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    • [54] cardiac transplant medical people - Cardiovascular Information Services
      CONTENTS What is a heart transplant? Why Japan s current status in Japan, the world would be able to become a heart transplant in Japan What I do not cause organ donation? ※ 2006 January 1, this page is part of a pamphlet issued on revised. Cardiovascular Backgrounders want to know The Series 9 (1999 published in May) to outline of a heart transplant has been introduced. This year, the resumption of the first heart transplant was made in Japan, is an example. Continued ... one example of resume
      Содержание Что такое пересадка сердца? Почему текущий статус Японии в Японии, мир сможет стать пересадка сердца в Японии, что я не причиню донорских органов? ※ 2006, эта страница была пересмотрена с 1 января брошюра выдается. Сердечно-сосудистые Backgrounders хотят знать Серия 9 (1999 опубликован в мае) на план по пересадке сердца был введен. В этом году, возобновление первую операцию по пересадке сердца была сделана в Японии, является тому примером. Продолжение ... Одним из примеров резюме

    • Space food burglar? Noguchiu0026#39;s minutes, being eaten by a colleague (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      Mon 12 last year from the International Space Station (ISS) is currently staying in a Japanese astronaut, Soichi Noguchi (44) was sent to space food in advance, it was eaten before arriving Noguchi 23, according to some reports. The first time in human history space food burglar or what someone thought, Koichi Wakata have similar names former astronaut Noguchi and his colleagues actually foreign (46) of the souvenir place that was convinced that Gochi . Noguchi December 23, the Russian Soyuz spacecraft.

    • Anatomically correct? Analysis of skeletal movements from Eva and Gundam - Hatena Bukkumakunyusu
      Anatomically correct? Analysis of skeletal movements from Eva and Gundam February 24, 2010 18:26 Anime Games minute statement: Japan s leading robot Iizuka Akiko anime Neon Genesis Evangelion and Gundam . Two features of motion such that one appeared to work, each a specialist in ballet skeleton is drawing attention from the structural analysis of entry. Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture ▽ Ballet Studio Aile is a blog. Evan ...
      Anatomiquement correct? Analyse des mouvements du squelette d Eva et Gundam Février 24, 2010 18:26 Jeux Anime déclaration minute: le Japon leader robot Iizuka Akiko anime Neon Genesis Evangelion et Gundam . Deux caractéristiques de la motion telle que l on semblait de travail, chaque spécialiste a dans le ballet «squelette» est d attirer l attention de l analyse structurelle de l inscription. Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Préfecture ▽ «Ballet Studio Aile est un blog. Evan ...

    • Spaceship u0026quot;Icarusu0026quot;, with recruitment message: News: Space: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) has been developed in laboratories Yoshinodai Sagamihara, Kanagawa Prefecture, 2010 spaceship flying in space to begin the year, Icarus are looking for with the names and messages. The name of this campaign is to travel the solar system aboard a yacht, you must go! . Icarus has been around 14 energy solar particles, called photons m square with a giant sail, was named after the yacht to go to outer space. Icarus, either launch ...
      Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) ha sido desarrollado en los laboratorios Yoshinodai Sagamihara, prefectura de Kanagawa de 2010 la nave espacial volando en el espacio para comenzar el año, Icarus que busca con los nombres y mensajes. El nombre de esta campaña es viajar por el sistema solar a bordo de un yate, usted debe ir! .イカロスは約14メートル四方の巨大な帆で太陽光の光子と呼ばれる粒のエネルギーを受けて、宇宙空間をヨットのように進むことから命名された。 Icarus, ya sea el lanzamiento ...

    • Diamond is the hardest substance in the world anymore - GIGAZINE
      Diamond has been and is the hardest natural substance has long existed that the substance is harder than natural diamond. Lonsdaleite (Lonsdaleite: Kathleen Lonsdale crystallographer named after) is called natural substances in rare than diamonds now clear that the rigid 58 percent. More from below. Itv News | Diamond is no longer nature s hardes ...
      Алмаз был и остается самым тяжелым природным веществом, уже давно существовал, что это вещество значительно труднее, чем естественный алмаз. Лонсдейлит (Лонсдейлит: Kathleen Lonsdale кристаллограф имени) это природные вещества, называемого в редких алмазов, чем сейчас ясно, что жесткая 58 процентов. Подробнее снизу. ITV News | Алмаз hardes не природа ...

