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    Internet Reportage Politics Hardware Technology related words sought after illustration - pixiv diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga

    • The Chinese are emptying stores in Japan - a side effect of meditation - Tech-On!
      Now because when I was working at the Institute of Electronics manufacturers that I would still pursue 20 years ago, they have to dip into the archives on the online journals, have found a strong paper. It s not what had been published in prestigious physics journals, the author is a professor at universities in Europe or France but England s forgotten what it looked like a very distinguished physicist. Between the professor and his assistant, must have had such interactions. The black coffee and coffee with milk, etc. ...
      现在,因为当我在电子制造商协会的工作,我仍然会继续20年前,他们动用的在线日志的档案,找到了一个强有力的文件。それは権威のある物理学の論文誌に掲載されていたもので、著者はイギリスだかフランスだか忘れたが欧州の大学教授で、かなり高名な物理学者のようだった。之间的教授和他的助手,一定有这样的互动。 “黑咖啡和牛奶咖啡等...

    • YouTube - Pororoca in Japan
      2010/2/28 about 17:30 (JST) 4.5km from a sea, Niida river, Hachinohe city, Aomori pref. The tsunami height is about 50cm at the sea, at that time. And the Hachinohe bay faces north not Chile. Those are som ...
      2010/2/28 sobre 17:30 (JST) 4.5km de un mar, río Niida, la ciudad de Hachinohe, Aomori pref. La altura del tsunami es de aproximadamente 50cm en el mar, en ese momento. Y la bahía Hachinohe caras no norte de Chile. Esos son som ...

    • Journal cover distinctive - Tweet-Chem-Station-chemist
      ,,, What you more! Enthalpy (orange cap) and entropy (blue hat) are the personification of characters that bounce around.居Mashita these people before, but the girl alone in a black hat in the back and look G letter because it appears hat this was probably a personification of the Gibbs free energy. Hold tightly and have to say the new characters also appear in the sequel promises to be reckoned with! Continue to increase while the total number of papers report, all ...
      ,,, What you more! Enthalpie (bouchon orange) et l entropie (chapeau bleu) sont la personnification de caractères qui rebondissent autour.居 Mashita ces personnes avant, mais la fille seule dans un chapeau noir à l arrière et regardez G lettre car elle apparaît chapeau ce fut sans doute la personnification de l énergie libre de Gibbs. Maintenez fermement et je dois dire les nouveaux personnages apparaissent aussi dans la suite promet d être compter avec! Continuer à augmenter alors le nombre total de bulletins de rapport, toutes ...

    • Study suggests the possibility of risk of male sexual attraction to children and their correction - m-bird cohabitation and FreeBSD Diary
      Neta | 02:12 | I did a very excellent test plan have been sent from friends, and reprinted with permission. Abstract In recent years, the girl child sexuality (sexual attraction to children or less) that are at risk of 取沙汰, case studies and experimental evidence is not concrete. In this study, conduct an experiment to study 得Rubeku basic information about the relationship between man and child pornography and pedophile crime deterrent. Obtain basic information and discuss the relationship between child pornography and pedophile criminal acts in the male experimental purposes. Available ...
      内塔| 02:12 |我是一个非常优秀的测试计划已经从朋友发送,并经许可转载。摘要近年来,女童性(性吸引力的儿童或更少)是取沙汰具体事例和证据风险不是实验。在这项研究中,进行实验,研究得Rubeku对人与儿童色情和恋童癖犯罪的威慑关系的基本信息。获取基本信息,并讨论了与儿童色情和恋童癖男子实验目的的犯罪行为的关系。可用...

