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    • Softbank, Willcom assistance agreement with investment funds - NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): major news - important news on various fields
      Softbank two held a meeting of the board, the company applied for court protection Willcom PHS decided to support the largest. Tour of the investment fund Advantage Partners and stake (AP) was in trouble with the adjustment, the agreement reached between the two. Support the final decision on whether to close a financing mechanism to consider supporting corporate restructuring. Willcom s reorganization plan makes about 420 million users are facing the person enters the final phase. Softbank from Willcom fast speed ...
      软银两次召开董事会会议上,公司的破产保护申请Willcom的小灵通决定支持最大。投资基金Advantage Partners和股份(美联社)旅游的问题是与调整,达成的协议的两个。支持就是否结束一个筹资机制,考虑支持企业重组的最后决定。 Willcom的重组计划,使约420万用户都面临着人进入最后阶段。软银从商Willcom速度快...

    • Asahi Shimbun editorial dark side of the Democratic Party - quickly put out a hand scoop: asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun) - finalvent Diary
      Inconsistent with that, I guess we are, dark side of the Democratic Party - quickly put out a hand scoop and not think so. From the dark side in any political groups have always managed to do that I think you want to finesse it. Kobayashi Tiyomi House of Representatives member of the Democratic camp, and that the case had received illegal campaign funds from the teachers union, Hokkaido, northern leaders of the religious group were arrested four people. Democrats and labor relations inseparable. Mr. Kobayashi, but not limited to, members rely on union money and votes, the candidate ...
      Incompatible avec cela, je pense que nous sommes », côté obscur du Parti démocrate - a rapidement mis une pelle à main et ne pas penser ainsi. Du côté obscur dans les groupes politiques ont toujours réussi à le faire je pense que vous voulez le finesse. Kobayashi Tiyomi Chambre des représentants, membre du camp démocratique, et que l affaire avait reçu des fonds de campagne illégaux syndicat des enseignants, Hokkaido, les dirigeants du Nord du groupe religieux ont été arrêtés quatre personnes. Démocrates et des relations sociales indissociables. M. Kobayashi, mais sans s y limiter, les membres de l Union s appuient sur de l argent et des votes, le candidat ...

    • Dissolved ions introduced with great fanfare and 100 yen in six months u0026quot;third beeru0026quot; (from Diamond) - Yahoo! News
      Last summer, 100 crawling with the advent of beer yen retail market. Retail giant Aeon and Seven u0026amp; I Holdings Co. The two companies, third beer in private (PB) items for July 24 but released on the same day. Both companies produce the Suntory. Domestic manufacturers of beer manufactured by PB was the first appearance. However, the ion Rino Kaoru Toppubaryu barley has become to disappear from store shelves in just six months. First year sales target of 300 ...
      Прошлым летом 100 сканирование с появлением пива иен розничном рынке. Гигант розничной торговли Aeon и семь u0026amp; я холдингз Ко двух компаний , третье пиво в частной (PB) пункты, за июль 24, но освобожден в тот же день. Обе компании производят Сантори. Отечественные производители пива производства ПБ было первое появление. Тем не менее, иона Рино Каору Toppubaryu ячмень стала исчезать с прилавков магазинов в шесть месяцев. Первый год продажи цели 300 ...

    • Facebook also invested! The newcomers came from Russia and the U.S. following the SNS 買I漁Ru we aim to | by destruction of their business model | Online Diamonds
      Recently, Digital Sky Technologies (DST) as well as hear the name of the company. DST is a venture capital company based in Russia s too. DST in the U.S. spread the name of the first, SNS (Social Network Service) to Facebook, and invested 2 billion dollars last year was that five of the month. DST is this investment, you get 2% but close to the ownership of Facebook, a number of investments in S has been kicking the story ...
      最近,数码天空技术(DST)的以及听到公司的名称。 DST的是一个风险投资公司在俄罗斯也为基础。在美国的DST传播的第一个名字,社交网络服务(社会网络服务)的脸谱,并投资20亿美元,去年是5月份。 DST的这项投资,将得到2%,但接近Facebook的一个投资数的S所有权一直踢的故事...