    • va (洋楽): Abbey Road Studios, an important cultural property / BARKS News
      Into the spotlight that it was endangered, the revised value of the Abbey Road Studios, the British government into the spotlight ... that it was endangered, the revised value of the Abbey Road studio, Treasure by the British government (Listed Buildings) that was specified. At this, the content business aside, at least in its appearance to attract tourists to be protected. Government agencies, registration of buildings / Lee managed to protect ...
      Sous les projecteurs qu il était en danger, la valeur révisée des studios d Abbey Road, le gouvernement britannique dans le feu des projecteurs ... qu il était en danger, la valeur révisée de la Route de l Abbaye studio, Treasure par le gouvernement britannique (bâtiments classés) qui a été spécifié. À cela, l activité de contenu de côté, du moins dans son apparence pour attirer les touristes à protéger. Les organismes gouvernementaux, l enregistrement des bâtiments / Lee a réussi à protéger ...

    • For court officials, is a recent lecture. - MIYADAI.com Blog - BLOGOS (Burogosu) - livedoor News
      Sociologist Shinji Miyadai. Critics. Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University. Doctor of Sociology. Power theory, state theory, theory of religion, sexuality theory, theory of crime, education theory, theory of diplomacy, by a single theory in the field of culture and 20 books, including the 100 in the book co-authored books. Keyword, wholeness, Sosharudezain, architecture, with an unspecified source, among others. Font Size: | | for the court officials, is a recent lecture. February 24, 2010 at 36 minutes 08 / offer: Communication of the younger generation ...
      Sociólogo Shinji Miyadai. Críticos. Profesor de la Universidad Metropolitana de Tokio. Doctor en Sociología. La teoría del poder, la teoría del estado, la teoría de la religión, la teoría de la sexualidad, la teoría del delito, la teoría de la educación, la teoría de la diplomacia, por una única teoría en el ámbito de la cultura y de 20 libros, entre ellos el 100 en el libro co-autor de los libros. La palabra clave, la integridad, Sosharudezain, la arquitectura, con una fuente, sin especificar, entre otros. Tamaño de fuente: | | para los funcionarios del tribunal, es una conferencia reciente. 24 de febrero 2010 en 36 minutos 08 / oferta: Comunicación de la generación más joven ...

    • Thesis, Masteru0026#39;s Thesis Entries - vocal training
      Master s Program If you are planning to go to the Master s Degree Graduate (Master s Course) Entrance is a special story when you talk to other doctoral and postdoctoral employment is not u003d doctoral graduate I want not call Education has two laboratory information checklist for graduate Master-dimensional thinking (bulleted version) to go to graduate school who s got a better non-thinking community to go from doctor to do it checklist graduate theory Laboratory for Information Graduate Masters University of cod quota on how to do this until three percent rule.
      大学院博士前期課程進学を考えている方へ修士課程(博士前期課程)進学はもう特別な話ではないポスドクや博士課程の就職の話をする場合には「博士課程=大学院」と呼ばないで欲しいОбразование имеет два Лаборатория информационных перечень для выпускников мастер-мерное мышление (маркированные версии), чтобы пойти в аспирантуру, кто получил лучшее, не мыслящего сообщества идти от врача сделать это контрольный список выпускников Теория информации лаборатории Высшей Masters Университет квоты трески о том, как сделать это до трех процентов нормы.

    • The global agricultural pests u0026quot;aphidu0026quot; succeeded in decoding the genome - a unique gene repertoire understand the unique insects --
      This research pointsu0026gt; ○ duplicate gene amplification is most commonly due to insects, immune-related genes was significantly reduced reverse ○ earned about 10 identified genes from bacterial species, revealed a complex evolutionary ○ based on genomic information, RIKEN allow the development of safe and effective pest-control method (RIKEN President Ryoji Noyori), Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST, Koichi Kitazawa President) Gakken Institute for Basic Biology of Natural Science and the University Research Institute Corporation.

    • Where you can calculate up to tomorrow? : I do not know this Sugo, surely you have read
      Figure anticipated future is, you know, are you being true one as I thought. The point is, as I thought, I said. Decked out in heavy even complicated equations and modeling, there is just a story that is mixed into the causal and subjective people can understand the conclusion of the book. Weather, genetics, economics - Different us each genre, its essence has not changed. Moving machines and interpret the world but according to the laws of certain laws of causality is the reverse operation by observing the past ...
      Une figure prévu dans le futur» est, vous le savez, es-tu vrai que je pensais. Le fait est, comme je pense, dis-je. Parées de lourds équations même compliquées et la modélisation, il ya juste une histoire qui est mixé dans le peuple de causalité et subjectives peuvent comprendre la conclusion de l ouvrage. Météo, la génétique, science économique différente - nous chaque genre, son essence n a pas changé. Machines de terrassement et d interpréter le monde mais selon les lois de certaines lois de la causalité est l opération inverse, en observant le passé ...