    • Meteorological Agency | About Tsunami
      What is a tsunami generated by what mechanism? And earthquakes, the epicenter was near the ground or raised, and then declined. If shallow earthquake under the ocean floor is coming up and down to the seabed. As a result, the raised and down rapidly in a short time in the whole wide range of water around, we will spread around by the waves or sink crowded sea-level rise caused by Mori that. This is a tsunami. Before the tsunami must be heard when the tide ebbs.
      Qu est-ce qu un tsunami généré par quel mécanisme? Et les séismes, l épicentre se trouvait près du sol ou le relevé, puis diminué. Si tremblement de terre de faible profondeur sous le plancher océanique est entrée haut et bas pour les fonds marins. En conséquence, pour les hautes et descendre rapidement dans un court laps de temps dans la gamme étendue d eau tout autour, nous répartissons le tour par les ondes ou dans l évier maritimes achalandées causée par l élévation du niveau Mori cela. Il s agit d un tsunami. Avant le tsunami doivent être entendus quand la marée monte.

    • Mule Q: 恐Rubeshi ... burning tree branches stuck in power lines on the train (movie)
      恐Rubeshi ... burning tree branches stuck in power lines on the train (movie) to the elevated tracks of the train because a large current flows, but are warned not to touch the goods, for example, caught a tree branch What happens if they .... Here are pictures I had better know their risk. It is not far from shreds. But short enough to have burned to imagine, and the fire burning like a bird of fire, electrical energy is made to realize the power of ...
      恐 Rubeshi ... quemar ramas de los árboles atrapados en las líneas de energía en el tren (película) a las vías elevadas del tren porque los flujos de corriente grande, pero no se advirtió a tocar los productos, por ejemplo, tomó un rama del árbol ¿Qué pasa si .... Aquí hay fotos que mejor conocen su riesgo. No está lejos de jirones. Sin embargo, lo suficientemente corto como para imaginar que se han quemado, y el fuego como un pájaro de fuego, se hace de la energía eléctrica para darse cuenta del poder de ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Chile earthquake tsunami in Japan 1-3 meters preparing forecast warning issued - Social
      The impact of the earthquake that occurred off the coast of Chile, the Pacific coast of Japan Meteorological Agency is 28 pm high as 1-3 meters around the tsunami is expected to have an organized tsunami warning announcement. Familiar with the tsunami and disaster management, Disaster Control Research Center, Professor Fumihiko Imamura came with the Tohoku University Graduate School of Engineering (1) stay away from coastal areas (2) today (June 28) in the afternoon does not work and fishing (3 ) Make sure you shelter nearby - want to protect it, he said.
      Последствия землетрясения, которое произошло у берегов Чили, тихоокеанское побережье Японского метеорологического агентства составляет 28 м. достигать 1-3 метров, вокруг цунами Ожидается, что организованная объявлении предупреждения о цунами. Знакомые с цунами и ликвидации последствий стихийных бедствий, аварийное контролю исследовательского центра, профессор Фумихико Имамура пришел с университета Тохоку Высшей инженерной школы (1) держаться подальше от прибрежных районов (2) Сегодня (28 июня) во второй половине дня не работает и рыбалки (3 ) Убедитесь, что вы жильем поблизости - хотят, чтобы защитить ее, сказал он.

    • Qualifications should be directed to / with the standard? - Slashdot Japan
      10/02/27/0931200story qualifications should be directed to / with the standard? Soara by February 28, 2010 10:05 ○ △ □ more minutes on the department. hokunan said that the world has a variety of qualifications and standards. Among them are many useful things in an objective the ability to see, and some receive preferential treatment in hiring and personnel conditions. The real strength and should have been expected to get that level but is also a pity that there is a difference between a great deal, ...
      10/02/27/0931200story资格,可向与标准?Soara / 2月28日,在该部门2010 10:05○△□更多的上场时间。 hokunan说,世界有各种各样的资格和标准。其中有很多有用的东西,客观能够看到,有些接受雇用和人员条件优惠的待遇。真正的实力,应该是预料得到的水平,但也是可惜是有很大关系,区别...

