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    • The atmosphere of the planet, u0026quot;eatu0026quot; stellar (Japanese site National Geographic) - Yahoo! News
      Slightly larger than the planet Jupiter primary star WASP-12b is close to the WASP-12 orbit (artist s illustration). (Image courtesy ESA NASA and Frederic Pont Geneva University Observatory) The hottest planet outside the solar system has been confirmed in one primary star in each one gradually being eaten was announced that the latest research. 2008 exoplanet WASP-12b was found in the trees ...
      稍大于木星的主要明星黄蜂- 12B条接近黄蜂- 12轨道(艺术家的画像)。 (图片来自美国航天局和欧空局弗雷德里杜邦日内瓦大学天文台)在太阳系以外的行星最热已确认在一个在每一个主星逐渐“被吃”会议上宣布,最新的研究成果。 2008年外行星黄蜂- 12B条被发现在树上...

    • Backgrounders science: science and the media honeymoon for another try to end
      February 25, 2010 2:31 honeymoon in Science Communication Science and Media category try to stop. Revolutionary anti-cancer drug discovery that the media headlines, such as citizens really expect is a little longer Around this time I thought today might not be on the other hand, global warming is one of the world s leading research institutions, as in the case of the alleged leaked email from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit British citizens Where you expect to science ...
      25 février 2010 2h31 lune de miel en sciences Sciences de la communication et des médias catégorie essayez d arrêter. Révolutionnaire anti-cancer drug discovery que les gros titres des médias, tels que les citoyens attendent vraiment, c est un peu plus longtempsいないのではないかと思われる今日この頃ですが、一方で、世界有数の地球温暖化研究機関のひとつである、英イースト・アングリア大学の気候研究ユニットから流出した疑惑のメール事件のように、市民はLorsque vous vous attendez à la science ...

    • u0026quot;The effectu0026quot;: Chromeplated Rat
      Flower essence therapy Irassharurashii at home reading the Compass Plant 云U entry will use a placebo and the flower s essence. Tricks of alternative medicine like a feeling about reading. Changes in microstructure caused by replacement therapy, and hence the large individual differences in structure and, as an alternative therapy involving the theory and show these no choice but frustrating, going from the inside you have that kind of feeling . Well, fine ... weird
      Terapia floral esencia Irassharurashii en casa leyendo la brújula 云 Planta entrada U utilizará un placebo y la esencia de la flor. Trucos de la medicina alternativa como un sentimiento acerca de la lectura. Los cambios en la microestructura causada por la terapia de reemplazo, y por lo tanto, las grandes diferencias individuales en la estructura y, como una terapia alternativa que involucra la teoría y mostrar estos otra opción que frustrante , va desde el interior tiene ese tipo de sentimiento . Bien, bien ... raro

    • u0026quot;Contentu0026quot; and u0026quot;formu0026quot; - hiroyukikojima Diary
      19:37 to miss the Grammy music division of the Parramore movie was disappointing. Decode is a song I was very good. The happy, was recently released promo for a new song ( The Only Exception music video | PARAMORE official PARAMORE official blog in Japan Powered by Ameba) that. This also Matta, and a meaningful, good video 仕上Ga work ...
      19:37 пропустить отдела Грэмми музыка фильма Parramore вызывает разочарование. Decode это песня, которую я был очень хорошим. Счастлива, недавно был выпущен промо для новой песни ( исключение Music Video | PARAMORE официальной PARAMORE официального блога в Японии Технологии Ameba), что. Это также Матта, и смысл, хорошее видео 仕 上 Ga работу ...

    • Kuwashima Iwao - in order to properly evaluate the results of large clinical trials
      EBM pandemonium 10 years since the concept was introduced, EBM in Japan are finally about to be rooted the practice. To form the foundation of EBM, which is reliable evidence of large-scale clinical trials as its name suggests, is evidence that 10 have been integrated over a year ago mainly from the West. For high blood pressure, particularly diuretics are the main antihypertensive drugs currently used, β-blockers, α-blockers, Ca antagonists, ACE inhibitors, and recent AII receptor antagonists.