    • Harmful for a child - + C am p 4 + β version
      This is harmful for children, consider the category. For a variety of ideas for my own good, the game in general is bad, bad, cartoon and I do not think at all, their children (even if just because I do not), games and books which may be harmful, or not healthy behavior, food intake (eating) categories that are certainly in me as an image. This can not be denied. In other words, if I my child Dattara Preparative position from parents and teachers ...
      Esto es nocivo para los niños, consideran la categoría. Por una serie de ideas para mi propio bien, el juego en general es mala, mala, dibujos animados y no creo que a todos, sus hijos (aunque sólo sea porque no lo hacen), juegos y libros que pueden ser perjudiciales, o no un comportamiento saludable, la ingesta de alimentos (comer) categorías que son sin duda en mí como una imagen. Esto no puede ser negado. En otras palabras, si mi hijo Dattara posición preparativas de los padres y maestros ...

    • Mathematics is the fear of one-digit number u0026quot;countingu0026quot; the act also affected - JAPAN Slashdot
      10/02/24/0741230story math anxiety is the number of digits to one count also affected by the act hylom February 24, 2010 18:00 from the Department of anxiety when I m counting on prime min . Anonymous Coward says that, to math anxiety count it became clear that they are often also negatively affected by a simple act (Article upstream). This study was conducted at the University of Waterloo in Canada ...
      10/02/24/0741230story тревога Math это число цифр в одном кол также пострадавшим от закона hylom 24 февраля 2010 18:00 от Департамента по тревоге, когда я рассчитываю на премьер мин . Anonymous Coward говорит, что для беспокойства Math Count стало ясно, что зачастую они также негативно сказывается на простых акта (статья вверх по течению). Данное исследование было проведено в Университете Ватерлоо в Канаде ...

    • Can define an objective discrimination - Whoso is not expressly included
      In some disciplines, the most basic things point to the word basic concepts is called. By combining the basic concepts, to explain the concept of the other higher level of abstraction, we have built a system of logic in the form of a scholarship. Therefore, to define the basic concepts are usually at the entrance of learning that will. However, in the theory of discrimination, discrimination to define the concept is far from the entrance of learning, is one of the ultimate goal, rather ...

    • Mule Q: I can not stop excitement ran circles around the house ... u0026quot;PythagoraSwitchu0026quot;
      I can not stop excitement ran circles around the house ... PythagoraSwitch NHK television shows in PythagoraSwitch, Gizmo showed a variety of personal belongings with the device Pitagora . Then came a lot of footage to this effect, which is full of tricks so far there was no footage of massive impress. Please Pitagora of exciting equipment. And next to me, something that might continue to Stock Gizmo home with a thorough ...
      Je ne peux pas cesser de tourner en rond l excitation autour de la maison ... »PythagoraSwitch émissions de télévision NHK au PythagoraSwitch, Gizmo a montré une variété d effets personnels avec le dispositif Pitagora . Puis vint un grand nombre de prises de vues à cet effet, qui est plein de trucs jusqu ici il n y avait pas de séquences de mouvements massifs de impressionner. S il vous plaît Pitagora d équipements excitant. Et quelque chose à côté de moi, qui pourraient continuer d actions de Home Gizmo à une enquête approfondie ...

    • The proposed new guidelines and Psychiatric Diagnosis-DSM proposed amendments overseas news] [health and beauty EXPO
      American Psychiatric Association (APA) is a long psychiatric bible has been the Guide for Diagnostic and Statistical of Mental Disorders (DSM) proposed revision (DSM-5) announced the first time in 10 years . Proposed amendments on April 20 has been published for public comment until the day the final document will be published in the year 2013. The last time the DSM-4 was introduced in August 1994. The one major change in this revision is a mental illness assessment dimensions (dimensional assessments) moved to ...
      American Psychiatric Association (APA) es una larga biblia psiquiátrica ha sido la Guía de Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales (DSM) proyecto de revisión (DSM-5) ha anunciado la primera vez en 10 años . Las enmiendas propuestas el 20 de abril ha sido publicado para comentarios del público hasta el día en el documento final será publicado en el año 2013. La última vez que el DSM-4 fue presentado en agosto de 1994. El único cambio importante en esta revisión es una enfermedad mental aspectos de la evaluación (evaluaciones de dimensiones) se trasladó a ...