    • Oh, I world history - finalvent Diary
      ⇒ Hatena bookmarks - I have lived without ever studying world history at all. University exam period, I did not know they are interested to watch and just rote memorization subjects. But now, if that is what .. today - the original human-powered search ⇒ I have lived without ever studying world history at all. University exam period, I did not know they are interested to watch and just rote memorization subjects. But now, if that is what today .. - Hatena various human-powered search ...
      ⇒ Hatena Bookmarks - J ai vécu sans jamais étudié l histoire du monde à tous. Université période d examens, je ne savais pas qu ils sont intéressés à regarder et à quelques sujets mémorisation. Mais maintenant, si c est ce que .. aujourd hui - l original de l homme-Powered ⇒ de recherche que j ai vécu sans jamais étudié l histoire du monde à tous. Université période d examens, je ne savais pas qu ils sont intéressés à regarder et à quelques sujets mémorisation. Mais maintenant, si c est ce que .. aujourd hui - Hatena des divers-Powered de recherche ...

    • [2ch] New Speed Quality: How devastating tsunami, Hurricane capital
      1 adjustable wrench (Alabama) 2010/02/28 (Sun) 10:32:44.20 ID: I18s6nsq? PLT (12030) and award points to reach Japan, the height of the tsunami to gain more than 15m. Cities of the Pacific Ocean is a departure from the devastating tsunami off the coast of Chile http://www.bosai.go.jp/library/saigai/s16chile/f1chiledenpa.htm, even once the divergence ...
      1 llave ajustable (Alabama) 2010/02/28 (dom) 10:32:44.20 ID: I18s6nsq? PLT (12.030) y los puntos de premio para llegar a Japón, la altura del tsunami para ganar más de 15 millones. Ciudades del Océano Pacífico es una salida del devastador tsunami en la costa de http://www.bosai.go.jp/library/saigai/s16chile/f1chiledenpa.htm Chile, incluso una vez que la divergencia ...

    • Why gold and silver or bronze medals - communication gadgets
      Why not have a lot of people they have gotten to sleep watching the Olympics live. The three athletes are competing in the world kind of aiming a medal. K. Sato s blog about this material that medal Thank 『contributed』 your branch of organic chemistry from the museum. Thick of the Vancouver Olympic bronze medal and silver or why yesterday (Editor s Note: At the time of writing) is that the tournament s first medal of the Japanese players, today s topic around here ...
      Почему бы не много людей, они дошли до сна смотрит Олимпиаду жить. Три спортсмены соревнуются в мире видов направленного медаль. К. Сато Дневник об этом материале, что медаль Спасибо 『』 способствовал вашей отрасли органической химии в музей. Толстые бронзовые олимпийские медали Ванкувера и серебро или почему вчера (Примечание редактора: На момент написания этого текста) является то, что первый турнир медаль японских игроков, сегодняшняя тема вокруг здесь ...

    • Rivaiau0026#39;s daily moves in: tricks of alternative medicine
      Singh s new reputation. ve Read all at once. Works as a good reputation. But the expected penetration is unable to feel like. Good, that is, this theme really hard EBM (medical care based on scientific evidence) to the ruler, and that tells the disentanglement work. Balanced, and fair as possible from the position (axis of Burenai be true to the scientific evidence) and have me say, perhaps, this brush is a lot of people affect might be. Sun ...

    • What remains humanity disappeared from the earth forever
      Disappeared from the human race ... by two days to stop the pumping of water, the New York subway will be completely submerged. Seven emergency generators run out of fuel that is fed to the reactor coolant days ... one of the towers and flashing warning light years later, the high-tension current stops.死Nanaku will be 100 million birds have died and hundreds of birds in the world ever by it. Reactors around the burned-out, and return the animals. Heat lost in a cold three years later, heating, water pipes burst and finally begin. Yield.
      Disparu de la race humaine ... à deux jours pour arrêter le pompage de l eau, le métro de New York sera complètement immergé. Sept groupes électrogènes d urgence à court de carburant qui est alimenté à l époque de refroidissement des réacteurs ... l une des tours et clignotant années plus tard, la lumière, les arrêts de grande tension actuelle.死 Nanaku sera de 100 millions d oiseaux sont morts et des centaines d oiseaux dans le monde toujours par elle. Réacteurs à travers le brûlé, et retrouver les animaux. La chaleur perdue dans une période de trois ans plus tard, à froid, le chauffage, la rupture de tuyaux d eau et de commencer enfin. Rendement.