    • Net made of steel cast-off skin of a girl u0026quot;COMBINEu0026quot;: Zaiga
      Artists playing in Japan Etorikenji Mr., made with steel nets, humanoid 『girl』 empty shell with a transparent body such as (ye People). If the contents of the shed is plausible that two-dimensional journey to the world.
      Les artistes jouant au Japon Etorikenji« Monsieur, faites avec des filets d acier, fille humanoïde 『』 coquille vide avec un corps transparent tel (du Paradis). Si le contenu de l abri est plausible que le voyage de deux dimensions pour le monde.

    • ITAKURAu0026#39;s EYE u0026quot;Nippon socialist countriesu0026quot; - Office Itakura Yuuitirou
      Clearly describes the economic and financial valuation of the stock investment scheme. DVD to promote the understanding and books dealing Itakura Yuuitirou Office Web site, the country can you give me money. Human thinks so, many feel that it was. The company went bankrupt, it is Too Big Country was willing to pay the money. Even less income, the things necessary to make it easier subsidies. Also have to work a job while being picky, can you give me a variety of subsidies. And even full-time ...
      Describe claramente la valoración económica y financiera del régimen de inversión de valores. DVD a promover el entendimiento y los libros que tratan Itakura Yuuitirou Oficina sitio web, el país puede darme el dinero. Human piensa así, muchos sienten que lo era. La compañía se declaró en quiebra, es demasiado grande país estaba dispuesto a pagar el dinero. Aún menos ingresos, las cosas necesarias para facilitar a los subsidios. También tienen que trabajar un puesto de trabajo mientras se exigente, me puede dar una variedad de subsidios. E incluso a tiempo completo ...

    • Peddling base of democracy (the Shao Tanaka u0026quot;Explore Parliamentu0026quot;)
      Democratic Party with the problem areas was held in one day Diet. In the Democratic prefectural chapter was released from the budget rather than from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Public Works For that, from the opposition, said political patronage was criticized pork-barrel politics is a detriment to democracy, paintings Such was the protest against the decision. Prime Minister Hatoyama answered, it is regrettable, but as the disposition of the Minister of Transport, is a reflection of the immaturity of democracy in Japan as well. The pros and cons of the matter from a ruling made public with a place at this time ...
      Демократическая партия с проблемных зон был проведен в течение одного дня парламента. В демократической префектуры глава был освобожден из бюджета, а не из министерства земли, инфраструктуры и общественных работ За что, с оппозицией , сказал политического патронажа критиковали свинина-Политика ствола в ущерб демократии , картины Таков был протест против этого решения. Премьер-министр Хатояма ответила: Это вызывает сожаление, но как распоряжение министра транспорта, является отражением незрелости демократии в Японии. Плюсы и минусы этого вопроса с постановлением, вынесенным с общественностью место в это время ...

    • Rulemaking to spread e-book distribution and copyright research: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Affairs, Economy, 3 Ministry of Education on July 2 e-books for the dissemination of digitized books and magazines, has decided to devise rules for domestic distribution and copyright. Publishers and communications companies, rights organizations, the private sector through the Joint Committee of the National Diet Library and 3 will be launched during the month to put together a specific plan this summer. In the U.S., information terminals 2007 of Internet retailer Amazon s was released, Kindle a hit, the popular e-book is rapidly ...
      Дел, экономики, 3 Министерство образования 2-го июля электронных книг для распространения цифровых книг и журналов, приняла решение разработать правила внутреннего распределения и авторского права. Издатели и коммуникационных компаний, правозащитных организаций, частного сектора через Объединенный комитет Национальная Парламентская библиотека и 3 будет запущен в течение месяца собрать конкретный план этого лета. В США, информационно-справочные терминалы в 2007 году розничный интернет Амазонки был освобожден зажигать хитом, популярной электронной книги быстро ...

    • Motoshige Ito University of Tokyo professor editorial expressed concern about a financial collapse that is scientifically correct? - Make a good country! u0026quot;Gu Buro of angeru0026quot;
      I do this is with University of Tokyo. Professor Iwamoto says, 示Se model that I could have, in an editorial of Professor Ito s happening to you? I think I can stand in the debate on what really experts? What scholars of economics in Japan, I m raving about this degree or that. Sincerely and delusive belief correct and wise experts, or unworthy of that trust which describes how a professor of economics specializing 家Taru Japan, 書Kazaru articles that I have to shame. Japan is a professor of economics, etc. ...

