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    • u0026quot;Japanu0026#39;s huge health care industryu0026quot; - Professor Motoshige Ito University of Tokyo (1 / 3) - ITmedia Executive
      Are concerned about the economic impact of demographic aging and population decline. To sustain the prosperity of Japan, what do I do? Heard a professor Motoshige Ito Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo. - The demographic aging, the Japanese economy and an aging with fewer children what happens Ito, and produce a lot of talent with the introduction of large amounts of conventional models is difficult to export origins. One key is the use of human resources in Asia. If manufacturers, including core technology and product development, which will retain a high level in Japan ...
      关心人口老化和人口减少的经济影响。为了维持日本的繁荣,我该怎么办?听取了教授伊藤元重经济,东京大学研究生院。 ――少子高齢化で、日本経済はどうなるか伊藤 少子高齢化が進むと、大量の人材を投入して大量に生産し、輸出する従来モデルは成り立ちにくい。一个关键是,在亚洲人力资源的使用。如果制造商,其中包括核心技术和产品开发,这将保留在日本高层次...

    • 舫氏 lotus, to appoint Deputy Minister u0026quot;parteru0026quot; symbol - MSN Sankei News
      Hatoyama Cabinet on June 22, four Vice-Minister and Parliamentary Secretary to increase the number of conducted in November, last November, sorting business of the Democratic Party upper house member drew attention Beaux lotus (42) to appoint the Cabinet Office vice minister entered the final direction. Charge of administrative reform as a first bullet two business sorted responsible. According to several government officials. Hatoyama cabinet soon, lotus 舫氏 direction that was appointed Deputy Minister of Health, the National Assembly has been postponed in personnel management and coordination. Hatoyama Cabinet s approval, the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and Ozawa Hazime ...
      Хатояма кабинета 22 июня, четыре заместителя министра и парламентского секретаря по увеличению числа проведенного в ноябре, в ноябре прошлого года, Сортировка Бизнес-демократической партии член верхней доме обратили внимание Изящных Lotus (42) назначение на должность заместителя министра Кабинета министров вступили в заключительную направлении. Ответственный за административные реформы как первая пуля два бизнес отсортировано ответственным. По мнению ряда правительственных чиновников. Хатояма кабинета в ближайшее время, Lotus 舫 氏 направлении, которая была назначена заместителем министра здравоохранения, Национальное собрание было отложено в области управления персоналом и координации. Хатояма утверждение кабинета министров, премьер-министр Юкио Хатояма и Озава Hazime ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): cost ¥ 474 million residents to the prime ministeru0026#39;s residence u0026quot;No improvement in the bathroomu0026quot; - Politics
      Cost amounted to move Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama and his wife, the prime minister s residence for a total of about ¥ 474 million -. Hatoyama Cabinet yesterday, the Cabinet approved a written answer this. The answer in the deliberations of the House of Representatives Budget Committee in mid-Prime Minister bathroom renovation has no facts. Sanae Takaichi member of the House of Representatives (LDP) memorandum answered the questions. As Mr. Takaichi s more information from government officials, the wife of former Prime Minister『 a bath containing the grounds that 』入Ritakunai Taro Aso, Cabinet compensation expenses (Secretariat secret funds) or ...

    • If Erutesu measures for political slander
      Erutesu Corporation, we help you protect your company brand.
      Erutesu Corporation, nous vous aidons à protéger votre marque de l entreprise.

    • I Democratic gubernatorial influence peddling in Nagasaki u0026quot;And thouu0026quot; (1 / 2): J-CAST News
      I was not pressured into influence peddling in the Democratic gubernatorial Nagasaki, has been reported. It was suggested that the road would make cooperation with other elections. However, the party said, because the request came so far, no use of power has been excluded. Nagasaki, the region is known as a relatively strong County Democratic Party. 8 in 2009 election month, and although the wind blew, and 4 are the same in all electoral constituencies two. Ozawa I hope you can also build a highway ...
      No fue presionado en tráfico de influencias en el Nagasaki gobernador demócrata, ha sido reportado. Se sugirió que el camino que la cooperación con otras elecciones. Sin embargo, la parte que dijo, porque la solicitud llegó hasta ahora, ningún uso de la energía se ha excluido. Nagasaki, la región es conocida como un relativamente fuerte Partido Demócrata del Condado. 8 en 2009, mes de elecciones, y aunque el viento, y 4 son las mismas en todas las circunscripciones electorales dos. Ozawa Espero que también se puede construir una autopista ...

