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    • u0026quot;Money politicsu0026quot; to discuss the new agency, the parties match: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      New Komeito s Diet Affairs Committee Chairman Urushihara Yoshio Journal of NHK news program in the call, the ruling party also agreed. Yamaoka Kenzi committee chairpersons of the Democratic Party politics and money problems (focus) is donations.『 I 』quitting should discuss with the other refreshing. Go after the budget, he said after the passage of the budget year 2010 The four also announced its intention to start talks in February. Mikio Shimoji national party committee chairpersons of Until the problem is political secretary 起Koshitara any standards (responsibility), and whether the span, the whole story ...

    • [LDP] and a good fight scene of anguish local elections u0026quot;hidden Liberalu0026quot;, u0026quot;styleu0026quot; leadership 生Kasenai (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      LDP headquarters on the night of February 21. Norimichi Nakamura helped the LDP in Nagasaki gubernatorial election (if more) the sure winners and the news flow, Tadamori Oshima s secretary appeared before the press corps while his face was flushed. After last year s election, we won that election was the governor of Miyagi Prefecture and Nagasaki Prefecture composition of the opposition against the ruling party, the Democratic Party s government in the eye of the public expression of the attitude of consciousness. In view of the upper house election It is also important that I put in the fight against the Democrat-dominated House of Representatives that all the four chief constituency and House of ...
      Siège du PLD dans la nuit de Février 21. Norimichi Nakamura a aidé le PLD à Nagasaki élection au poste de gouverneur (si plus) la Sûre gagnants et le flux des nouvelles, secrétaire Tadamori Oshima a comparu devant la presse alors que son visage était congestionné. Après l élection de l an dernier, nous avons gagné cette élection a été le gouverneur de la préfecture de Miyagi et de Nagasaki Préfecture de la composition de l opposition contre le parti au pouvoir, le gouvernement du Parti démocrate dans l oeil de l expression publique de l attitude de la conscience. Compte tenu des élections sénatoriales Il est également important que j ai mis dans la lutte contre le démocrate dominé par la Chambre des représentants que tous les quatre chefs de circonscription et de la Chambre de ...

    • Matsuda said the LDP upper house members to the party and former ministers - MSN Sankei News
      Former Science and Technology Minister Iwao Matsuda of LDP upper house member (72) u003d u003d Gifu constituency that elected his party s intention to tell the party leaders said Thursday the 28. LDP executive said on Wednesday. Is to dissuade someone from resigning the leadership. Mr. Matsuda is the upper house election in summer, but intends to run for reelection this year is not. And had to be complicated because of the relationship with the Liberal Democratic Party to accept the Democratic nomination in the Gifu constituency own secretary. Mr. Matsuda is a member of the House of Representatives after the House of Councilors election in the former bureaucrat who twice. Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi s cabinet in the fruit ...
      El ex ministro de Ciencia y Tecnología, Iwao Matsuda miembros del PLD de la Cámara Alta (72) u003d u003d Gifu circunscripción que eligió a la intención de su partido para decir a los líderes de los partidos, dijo el jueves la 28. Ejecutivo del PLD dijo el miércoles. Es para disuadir a alguien de su dimisión en la dirección. El Sr. Matsuda es la elección de la cámara alta en verano, pero tiene la intención de postularse para la reelección este año no lo es. Y tuvo que ser complicado, debido a la relación con el Partido Liberal Democrático de aceptar la nominación demócrata en la circunscripción de Gifu propio secretario. El Sr. Matsuda es un miembro de la Cámara de Representantes después de la Cámara de Consejeros electorales en el ex burócrata que dos veces. El gabinete del primer ministro, Junichiro Koizumi, en el fruto ...