    • Mr. Masuzoe in Japan, and Iu0026#39;m going to quit the ruling Liberal Democratic Party (Financial Times) - goo News
      Masuzoe said Japan s Liberal Democratic Party and I m going to leave the March 3, 2010 (Wed) 07:30 (2010 Financial Times, March 02, translated goo 初出 Sun News) Japan s most popular Tokyo bureau chief Mure Dickie politicians 1st, I m going to quit the LDP and the opposition threatened. Not only that, here from a historic defeat in elections last year, and the LDP leadership remains unable to revive the fortunes of the party, accusing party leaders. Previous health minister Yoichi Masuzoe, the new political group.
      Masuzoe déclaré que le Japon le Parti démocratique libéral et je vais quitter le Mars 3, 2010 (Mer) 07:30 (2010 Financial Times, Mars 02, traduit Goo 初 出 Sun Nouvelles) Japon le plus populaire chef du bureau de Tokyo Mure Dickie politiciens 1ère, je vais quitter le PLD et l opposition menacée. Non seulement ça, ici d une défaite historique lors des élections l an dernier, et les dirigeants du PLD demeure incapable de faire revivre les fortunes du parti, accusant les dirigeants du parti. Précédent ministre de la Santé Yoichi Masuzoe, le nouveau groupe politique.

    • New Maestro - himaginary Diary
      Economy | title of maestro of monetary policy by Alan Green span Glorious past, the Reserve Bank of Australia is now Australia s central bank (Reserve Bank of Australia u003d RBA) governor Glenn Stevens suitable for what, in an article that David Bekkuwasu are introduced. As has already been reported, RBA will raise interest rates yesterday, with interest rates at 4.0 percent. This is to raise interest rates last month turned 10 ...
      Economía | título de maestro de la política monetaria de Alan Green span pasado glorioso, el Banco de la Reserva de Australia es ahora el banco central de Australia (Reserve Bank of Australia u003d RBA) Gobernador Glenn Stevens adecuado para lo que, en un artículo que David Bekkuwasu se introducen. Como ya se ha informado, la Dirección Regional elevará las tasas de interés de ayer, con tasas de interés en el 4,0 por ciento. Esto es para elevar las tasas de interés el mes pasado cumplí 10 ...

    • u0026quot;Oshima Secretary scary faceu0026quot; meeting with Liberal Democratic discontent: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Liberal Democratic Party yesterday, Mr. Tanigaki, who attended the Secretary Oshima, different times of the House of Representatives election, during another meeting, one of the bullets held at the party headquarters. This day is intended for elected representatives 1-4 times, erupted criticism and calls for the recruitment of young to support the National Assembly. In this, while it took a deliberate tactic by the House of Representatives rejected, people do not understand. It was to be more outgoing and through the Budget Committee, after another and leadership and criticism. A lawmaker in question is too out of parliament, the complaint said. Also, too much fear in the face of the secretary ...
      Либерально-демократическая партия Вчера г-н Танигаки, который присутствовал секретарь Осима разное время Палата представителей выборов , во время очередной встречи , одна из пуль, состоявшемся в штаб-квартире партии. Этот день предназначен для избранных представителей 1-4 раза, разразился критикой и призывает к вербовке молодежи в поддержку Национальной ассамблеи. В данной ситуации, но она приняла преднамеренная тактика Палата представителей отклонила, люди не понимают. Следует более дружелюбен и за счет бюджета комитета, за другим, а руководство и критики. Законодателя в вопросе слишком из парламента , сказал жалобы. Кроме того, Слишком много страха, в лице Генерального секретаря ...

    • Rogue Republicans wrecked and turned into a myth that Reagan conservatism in the United States JBpress (Japan Business Press)
      That weekend. The author s memoir 『Sarah Palin Going Rogue (live as a rogue). While reading while working hard, and why American conservatism is what has become like this, the question of biased. This book is nothing of self-righteous, without reflection, the nationalist, is something that s missing is any independent thought. Why was this woman why the U.S. right-wing stars. Why so popular in the 2012 presidential election ...