    • Corporate Rehabilitation Law to apply for review of Willcom, one break of one era - Digital - Nikkei Torendinetto
      WILLCOM Restructuring ADR but were told to apply for such a crisis, February 18, 2010, company finally filed for court protection. The Cabinet had decided to seek legal reconstruction. I came to wonder why such circumstances. Let s look back again. XGP investment and competition, said the company filed for court protection with debts pile up the financial crisis, held a press conference Willcom. There will be the president of Kubota Yukio, who came to explain how and why this measure. Like the day ...

    • u0026quot;Freeu0026quot; post-modern industrial society posed by: Nikkei Business Online
      Last week, EU (European Union) has been postponed Greece shelve the issue now, the only problem is not solved overnight, with a spark in Dubai remain as previously discussed, one issue that erupted again in the future I think I should. Moreover, even though there is a competitiveness gap between large economic disparities within the region, EU remains the fundamental question of whether it is possible to operate in an integrated manner, or the euro as currency. This year, the EU ...
      La semaine dernière, l UE (Union européenne) a été reportée à la Grèce de côté la grande question maintenant, le seul problème n est pas résolu du jour au lendemain, avec une étincelle à Dubaï restent tel que discuté précédemment, une question qui a éclaté à nouveau dans l avenir Je pense que je devrais. En outre, même si il ya un écart de compétitivité entre les grandes disparités économiques au sein de la région, l UE reste la question fondamentale de savoir s il est possible de faire fonctionner d une manière intégrée, ou l euro comme monnaie. Cette année, l UE ...

    • Kodansha 09 of 11 fiscal years, revenue 57 billion deficit down 26% NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): corporate news - corporate business strategy, financial and personnel from breaking through a merger or alliance
      23, Kodansha, 2009 announced the closing of 11 loss last quarter was a deficit of 57 billion yen (yen loss during the previous 76 million). Magazine advertising revenues decreased 26 percent is sounded. Revenues fell 7.8 percent during the period before 1245 billion yen, down 5.9 percent books, magazines, except the comic was 9.6 percent. 2033 net sales in 1995 have continued to decline after peaking billion yen. Operating deficit of 73 billion yen in the current account deficit was 49 billion yen. Such as bonuses and cuts the cost of meeting the cost savings of 10 billion yen ...
      23, Kodansha, 2009 anunció el cierre de 11 de pérdida último trimestre fue un déficit de 57 millones de yenes (pérdida de yenes durante los últimos 76 millones). Revista disminución de los ingresos por publicidad del 26 por ciento se hace sonar. Los ingresos cayeron un 7,8 por ciento durante el período anterior a 1245 millones de yenes, un descenso del 5,9 por ciento de los libros, revistas, excepto en el cómic fue del 9,6 por ciento. 2033 las ventas netas en 1995 han seguido disminuyendo tras alcanzar un máximo millones de yenes. De déficit de explotación de 73 millones de yenes en el déficit por cuenta corriente fue de 49 millones de yenes. Tales como bonos y reduce el coste de la reunión del ahorro de costes de 10 billones de yen ...

    • After all, what was I for the party manifesto Ttena - novtan annex
      雑記, social weekends, with discounts available highways. I think the discount soon if they want to take care of Oita s farewell. Free to the whole line, it took the administration by a dream (it s not the only reason of course) instead of the free interval and evidence of some social experiment that the Democrats, because they have lost most of the discounts. Of course, no order to expect Nante whole line becomes free. Highway in the first place is to be borne by the rate used is in some people, to be free ...
      雑 记, социальной выходным дням, с скидках доступна шоссе. Я думаю, что скидка скором если они хотят заботиться о прощальном Оита s.全線タダにする、という夢物語によって政権をとった(理由はそれだけではもちろんないが)民主党が社会実験と証して一部の区間をタダにする代わり、大半の割引をなくしてしまうからだ。 Конечно, нет порядка ожидать Nante всей линии становится свободным. Шоссе в первую очередь будет нести ставки, используемой в некоторых людей, быть свободными ...

    • Financial innovation rating - himaginary Diary
      Economy | financial crisis an opportunity this has been raised that question the significance of financial innovation in the past.拙 blog also has introduced such a discussion here and here. Some, like Krugman mentioned here, the stuff of many regulations that skillfully Kaikugutta, which was highly appreciated, and some people 断Jiru. Have reached the Volcker is an important innovation around the ATM, but financial innovation also say that from the machine yet, he said. You know ...