    • Ayakashi sham healing - tabby cat diary
      Fake science that Motsuta Us | 16:57 | Written by 『tricks and Alternative Medicine: Simon Singh, translation Erunsu Etsato: Aoki Kaoru finished reading a translation. But I was going to write a book review, late to the full. Is easily understandable and insightful, interesting book review (or 此処), so some had mentioned, the vivid sense of 今更. Book reviews and Meta ~! Book report or rather, try to like Shiori posted notes. Speaking ambitious things, but I read a book you like, Oh, is Koitsu IPSJ ...
      Falso que la ciencia | 16:57 Motsuta nosotros | Escrito por trucos 『y Medicina Alternativa: Simon Singh, traducción Erunsu Etsato: Aoki Kaoru terminado de leer una traducción. Pero yo iba a escribir una reseña del libro, a finales de la totalidad. Es fácilmente comprensible y perspicaz, libro interesante (o 此处), por lo que algunos han mencionado, el vivo sentido de 今 更. Reseñas de libros y Meta ~! Reporte de libro o, más bien, tratar de, como Shiori publicado notas. Hablando cosas ambiciosas, pero he leído un libro que, Oh, es Koitsu IPSJ ...

    • The difference between tsunami waves and normal - in 頭N
      Average difference between tsunami waves and February 28, 2010 12:04 under what Gil s remarks. Twitter / notify more the difference between regular waves and waves of Yoshizu what! Different waves of 1m and 1m Ttaku Tsu Tsu Tsunami hooked! Certainly not know the difference between the two, look at the information tsunami, Oh no big deal was about 1 m may be people and Nameru. In fact, Twitter in something to go see, said 喚 note was also found that feeling ...
      Средняя разница между волнами цунами, и 28 февраля 2010 12:04, при каких замечаний Gil. Twitter / уведомить больше разница между регулярным волны и волны Yoshizu что! Различные волны 1м и 1м Ttaku Цу Цзу цунами подключили! Конечно, не знают разницы между этими двумя, обратите внимание на информацию о цунами, О нет большая сделка была около 1 м, могут быть люди, и Nameru. В самом деле, хихикать в чем-то , чтобы перейти видим, сказал 唤 записке было также установлено, что чувство ...

    • Live lively, best animal Hisashi Hisashi 10: Karapaia
      Previous article to the top of this blog │ February 28, 2010 [Image] lively live, the best animals from the past 10 Hisashi Hisashi, Cranes year 1000, but turtles are not being told ten thousand years, the longest-lived in the world 10 animals to try to do the best to look like it had been collected. 10 animals with the longest life spans turtles turtles are vertebrates and they thought that live longest on earth, etc. ...
      上条对本博客│2010年2月28日最高[图片]生动的生活,从过去的10田恒和田恒,起重机公元1000年最好的动物,但龟没有被告知万年,时间最长的世界生活10动物,力求做到最好看起来像它一直收集。 10最长的寿命龟龟的动物是脊椎动物,他们认为,生活在地球上最长的,等等...

    • Hirohiko Arakiu0026#39;s illustrations on the cover of the journal Cell - Tweet-Chem-Station-chemist
      The cover of U.S. magazine cell biology, JoJo s Bizarre Adventure and cartoonist best known, drew Mr. Hirohiko Araki. 7 in which the image of the achievements of Associate Professor National Institute for Physiological Sciences, issued a paper in Nature magazine Mitsutoshi Setou date, the cover of the prestigious journal of the Japanese comics. (Citation: asahi.com) leaves the field of chemistry and a little has an exceptional jump in topical news. A matter of fact, I is the University Jojofan. This Preparative ...
      La couverture du magazine américain biologie cellulaire, Jojo s Bizarre Adventure et le caricaturiste le plus connu, a appelé M. Hirohiko Araki. 7, dans laquelle l image des réalisations de professeur agrégé Institut national des sciences physiologiques, a publié un article dans Nature Magazine Mitsutoshi Sétou date, la couverture de la prestigieuse revue de la bande dessinée japonaise. (Référence: asahi.com) quitte le domaine de la chimie et un peu a un bond exceptionnel dans les nouvelles d actualité. Une question de fait, je le Jojofan University. Cette Préparatives ...