    • u0026quot;Curiosity kills the cat andu0026quot; stray cat removal operations in Australia International News: AFPBB News
      [AFP] February 24 scientists from Australia, in 1800 the country to be rid of stray cats and dogs that live worldwide, Curiosity kills the cat and trap the sayings of the new Ayakatta ( trap) was invented. This new trap is to stimulate the curiosity of a cat using sound and light, something that the cat has been approached spew venom. Australian research institutions, Research Center alien species (Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Cen ...
      [AFP] Февраль 24 ученых из Австралии, в 1800 году страна будет избавиться от бродячих собак и кошек, которые живут по всему миру, Любопытство убивает кошку и ловушки высказываниями нового Ayakatta ( ловушка), был изобретен. Эта новая ловушка, чтобы стимулировать любопытство кошку с помощью звука и света, то, что кот был подходил изрыгать яд. Австралийский научно-исследовательские институты, Научно-исследовательский центр чужеродные виды (Инвазивные животных совместных исследований в Рос ...

    • Clinical Acupuncture and rebuttal procedures: The end of homeopathy / acupuncture and science
      Institute of Acupuncture cured if 氣堂 Sado Island in the British Parliament http://d.hatena.ne.jp/uneyama/20100223 # p2 NHS homeopathy does not treat the other with House of Commons Science and Technology Committee said in a report released today , homeopathy is just placebo, NHS should not be provided, and concluded. From 1948 to the NHS is dealing with homeopathy. Moreover Commission MHRA Drug Safety Agency is responsible for, random ...

    • Venice under water saving strategies to sprinkle the oil into the sea u0026quot;Future Veniceu0026quot; project started - GIGAZINE
      Designed to generate carbon dioxide reacts with calcium carbonate in the water, known as Smart Salad Dressing (dressing wise) sea to spray oil like olive oil ball called a reef-like limestone formation the city of Venice that to raise that prevent the flooding caused by global warming and Future Venice project that is going to start in February 26 days. This also seems like an outrageous idea without a viable ...
      Conçu pour produire du dioxyde de carbone réagit avec du carbonate de calcium dans l eau, connue sous le nom Smart vinaigrette (habillage d une montre) la mer à l huile comme une balle de pulvérisation d huile d olive appelée un récif-like formation de calcaire la ville de Venise que de «mieux» qui empêchent les inondations causées par le réchauffement planétaire et Future Venise projet qui va commencer en Février 26 jours. Cela semble également comme une idée scandaleuse, sans une solution viable ...

    • Stop recruitment of law school who passed the zero 姫路独協大 - MSN Sankei News
      Successful candidates in the 2010 school year was not a one 姫路独協大 Law School (Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture) has held a faculty meeting, 22 in school year decided not to re-recruitment. The enrollment will be zero in the nation s first law school. For admission after 23 Years, Justice Dean Yoshizaki Nobuhiro Based on the results of this admission, you want to carefully consider leaving someone in the state. According to the university, conducted one year to 22 admissions capacity less than 10 people last year shrunk to 20 people, if ...
      Los candidatos seleccionados en el año 2010 la escuela no era una 姫 路 独 协 大 la Facultad de Derecho (Himeji, prefectura de Hyogo) ha celebrado una reunión de profesores, 22 en el año escolar decidió no volver a ser reclutados. La inscripción será de cero en la escuela la primera ley de la nación. Para la admisión después de 23 años, Justicia Dean Yoshizaki Nobuhiro Con base en los resultados de esta admisión, que desea examinar cuidadosamente dejar a alguien en el estado. De acuerdo con la universidad, realizó un año a la capacidad de 22 entradas menos de 10 personas el año pasado redujo a 20 personas, si ...

    • M2 odd undermine the greatness of the diseases and symptoms, many suffer from mental agony that come up with one excuse or something and - while waiting for the dead meme
      戯言, go to graduate school in exchange for increased self-analysis is a little Otsumu, irreplaceable youth, innocence, we lose the flexibility damp. Two years ago, more precisely two months before September, I decided to proceed to higher education and university graduate.院試 obtained by feeding a waiver to maintain decent grades, the majority of the motives of action or not be bothered For me occupied, re-arranged to make countless choices for graduate school, again defying it, less ...