    • wrong, rogue and log: Mr. Miwa Yoshirou, too funny Mr. Fumio Hayashi
      public opinion and yutakashino day - Note: this blog s yutakashino (Kashino Yuuta) Write through is not representative of the views of any other corporation that belongs to, only a temporary expression of personal opinion.片付Keyou also annulled a weekend off a spirited work that 貯Matsu, not to expand the Wake of reading books and articles in economics looking. Komatsu ... You cough. Initially, the reform debate during the resale of those newspapers and books, Nabetsu ...
      общественное мнение и yutakashino день - Примечание: yutakashino этого блога (Кашино Yuuta) Напиши путем не является репрезентативной для просмотра любой другой корпорацией, которая принадлежит только временные выражения личного мнения.片 付 Keyou также аннулировал Weekend Off духу работа, 贮 Мацзу, не расширять после чтения книг и статей по экономике будущее. Komatsu ... кашле. На начальном этапе реформ обсуждения, в ходе перепродажи этих газет и книг, Nabetsu ...

    • The numbers tell a happy life? Government u0026quot;happiness researchu0026quot; to implement - MSN Sankei News
      October 28 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan, finance ministers and deputy prime minister, ministers met at the residence and the national strategy by Yoshito Sengoku, six indicators of national growth strategy and to sight the moon to determine the happiness survey agreed to implement. To promote coordination of research as soon as possible, three also hopes to begin in early February. Last December the government s growth strategy in the basic policy decision at the end of the traditional GDP (gross domestic product) growth modality not only with the axis, as the new values of national happiness indicators open the ...
      28 octobre Premier ministre Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan, les ministres des finances et vice-Premier ministre, les ministres se sont réunis à la résidence et la stratégie nationale de Yoshito Sengoku, six indicateurs de la stratégie nationale de croissance et d apercevoir la lune pour déterminer le «bonheur» d enquête convenu de mettre en œuvre. De promouvoir la coordination de la recherche dès que possible, trois espère aussi commencer au début de Février. Décembre dernier par le gouvernement stratégie de croissance dans la décision de principe de base à la fin de la traditionnelle PIB (produit intérieur brut) modalité de croissance, non seulement avec l axe, comme les nouvelles valeurs nationales bonheur des indicateurs ouvrir le ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): 21 Law Germany, 3000 funds from the national treasury bonds to buy billion surplus assets - Society
      Amount of bonds purchased with funds held by the National Institute of the country, about 21 corporations a total of 300 million yen in 1000 (as of March 31 last year) to go up to the Asahi Shimbun has learned. Purchase funds and assets from the budget surplus excluding grants and contributions from the country. The bond issuance has been increased to compensate for the shortfall in tax revenue of the country, but it-minute composition law scholarship over the Doku. Experts If you return to the country worth more than Germany law, it is wasteful to issue bonds to be suppressed, has been criticized. Germany has returned surplus assets of the law in the country ...
      Montant des obligations achetées avec des fonds détenus par l Institut national du pays, environ 21 sociétés d un total de 300 millions de yens en 1000 (à partir de Mars 31 l an dernier) pour aller jusqu à l Asahi Shimbun a appris. Fonds d achat et les actifs provenant de l excédent budgétaire hors dons et de contributions du pays. L émission a été augmentée pour compenser le déficit des recettes fiscales du pays, mais elle composition minute loi sur les bourses d études Doku. Experts Si vous retournez au pays plus de valeur que la loi sur l Allemagne, il est inutile d émettre des obligations à être supprimé», a été critiquée. L Allemagne a renvoyé l excédent d actif de la loi dans le pays ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): the people of Iceland, even angry foreign deposits u0026quot;protect public moneyu0026quot; - Read the economy - Economy u0026amp; Business
      Head of the deposit guarantee matter Ranzubanki foreign sway u003d Reykjavik, new problems have occurred in Iceland financial crisis fell into an abyss of copying the president of Iceland Grimson Arita. Major banks bankruptcy (insolvency) to protect depositors in the Netherlands and accounts were frozen by the UK s taxpayer money or far. Original plan was too big a burden and buying a public backlash, March 6 was the day that a referendum be held. Compared to the bloated financial 身No丈 ...
      Jefe de la fuerte influencia extranjera materia de garantía Ranzubanki u003d Reykjavik, nuevos problemas han ocurrido en la crisis financiera de Islandia cayó en un abismo de la copia al presidente de Islandia Grimson Arita. Los principales bancos de la quiebra (insolvencia) para proteger a los depositantes en los Países Bajos y las cuentas fueron congeladas por el dinero de los contribuyentes del Reino Unido o de lejos. El plan original era una carga demasiado grande y la compra de una reacción negativa del público, 6 de marzo fue el día que se celebre un referéndum. En comparación con la hinchada financieros 丈 身 n º ...