    • The entrance of the Arts, Kyoto whopping u0026quot;Weekly Shonen Jumpu0026quot; appeared, and I tried to explore the true meaning of its back story - GIGAZINE
      March 25 (Thu) 26 (Fri) 27 (Sat) and until 2010 made this admission of Art, Kyoto City University of Arts Faculty of Fine Arts next year is a different issue of the trend is quite different questions and whopping Weekly Shonen Jump is the object of questions as Aya wearing, and that between the candidates and shocked. Editorial after checking in, we were able to get the questions in the actual problem. Also, what about a back story that was used as a public issue of Arts magazine manga at why ...
      Preguntas 25 mar (jue) 26 (viernes) 27 (sábado) y hasta 2010 hizo esta confesión de Arte, Ciudad de Kyoto de la Universidad de Artes de la Facultad de Bellas Artes el próximo año es una cuestión diferente de la tendencia es muy diferente y enorme Weekly Shonen Jump es el objeto de las preguntas como Aya llevaba, y que entre los candidatos y conmocionado. Editorial después del check in, fuimos capaces de conseguir las preguntas en el problema real. Además, ¿qué acerca de una historia de fondo que se utilizó como una cuestión pública de Artes de la revista de manga por qué ...

    • Graveyard of fighters captured by Google Earth: Gizmodo
      Web Services, Military, Maps, Google Earth images captured by the fighters on the graveyard on: 2010.02.28 12:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] I m all of this aircraft! The group of 309 U.S. aircraft maintenance plays (The 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group) is also known as grave is also known as. A ...

    • Essay illusion: for all that is likely to be expelled from the UK finally homeopathy
      Please read the Introduction (1) Science News (122) astronomy space news (78) science topics (55) Biotechnology News (155) Bioinformatics (15) Topics Bio (38) Bio-Tools (4) Current Affairs (106)・ ・ fake pseudo-science and science demonstrations occult t (170) NewsClips (31) Books (8) 雑記 (42) links (6) (02/28), homeopathic ...
      Por favor, lea la Introducción (1) Noticias de la ciencia (122) Noticias de Astronomía Espacial (78) temas de la ciencia (55) Noticias de Biotecnología (155) Bioinformática (15) Temas Bio (38) Bio-Tools (4) Current Affairs (106) · · pseudo-ciencia falsa y demostraciones t ciencia oculta (170) NewsClips (31) Libros (8) 雑 记 (42) Enlaces (6) (02/28), la homeopatía ...

    • The entrance of the Arts, Kyoto whopping u0026quot;Weekly Shonen Jumpu0026quot; appeared, and I tried to explore the true meaning of its back story - GIGAZINE
      March 25 (Thu) 26 (Fri) 27 (Sat) and until 2010 made this admission of Art, Kyoto City University of Arts Faculty of Fine Arts next year is a different issue of the trend is quite different questions and whopping Weekly Shonen Jump is the object of questions as Aya wearing, and that between the candidates and shocked. Editorial after checking in, we were able to get the questions in the actual problem. Also, what about a back story that was used as a public issue of Arts magazine manga at why ...

    • For the sake of kicking the low-carbon society whaling / whale bone SUGEEEEEEEE - Columbus cicada
      I think things are animals. Carbon credits proposed for whale conservation: Nature News America recently held in Portland at the Ocean Sciences meeting, Dr Andrew Pershing says (The University of Maine) According to the story, so I m a whale is like a forest of the sea . Creatures are carbon ...
      Creo que las cosas son animales. Los créditos de carbono propuestos para la conservación de ballenas: Nature News America, celebrada recientemente en Portland en la reunión de Ciencias del Mar, dice el Dr. Andrew Pershing (la Universidad de Maine) Según la historia, así que tengo una ballena es como un bosque del mar . Las criaturas son de carbono ...

