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    Internet Reportage Politics Hardware Technology related words sought after illustration - pixiv diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga

    • JavaScript + canvas face recognition - people development day
      Face detection in pure PHP (without OpenCV) - Maurice Bloggue HTML5 client-side and thanks to image processing, the above facial recognition program from pure PHP was m not using any JavaScript libraries in. Of course IE is ignored. The transplant was complicated when JS and PHP subtle differences in specifications. I m aware there are errors in the data for ...
      面对纯PHP检测(不OpenCV中) - 莫里斯Bloggue HTML5客户端和图像处理下,上述从纯PHP was m面部识别程序没有使用任何英寸JavaScript库当然,IE浏览器被忽略。在移植手术复杂,在规范JS和PHP的细微差别。我知道,在有数据的错误...

    • Impact of abnormal fractal cats | DDN JAPAN - DIGITAL DJ Network
      Cat shock abnormal fractal tags: Louis-WainphotoshopPhotoshop-Plugin Nekofurakutaru coastline and branches of trees, crevices, fractal geometry and show up at the lightning. Elements of the same shape together, to put in this place and I Are known to be the same shape even bigger Mandelbrot Set . Speaking in nuance Oh yeah to describe the mouth, but I also seem like a very difficult ... Are you in
      Choc Cat tags anormale des fractales: Louis-WainphotoshopPhotoshop-Plugin Nekofurakutaru littoral et des branches d arbres, de crevasses, de la géométrie fractale et de se présenter à la foudre. Éléments de la même forme ensemble, de mettre en ce lieu et moi nous sommes connus pour être la même forme encore plus grand Mandelbrot Set . S exprimant en nuance Oh yeah pour décrire la bouche, mais il me semble aussi très difficile ... Vous êtes dans

    • Lyrics Training - Improving your foreign languages skills
      Lyrics Training is a simple and fun method to improve your foreign languages skills like English, through listening to the music and typing the lyric of the songs.Lyrics Training is an easy and fun me ...
      Letras de Formación es un simple y divertido método para mejorar sus habilidades de idiomas extranjeros, como Inglés, a través de escuchar la música y escribir la letra del songs.Lyrics La formación es un fácil y divertido me ...

    • Ruby on Rails at 37signals summarizes the theory of well-known entrepreneur in the u0026quot;small team, great jobu0026quot; - Future Insight
      Ruby on Rails is well known that the main developers at 37signals that this is also involved in entrepreneurship came from, I immediately read. Something, but it seems there is no stock at Amazon, I would probably be restored soon. Small team, great job law of success -37 Signals (Hayakawa Shinsho juice) 2010-02-25 Tor Books Kurosawa Kenzi sales ranking: 238 Amazon More details on by ...
      Ruby On Rails Известно, что основными разработчиками на 37signals, что это также заниматься предпринимательской пришли, я сразу же прочитал. Что-то, но, кажется, нет на складе Амазонки, я, возможно, будет восстановлен в ближайшее время. Небольшая группа, большая работа по праву успех -37 сигналах (Хаякава синсе сока) 2010-02-25 Tor Books Куросавы Kenzi продажи Рейтинге: 238 Амазонки Более подробная информация о по ...

    • MOONGIFT: »access from mobile phones to imitateu0026quot; Moxy u0026quot;: Our Daily Open Source
      Moxy is a Perl-made open-source software. In Japan, demand for larger mobile site. There also booming smartphone, PC is often at the same time to release for mobile phones. In the future, the PC is also said to be larger than the share of the mobile. When developing such a site can be copied to mobile phone access from mobile phones, PC and need to test access from impersonation. Dedicated software ...

    • To study the site listening 洋楽 | nanapi [Nanapi]
      Here are recipes on the site can learn life listening in Western music. nanapi [Nanapi] is a living crafting recipes site. Including learning English is likely to really quit easily. Our site is a site now recommend someone like that. Lyricstraining site is free, very useful site PV 洋楽 They can practice listening and watching. This is a good site without the hand ...
      Éstos son recetas en el sitio pueden aprender en la vida escuchando la música occidental. nanapi [Nanapi] es un ser vivo elaboración recetas sitio. Aprendizaje, incluido el Inglés es probable que realmente dejar de fumar fácilmente. Nuestro sitio es un sitio ahora recomiendan a alguien así. Lyricstraining sitio es gratuito, muy útil el sitio PV 洋 楽 Pueden practicar escuchando y observando. Este es un buen sitio sin la mano ...