    • Dot-com topical: the national u0026quot;happinessu0026quot; to investigate indicators u003d new growth strategy - government
      National happiness to investigate indicators u003d new growth strategy - the national government happiness to investigate indicators u003d new growth strategy - The government on October 28 Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, Naoto Kan, the official residence of Deputy Prime Minister They met with ministers of finance ministers and national strategy-cum Yoshito Sengoku, concrete measures for compiling a new growth strategy, the national happiness agreed to investigate. After working out a specific survey items, three to launch in early May. After the meeting, in front of his residence was Sengoku The numbers just GDP (gross domestic product) growth We not only ...
      Национальная счастье , чтобы расследовать показатели u003d новая стратегия - рост национального правительства счастья для исследования показателей u003d новая стратегия роста - правительства 28 октября премьер-министр Юкио Хатояма, Наото Кан, официальной резиденции заместителя Премьер-министра Они встретились с министрами министрами финансов и национальной стратегии и эволюции Yoshito Sengoku конкретные меры для составления новой стратегии роста, национальные счастье согласилась провести расследование. После выработки конкретных пунктов, обследование, от трех до запуска в начале мая. После встречи, напротив его резиденции была Sengoku Цифры просто ВВП (валовой внутренний продукт) роста, мы не только ...

    • u0026quot;剛腕 more skill,u0026quot; said Ozawa, the Minister of Internal Affairs rave Haraguchi - MSN Sankei News
      Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party 28, at the party convention was held in Saga City, Saga prefectural chapter, but I was told 剛腕, Internal Affairs Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi is to demonstrate my skills more, local allocation revived the tax, Haraguchi said lifting the prefectural chapter representatives, and wowed the audience. But Mr. Haraguchi s important for a big earthquake in Chile, and then suddenly 帰京, Praise you could not be heard. For the summer upper house election, Social Democratic party and cooperation while maintaining the public, have a majority on its own, venture ...

    • Mathematics 徒然 day we will be at FC2 | Adam and Billi u0026quot;optimal monetary policy commitment under the constraint of zero nominal interest rate associated withu0026quot; partial translation
      Klaus Adam and Roberto M. Billi Optimal Monetary Policy under Commitment with a Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates is part of the translation. From the abstract first. Fowadorukkingu Nyukeinjianmoderu within the framework of a constraint is the lower bound of nominal interest rates to zero, we have the commitment level.
      Klaus Adam et Roberto M. Billi Optimal Monetary Policy, par l engagement d un bond Zero le nominal Taux d intérêt» fait partie de la traduction. De la première abstrait. Fowadorukkingu Nyukeinjianmoderu dans le cadre d une contrainte est la limite inférieure des taux d intérêt nominaux à zéro, nous avons le niveau d engagement.

    • Agora: What the central bank can control inflation expectations - Nobuo Ikeda
      Economic category of the central bank can control either inflation expectations - Mr. Nobuo Iida Ikeda, Thank you for rebuttal. I think the problem is quite clear. Reflation policy of moderate [0] to clarify the conditions for lifting interest rates, to take legal action for its compliance with the standard [] to reflation policy with the quantitative easing foreign exchange intervention in order to give strong backing to the commitment [ a] reflation policy or directly injected into the household and corporate sector gains currency issuance (the so-called helicopter and Manet.
      Categoría económica del banco central puede controlar bien las expectativas de inflación - Sr. Nobuo Iida Ikeda, Gracias por refutación. Creo que el problema es bastante claro. Reflación política de moderado [0] para aclarar las condiciones para la elevación de las tasas de interés, para emprender acciones legales para el cumplimiento de la política reflación estándar [] para con los extranjeros cuantitativos facilitar el intercambio de intervención a fin de dar un fuerte respaldo al compromiso [ a] la política de reflación o directamente inyectado en el hogar y ganancias de las empresas del sector emisión de moneda (el helicóptero de los llamados y Manet.