    • The most detailed high-resolution images of the earth until now: Gizmodo
      NASA / mono space science, earth images posted on the most detailed high-resolution images ever: 2010.02.27 21:00 comments [0] Trackback [0] ※ Click to view this, until now the most elaborate, high - It is said that resolution images of the earth. NASA provided. Beautiful on earth ... And the fact thumbnail. Clicking it will bring up the 2048 × 2048 sized images, please make yourself wallpaper. In the middle ...
      NASA / моно космической науки, изображения Земли размещены на наиболее подробных изображений с высоким разрешением никогда: 2010.02.27 21:00 Комментарии [0] Trackback [0] ※ Нажмите для просмотра этого, до сих пор самые разработки, высокие -- Он сказал, что резолюция изображения Земли. НАСА условия. Красивый на земле ... И тот факт, эскиз. Нажав ее будет воспитывать 2048 × 2048 размер изображения, пожалуйста, сделайте себе обои. В середине ...

    • I made a move Unicorn u0026quot;partial prototypeu0026quot; - video Nikoniko (9)
      Also can make you! ! Small Saikofuremu with MS (laughs) UC Gundam is interesting. So, with vigor, Unicorn I tried to make. Hobby robot for a new type of Uri and speed intuitive reaction. Tsukaikonase not think of the old type that I am. Since the prototype stage yet, I reflected a lot like robots or Zugokku, please do not worry. Once you start a scene or reproduce. ...
      还可以使你! !小与MS Saikofuremu(笑)加州机动战士很有趣。因此,有活力,“麒麟”我试图使。爱好机器人的开放新的类型和速度直觉反应。 Tsukaikonase认为旧型我。由于还原型阶段,我反映了这样的机器人或Zugokku很多,请不要担心。一旦你开始一个场景或转载。 ...

    • Recorded world history lectures
      This is a recording of my high school world history classes. The central narrative is the class-conscious trying to convey to students the excitement of world history. All gathered for a story, sometimes, myths, 珍説, odd theory, the theory I m Talking, as we have seen The story is not that 引Kitsukeyou students. Stories, including excursions, and try as much as possible fidelity. So, in some areas and little long-winded, each Bae - page is long. However, the actual means of conveying the atmosphere of the class ...
      Ceci est un enregistrement de mes classes de lycée et l histoire du monde. Le récit central est la conscience de classe essaie de transmettre aux étudiants l excitation de l histoire mondiale. Tous se sont réunis pour une histoire, parfois, les mythes, 珍 说, étrange théorie, la théorie I m Talking », comme nous l avons vu L histoire n est pas que 引 Kitsukeyou étudiants. Histoire, y compris des excursions, nous essayons chaque fois que la fidélité possible. Ainsi, dans certains domaines et peu long, chaque Bae - page est longue. Toutefois, les moyens réels de donner l atmosphère de la classe ...

    • What remains forever disappear from the earth humanity: 2ch Dojo save copy and paste
      What remains forever disappear from the earth the human race 249 Name: Scotch tape (Tokyo) [sage] Added: 2010/02/25 (Thu) 21:12:54.01 ID: cJtWCq9P from two days off the human race ... Stop by the pumping of water into the subway in New York will be completely submerged. Seven emergency generators run out of fuel to the reactor cooling water circulation days ... one of the towers and flashing warning light years later, the current suspension of the power cable ...
      Ce qui reste à jamais disparaître de la terre la race humaine 249 Nom: scotch (Tokyo) [Sage] Ajoutée: 2010/02/25 (jeu.) 21:12:54.01 ID: cJtWCq9P de deux jours au large de la race humaine ... Arrêtez le pompage de l eau dans le métro de New York sera complètement immergé. Sept groupes électrogènes d urgence à court de carburant qui est alimenté à l époque de refroidissement des réacteurs ... l une des tours et clignotant années plus tard, la lumière, la suspension actuelle du câble d alimentation ...

