Febreze『关闭』偷偷在2010年3月3日12点向上/提供:审查了产品的安全性』和『不要购买一本畅销书,消费者意识10年后很快花了轰动。从那时起,“每周的星期五”的期刊,如 S新出版的,是渡边Yuuzi科技新闻记者近日被指控的危险产品。现代人四周都是不必要的处罚化学品继续谈论渡边先生警告...

    • The worldu0026#39;s first, 200m superconducting DC transmission success ... Chubu: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Chubu (Kasugai City, Aichi Prefecture) on November 2, less electrical resistance cable with superconducting materials, a direct current power transmission experiments in 200 meters, announced the first successful in the world. Current power transmission equipment has been made for alternating current, far more efficient to send large amounts of power superconducting power transmission is being conducted in the exchange of research, the university is better for direct-current power transmission Noting that greatly reduce the power lost in the process. The success of the experiment, and with an additional boost to the practical application of superconducting power transmission ...
      Chubu (Kasugai City, Prefectura de Aichi) el 2 de noviembre, un cable menos resistencia eléctrica con materiales superconductores, un experimentos de transmisión de corriente directa de energía en los 200 metros, anunció el primer éxito en el mundo.現在の電力設備の送電は交流電流で行われているため、大量の電力を効率よく遠方に送る「超伝導送電」の研究も交流で進められているが、同大では直流の方が、送電Tomando nota de que en gran medida a reducir el poder perdido en el proceso. El éxito del experimento, y con un impulso adicional a la aplicación práctica de la transmisión de energía superconductores ...

    • u0026quot;Muscle poweru0026quot; cutting edge: u0026quot;The body is also available inu0026quot; rubber piezoelectric | WIRED VISION
      Featured article before dangerous relationship? Mail disappear after a certain time 『TigerText』 on the internet that is false and real personality : The following article findings muscle power cutting edge: The body is also available in the rubber piezoelectric March 2, 2010 Science Technology Comment: Trackback (0) Science Technology feed Katie DrummondPhoto: Frank Wojciechowski walk or jog.
      Featured article avant relation dangereuse? Mail disparaissent après un certain temps TigerText 『』 sur internet qui est faux et vraie personnalité : Les résultats ci-dessous la force musculaire Cutting edge: «Le corps est également disponible dans le caoutchouc piézoélectriques Mars 2, 2010 Science Technology Comment: Trackback (0) Science Technologie de la nourriture Katie DrummondPhoto: Frank Wojciechowski marche ou du jogging.

    • The standard medical treatment center, alternative medicine is a misconception that prevention center - NATROM Diary
      Is the standard medical treatment center, argued that prevention is better to be good, and alternative medicine. That is friendly to alternative medicine, nor does it deny people the standard medical Nevertheless, common to these claims. Here is an example. January 2010 Sun 28 Budget Commission (emphasized by quotes) ○ The Prime Minister (Mr. Yukio Hatoyama) Gozaimashita ask the Commission for Integrated Medicine from Yamane. The following is a broad medical, so-called Western medicine, medical care, ie, it is large ...
      Является стандартным медицинским центром лечения, утверждают, что профилактика лучше, чтобы быть хорошим, и альтернативной медицины. , Доброжелательная к альтернативной медицине, а также не лишать людей стандартной медицинской Тем не менее, общие для этих претензий. Вот пример. Январь 2010 Вс 28 бюджетной комиссии (подчеркивал в кавычки) ○ премьер-министр (г-н Юкио Хатояма) Gozaimashita просить Комиссию по комплексному медицина Yamane. Ниже в общих медицинских, так называемой западной медицины, медицинской помощи, т. е. это большой ...

    • CNN.co.jp: Chile earthquake, one day, u0026quot;one millionth of 1.26 seconds,u0026quot; short NASA
      (CNN) - January 27, Chile coastal magnitude occurred early on (M) 8.8 earthquake, the length of day one, one millionth of 1.26 seconds and may be shortened , National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scientists announced. The impact of the earthquake, only a few deformed shape of the earth, about the earth s axis shifted as 8 cm, one calculates the change in day length. The major earthquake that affects the length of day and change the shape of the earth has happened so far. In the year 2004 ...
      (CNN) - Janvier 27, Chili ampleur côtiers s est produite au début sur (M) 8.8 tremblement de terre, la longueur du jour », un millionième de 1,26 secondes et mai être raccourcie , National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) a annoncé les scientifiques. L impact du tremblement de terre, seulement une forme peu déformé de la terre, autour de l axe de la terre déplacée de 8 cm, on calcule la variation de la longueur du jour. Le tremblement de terre majeur qui influe sur la durée du jour et de modifier la forme de la Terre qui s est passé jusqu ici. En l an 2004 ...