    • Tubetter - Twitter along with YouTube and enjoy the
      yusukebe: Mambo! Where Fuita launching http://tubetter.pulpsite.net/v/VS1tRoCAr-Q - YouTube: Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra ・ Norinori encore! 4 minutes ago
      yusukebe: Mambo! Где Fuita запуск http://tubetter.pulpsite.net/v/VS1tRoCAr-Q - YouTube: Симон Боливар Молодежный оркестр · Norinori бис! 4 минуты назад

    • Introduction to MongoDB Rubyist
      10gen MongoDB and non-relational databases have been developed mainly by the company. Features MongoDB is ( humongous from) is a scalable, high performance, open source, free schemas, document-oriented. C + + they are written in as a feature: document-oriented storage (the simplicity and power of JSON-like data schemas) Dynamic ...
      10gen MongoDB y las bases de datos relacionales se han desarrollado principalmente por la empresa. Características MongoDB es ( gigantescos de) es una solución escalable, de alto rendimiento, de código abierto, libre de esquemas, orientados a documentos. C + + que están escritos en una característica: documento de almacenamiento orientado (la simplicidad y la potencia de JSON-como los esquemas de datos) Dynamic ...

    • PTF live on USTREAM: Ketsudanpotofu http://ketudancom.blog47.fc2.com/. Local News
      akirue: Nosan sky, and they always seem to put cleaner in the camera angle? Maybe because I psyched or containing. 1 hours ago · Commentphishfish: viewer want more than the Tokyo Marathon. (Ustre am people were working at the Tokyo Marathon 2000 I watched many people more than) 1 hours ago · Comment
      akirue: Nosan неба, и они всегда оказываются чистой положить в угол камеры? Может быть, потому, что я психовал или содержащих. 1 час назад · Commentphishfish: Viewer хотят больше, чем Токийского марафона. (Ustre утра люди работают на Токийском марафоне 2000 года я наблюдал многие люди более) 1 час назад Комментировать

    • Twitter / Tomohito Kinose: Twitter Tsubuyaitara lyrics in, JASRAC interest of ...
      Twitter Tsubuyaitara lyrics in, JASRAC occur by JASRAC fee of about 1 hour ago via Tweetie Sugawara, executive director

    • The Bunshun u0026quot;adventure-of-dotsu0026quot; on the Internet Shinsho u0026quot;open accessu0026quot; (1 / 2): J-CAST Monouotchi
      Bungei, the life insurance Shinsho 『Gizmo』 (by Daisuke Iwase) was started recorded the full text of PDF file attempts to open access on the Internet. The book was published in January 09 October, still sits in a bookstore. Full text cases published new titles released before the campaign so far but this time, this-Back Edition is noteworthy in that the electronic version is distributed free of charge. IPad Kindle and amid rising concern about the emergence of electronic books, adventure unconventional long-established publishers in the industry ...
      Bungei, l assurance vie Shinsho 『』 Gizmo (par Daisuke Iwase) a été lancé a enregistré le texte intégral du fichier en format PDF tente d ouvrir l accès sur l Internet. Le livre a été publié en Janvier 09 Octobre, se trouve encore dans une librairie. Texte intégral cas publié de nouveaux titres publiés avant la campagne jusqu à présent, mais cette fois , ce-Back Edition est remarquable en ce que la version électronique est distribué gratuitement. Ipad Kindle et sur fond d inquiétudes croissantes sur l émergence des livres électroniques, de l aventure non conventionnelles établies de longue date des éditeurs de l industrie ...