    • u0026quot;Ladies and gentlemen of the Director of Human Resources, What is the productivity low in Japan, Hong tokenu0026quot;: Nikkei Business Online
      Village Nonoiti as Director of Human Resources Committee, various fields of human resource managers and the roundtable talk three times the village chief. This committee is a potluck theme and the latest HR topics of interest for each participant, there type bon appétit be honest. This time, you put the last a global human resources for the theme of the discourse more bon appétit. Story spread from the comparison of labor productivity, we successfully characterized the Japanese for talking to the drivers of corporate engagement and work ...
      Village Nonoiti en tant que Directeur des Ressources humaines, comité, différents domaines de gestionnaires des ressources humaines et la conversation table ronde trois fois le chef du village. Ce comité est un thème de la fortune du pot et les derniers sujets RH de l intérêt pour chaque participant, il ya le type Bon appétit être honnête. Cette fois, vous mettez les «Enfin un mondial des ressources humaines» pour le thème du discours plus bon appétit. Histoire de la propagation de la comparaison de la productivité du travail, nous avons réussi caractérise les Japonais pour parler aux conducteurs de l engagement des entreprises et de travail ...

    • Why not improve the unemployment rate in the United States | United States Princeton, New Trends in development | Columns u0026amp; Blogs | Newsweek Japan Official Site
      Since taking office, President Obama has been working on economic stimulus is no doubt a top priority. Specifically, the economic stimulus package, fiscal stimulus that is, public works and education infrastructure, the introduction of a tax on a wide range of areas such as Science and Technology, two years to create 300 million jobs, so when he is declared We. Its economic stimulus package is $ 7900 billion (71 trillion yen), but that something huge, and the start of 2009 passed by Congress and implemented early in the year. Start now ...
      Desde que asumió el cargo, el presidente Obama ha estado trabajando en el estímulo económico es sin duda una prioridad. En concreto, el paquete de estímulo económico, el estímulo fiscal, es decir, obras públicas y de infraestructura para la educación, la introducción de un impuesto sobre una amplia gama de áreas tales como ciencia y tecnología, dos años de creación de 300 millones de empleos, así que cuando se declare que nosotros. Su paquete de estímulo económico es 7900 mil millones dólares (71 trillion yen), pero que algo enorme, y el inicio de 2009, aprobada por el Congreso y aplicarse a principios de año. Empiece ahora ...

    • Nishida said LDP upper house budget committee] [full report, u0026quot;we can not even crying wolf,u0026quot; Prime Minister u0026quot;had to forgetu0026quot; (1 / 4 page) - MSN Sankei News
      Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio Nishida Masashi answer the question of the LDP s upper house budget committee. I remember a thing of the past in response to occasional u003d 3, Wednesday, upper house committee room No. 1 (photo by Sakamaki Shiyunsuke) Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama is a three-day House of Councilors Budget Committee, Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party and prime minister, teachers union, Hokkaido of money politics over the issue were pursued. Main interaction is as follows. [Prime Minister] said the case disguised donations Nishida Masashi (LDP) funding from the mother about what I used to do 12 billion yen. Dove ...
      Премьер-министр Хатояма Нисида Юкио Масаси ответа на вопрос о верхнем доме бюджет комитета ЛДП. Я помню из прошлого в ответ на случайных u003d 3, среда, верхняя палата Комитет комната № 1 (фото Сакамаки Shiyunsuke), премьер-министр Юкио Хатояма это трехдневное Палаты советников бюджету, Итиро Одзава, генеральный секретарь Демократической партии и премьер-министр, Союз учителей, Хоккайдо деньги политике преследовали по этому вопросу. Главное взаимодействия состоит в следующем. [Премьер-министр] сказал, что случай скрытой пожертвований Нисида Масаси (ЛДП) финансирование от матери о том, что я использовал в 12 миллиардов иен. Dove ...

    • Kamei ban corporate donations to the strong opposition u0026quot;to the family and the birth of Hatoyama like ...u0026quot; honorific Prime Minister - MSN Sankei News
      Finance Minister Shizuka Kamei, the national postal reform national party said yesterday, about the ban on corporate donations has adopted the Prime Minister and Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama Ichiro Ozawa of the Democratic Party was born into a rich family like to do that Hatoyama Yattara not (the politicians) will Yarenaku he said, while the honorific by the Prime Minister stressed that he opposes. Told reporters at the party headquarters. Ozawa is the Social Democratic Party four days, the two parties met with the new national secretary, is expected to call for ban corporate donations, and coordination within the ruling party ...