    • Solve the challenges of 80 years, the simulation of new materials 10 million times faster! : Gizmodo
      Solve the challenges of science 80 years, the simulation of new materials 10 million times faster! Date posted: 2010.03.02 23:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] is another step in science has evolved. With the development of quantum physics, the Thomas-Fermi equation was presented to predict the kinetic energy of electrons in the material the 1920s. This theory and the nature of the material has been used to predict the response to physical stress. Resona more this time ...
      Résoudre les défis de la science de 80 ans, la simulation de nouveaux matériaux plus rapidement 10 millions de fois! Date postée: 2010.03.02 23:00 Commentaires [0] Trackbacks [0] est un autre pas dans la science a évolué. Avec le développement de la physique quantique, l équation de Thomas-Fermi a été présenté pour prédire l énergie cinétique des électrons dans le matériau des années 1920. Cette théorie et de la nature du matériau a été utilisé pour prédire la réponse au stress physique. Resona plus cette fois ...

    • On the internet that is u0026quot;false and real personalityu0026quot;: Research results | WIRED VISION
      Previous article muscle power cutting edge: The body is also available One of the piezoelectric rubber on the net is a real false personality : the results of March 2010 2 comments Sun Media: Trackback (0) feed Media: Bruce BowerImage: escapedtowisconsin/Flickr1 dogs, talk to other dogs. The Internet is good dog can tell anyone I know. New Yorker magazine 』to『 posting on ...
      Article précédent la force musculaire Cutting edge: «Le corps est également disponible« Un des piézo-électriques en caoutchouc sur le net est une «fausse personnalité réelle : les résultats de Mars 2010 2 comments Sun Media: Trackback (0) les aliments Media: Bruce BowerImage: escapedtowisconsin/Flickr1 chiens, discuter avec d autres chiens. L Internet est bon chien peut dire à personne que je connais. New Yorker magazine pour 『』 annonce le ...

    • u0026quot;Imperfect law aside,u0026quot; (President)
      Practice and Nobel Prize winner! The ultimate art of time imperfect law aside, President March 2 (Tue) 10:15 min Distributor / Economics - General Economic Evaluation ■ If the announcement after one day even when reading English classics and difficult to zero , while pulling the dictionary, and will carefully translate every word, one s patience and years rolled by, you are going to do the whole, it would expire without the slightest clue. Human Arts Many are called, the pitfalls of such a perfectionist ...
      Pratique et lauréat du Prix Nobel! L art ultime du temps loi imparfaite de côté, Le président Mars 2 (mar.) 10:15 min Distributeur / Economics - General Economic Evaluation ■ Si l annonce après une journée, même lors de la lecture des classiques anglais et difficile à zéro , tout en tirant le dictionnaire, et suivra attentivement traduire chaque mot, sa patience et des années écoulées, vous allez faire l ensemble, il viendrait à expiration sans le moindre indice. Droits de l art Beaucoup sont appelés, les pièges d un tel perfectionniste ...

    • Recorded world history lectures
      This is a recording of my high school world history classes. The central narrative is the class-conscious trying to convey to students the excitement of world history. All gathered for a story, sometimes, myths, 珍説, odd theory, the theory I m Talking, as we have seen The story is not that 引Kitsukeyou students. Story, including excursions, we try whenever possible fidelity. So, in some areas and little long-winded, each Bae - page is long. However, the actual means of conveying the atmosphere of the class ...
      Ceci est un enregistrement de mes classes de lycée et l histoire du monde. Le récit central est la conscience de classe essaie de transmettre aux étudiants l excitation de l histoire mondiale. Tous se sont réunis pour une histoire, parfois, les mythes, 珍 说, étrange théorie, la théorie I m Talking », comme nous l avons vu L histoire n est pas que 引 Kitsukeyou étudiants. Histoire, y compris des excursions, nous essayons chaque fois que la fidélité possible. Ainsi, dans certains domaines et peu long, chaque Bae - page est longue. Toutefois, les moyens réels de donner l atmosphère de la classe ...

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