    • Full of surprises JavaScript? - Air and space program
      JavaScript language and interface design principle of least astonishment that there is. Matz himself but does not seem to say that once, Ruby said the language was in line with its principles. However, JavaScript is a language and still be regarded as contrary to it. In many cases, the cause is not well understood. Even the understanding, I Yappari funny, because there might be, Well, if you define it ...
      JavaScript и языка интерфейса принцип наименьшего удивления , что есть. Matz себя, а не как бы сказать, что однажды, Рубин заявил, что язык в соответствии с ее принципами. Однако, JavaScript является языком и по-прежнему рассматриваться как противоречащие ему. Во многих случаях причиной является не очень хорошо понимает. Даже понимание, я Yappari смешно, потому что там могут быть, Ну, если определить его ...

    • Togetter (Tougyatta) - Summary u0026quot;already listed on a Web publishers,u0026quot; manuscript, so Iu0026#39;d like to ask the fee because there is no budget 払Emasen u0026quot;u0026quot;
      Web publishers have been listed in manuscript, so I d like to ask the fee because there is no budget 払Emasen or. So that B2B companies announced a new technology, the squid s nothing else too? The guide in the ad do I get? (The ad sales is no Editor) and exonerated the story. Are you OK? rokuzouhonda 2010-02-28 00:36:05 Web publishers the way I ve been going out from the ad agency is a necessary evil by nature ...
      Les éditeurs Web ont été répertoriés dans «manuscrit, alors je voudrais demander à la taxe parce qu il n y a pas de budget 払 Emasen ou. Alors que les entreprises B2B a annoncé une nouvelle technologie, rien d autre aussi, le calamar? Le guide dans l annonce puis-je faire? (Les ventes annonce n est Editor) et a exonéré l histoire. Êtes-vous OK? rokuzouhonda 2010-02-28 00:36:05 éditeurs Web de la manière «Je suis sortant de l agence de publicité est un mal nécessaire par la nature ...

    • Introduction to RSpec and one step ahead of - t-wada Diary
      event, ruby, rspec | 1st iterationfavotter Let s make the function like the RSpec create message_filter_spec.rb require rubygems require spec describe MessageFilter doendgit Register $ lsmessage_filter_spec.rb $ git initInit ...
      事件,红宝石,RSpec的|第一iterationfavotter让我们像RSpec的创建message_filter_spec.rb需要 rubygems require spec describe MessageFilter doendgit注册$ lsmessage_filter_spec.rb $ GIT中initInit功能...

    • Tokyo marathon while running Ustream delivered u0026quot;live Runneru0026quot; - ITmedia News
      Ustream news delivered to Tokyo, while running a marathon runner, live run together as if they like - at the Tokyo Marathon, iPhone use while driving appear Ustream live video delivery and runner, Twitter and attention collection. February 28, 2010 16:00 This goal minutes after Joseph s. Wearing rabbit ears was running February 28 at the Tokyo Marathon was held in Tokyo on Sun, iPhone use, travel ...
      Ustream nouvelles livrées à Tokyo, tout en exécutant un coureur de marathon, live run ensemble comme si elles aiment - au Marathon de Tokyo, utiliser l iPhone pendant la conduite semblent Ustream diffusion vidéo en direct et coureur, Twitter et de l attention collection. Février 28 minutes 2010 16:00 Cet objectif après Joseph. Le port des oreilles de lapin courait Février 28 sur le Marathon de Tokyo a eu lieu à Tokyo, le soleil, utilisez l iPhone, Voyage ...

    • Twitter / Sumihiro Ueda: u0026quot;Tsunamiu0026quot; result of the fixed-point observation using the keyword, and I ...
      Tsunami result of the fixed-point observation and the keyword, the loss of some very interesting statistics that are unwise remarks about people of animation icons. About 3 hours ago via TweetDeck
      Результат Цунами фиксированной точке наблюдения и ключевое слово, потеря некоторых очень интересная статистика, которые являются неразумными замечания о людях анимацию иконки. Примерно 3 часа назад через TweetDeck

    • Fantasy films such as still photos, many photos of landscape painting as unrealistic - GIGAZINE
      When he saw a sight to be cut as a photo saver to leave involuntarily picturesque may have used the term, the picture becomes too sacred scene is enough to say, It seems sometimes they even look like a painting placed in the photo. Photographer by Ms. Katarina Stefanovic, a scene that exists in reality and is introduced unbelievably picturesque scenery photos. More from below. Photography by ...