    • Medical certification can receive O-ring test
      Digital testing under the by-O-teacher interview Oomura Akie practical written by the founder ring test, digital-by-O-equivalent knowledge and experience in the ring test, the list of influential teachers have been recognized one-stage or three stage certifying physician, specialist in the four-stage to six stages over seven stages and Medical Advisor. ※ also a certified doctor during the day some people O-is not a medical test ring. Because different niche, etc. Also, check the features on the clinical course, contact each facility.
      Prueba digital en la O por profesor entrevista Oomura Akie prácticas redactado por la prueba del anillo fundador, digitales-por-O-poseer conocimientos y experiencia en la prueba del anillo, la lista de los maestros influyentes han sido reconocidos en una etapa, o de tres etapas de certificación médico, especialista en la etapa de cuatro a seis etapas de más de siete etapas y Asesor Médico. ※ también un certificado médico durante el día, algunas personas-O no es un anillo de pruebas médicas. Debido a diferentes nichos, etc Además, revise las características de la evolución clínica, en contacto con cada instalación.

    • Twitter / medtoolz: Acupuncture u0026quot;It looks like homeopathy, namely thatu0026quot; manipulative u0026quot;clock ...
      Acupuncture It looks like homeopathy, namely that manipulative She chuckles conspiratorially ... guy is the weakest among the alternative medicine ... Kairopuratikku NHS and I lose a shame when our pseudo-science ... 6 hours ago via Tween
      Акупунктура Похоже, гомеопатии, а именно, что манипулятивный Она смеется конспирации ... парень слабых среди альтернативной медицине ... Kairopuratikku NHS и я потеряли стыд, когда наши псевдо-науку ... 6 часов назад через Твин

    • Mechanism of lightning-speed photography captured | WIRED VISION
      Article before fear of data lasts forever mechanism of its anti-lightning-speed photography captured in February 2010 24 Comments Science Technology Sun: Trackback (0) Annaliza SavageTom Warner said Feed Science Technology, Rapid City doctoral student in mining engineering schools in South Dakota. Since 2007, I was up to 54,000 per second high-speed video camera that can shoot the shot, record a lightning ...
      Article avant la peur de données demeure à jamais mécanisme de son anti-foudre photographie ultrarapide capturé en Février 2010 24 Commentaires science, la technologie Sun: Trackback (0) Annaliza SavageTom Warner a déclaré Feed Science Technology, Rapid City étudiant au doctorat dans les écoles de génie minier dans le Sud Dakota. «Depuis 2007, j ai été en place à 54.000 par seconde à haute vitesse caméra vidéo qui peut tirer le coup de feu, d enregistrer un éclair ...

    • This is ... Buraddotaipuharasumento Daro - Yu 自適 Isaidono to the people
      00:11 | The Weekly Shincho think it was the February 11 issue of the Mr. Masayuki Takayama flexible look weird to be written by Ichiro Ozawa was too similar to that spirit of Koreans. (Omitted) try a little excerpt. Ichiro Ozawa, the secretary and the treatment of severe human beings who make no exceptions. Yangban reminiscent of the Chosun era. 揉Mi手 to see it in spite of the th and the other elders that habit. Of his type B blood type is. This is also the peninsula boasts an overwhelming share of blood. or such a thing ...
      00:11 | Le Shincho hebdomadaire crois que c était le numéro du 11 Février de l M. Masayuki Takayama l air bizarre flexibles pour être écrit par Ichiro Ozawa était trop proche de cet esprit des Coréens. (Omis) essayer un petit extrait. Ichiro Ozawa, le secrétaire et le traitement des êtres humains sévères qui ne font pas exception. Yangban rappelle l époque Chosun. 揉 Mi 手 de le voir en dépit de l e et les autres de cette habitude. De son type B type de sang est. C est aussi la péninsule bénéficie d une part écrasante du sang. ou telle chose ...

    • Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture, u0026quot;Ballet Studio Aileu0026quot; is a blog. Functional movement and activities of the type seen in Gundam and Neon Skeleton
      When considering the exercise of their functions, skeletal structure is one of the keywords. Biology is to operate beyond the limits that can not skeletal. In doing ballet, you may have felt in my bones I think many limitations. In fact, did so too. Beyond the range of motion of the bone and that means you can not move easily. In, and whether the skeleton is that any? And skeletal features that are or what the heck? Shinano today is focused on its skeleton.