    • Amakusa company the worldu0026#39;s first mass-production of farmed tuna completely authentic to the ship to the United States / West Newspapers
      Amakusa company the world s first mass-production of farmed tuna completely authentic to the ship to the U.S. February 25, 2010 00:14 Category: Kyushu Economy fish processing company in Amakusa, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Burimi (President Hama Tadaomi) is 24 Sun, Fisheries Laboratory of Kinki University (Wakayama) is partnering with the world s first viewed the prospect of mass production of farmed bluefin tuna fish fully grown artificial hatching eggs parent, announced it will close a full-scale shipments to the U.S. did. The strong demand for bluefin tuna fishing regulations, particularly in Europe, said ...
      Amakusa compagnie première messe au monde de la production de thon d élevage entièrement authentique au navire à la U. S. 25 Février, 2010 00:14 Catégorie: Kyushu Economie entreprise de transformation du poisson à Amakusa, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Burimi (Président Hama Tadaomi) est de 24 Sun, Fisheries Laboratory de l Université de Kinki (Wakayama), en partenariat avec le premier au monde vu la perspective d une production en masse de poissons d élevage du thon rouge à maturité artificielle parent d oeufs à couver, a annoncé son intention de fermer une des expéditions de grande envergure pour les États-Unis fit. La forte demande pour les règlements de la pêche du thon rouge, notamment en Europe, a dit ...

    • Schizophrenia, ... way to elucidate mechanisms of drug onset (Yomiuri) - Yahoo! News
      Some of schizophrenia, a disorder that causes the development of the fetal brain, according to experiments on mice of Meijo University Prof. Toshitaka Nabeshima. And is expected to help develop new drugs. Date 25 scientific journal neuron was released. Schizophrenia is thought to lead to confusion or hallucinations and delusions, become ill or emotionally unstable, about 100 people who develop one. And there is a problem with the development of the brain, the onset is triggered by stress postgrowth ...
      Algunos de la esquizofrenia, un trastorno que causa el desarrollo del cerebro fetal, según los experimentos con ratones de Meijo profesor de la Universidad Toshitaka Nabeshima. Y se espera que para ayudar a desarrollar nuevos medicamentos. Fecha 25 de la revista científica neurona , fue puesto en libertad. La esquizofrenia es el pensamiento que lleve a confusión o alucinaciones y delirios, se enferma o emocionalmente inestable, cerca de 100 personas que desarrollan una. Y hay un problema con el desarrollo del cerebro, el inicio es provocado por postgrowth estrés ...

    • Dot-com topical: the rejection of global warming skeptics voice u003d ask measure progress - UN Secretary General
      Rejection of global warming skeptics voice u003d ask measure progress - the denial of global warming skeptics voice u003d seek forward the UN General measures - Current Events [New York] UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary-General on the 24th day in Bali, Indonesia send a message to the international conference on climate change kicked off, asking you to reject the attempts of skeptics to try to derail the negotiations, and that action is not affected by the voices that question the scientific evidence of global warming Ta. Secretary-General Ban said, Intergovernmental panel on climate change ...
      Отказ от глобальные потепления голоса скептиков u003d Ask мерой прогресса - отказ в глобальном потеплении голоса скептиков u003d Перемотка вперед ООН Общие меры - Текущие события [New York] Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Муна Генеральным секретарем ООН на 24-й день на острове Бали, Индонезия Отправьте сообщение на международной конференции по изменению климата начались , прошу вас отказаться от попытки скептиков, чтобы попытаться сорвать переговоры , и что решение не зависит от голоса на этот вопрос научные доказательства глобального потепления Та. Генеральный секретарь ООН Пан сказал, Межправительственная группа экспертов по изменению климата ...