    • [Notes] Rika Mori Yoshihisa old candy Editing Special Committee in Washington - MSN Sankei News
      ■ skepticism toward global warming theory predicted that by 2035 the Himalayan glaciers would melt all the year there was no evidence agricultural production in Africa is predicted that 20 was a mistake and half the year アマゾンの熱帯雨林はこのままだと40%以上が危機に直面するという記述にも科学的根拠はなかった」 「オランダの国土は地球温暖化のためにすでに55%が海抜ゼロ以下になったという発表The mistakes, in fact, 26 percent were still things like this ...
      ■ scepticisme envers la théorie du réchauffement global »prédit que d ici 2035 les glaciers himalayens ferait fondre toute l année il n y avait aucune preuve de la production agricole en Afrique est prévu que 20 était une erreur et la moitié de l année アマゾンの熱帯雨林はこのままだと40%以上が危機に直面するという記述にも科学的根拠はなかった」 「オランダの国土は地球温暖化のためにすでに55%が海抜ゼロ以下になったという発表Les erreurs, en effet, 26 pour cent étaient encore des «choses comme ça ...

    • Ishihara, minister Disaster u0026quot;tsunami warning Tokyo Marathon ignoreu0026quot; criticism u0026quot;that better Iwanai stupidu0026quot; (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      洽 Nakai (Hiroshi waitress), minister in charge of disaster management (67) is a two-day press conference for the Tokyo Marathon was held in Chile earthquake tsunami warning came out, that there is no sense to put a warning and will possibly become the next alarm is not to be trusted, he said, raised doubts in the judge held. Contrast the same night, Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara (77) after the end of the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly, told reporters in an interview, I better not say something stupid Flame and objections. Fights are sold ... bought too. ...
      洽 Nakai (camarera Hiroshi), ministro encargado de la gestión de desastres (67) es una conferencia de dos días de prensa de la Maratón de Tokio se celebró en alerta contra los tsunamis terremoto de Chile salió , que no tiene sentido poner una advertencia y, posiblemente, se convertirá en la alarma que viene no se puede confiar , dijo, plantea dudas en el juez sostuvo. Contraste de la misma noche, el gobernador de Tokio Shintaro Ishihara (77) después del final de la Asamblea Metropolitana de Tokio, dijo a los periodistas en una entrevista: Yo mejor no decir algo estúpido Llama y objeciones. Combates se venden ... comprado también. ...

    • 17th Speaker: pursuing the younger generation, u0026quot;hardworkingu0026quot; and u0026quot;happinessu0026quot; which is located between the - plot course to take advantage of business intelligence tae ~ ...: ITpro
      Last month, Everyone a Changemaker-innovation and social change the world - a symposium that was held. Purpose is as the title, but their Studio Change is, but it ll be a change for the better in the range of each society. Looking back to this symposium, the Japanese are being transformed hard work I want to think about again. I have been involved in this Symposium. After the announcement, two in less than a day ...
      В прошлом месяце Каждый Changemaker-инновационных и социальных перемен Мир - был проведен симпозиум, что. Цель, как название, но их Студия перемены , но она будет меняться к лучшему в диапазоне от каждого общества. Оглядываясь на этом симпозиуме, японцы превращаются тяжелая работа Я хочу думать снова. Я участвовал в этом симпозиуме. После объявления, два в менее чем за один день ...

    • People emerging suddenly got a whole lot more taxes to pay inheritance tax? (1 / 2): J-CAST News
      Review of the system has become the inheritance tax. In the current system of inheritance tax to pay people to stay around 100 people, to raise taxes, thin and wide to collect it. Democratic lawmakers also out concrete plans for tax increases, the situation is likely in fiscal 2011 was revised law. Inheritance tax in 2003 and revised in January 1, the top rate from 70 percent to 50 percent tax bracket and reduce the spread. Later, the study also reviewed under the LDP, was seen off at Kita Tsune economic downturn ...