    • Makoto Biz.ID: read-employment and salary u0026quot;tax talku0026quot;: an expense account? Meeting cost? u0026quot;Tax advantage in expensesu0026quot; 押Saeyou points (1 / 3)
      Individual workers and employers also read The Story of taxes . Tax exemption for dependents and medical Until now, we have thought in terms of tax savings and tax breaks for housing loans, this appropriation fixed assets depreciation was the theme of the tax savings. Self-employment tax savings to increase the expenses are not tax deductible as a way to reduce the cost increase in the hand. Office workers who are not directly involved in the case, get a receipt for work There will be many. Employers and individuals understand the costs, Sararima ...
      Les travailleurs individuels et les employeurs aussi lire «L histoire des taxes». Exemption de taxes pour les personnes à charge et médicaux Jusqu à présent, nous avons pensé en termes d économies d impôt et avantages fiscaux pour les prêts au logement, ce crédit dépréciation des immobilisations» était le thème des économies d impôt. L auto-emploi des économies d impôt d augmenter les dépenses ne sont pas déductibles d impôt comme un moyen de réduire l augmentation coût à la main. Les employés de bureau qui ne sont pas directement impliqués dans l affaire, obtenir un reçu pour un travail Il y aura beaucoup. Les employeurs et les particuliers comprennent les coûts, Sararima ...

    • North of the teachers received illegal donations scandal to submit a bill to regulate political activities of teachers Liberal - MSN Sankei News
      LDP Education Committee (Chairman of Yoshiie intervention) is because Sun 23 meeting, the incident received illegal donations to the Democratic House of Representatives members by Kobayashi Tiyomi Hokkaido teachers union, education as well as penalties attached to public servants in political activities of teachers decided to submit to the Diet a bill to revise the special law on civil servants. Also check that you consider amending the Local Public Service Law mandate the release of the teachers union earnings.
      LDP комитет по образованию (председатель вмешательства Yoshiie) объясняется тем, что ВС 23 заседание, инцидент получил незаконные пожертвования в Демократической Палате представителей члены Кобаяси Tiyomi Хоккайдо Союз учителей, образования, а также меры наказания для государственных служащих в политической деятельности учителя решено представить в парламент законопроект о пересмотре специального закона о гражданских служащих. Также проверьте, что вы считаете о внесении изменений в местной государственной службе мандат освобождении заработная плата учителей Союза.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Finance Minister Kamei Futenma issue u0026quot;a considerable number of people have this thingu0026quot; - Politics
      Finance Minister Shizuka Kamei, the postal reform at a press conference on April 23, NAHA (Ginowan) Tour of the relocation issue, no movement can be considered for acceptance in the region outside of Okinawa, The vast majority of people are out of this thing. Keep yourself who do not like forced to sacrifice, he said. Prefecture over the relocation is the only choice and we do not want to emphasize, but the brunt of criticism as to the nation. Mr. Kamei, a party representing the people of the Camp Schwab (Nago prefecture) moved to the Ministry of Land ...

    • Agora: an air of deja vu deflation debate - Kazuhito Ikeo
      An air of deja vu deflation debate economic category - Kazuhito Ikeo to the economic situation these days is a kind of deja vu (déjà vu) in place with the Nikkei in today s economy class Japan Economic Research Center in the field Senior researcher, Junichiro Takeuchi, déjà vu economy is not about who says what can be named. Also debate over measures to overcome deflation, was discussed once (with a settlement) is 蒸Shi返Shi a problem just like that, repeatedly during the first half of 2000 s ...
      Un aire de déjà vu debate deflación categoría económica - Kazuhito Ikeo a la situación económica en estos días es una especie de deja vu (déjà vu) en el lugar con el Nikkei en la clase de hoy la economía Japan Economic Research Center, en el campo Investigador principal, Junichiro Takeuchi, economía de déjà vu , que escribió acerca de lo que no puede ser nombrado. También el debate sobre las medidas para superar la deflación, se discutió una vez (con una solución) es 蒸 Shi Shi 返 un problema , al igual que, en varias ocasiones durante el primer semestre de 2000 de ...

    • Tottori elected Ishiba said u0026quot;Tibet of Japanu0026quot; get into: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      LDP policy chief Ishiba (Tottori House of Representatives District 1) is 23, the chairman of the Democratic campaign Ishii Tottori Prefecture Shimane Prefecture or something like Tibet, Japan. Or people living and remark that For, in front of reporters at party headquarters, It is outrageous for the Tibetan prefectures. hubristic remarks, Ue of apology should withdraw, the statement said.
      LDP политика главного Исиба (Тоттори Палата представителей районного 1) 23, председатель Демократической кампанию Исии Тоттори префектура Симанэ или что-то, как Тибет, Япония. Или люди, живущие и заметим, что Действительно, перед журналистами в штаб-квартире партии: Это возмутительно, что тибетские префектур. презрительные замечания, УП извинений должен уйти , говорится в заявлении.