    • Sukientia - Passion For The Future of information considered
      , Sukientia impressed.全作 Hazusanai masterpiece, but in short series. Sukientia is Latin for knowledge means. Clones, robots, and fell in love medicine, science and technology of the future forbidden, science fiction depicting how people will affect the lives of any. What basic but SF has a very human drama. Rent a Body aphrodisiac clone anti-鬱機 robot drag Machine awakening and the clone ...
      ,Sukientia留下深刻印象。全作Hazusanai的杰作,但在短期系列。 Sukientia是“知识”拉丁美洲的手段。克隆,机器人,并在爱医学,科学和未来技术的禁止下跌,科幻小说描绘人们如何会影响任何的生命。哪些基本但星小轮却是人性戏剧。 “租身”,“春药”,“克隆”,“反郁机”,“机器人”,“拖”,“机器的觉醒”与克隆...

    • Many of the type Ia supernovae occur in the combination between white dwarf?
      Many of the type Ia supernovae occur in the combination between white dwarf? February 25, 2010 [NASA Feature] by the Chandra X-ray astronomy satellites, Ia supernova explosions of the type most likely it was suggested that among the white dwarf caused by merging. Because the presence of a pair of white dwarfs are thought to be exceedingly rare, and the result was unexpected for many researchers. X-ray and infrared, visible light data superimposed image of the Andromeda Galaxy. Click ...
      Muchas de las supernovas de tipo Ia se producen en la combinación entre la enana blanca? 25 de febrero 2010 [NASA Feature] por el Chandra X-satélites de la astronomía de rayos, Ia explosiones de supernovas del tipo más probable es que se sugirió que entre la enana blanca causada por la fusión. Debido a la presencia de un par de enanas blancas se cree que son extremadamente raras, y el resultado fue inesperado para muchos investigadores. De rayos X y rayos infrarrojos, la luz visible los datos de imagen superpuesta de la galaxia de Andrómeda. Haga clic en ...

    • cloud9science @ Wiki - a phylogenetic tree of evolution
      2010-02-24 u0026amp; lightbox (evolutionary tree01.jpg, link u003d image, title u003d @ wiki, percent u003d 40) Click image to pop up. # contents ** What is evolution and evolution is to evolve gradually during the traits passed down from parent to child. In general progressive evolution is often synonymous with capture in biology is change is almost the same meaning. Therefore, withdrawal ...
      2010年2月24日和灯箱(进化tree01.jpg,链接u003d @维基u003d图片,标题,百分之u003d 40)点击图片弹出。 #**内容是什么演变和进化演变过程中由父母传递到孩子的特点逐渐。在一般的“进步”常常与进化生物学捕获的代名词是“变化”几乎是相同的含义。因此,退出...

    • Saturnu0026#39;s satellites could life: u0026quot;hot spotu0026quot; analysis | WIRED VISION
      Previous article GPS jammers using fraud Saturn s satellites may be the risk of life: Hot Spot Analysis of Sciences February 2010 25 comments Technology Sun: Trackback (0) Feed Science Technology Alexis Madrigal several geysers spew water vapor and ice particles. Images: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute [satellite of Saturn s icy moon Enceladus (Ence. ..
      Précédent article brouilleurs de GPS en utilisant la fraude satellites de Saturne mai être le risque de la vie: Hot Spot Analyse des Sciences Février 2010 25 commentaires technologie de Sun: Trackback (0) Feed Science Technology Alexis Madrigal plusieurs geysers crachent la vapeur d eau et les particules de glace. Images: NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute [satellite de la lune glacée de Saturne Encelade (Ence. ..