    • I do not know what amazing blue LEDu0026#39;s: Arufarufamozaiku
      Normal 出Shitakattara so blue LED light should only Desho Kabusere Aoi in cellophane? ? 1990 man asked me or I do not know the meaning s greatest invention, but first of all a token ー relaxed dude normal What is the LED? I can be until I could only blue color from red to green. First, the light is frequency There is a red yellow green blue in the translation of high frequency in the order violet, low frequency light (red, green) and blue cellophane to cover the blue ...
      Normal 出 Shitakattara luz LED azul tan sólo debe Desho Kabusere Aoi en celofán? ? 1990 hombre me preguntó o no sé invención más el significado, pero primero de todo, un símbolo ー relajado dude normal ¿Cuál es el LED? Puedo estar hasta que pude único color azul de rojo a verde. En primer lugar, la luz es la frecuencia Hay un rojo amarillo verde azul en la traducción de alta frecuencia en el violeta el orden, la luz de baja frecuencia (rojo, verde) y azul de celofán para cubrir el azul ...

    • Firefox browser that can start fast, lightweight and fully compatible with u0026quot;Pale Moonu0026quot; | free software, Windows PC utilizing Information Bureau
      Pale Moon Pale Moon is a highly compatible with Firefox is open source web browser that can boot faster. Speaking of Firefox s biggest drawback, it takes time to start to say something anyway. Chrome has also recently been extended to support features that can add a wealth of features free Firefox add-ons have been losing their own advantage is lost, the nearest fast start among heavy users of the Chro ...
      Pale Moon Pale Moon est hautement compatible avec Firefox est open source navigateur web qui peut démarrer plus rapidement. Parlant de plus grand inconvénient de Firefox, il faut du temps pour commencer à dire quelque chose de toute façon. Chrome a aussi récemment été étendu pour supporter les fonctionnalités qui peuvent ajouter une multitude de services gratuits Firefox Add-ons ont perdu leur avantage est perdu, le plus proche départ rapide chez les gros utilisateurs de la chro ...

    • Logo design is simple but meaningful 30 | CREAMU
      Want to be rich in ideas logo design. Is recommended in a case like that of, 『30 Minimal Logo Designs that Say More with Less』. Logo Design is a collection of simple but meaningful. Making good use of each font, it is meaningful to the design right. Here are a few. ↑ is a HOLE. pencilcrownWALKillusion reference design, so I think it is ...
      Хотите быть богатыми идеи логотипа. Рекомендуется в случае, как и, 『30 Минимальный эмблемы, которые говорят больше с меньшими затратами』. Logo Design представляет собой набор простых, но смысл. Создание хорошей использования каждого шрифта, имеет смысл дизайна права. Вот некоторые из них. ↑ дыра. Дизайн pencilcrownWALKillusion ссылки, так что я думаю, что это ...

    • Manufacturer u0026quot;believersu0026quot; is that you really? Growing u0026quot;money. Comu0026quot; Kakaku.com, asked me to run a variety of companies - GIGAZINE
      Price comparison site in January 2007 price. Com Kakaku.com, I have managed to cover the company, it received information that the company moved to new offices this month, has interviewed again for this opportunity . Catch a copy of the Magi from shopping good buy for all the People. Per day and why to change the operation of the board `R ~ 5000 over all, a new service for corporate price. Com Trend Search Enterpr ...
      Sitio de comparación de precios en enero de 2007 los precios. Com Kakaku.com, he logrado cubrir la empresa, se recibió información de que la empresa se trasladó a nuevas oficinas de este mes, se ha entrevistado de nuevo por esta oportunidad . De captura de una copia de los Reyes Magos de la compra buena compra para todo el pueblo. Por día y por qué cambiar el funcionamiento de la junta `R ~ 5000 sobre todo, un nuevo servicio para los precios de las empresas . Com Buscar tendencia Enterpr ...