    • Cabinet approval rating, down 2 points 43 percent of the Nikkei poll - NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Major news
      The TV Tokyo and Nihon Keizai Shimbun, February 26 〜 28 poll conducted by The Sun, Hatoyama Cabinet s approval rating was 43 percent in one month from the previous survey two points dropped. The disapproval rating rose two points to 49 percent. The difference between approval and disapproval is extended to six points. Deputy Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the finance minister announced the launch into a debate about fundamental tax reform that is 62 percent evaluation answered. No rating is 25 percent. Hatoyama Cabinet s approval rating continued to decline immediately after the inauguration, the previous survey.
      ТВ Токио и Нихон кэйдзай симбун , 26 февраля 〜 28 опросу, проведенному The Sun, рейтинг одобрения кабинета Хатояма было 43 процентов в течение одного месяца с предыдущего обследования двух точках сократилось. Рейтинг непопулярности закрывается двумя точками до 49 процентов. Разница между утверждением и осуждение распространяется на шесть очков. Заместитель премьер-министра Наото Кан, министр финансов объявил о запуске в дискуссию о коренной реформе налога, который составляет 62 процентов оценка ответила. Нет рейтинга составляет 25 процентов. Хатояма рейтинг одобрения кабинета министров продолжали снижаться сразу же после инаугурации предыдущего обследования.

    • Now face to keep out what it was like that from the risks faced by the Japan Housing Loan - ∩ ∪ ∫! ┗ □ 9 - nusilog --
      February 28, 2010 04:42 Category Sun: nots (Nottsu) face to keep it out from what was not said that the risks facing mortgage situation in Japan Posted by notsNo CommentsNo Trackbacks financial institutions sufficient funds are received, also a record low of 54.5% loan-deposit ratio of the credit union has been recorded. Despite what the United States raised its discount rate, Bernanke, chairman of the Bank of Japan Governor Shirakawa FRB saying ...

    • Book is u0026quot;freeu0026quot; you get: Life Insurance diary launch
      Life insurance from work the first time that people understand the industry life insurance and between the people understand that, knowing that there is a large discrepancy. People suffering from auto insurance will not pick, let alone who did not receive a consultation. When security was an accident about the best for yourself, just choose a combination of insurance and security. Life insurance, the same should be true is. Nevertheless, the mechanism is extremely complicated, many people own ...
      L assurance-vie des travaux de la première fois que les gens comprennent la branche assurance vie et entre les gens comprennent que, sachant qu il existe un écart important. Les personnes souffrant de l assurance-automobile ne seront pas choisis, et encore moins qui n ont pas reçu une consultation. Lorsque la sécurité était un accident sur la meilleure pour vous, il suffit de choisir une combinaison d assurance et de sécurité. L assurance-vie, le même doit être véritable. Néanmoins, le mécanisme est extrêmement compliqué, beaucoup de gens propres ...

    • Economics of hope - 『Japanu0026#39;su0026quot; lost 20 years u0026quot;』 - sling shop office
      1. University economists make policy recommendations about the book is rather neglected as a research specialist (even in parallel with specialized research example) irregularity of the university community regarded as heretical. It s a situation in which Japan s economic scholars. If it is normal to be preoccupied with the remark that there is only rooted in the defense of workers organized in many private economists and bureaucrats and economists, where real voices you will hear what it is. Of course there are exceptions to everything. I ...
      1. Economistas de la Universidad formular recomendaciones de política sobre el libro es bastante descuidado como especialista de investigación (incluso en paralelo con el ejemplo de investigación especializados) irregularidad de la comunidad universitaria considerado como herético. Es una situación en la que los estudiosos económico de Japón. Si es normal estar preocupada con la observación de que no se fundamenta exclusivamente en la defensa de los trabajadores organizados en muchos economistas del sector privado y los burócratas y economistas, donde las voces reales se oye lo que es. Por supuesto, hay excepciones a todo. Yo ...