    • Astronauts go into the warp and what happens? : Gizmodo
      NASA / mono space, and astronauts will go into warp science do? Date posted: 2010.02.25 12:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] of the speed of light moving at a speed of 99.999998% and the crew of the spaceship is gonna to do? William Edelstein, Department of Radiology Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland Minasama longstanding question (William Edelstein ...
      NASA / mono espacio, y los astronautas en la ciencia de la urdimbre van a hacer? Fecha: 2010.02.25 12:00 Comentarios [0] Trackbacks [0] de la velocidad de la luz se mueve a una velocidad de 99,999998% y la tripulación de la nave espacial se va a hacer? William Edelstein, Departamento de Radiología de la Universidad Johns Hopkins School of Medicine en Baltimore, Maryland Minasama cuestión de larga data (William Edelstein ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): fully farmed bluefin tuna, fish processing companies in the real Amakusa shipped to the U.S. - Business and Economy
      Amakusa fully farmed bluefin tuna production to the United States begin shipping for the full-scale u003d 24, fish processing companies in the city of Amakusa Amakusa, Kumamoto City 本渡町広瀬 Burimi (President Hama Tadaomi) is completely successful farming of bluefin tuna in the U.S. has announced it will start in earnest for shipment. The regulations go fishing bluefin tuna in the world, demand is growing. Two years after seven years 1000-1 million fish exported about 10 billion yen sales goal. Bluefin tuna are sensitive to sound and light, the culture is difficult to grow in cages ...
      Amakusa полностью выращиваемых голубом производства тунца в Соединенных Штатах начала отгрузку для полномасштабного u003d 24, рыбоперерабатывающей компании в городе Amakusa Amakusa, Кумамото Город 本 渡 町 広 瀬 Burimi (президент Хама Tadaomi) вполне успешное хозяйство голубого тунца в США объявила она начнет всерьез к отгрузке. Правила порыбачить голубого тунца в мире растет спрос. Два года спустя семь лет 1000-1 млн. рыбы экспортировано около 10 миллиардов иен цель по продажам. Обыкновенный тунец чувствительны к звуку и свету, культуре трудно расти в клетках ...

    • Twitter / Pyon endure: the most compelling people of want to Deru 人Rashii surname is the career in research ...
      Deru s most compelling people of want a career in research 人Rashii surname is. Paper in the world is born it is always a duty, known pseudonym or is not permitted.探Senakatsu or like the latest article that married people are allowed to even put on paper before marriage. About 5 hours ago via movatwitter

    • The reason I came to dislike math
      Elementary go up from before, 1, 2, ・ ・ ・ full! The numbers say that from the first feeling was weak. But ・ ・ ・. Second grade was when the grade. Lessons learned in the three-digit subtraction. This scheme on paper. ex) 561-325 561-325 ---- 236 Shinkenzemi the day before actually (laughs) and they were doing, somehow found this way on paper. Still though I thought it was a difficult way. 6 have been taken Shimatsu why one or the one that I will be 11 or ...
      Elementary monter d avant, 1, 2, · · complet! Les chiffres disent que, dès le premier sentiment était faible. Mais · ·. Deuxième année était lorsque le grade. Les leçons apprises au cours des trois soustraction de deux chiffres. Ce schéma sur le papier. ex) 561-325 561-325 ---- 236 Shinkenzemi la veille en fait (rires) et ils faisaient, en quelque sorte trouvé cette manière sur le papier. Encore si je pensais que c était une voie difficile. 6 ont été prises Shimatsu pourquoi l un ou celui que je vais être de 11 ou ...

    • The squid Gros 憐Re little creatures [Note] in the world u0026quot;Burobufisshuu0026quot; - ABC (American stupid comedy) Society for the Promotion
      憐Re biological picture of the world s most ... Burobufisshu it. Inhabiting deep-sea 900 meters in length 30 centimeters Burobufisshu, floating in the water, only to wait for the food to the immediate past. That live in Australia and Tasmania, in order to increase the deep-sea fishing and lobster, crab, Burobufisshu even beyond normal human eye, and often has been or will be landed with this thanks , so also in danger of extinction Burobufisshu ...
      怜 foto de los recursos biológicos del mundo más ... Burobufisshu ella. Que habitan en alta mar a 900 metros de longitud de 30 centímetros Burobufisshu, flotando en el agua, sólo esperar a que el alimento para el pasado inmediato.生息しているオーストラリアやタスマニアでは、蟹やロブスターの深海漁が増加しているために、普段は人間の眼につかないブロブフィッシュも、このおかげで一緒に水揚げされることが多くなってきたとかで, así también en peligro de extinción Burobufisshu ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Japanese history compulsory subject in its own 都立高 u0026quot;from Edo to Tokyou0026quot; new - Society
      Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education on June 25, 2012 officially decided to Japanese history compulsory subject in high school and all municipal fiscal year. Learn the history of its own subjects or the modern Tokyo from Edo to Tokyo (tentative) to establish well. History of the Japanese Ministry of Education curriculum guidelines but elective, metropolitan high school students, the guidelines laid down in History of Japan A History of Japan B plus from Edo to Tokyo, at least from the 1 will also be enrolled in a course. From Edo to Tokyo is left to the discretion of each school introduced ...
      Токио совет по вопросам образования на 25 июня 2012 официально решен на японскую историю обязательного предмета в средней школе, и все муниципальные финансовый год. Ознакомьтесь с историей его собственные подданные или современный Токио из Эдо в Токио (предварительный) , чтобы создать хорошо. История японского министерства образования учебная программа выборных руководящих принципов, но, митрополит учащихся средних школ, руководящих принципах, изложенных в Истории Японии , История Япония B плюс из Эдо в Токио , по крайней мере с 1 также будут зачислены на курс. Из Эдо в Токио , оставлен на усмотрение каждой школе введены ...