    • Resurrection u0026quot;Hayabusau0026quot; returning to the earth can be continued injection: News: Space: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Asteroid spacecraft continues flying toward returning to the earth Hayabusa , and entered the orbit through the medial than Mon. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has confirmed 26 days. A few weeks after the injection engine, if followed correctly, will be able to return to Earth. Hayabusa is around the sun, the earth is spinning and drawing a slightly different orbit. Last year was the jet engine continues to orbit closer to Earth in November, one of the four engines of three vehicles failed, was desperate to return. The entrance broken ...
      Астероидов корабль продолжает лететь к возвращению на Землю Hayabusa и вошел в орбиту через медиальный чем пн Японское агентство аэрокосмических исследований подтвердили 26 дней. Через несколько недель после введения двигатель, если за ним правильно, будут иметь возможность вернуться на Землю. Hayabusa является вокруг Солнца, Земля вращается и графика немного другую орбиту. Прошлый год был реактивный двигатель продолжает орбиту ближе к Земле, в ноябре, один из четырех двигателей из трех транспортных средств, не было отчаянным вернуться. Вход тронулся ...

    • I have lived without ever studying world history at all. University exam period, I did not know they are interested to watch and just rote memorization subjects. But now, if that is what today .. - human-powered search
      I have lived without ever studying world history at all. University exam period, I did not know they are interested to watch and just rote memorization subjects. But now, led to the recognition and the knowledge to know that something embedded in the context of what is today. Predict the future I think I will focus only on the head of each man, in the past know that it is managed to some extent in the study. And knowing the past and now is assistant to predict the future ...
      Я жил когда-либо без изучения мировой истории вообще. Университет экзамен период, я не знаю, что они заинтересованы, чтобы просто смотреть и Rote субъектов запоминания. Но теперь, привело к признанию и знания, чтобы знать что-то встроенный в контексте того, что является сегодня. Предсказать будущее, я думаю, я остановлюсь только на голове каждого человека, в прошлом, знают, что это удалось какой-то степени в этом исследовании. И зная прошлое, и сейчас является помощником для предсказания будущего ...

    • What movies can use to learn English: Arufarufamozaiku
      Learning English 名無Shi @ 12 says: 04/02/23 (Mon) 22:07 BEAN be good. Mr. Bean goes to the American story. You can hear the sound can be heard in English and American. Learning English 名無Shi @ 19 says: 04/02/24 (Tue) 03:11 If you are motivated, When Harry Met Sally is recommended. Dialogue that tend to have less characters easy to understand, but they are very fast, there are many words from the stage to everyday use. Old disk ...
      Apprendre l anglais 名 无 Shi @ 12 dit: 04/02/23 (lun.) 22:07 BEAN être bon. Mr. Bean se rend à l histoire américaine. Vous pouvez entendre le son peut être entendu en anglais et américains. Apprendre l anglais 名 无 Shi @ 19 dit: 04/02/24 (mar.) 03:11 Si vous êtes motivé, Quand Harry rencontre Sally est recommandé. Dialogue qui ont tendance à avoir des personnages moins facile à comprendre, mais ils sont très rapides, il existe de nombreux mots de la scène pour un usage quotidien. Vieux-disque ...

    • English learning community for people serious
      2010 a year s time 1 / 6 Let that be nearing an end. New Year s Day this year established a goal of going? TOEIC 900 points in what year? Welcome to study abroad this year? But will such a goal is completely forgotten that I have been busy lives. The most serious enemy society for people with every day that I m too busy living. Around the students can still realize that it is their lazy. Ore (I) is a guy not ... I will also be immersed in such self-loathing. But it is a social person ... etc.
      Время 2010 год S 1 / 6 Дайте, что близится конец. Новый год в этом году учредил цели идешь? TOEIC 900 баллов, в каком году? Добро пожаловать на учебу за границу в этом году? Но будет ли такая цель является совершенно забыли, что я был занят жизнью. Наиболее серьезным противником общества для людей с каждым днем, что я слишком занят жизни. Вокруг учащиеся могут осознать, что это их ленивыми. Горно-(I) является не парень ... Я также будут погружены в такое отвращение к себе. Но это социальная человек ... и т.д.

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