    • Agora: Sun take on the debt the Bank of Japan - Nobuo Ikeda
      Assume the central bank bonds Sun column in today s economic category - the debate continues in Congress over the central bank easing Nobuo Ikeda added. Finance Minister Shizuka Kamei, especially the Bank of Japan (the bonds) as well as buying from the market, I can do it directly in charge of making bond funds, said the central bank underwriting of government bonds which had been taboo in-depth. This is an interesting exercise in macroeconomics, Yattara consider what happens in practice. If the market is moving ...
      Supposons que les obligations bancaires Soleil Central colonne en catégorie économique d aujourd hui - le débat se poursuit au sein du Congrès sur la Banque centrale assouplissement Nobuo Ikeda ajouté. Le ministre des Finances Shizuka Kamei, en particulier la Banque du Japon (les obligations) ainsi que l achat du marché, je peux le faire directement en charge de faire les fonds obligataires, dit la banque centrale de souscription d obligations du gouvernement qui avait été tabou en profondeur. Ceci est un exercice intéressant en macroéconomie, Yattara considérer ce qui arrive dans la pratique. Si le marché est en marche ...

    • Ozawa was born in the Heisei impression of u0026quot;bossu0026quot;, u0026quot;sorry manu0026quot; politician u0026quot;cartoon likeu0026quot; very interesting survey results Takashi Tachibana said. : Glasses Kingu0026#39;s blog: warm, sometimes sunny.
      March 2, 2010 21:35 thinking category. Ozawa was born in the Heisei impression of boss , sorry man politician cartoon like very interesting survey results Takashi Tachibana said. Mr. Takashi Tachibana, Takashi Tachibana No. 3 Mon Bungei, American Political Ichiro Ozawa is dead at a seminar in your own classes, I was taking a survey about Ichiro Ozawa. All six-question survey. Question No. 1 and the dawn of history to you? , And was a post yesterday. Jomon for us, and Showa are lumped ...
      2 de marzo, la categoría 2010 21:35 pensar. Ozawa nació en la impresión de Heisei jefe , Lo siento político de dibujos animados como resultados de la encuesta muy interesante Takashi Tachibana, dijo. Sr. Takashi Tachibana, Takashi Tachibana, N º 3 lun Bungei, American Political Ichiro Ozawa ha muerto en un seminario en sus propias clases, yo estaba haciendo una encuesta acerca de Ichiro Ozawa. Los seis encuesta en cuestión. Pregunta N º 1 y el amanecer de la historia para usted? , Y era un post de ayer. Jomon para nosotros, y Showa se agrupan ...

    • isologue - by office Isozaki Tetsuya: What do the underwriting of government bonds and inflation will be the Bank of Japan?
      isologue - by office Isozaki Tetsuya [isologue (Isorogu) - by office Isozaki Tetsuya] is a business network and to comment on the blog that is related to the economy. Mr. Nobuo Ikeda, the central bank bonds take on the Sun is written so that entry, I tried to think about the central bank underwriting bonds. The central bank is taking on the debt that is prohibited by the Finance Act, is possible if the Assembly resolution. The Assembly provisionally the central bank ...
      isologue - по подразделениям Исодзаки Тэцуя [isologue (Isorogu) - на службе Исодзаки Тэцуя] является бизнес-сеть и дать свои комментарии в блоге, что связано с экономикой. Г-н Нобуо Икеда, центральным банком облигаций взять на солнце написан так, что вступление, я стараюсь думать о центральном андеррайтинга облигаций Банка. Центральный Банк берет на себя долг, что запрещено Законом о финансировании, возможно, если резолюции Ассамблеи. Ассамблеи временно центральный банк ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Mayor Akune to ignore the courtu0026#39;s decision, District Court of the lost - Social
      And a dishonorable discharge the employees of the city mayor Takehara Nobukazu Akune Kagoshima Prefecture, the problem does not follow the decision of the court ordered the suspension of the disposition effect, the city s former chief of men were dismissed (45) unpaid wages The lawsuit asked the court about 220 million yen to pay the city 3 days, Kagoshima District Court. Maki Kenzi appeal judges confirmed the former assistant manager last October and ordered to pay the salaries and bonuses after the Suspension effect in February. Mayor Takehara hearing brief submitted in the return to work if the plaintiff, public Fu ...