    • Human u0026quot;shareu0026quot; can be happy living, News International Brain Research: AFPBB News
      MANAGUA, Nicaragua (Managua) hospital magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to work with healthcare professionals (2009, March 10 shooting days). (c) AFP / Miguel ALVAREZ [February 25] Human AFP selfish genes might be living with, even if cut himself satisfied with it and share it with others and especially The research results obtained with the sense, Sun 24 British science journal Nature (Nature) was published. Of California ...
      MANAGUA, Nicaragua (Managua), l hôpital de résonance magnétique (IRM) afin de travailler avec des professionnels de la santé (2009, Mars 10 jours de tournage). (c) AFP / Miguel Alvarez [Février 25] de l homme AFP gènes égoïstes» pourrait vivre avec, même si se coupe satisfait avec elle et la partager avec les autres et surtout Les résultats des recherches obtenus avec le sens, dim. 24 revue scientifique britannique Nature (Nature) a été publié. De la Californie ...

    • Page 1 language student: can not read characters u0026quot;dyslexiau0026quot;, caused by differences in site-kanji and English-speaking
      I can not read the letters page of the student and Tsuredzure one language dyslexia , and become unreadable characters-kanji stroke and cause of the difference in the English-speaking areas dyslexia is used in China to use the Western alphabet and Kanji The Japanese people and the damage to different parts of the brain, according to University of Hong Kong. The results showed the need for treatment according to culture, to be published in two British science journal Nature. In previous research with a focus on West, who has dyslexia, sound-letter spelling ...
      No puedo leer la página de cartas de los estudiantes y Tsuredzure un idioma dislexia , y se convierten en caracteres ilegibles-kanji accidente cerebrovascular y la causa de la diferencia en las zonas de habla Inglés dislexia se utiliza en China para utilizar el alfabeto occidental y Kanji El Japanese people y los daños a diferentes partes del cerebro, de acuerdo con la Universidad de Hong Kong. Los resultados mostraron la necesidad de tratamiento de acuerdo a la cultura, que se publicará en dos revista científica británica Nature. En la investigación anterior con un enfoque en Occidente, que tiene dislexia, el sonido de ortografía carta ...

    • Test and fool 』and『 summoned beast show, the elimination of weaknesses in the education kanji - 1000000 light years from the business
      雑記, the news is I somehow seems to be a serious tendency to suffer psychological damage or digital device that uses stuck around. Now, Unknown error (29) Japanese version of iPhone is not spit out error messages appear on the iPhone site is no longer impossible to recover on their own, Apple Store will be handy to have the conclusion that was reached but, on Saturday defiantly day ...