    • Wall Street Diary: systemic hedge funds?
      And trends in the U.S. financial industry, on carrier, the purpose of strengthening financial regulation and reporting experience is based on sentiment, the systemic 抑E込Mi that it should be placed in the street I came from a previously written in Europe the major financial institutions (banks and securities), as well as investment funds and even hedge funds and private equity funds, are considered to be subject to stricter regulations. Investment funds along with investment banks, this will be demonized by something ...
      И тенденции в американской финансовой индустрии, от перевозчика, с целью укрепления финансового регулирования и отчетности, опыт базируется на чувстве , системный 抑 E 込 Ми , что он должен быть помещен на улице, я пришел раньше писали в Европе крупных финансовых учреждений (банков и ценных бумаг), а также инвестиционные фонды и даже хеджевые фонды и фонды прямых инвестиций, считаются с учетом строгих правил. Инвестиционные фонды наряду с инвестиционными банками, это будет дьявол-то ...

    • YouTube - tsunami will hit the tropical resort TSUNAMI ATACK
      Tsunami Images

    • Twitter / Akuzawa Yoshiko: When leaving a decline in academic theory is always u0026quot;recessionu0026quot;. In other words, big clue ...
      When leaving a decline in academic theory, always recession . In other words, the beginnings of the adult anxiety from what is said, want tangible evidence. So exams, the numbers and rank would stick to discord. And revive the economy, cram education criticism, critical examination war comes out. All the economic problems. 6:55 AM Feb 26thvia Tween
      Al salir de una disminución en la teoría académica, siempre recesión . En otras palabras, los comienzos de la de adultos ansiedad de lo que se dice, quiere pruebas tangibles. Así que los exámenes , los números y rango se apegará a la discordia. Y reactivar la economía, la crítica de la educación meter , examen crítico de la guerra sale. Todos los problemas económicos. 6:55 AM Feb 26thvia Tween

    • National u0026quot;happinessu0026quot; to investigate indicators u003d new growth strategy - the government (newsletter) - Yahoo! News
      Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on Wednesday met with national strategies Yoshito Sengoku Minister of Finance and Deputy Prime Minister Prime Minister Naoto Kan at his official residence, for concrete measures to compile a new growth strategy, the national happiness in examining the policy match. After working out a specific survey items, three to launch in early May. After the meeting, his official residence before Sengoku is the numbers just GDP (Gross Domestic Product) の way to create what we do not just growth (but that means), he told reporters, and a new study as an indicator revealed that the ...
      Премьер-министр Юкио Хатояма в среду встретился с национальными стратегиями Yoshito Sengoku министра финансов и заместителя премьер-министра Премьер-министр Наото Кана в своей официальной резиденции, за конкретные меры, чтобы составить новую стратегию роста, национальные счастье в изучении политики совпадать. После выработки конкретных пунктов, обследование, от трех до запуска в начале мая. После совещания его официальной резиденции до Sengoku является номера просто ВВП (валовый внутренний продукт) の способ создать то, что мы не просто рост (но что это значит) , сказал он журналистам, и новые исследования в качестве индикатора показали, что ...

    • New term u0026quot;disabilityu0026quot; → u0026quot;people with disabilitiesu0026quot; → u0026quot;Challengedu0026quot; Prime Minister Hatoyama to u0026quot;desirable Challengedu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      97: Spoon (Aichi): 2010/02/24 (Wed) 10:52:45.78 ID: ORQIMcG8 it ll already be subject to the mockery of the English-speaking Challenged What is vertically-challenged (in a vertical direction given to challenge people) runt in horizontally-challenged (who was given the challenge to the horizontal direction) in fat follicularly challenged (who was given the challenge to the hair root) in Ha ...