    • Dot topical: tough on crime Prime Minister Hatoyama from anti-party activities
      Strict anti-party activities from the party act tough on crime u003d more crime against Prime Minister Prime Minister Hatoyama Yukio Hatoyama Hatoyama Prime 3 pm in the House of Councilors Budget Committee, Democratic Party over the operation, severe punishment than the criminal anti-party activities and of course make the recognition shown. I answered the Reform Club Mr. Yasuhiro Oe. He added, noted that 2008 was over expel themselves from the Democratic Party was anti-party acts, the House of Representatives lawmaker from the Party of the Democratic Party Hiroshi Satoru Ishikawa was indicted on charges of violating the Political Funds Control Law nothing ...
      Stricte des activités anti-parti de la loi sur les partis sévir contre le crime u003d crime de plus contre le Premier ministre Le Premier ministre Hatoyama Yukio Hatoyama Hatoyama Prime 3 heures dans la Chambre des Conseillers du Comité du budget, le Parti démocratique sur le fonctionnement, la punition sévère que la lutte contre les activités criminelles partie et bien sûr faire de la reconnaissance affichée. J ai répondu à la réforme du Club M. Yasuhiro Oe. Il a ajouté, a noté que 2008 a été expulser plus de lui-même du Parti démocrate est des actes anti-parti, la Chambre des représentants député du Parti du Parti Démocratique Satoru Hiroshi Ishikawa a été inculpé de violation de la loi sur le contrôle des fonds politiques rien ...

    • Haraguchi Affairs Minister explained tsunami information sink ... I was on Twitter: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Haraguchi two public works minister after a cabinet meeting Tuesday morning at a press conference, Twitter s own tsunami-related information associated with earthquakes that occurred in Chile (From simple site) about the writing, and (From the name of the Minister of Internal Affairs effectuate a) risk of identity theft do not know if there is, the priority is to convey accurate information to the public, and asked for understanding. He added, NHK broadcasting organizations to disseminate information about such disasters, including public broadcasting more appropriate time to time, they are not equally shared detailed information flow ...
      Haraguchi ministro de obras públicas de dos después de una reunión del gabinete de la mañana del martes en una conferencia de prensa, el tsunami propio Twitter en la información asociados a los terremotos que ocurrieron en Chile (De sitio simple) acerca de la escritura, y (por el nombre del Ministro del Interior efectuar a) el riesgo de robo de identidad no sé si existe, la prioridad es transmitir información precisa al público , y pidió comprensión. Añadió, los organismos de radiodifusión NHK para difundir información acerca de tales desastres , incluyendo la radiodifusión pública más apropiado vez en cuando, no son igualmente compartidos flujo de información detallada ...

    • Mathematics 徒然 day we will be at FC2 | Fiscal Multipliers and Policy Coordination partial translation
      Fiscal Multipliers and Policy Coordination Gauti B. Eggertsson Abstract This paper discusses the size of the effect of fiscal policy at zero nominal interest rate. I will analyze the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model incorporating rational expectations and price rigidity, assuming that the future can not be committed by government policy. Real government spending (real government spending in public sector consumption.
      Fiscal Multiplicadores y Coordinación de Políticas Gauti B. Eggertsson Resumen Este trabajo analiza la magnitud del efecto de la política fiscal en cero la tasa de interés nominal. Voy a analizar la dinámica del modelo de equilibrio general estocástico incorporación de las expectativas racionales y la rigidez de los precios, asumiendo que el futuro no puede ser cometido por la política gubernamental. El gasto público real (el gasto público real en el consumo del sector público.

    • - Media Patrol Japan ~ love Japan - Japanese news site to cheer
      This site is under maintenance the moment. Please come later. (Scheduled to open February 27 18:00) Login
      Ce site est en maintenance pour le moment. S il vous plaît venir plus tard. (Ouverture prévue pour Février 27 18:00) Login

    • Age and Cloud u0026quot;cool revolutionu0026quot; | Yoshihiko Kadokawa
      Age and Cloud cool revolution period and what the public is going to where? IPad, a cataclysmic period in the Kindle! Mass and age where I go from here? IPad, a cataclysmic period in the Kindle! Written by: Yoshihiko Kadokawa (Kadokawa Group Holdings Chairman and CEO CEO) Supervision: Yoshiharu one (Honorary President of Institute of Information and Culture Professor ・ Takasaki University of Commerce), responsible for originating and consumption of information a huge knowledge of the masses to move the society Cool revolution is about to begin right now to post。 other hand ...

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