    • Schizophrenia and symptoms ... way to elucidate mechanisms of drug: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Some of schizophrenia, a disorder that causes the development of the fetal brain, according to experiments on mice of Meijo University Prof. Toshitaka Nabeshima. And is expected to help develop new drugs. Date 25 scientific journal neuron was released. Schizophrenia is thought to lead to confusion or hallucinations and delusions, become ill or emotionally unstable, about 100 people who develop one. And there is a problem with the development of the brain, is considered to trigger the onset stress postgrowth ...
      Certains de la schizophrénie, un trouble qui entraîne le développement du cerveau du foetus, d après les expériences sur des souris de Meijo University Prof Toshitaka Nabeshima. Et devrait aider à développer de nouveaux médicaments. Date 25 revue scientifique «neurone» est libéré. La schizophrénie est la pensée de prêter à confusion ou d hallucinations et des délires, tomber malade ou émotionnellement instables, environ 100 personnes qui développent un. Et il ya un problème avec le développement du cerveau, est considéré pour déclencher l apparition du stress postgrowth ...

    • Japan is the u0026quot;qualityu0026quot; of basic science research paper less u0026quot;quantityu0026quot; not only what countries produce: ISI Thomson Roitazu data shows - large u0026quot;brainu0026quot; Yo Voyage
      Neurological sciences post-doctoral fellows, postdoctoral fellow wine popularization of neuroscience issues paper on brain research etc. Writing a blog about geeky science [- General] Essential Science Indicators - ISI Web of Knowledge / Thomson Reuters recently, the foundation of Japan Scientific research (neuroscience, especially macro-system system) is that you have not talked to any position in the world up to ...
      Becarios de doctorado ciencias neurológicas posteriores, becario postdoctoral de la divulgación del vino de las cuestiones de la neurociencia de papel en la investigación del cerebro, etc escribir un blog sobre ciencia geek [- General] Essential Science Indicators - ISI Web of Knowledge / Thomson Reuters recientemente, la Fundación de Japón La investigación científica (la neurociencia, especialmente macro-sistema de sistema) es que no he hablado con cualquier posición en el mundo hasta ...

    • Science and religion was, I guess? - 手遊Bi of underground life
      Science, Philosophy of Psychology is included in the title hype components. Aboriginal artist DNA analysis of the African origins of humankind, but rather, I believe. In the history of Aboriginal lie, if it s just a myth, I would not mind not believe. We are different, however. do not care Out of Africa hypothesis. We were born here. geneticist is very complicated and difficult, I ve spoken origin theory is strictly a history of DNA. Yorotsu ...
      Наука, философия психология входит в компонентах Название Hype. Исполнитель аборигенов ДНК анализа африканского происхождения человечества, но, скорее, я считаю. В истории Ли аборигенов, если это всего лишь миф, я бы не возражал, не верю. Мы разные, однако. не волнует Из гипотезы Африке. Мы здесь родились. генетика является очень сложным и трудным, я говорил теория происхождения строго история ДНК. Yorotsu ...

    • Yet been sucked into a black hole, I saw a scene (movie): Gizmodo
      NASA / mono space, science, while video is sucked into a black hole, I saw a scene (video) Posted on: 2010.02.25 10:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] video free when you fall into a black hole, but Yes! Be sucked into a black hole, that is, there s a move almost the speed of light. Is it something you like? Toward the horizon of the black hole, the light of the stars near 散Raba ...

    • Yappari appearance this year! Kyoto specialty, u0026quot;Dr. Orita imageu0026quot; of the approaching Kido - Hatena Bukkumakunyusu
      Yappari appearance this year! Kyoto specialty, Dr. Orita image of the approaching Kido February 25, 2010 17:32 Committee statement spin-off: This season began in earnest Taniguchinaomi college admissions, academic tradition of freedom, claiming the mysterious inevitable in Kyoto There are phenomena. That is, the appearance of any character 象Tta Haribote image. Known as Mr. Orita statue This statue is called (?) Is taken up annually in local newspapers, as well as between the Kyoto students, students, people of Kyoto, such as Internet user, anywhere on ...
      Yappari apparition cette année! Kyoto spécialité , le Dr Orita image» de l approche Kido Février 25, 2010 17:32 Comité de la déclaration de spin-off: Cette saison a commencé dans les admissions des collèges Taniguchinaomi sérieux », la tradition académique de la liberté , qui revendique le mystérieux inévitable à Kyoto Il ya des phénomènes. Autrement dit, l apparition de tout caractère 象 Tta image Haribote. Connu comme «Monsieur Orita statue Cette statue est appelé (?) Est repris chaque année dans les journaux locaux, ainsi que entre les étudiants de Kyoto, les étudiants, les gens de Kyoto, comme l utilisateur d Internet, n importe où sur ...