    • ] Economy Resurrection - The easiest way to reply 』response 2010-02-28 - Hey! Research yourself up occasionally! !
      Was released on February 17, Tetsuya Miyazaki, who co-authored with his Resurrection Katsuma Kazuyo Japanese economy - the easiest way 』(Shinsho Kobunsha) is as grateful to you for the many responses. You will not even get this much response reflation policy alone Iida said. I think the discussion came to focus on No more people in this book. I turn one way to revive the Japanese economy Easy (Shinsho Kobunsha 443) Author: Kazuyo Katsuma, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Iida Hiroshi ...
      A été publié le Février 17, Tetsuya Miyazaki, qui a co-écrit avec sa résurrection économie japonaise Kazuyo Katsuma - la façon la plus simple 』(Shinsho Kobunsha) est aussi reconnaissant envers vous pour les nombreuses réponses. Vous n obtiendrez pas même cette réponse politique beaucoup relance seul Iida dit. Je pense que la discussion est venu de se concentrer sur les gens non plus dans ce livre. Je me tourne une façon de relancer l économie japonaise Easy (Shinsho Kobunsha 443) Auteur: Kazuyo Katsuma, Tetsuya Miyazaki, Hiroshi Iida ...

    • Control structure of the elderly - Ikeda Nobuo blog
      February 28, 2010 11:22 nursing-dominated economic structure of my book Courage abandon hope in the title, these days, pessimism that could kill the Japanese economy because it is used as a synonym for, let s excuse Words . If you ve flattered to finish reading this is life-support system will work out if the old economy never give up hope as long as it can get out of a sense that is not stagnation. If the word abstract economic system, simply because of the labor market ...
      28 de febrero 2010 11:22 enfermería dominado por la estructura económica de mi libro El valor abandonar la esperanza en el título, en estos días, el pesimismo que podría matar a la economía japonesa , ya que se utiliza como sinónimo de, vamos a excusa palabras . Si usted ha halagado de terminar de leer esto es el sistema de apoyo vital se resolverá si no la vieja economía renunciar a la esperanza, siempre y cuando se puede salir de un sentido que no es el estancamiento. Si la palabra sistema económico abstracto, simplemente porque el mercado de trabajo ...

    • Reason to recommend this global sovereign - Statistics + ε: American Life research study
      Most people are not in the financial industry may not know much, global sovereign Open International Asset Management (which includes monthly financial type) (hereinafter, Gurosobu) that faced a massive four trillion yen in assets under management there is a mutual fund. Speaking of per capita 4 trillion yen will have more than 3 million yen. The investment trust market in Japan is roughly 50 will know how big a trillion yen fund so much. So popular ...
      Большинство людей не в финансовой индустрии, могут не знать многое, глобальных суверенных Open International Asset Management (который включает в себя ежемесячную финансовую тип) (далее Gurosobu), которые столкнулись с массовым четыре триллиона иен в активы под управлением есть взаимный фонд. Говоря на душу населения 4 триллиона иен будет иметь более чем 3 миллиона иен. Рынок инвестиционного доверия в Японии составляет примерно 50 будут знать, как большие трлн иен фонд так много. Таким популярных ...

    • TBS, denying reports that the Japanese Tsushima Islands finally: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the board TBS, denying reports that the Japanese Tsushima Islands finally One Funnel (Saitama): 2010/02/28 (Sun) 12:55:05.44 ID: 64gOmuZV? BRZ

    • - Media Patrol Japan ~ love Japan - Japanese news site to cheer
      This site is under maintenance the moment. Please come later. (Scheduled to open February 27 18:00) Login
      本网站正在维护的时刻。请还在后面。 (预定于2月27日18:00开)登录

    • Do not even angry entrepreneurs to challenge! | No. 80 Investment
      Do not even angry entrepreneurs to challenge! Folding 2010.02.27 economic and financial legislation yesterday morning, a young entrepreneurial growth strategy in Japan and decline was interesting. Horie particular, Mr. Hiroki Azuma, University of Tokyo trio was noticeable Inoko s lab team. MVP is an individual, Inoko s remarks. , (Japan s) and get yelled Desho challenge. Very afraid. But YouTube is a hero in America, from Japan is the author of Winny was arrested for criminal treatment.
      Les entrepreneurs même pas en colère pour défi! Folding 2010.02.27 législation économique et financière, hier matin, «une stratégie de croissance d entreprise des jeunes au Japon et en déclin est intéressante. Horie, en particulier, M. Hiroki Azuma, Université de Tokyo trio était perceptible équipe de laboratoire INOKO s. MVP est un particulier, remarques INOKO s. , (Japon) et descendre crié Desho défi. Très peur. Mais YouTube est un héros en Amérique, du Japon, est l auteur de Winny a été arrêté pour le traitement pénal.