    • YouTube to learn English in the lyrics while watching 『Lyrics Training』 - 100SHIKI ~ Another day, the idea of the world
      Well, introduce the tool. Recommended to anyone who wants to learn English is fun. Using the Lyrics Training, YouTube can learn English by watching music videos. The process is simple, it comes out as a matter of the lyrics make up their music videos below, it will count as you type. The music is so not proceed unless you type the correct answer, it s OK to slow down the types. Video of your favorite artists and listening practice once in a while ...
      Eh bien, d introduire l outil. Recommandé à tous ceux qui veulent apprendre l anglais est amusant. En utilisant les paroles de formation, YouTube pouvez apprendre l anglais en regardant des vidéos musicales. Le processus est simple, elle apparaît comme une question des paroles constituent leurs vidéoclips ci-dessous, elle sera considérée comme vous tapez. La musique n est donc pas procéder à moins que vous tapez la bonne réponse, c est OK pour ralentir les types. Vidéo de vos artistes préférés et pratiquer l écoute de temps en temps ...

    • Art transcendence in Excel - IDEA * IDEA ~ 100 Raifuhakkuburogu of expression Managers
      Yasugee dust. What a wonderful craftsman. Excel s got it up I just draw Zetagandamu drawing tools. ↑ The famous Kano Hana Nikoniko neighborhood already. Su draw or a narrow portion of the heavy rifle. Then, Excel and it looks great also: Speaking of art. u0026amp; 3D drawing figures it s got a painting technique is matched by none in the graph. ↑ Are you great about it so I will do. »Excel as Illustrator ...
      Yasugee灰尘。多么美妙的工匠。 Excel的我刚刚起床的绘图工具绘制Zetagandamu它。 ↑著名的卡诺附近已经花Nikoniko。苏战平或沉重的步枪狭窄的部分。然后,Excel和它看起来也很大:艺术上。 &3D绘图数字它有绘画技术是通过在图表没有匹配。 ↑你伟大对此,我将尽。 » Excel作为插图...

    • Hiromitsu Takagi @ diary of the home - or https why leading companies to prevent the viewing of the
      ■ Why are leading companies to https or to prevent the viewing of the Easy I log in Authentication and Fake it is not safe even if the implementation of IP address restrictions. In addition to the points rather from the specification has not been published as a technical reason, at least two have one. IP addresses bandwidth is not important information to be distributed safely and monikers. Ketaisaito that require an SSL is being logged on a communication route spoofing attack.
      ■ ¿Por qué las empresas líderes a https o impedir la visión de la Easy me registro en Autenticación y falsa que no es seguro, incluso si la aplicación de restricciones de direcciones IP. Además de los puntos en lugar de la especificación no se ha publicado como una razón técnica, al menos dos tienen uno. Direcciones de IP de banda ancha no es una información importante para ser distribuido de forma segura y apodos. Ketaisaito que requieren SSL se está registrando en una comunicación posible ataque de suplantación de ruta.

    • Sonic Phone Finder: lost iPhone push email! Get well you are here! Wow! 518
      The iPhone is what I carry around every day. Thus, Shimatsu been misplaced or accidentally dropped away, dropped somewhere possibility is not zero. If yours is lost if the iPhone ... I m sure must have felt exactly this way. Gaddemu! (AA Clipa! More) Apple paid services MobileMe in the iPhone look for , but they are relieved to provide an easy, there were also the direction that you feel intimidated to just join it ...
      L iPhone est ce que je porte autour de tous les jours. Ainsi, Shimatsu été égarées ou de chute accidentelle de là, quelque part a chuté possibilité n est pas zéro. Si le vôtre est perdu si l iPhone ... Je suis sûr que doit avoir ressenti exactement de cette façon. Gaddemu! (AA Clipa! Plus) Apple payé les services MobileMe dans le look iPhone pour», mais ils sont soulagés de fournir un moyen facile, il y avait aussi le sens que vous vous sentez intimidé de se joindre parler ...