    • Professor of law, u0026quot;Liberal democracy is the only way is insane, the United Liberal Democrats head down and say』 with 『harambeeu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the plate, professor of law, Liberal democracy is the only way is insane, the United Liberal Democrats head down and say 』with『 harambee 1 rod (Shizuoka): 2010 / 02/23 (Tue) 16:11:09.26 ID: wIrZNYXl? PLT (12000) Democrats are decent people is not responsible for the misrule LDP benefits 尻拭I point is again the Liberal Democratic Party will not support this. LDP lawmakers, the administration 返Ri咲Kenai forever ...
      ■ Ancien Rédacteur en chef: nouvelles de dernière heure de la plaque , professeur de droit,« la démocratie libérale est le seul moyen est fou, le Royaume-libéraux démocrates tête et dire avec Harambee 『』 1 tige (Shizuoka): 2010 / 02/23 (mar.) 16:11:09.26 ID: wIrZNYXl? PLT (12000) démocrates sont d honnêtes gens n est pas responsable des prestations de mauvaise gestion LDP 尻 拭 point I est à nouveau le Parti démocratique libéral ne soutiendra pas cela. LDP législateurs, l administration à jamais 返 Ri 咲 Kenai ...

    • So I just lost to Germany What was the Soviet Union in the Stalinist purges due to Makutta: Arufarufamozaiku
      So I just lost to Germany What was the Soviet Union in the Stalinist purges because http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1266456948/ 25 Makutta and sausage rolls (Kansai Region) New! 2010/02/18 (Thu) 11:35:52.48 ID: 0mwx + u29 2 dereference first 33 _____ /:::::: ─ ─ \ a leader and a real story ...
      所以我只是输给了德国是什么在斯大林清洗由于苏联http://tsushima.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/news/1266456948/ 25 Makutta香肠卷(关西地区)新! 2010/02/18(星期四)11:35:52.48编号:0mwx + u29 2进行区别对待第33 _____ /::::::──\的领导者和一个真实的故事...

    • Shinsei great! - Masayang Diary (Other commuter bike cross
      Diamond February 20 issue of the weekly News u0026amp; Analysis break off the edge of the FSA inspection? Shinsei, Aozora integrated outcome of the negotiations from page 16: The system is emerging, as compared to other banks very 簡素Rashii is well known was the story. The Indian leaders, who operate from one building instead of building the document management and working up → Is this the best system as ideal scissors (maybe a laugh, running the system in Japan India Bring ...
      Diamond Février 20 numéro des Nouvelles hebdomadaires u0026amp; Analysis rompre le bord de l inspection de la FSA? Shinsei, Aozora résultats intégrés des négociations de la page 16: Le système se dessine, par rapport à d autres banques très 简 素 RASHII» est bien connu C était l histoire. Les dirigeants indiens, qui fonctionnent à partir d un seul bâtiment au lieu de renforcer la gestion documentaire et de travail jusqu à → Est-ce le meilleur système de ciseaux idéal (peut-être un rire, exécutant le système au Japon, l Inde Apportez ...

    • Kodansha, a new culture into the red last two years in a row - newspaper publishing industry --
      February 23, and the shareholders and board of directors, financial directors confirmed the appointment. 71 The term (H20.12.1 same ~ 21.11.30) Overview of financial results, sales 124.5 billion ¥ 2200 million (an increase of 7.8% decrease), approximately 7.3 billion yen operating loss, ordinary loss of about 4.9 billion yen net loss ¥ 2200 million 5.7 billion. Revenue magazine, said a 4.7 percent decline, the book The 5.9 percent decline, ads is down 25.9 percent, other and 13.4 percent. All four divisions lower than the previous year, revenues were 14 consecutive years. ...
      23 de febrero, y los accionistas y consejo de administración, directores financieros, confirmó el nombramiento. 71 El término (H20.12.1 mismo ~ 21.11.30) Resumen de los resultados financieros, las ventas de 124,5 mil millones ¥ 2200 millones (un aumento de la disminución de 7,8%), aproximadamente 7,3 millones de pérdidas de explotación de yenes, la pérdida normal de alrededor de 4,9 billion yen pérdida neta ¥ 2200 million 5,7 mil millones. Los ingresos revista , dijo un descenso del 4,7 por ciento, el libro El descenso del 5,9 por ciento, anuncios se ha reducido un 25,9 por ciento, otros y el 13,4 por ciento. Las cuatro divisiones menores que el año anterior, los ingresos fueron de 14 años consecutivos. ...