    • Higher efficacy to placebo, Takeshi draw big international news of the natural healing power: AFPBB News
      [AFP] February 23 is a common disease with drugs that cure. But placebos by Australian scientists pointed out that sometimes the only cure for patients with medical care and wisdom (placebo) study results on May 19, British medical journal The Lancet (Lancet) was published. University of Sydney (University of Sydney) Finisu Damien (Damien Finniss) led an international research team, said Osamu to test the effectiveness of new drugs ...
      [AFP] 23 de febrero es una enfermedad común con los medicamentos que curan. Sin embargo, los placebos por científicos de Australia señaló que se publicó a veces la única cura para los pacientes con la atención médica y la sabiduría (placebo) los resultados del estudio el 19 de mayo, la revista médica británica The Lancet (Lancet). De la Universidad de Sydney (Universidad de Sydney) Finisu Damien (Damien Finniss) condujo un equipo de investigación internacional, dijo Osamu para probar la eficacia de nuevos medicamentos ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Discoveryu0026#39;s space food, co-workers were eating, mistaken Wakata - Science
      Last flight of the year 2005, Mr. Noguchi eat noodles provide space u003d Space Agency, but it is a bit short of my space food? International Space Station (ISS) and Soichi Noguchi have long-term stay (44) space food, and found that some had mistakenly eaten before Discovery s arrival. Fellow astronaut, Koichi Wakata former (46) seems to have mistaken the place became. Last year, according to a Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk Wakata stay with ...
      Dernier vol de l année 2005, M. Noguchi manger les nouilles fournir de l espace u003d Space Agency, mais c est un peu court de ma nourriture espace? Station spatiale internationale (ISS) et Soichi Noguchi ont de la nourriture séjours de longue durée (44) l espace, et a constaté que certains avaient mangé par erreur avant l arrivée de Discovery. L astronaute de Fellow, Koichi Wakata-Yougoslavie (46) semble avoir confondu le lieu est devenu. L an dernier, selon un astronaute canadien Robert Thirsk Wakata séjour avec ...

    • u0026quot;Nap of one hour and a half minutes per night effectu0026quot;, new discoveries continue to sleep with various U.S. international news: AFPBB News
      Copenhagen, Denmark (Copenhagen) United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, held in the (UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, UNFCCC) conference, the day after the general meeting through the night, the attendance slump at my desk during a break (in December 2009 19 shooting days). (c) AFP / SCANPIX-DENMARK / Mads Nissen [AFP] on February 23 will be seniors during the day, when young ...
      哥本哈根,丹麦(哥本哈根)联合国气候变化框架公约变化,举行(联合国气候变化框架公约通过后,大会在夜间变化,气候变化公约)会议,同一天,在休息期间,2009年12月(在我的办公桌出席暴跌射击19天)。 (三)法新社/后者强调,丹麦/马德斯尼森[法新社] 2月23日将老人在白天,当年轻的...

    • Over the ethics of science and pseudo-scientists (PDF)
      Tetsuji Iseda 10.2.17 1 seda@bun.kyotou.ac.jp + problem set + + examples of pseudo-scientific and ethical issues for the four pseudo-science + science + ethics + in terms of professional ethics as professional ethics think about issues critical requirements pseudoscience pseudoscience + di u003d 2 + scientists like George pseudo-scientific discourse about ...
      Тэцудзи Iseda 10.2.17 1 seda@bun.kyotou.ac.jp + проблема + + набор примеров псевдо-научных и этических вопросов по четырем лженаукой + Наука + + этики с точки зрения профессиональной этики, профессиональная этика думать о проблемах, критически лженаука требования лженаука + DI u003d 2 + ученые, такие как Джордж псевдо-научного дискурса о ...

    • What is antimatter? - LHC experiment ATLAS official
      Physics in figures | 21:46 Tokyo, and Akimoto. I have a little opening between the first of three times Physics in figures . We are talking about things like antimatter. Last five films starring Tom Hanks was released in January, Angels and Demons , Irasshaimasu remember what? The Angels and Demons, as one of the stage, LHC was built to CERN, the advent of the European Organization for Nuclear Research is what I think many of you know. CERN research ...
      物理学数字| 21:46东京和秋元。我有一首之间的三次“的数字物理小开”。我们说的是反物质之类的东西。去年5汤姆汉克斯主演的电影在今年一月推出,“天使与魔鬼”,Irasshaimasu记得什么?在“天使与魔鬼,作为第一阶段”,复合体建与CERN,对欧洲核研究组织的出现是我认为许多人知道的。欧洲粒子物理研究...

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