    • u0026quot;I took a bad LDP,u0026quot; the prime minister criticized the Democratic Morimoto: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Morimoto of the Liberal Democratic Party prime minister on June 27 at a meeting of the Nagano Prefectural Shinano town, and tightened the trade group was organized during the LDP supported the Democratic budget, Prime Minister Hatoyama and Ozawa and former secretary general of the Democratic Party, the Liberal Democratic Party most vilely (abhorrent) Tanaka faction they were doing that, just like the Liberal Democratic Party have made bad the statement said. The hearing was called to mention that the U.S. President Akio Toyoda Toyota recall issues, White House talking to the governor and the local government if the Liberal Democratic Party ...

    • Try to graph the unemployment rate by age and education in Japan (2009 Edition): Garbagenews.com
      Ministry of Internal Affairs February 22, 2010, in the year 2009 Labor Force Survey (Detailed Tabulation) announced the results of breaking ([Labor Force Survey (Detailed Tabulation), average annual 2009 (preliminary) results: page presentation]). According to the young people (15-24 years) and annual average unemployment rate of 14.2% was found to be reached. This is a record high, which proves that young people are particularly affected the employment situation deteriorating in recent years. Now this is based on the data previously [Education in Japan ...
      Министерство внутренних дел 22 февраля 2010, в 2009 году Обследования рабочей силы (Подробный Табулирование) объявила результаты разрыва ([Обследование рабочей силы (Подробный Табулирование), средний ежегодный 2009 (предварительные) результаты: Page Представление]). По словам молодых людей (15-24 лет), а среднегодовой уровень безработицы 14,2% оказалась достигнута. Это рекордно высоким, что доказывает, что молодые люди особенно сказываются на ситуации с занятостью ухудшается в последние годы. Теперь это на основании данных ранее [Образование в Японии ...

    • Opponents of foreigners to vote u0026quot;brightly in one way onlyu0026quot; - note Iu0026#39;m evil
      Political, not social ー 問題Tsu is the story of foreigners to vote. But I ll swig sensitive topics? For some reason, I sometimes, but sometimes I feel like a gang of Sayoku Hatena, very different. What is what paints a bullish picture, I ll introduce you to vote against the foreigners. It is also breechblock, or is an independent country, Japan, the distinction between foreign and Japanese I think I need. I just sometimes a little sensitive something wrong with the naming of the not crystal clear way ...
      Politique et non social ー 問題 Tsu est l histoire de vote des étrangers. Mais je vais swig sujets sensibles? Pour certaines raisons, je suis parfois, mais parfois je me sens comme un gang de Sayoku Hatena, très différent. Qu est-ce que ce qui brosse un tableau optimiste, je vais vous présenter pour voter contre les étrangers. Il est également culasse, ou est un pays indépendant, le Japon, la distinction entre étrangers et japonais je crois que j ai besoin. J ai juste parfois un peu sensibles quelque chose de mal avec la désignation du «pas la voie de cristal clair ...

    • Financial Diary: The best selection of textbooks to study financial engineering and economics (β version)
      2010 Feb 26, the best selection of textbooks for financial engineering and economics to study the Sun (β version), future work in the financial industry and students who are serious as we are already working reading this blog and me So, today I would like to introduce you around the recommended textbooks. Derivatives pricing theory Derivatives Pricing Theory Options, Futures, and Other Deri ...
      2010 26 de febrero, la mejor selección de libros de texto de ingeniería financiera y la economía para estudiar el Sol (versión β), la labor futura en el sector financiero y los estudiantes que son serios, como ya estamos trabajando de leer este blog y yo Así pues, hoy quiero presentarles alrededor de los libros de texto recomendado. Derivados de la teoría de fijación de precios derivados de Precios Teoría de opciones, futuros, y Deri Otros ...

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