    • Chain will find new music favorite artists u0026quot;TuneGlueu0026quot;: A Hacker Life [Japanese Version], informative blogging life and also work well Konasu Lifehacks
      Amazon, Web tools, news, search, hobbies, music, new music we find a chain of music content on your favorite artists TuneGlue posted on: 2010.02.27 10:00 comments [0] Trackback [0] TuneGlue The history users favorite musicians and bands, genres, if you are stuck in a human, and if you are connected, information on the web ...
      Amazonas, las herramientas de la Web, noticias, búsqueda, pasatiempos, música, música nueva, encontramos una cadena de contenidos musicales de tus artistas favoritos TuneGlue Publicado el: 2010.02.27 10:00 Comentarios [0] Trackback [0] TuneGlue Los usuarios de la historia de los músicos y bandas favoritas, los géneros, si están atrapados en un ser humano, y si está conectado, la información en la web ...

    • Conclusion: explore! Gmail unknown world of the 24 election: A Hacker Life [Japanese Version], informative blogging life and work well even Konasu Lifehacks
      Gmail, Google, News, together, together Featured Article: explore! Gmail unknown world of elections on 24 on: 2010.02.27 20:00 comments [0] Trackback [0] Photo by vanhookc. Free, high-capacity, Samurai search functionality, data migration and platform change is required, I tried with no rhyme and meaning, just that Gmail is by far the county Sataru and convenient ...
      Gmail, Google, Новости, вместе, вместе Рекомендуемые статьи: Explore! Gmail неизвестный Мир выборов на 24 на: 2010.02.27 20:00 Комментарии [0] Trackback [0] Фото vanhookc. Свободный, высокой емкости, Самурай требуется функциональность, миграции данных и смене платформы, я старался без рифмы и смысла, просто Gmail является самым графства Sataru и удобно ...

    • Photoshop Vip »I want to download free fonts saved version of the 100 pieces together
      Photoshop VIP has introduced a variety of free fonts in the past in every genre. Retro fonts and font can also be used for corporate logos, for example, is an example of such a popular entry was a sans-serif font. Among this number of stars have a lot of free fonts, free fonts compiled 100 total Toriaezu want to download 100 + Remarkable Free Fonts to introduce. Etc. ...
      贵宾推出的Photoshop在过去的每一个流派的各种免费字体。复古字体和字体也可用于企业标志使用,比如,是一个如此受欢迎的项目的例子是,sans - serif字体。在这个星星的数目有很多的免费字体,免费字体编制100名Toriaezu要下载的“100 +卓越自由字体”,介绍。等等...

    • InfoQ: HTTPS connection during the first few milliseconds
      After seeing the products in the EC site Checkout You ve got what is happening when you click the button. In this article, Amazon between HTTPS and try to analyze the first few milliseconds when communication is established. Amazon is a new page appears as follows in the Checkout. This moment, it happens a lot to be 220 interesting results in milliseconds, FireFox address bar will change color to display the key symbol in the right corner. My favorite ...
      Après avoir vu les produits sur le site de la CE Commander Vous avez ce qui se passe lorsque vous cliquez sur le bouton. Dans cet article, Amazon entre HTTPS et essayer d analyser les quelques premières millisecondes lorsque la communication est établie. Amazon est une nouvelle page qui apparaît comme suit dans la caisse. Ce moment, il se passe beaucoup de choses à être de 220 résultats intéressants en millisecondes, FireFox barre d adresse va changer de couleur pour afficher le symbole clé dans le coin droit. Mon préféré ...

    • Beautiful on the small image to enlarge u0026quot;SmillaEnlargeru0026quot; - SourceForge.JP Magazine
      If you want to enlarge the image files such as digital camera photos is common to use image editing software. However, low-resolution images for a larger force in the usual soft and sometimes rough around the edges of the image as dot-like picture, they have lost their quality and noise 目Datsu. So I want to use this time to introduce SmillaEnlarger is. SmillaEnlarger is a tool designed specifically for larger image. An outline of the image when the expansion ...
      如果你想放大的图像,如数码相机照片的文件是通常使用的图像编辑软件。但是,在大规模的部队通常软低分辨率图像,有时周围的图像边缘的点状画面粗糙,他们失去了其质量和噪音目脱亚。所以我想利用这段时间推出“SmillaEnlarger”是。 SmillaEnlarger是专为放大图像专门的工具。一个图像的轮廓的扩建...

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