    • Mule Q: I can not stop excitement ran circles around the house ... u0026quot;PythagoraSwitchu0026quot;
      I can not stop excitement ran circles around the house ... PythagoraSwitch NHK television shows in PythagoraSwitch, Gizmo showed a variety of personal belongings with the device Pitagora . Then came a lot of footage to this effect, which is full of tricks so far there was no footage of massive impress. Please Pitagora of exciting equipment. And next to me, something that might continue to Stock Gizmo home with a thorough ...
      Я не могу остановить волнение побежали круги вокруг дома ... PythagoraSwitch NHK телевизионных шоу в PythagoraSwitch, Gizmo показала различные личные вещи с устройством Pitagora . Затем пришло много кадров с этой целью, которая полна трюки до сих пор не было кадров массовых впечатление. Пожалуйста Pitagora возбуждения оборудования. А рядом со мной, что-то может продолжать домой фонда Gizmo с тщательной ...

    • u0026quot;Curiosity kills the cat andu0026quot; stray cat removal operations in Australia International News: AFPBB News
      [AFP] February 24 scientists from Australia, in 1800 the country to be rid of stray cats and dogs that live worldwide, Curiosity kills the cat and trap the sayings of the new Ayakatta ( trap) was invented. This new trap is to stimulate the curiosity of a cat using sound and light, something that the cat has been approached spew venom. Australian research institutions, Research Center alien species (Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Cen ...
      [AFP] Février 24 scientifiques en provenance d Australie, en 1800 le pays pour se débarrasser des chats errants et les chiens qui vivent dans le monde entier, La curiosité tue le chat et le« piège les paroles de la Ayakatta nouvelles ( trap) a été inventé. Ce nouveau piège est de stimuler la curiosité d un chat avec le son et lumière, quelque chose que le chat a été approché crachent le venin. Institutions de recherche australien, «La recherche d espèces exotiques Center (Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Cen ...

    • Mechanism of lightning-speed photography captured | WIRED VISION
      Article before fear of data lasts forever mechanism of its anti-lightning-speed photography captured in February 2010 24 Comments Science Technology Sun: Trackback (0) Annaliza SavageTom Warner said Feed Science Technology, Rapid City doctoral student in mining engineering schools in South Dakota. Since 2007, I was up to 54,000 per second high-speed video camera that can shoot the shot, record a lightning ...
      Статьи перед словом страх данных длится вечно механизма по борьбе с молниеносной фотографии захваченных в феврале 2010 года 24 Комментариев Science Technology ВС: Trackback (0) Annaliza SavageTom Уорнер сказал Feed Science Technology, Rapid City Докторант в горной инженерной школы в Южной Дакоте. С 2007 года я был до 54000 в секунду высокоскоростные видеокамеры, которые могут стрелять выстрел, запись молнии ...

    • u0026quot;Nap of one hour and a half minutes per night effectu0026quot;, new discoveries continue to sleep with various U.S. international news: AFPBB News
      Copenhagen, Denmark (Copenhagen) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in the (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC) conference, the day after the general meeting through the night, the attendance slump at my desk during a break (in December 2009 19 shooting days). (c) AFP / SCANPIX-DENMARK / Mads Nissen [AFP] on February 23 will be seniors during the day, when young ...
      哥本哈根,丹麦(哥本哈根)联合国气候变化框架公约变化,举行(联合国气候变化框架公约通过后,大会在夜间变化,气候变化公约)会议,同一天,在休息期间,2009年12月(在我的办公桌出席暴跌射击19天)。 (三)法新社/后者强调,丹麦/马德斯尼森[法新社] 2月23日将老人在白天,当年轻的...

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