    • Itu0026#39;s Japanese, and happy to get back to developing countries, Japan - Rails going on!
      Toyota s recent recall problems, the low profitability of chronic electrical appliance manufacturers, etc., manufacturing is the engine of the Japanese economy is lifelessly. Japan is the world s factory and was told once that position had now been completely lost to China. Struck down all the factories from Japan already, China s Guangdong Province, one blow to the world economy is probably better to perish from the earth by the Ministry may be greater. (Even the Japanese goods used by industrial products made in Japan and is now mostly made in China ...
      Toyota недавние проблемы напомнить, низкая рентабельность хронических бытовой электроники и т.д., производства является движущей силой японской экономики вяло. Япония завода в мире и сказал, что позиция раз в настоящее время полностью потерял в Китае. Отменил все заводы уже из Японии, Китая провинция Гуандун, один удар по мировой экономике, вероятно, лучше погибнуть от Земли на министерство может быть больше. (Даже японские товары используются промышленные товары, произведенные в Японии и теперь имеет в основном сделаны в Китае ...

    • Twitter / Katsuta Amane: I Dengeki Online recently contributed an article, u0026quot;fee for an article ...
      I Dengeki Online recently contributed an article, How much the fee? I asked, If I want to say first, and worth a returned. Where are the freelance writer to write articles and photographs for free go to the interview? Expose it came to brains age. I said black cow w20 ago via Tween

    • Destroy official documents found in the grounds of the South Island Dispute - MSN Sankei News
      Island Dispute claimed by Japan and South Korea each other, and the argument that the South has nothing to do with Takeshima in Japan and the Meiji government documents directive Daijō-kan The contents of the current Takeshima (Dokdo Korea ) instead of showing, off the coast of Korea Ulleungdo (as Tou and go) administrative documents can be found in Shimane Prefecture and 22 can judge said Friday in an interview to the Technical Committee on the Takeshima issue. The researchers have claimed valuable collapse of the South and paying attention. Directive Daijō-kan is a 1877 film year.
      Des différends de l île revendiquée par le Japon et la Corée du Sud de l autre, et l argument que le Sud n a rien à voir avec Takeshima au Japon et des documents du gouvernement de Meiji Daijo directive-kan Le contenu de la Takeshima en cours (Dokdo en Corée ) au lieu de montrer, au large des côtes de la Corée Ulleungdo (en tant que documents Tou and go) administrative peut être trouvée dans la préfecture de Shimane et 22 peuvent juge a déclaré vendredi dans une interview au Comité technique sur la question Takeshima. Les chercheurs ont revendiqué l effondrement précieux sud-coréen» et portent attention. Directive Daijo-kan est un film année 1877.

    • Easy way I [Feedback] 『No. 1』 revive Japanu0026#39;s economy - Yasushi Iwamoto blog - Yahoo! Blog
      Katsuma Kazuyo Iida Yasuyuki Miyazaki Tetsuya three three-way conversation with Mr. Easy 『No. 1 to revive the Japanese economy and I』 (Shinsho Kobunsha) Chapter 3, Pay the correct execution of monetary policy on the (208) The page is Katsuma The word originated in concluding that his readers. Katsuma He wrote a prescription for deflation economists around the world. The answer is very simple. I hope that increasing the supply of money. To do so, move the elected elite that the Bank of Japan not need. it ...
      Katsuma Kazuyo Iida Yasuyuki Miyazaki Tetsuya tres tres vías de conversación con el N º Mr. Easy 『1 a reactivar la economía japonesa y』 (Shinsho Kobunsha) Capítulo 3, Pagar la correcta ejecución de la política monetaria en el (208) La página es Katsuma La palabra se originó en la conclusión de que sus lectores. Katsuma Él escribió una receta para los economistas la deflación en todo el mundo. La respuesta es muy simple. Espero que el aumento de la oferta de dinero. Para ello, mueva la élite elegidos que el Banco de Japón no necesidad. it ...

    • Ishii said the Democratic u0026quot;Tottori, Shimane Tibet Japanu0026quot;: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Ishii constituency chairman of the Democratic Party 22, the upper house lawmakers greeted the party at the party was held in Tokyo, or I say, Tottori Prefecture Shimane Prefecture, Japan is like Tibet, there may be a little misleading I do not know, how people live. How many cows. I have lately Yara mountains, sparsely populated place, he said.
      Ishii président de circonscription du Parti démocratique 22, les législateurs à la Chambre haute a salué le parti à la fête a eu lieu à Tokyo , ou je dis, la préfecture de Tottori Shimane Prefecture, Japon est comme le Tibet, il y mai être un peu trompeuse Je ne sais pas, comment les gens vivent. Combien de vaches. J ai dernièrement montagnes Yara, faiblement peuplées place , dit-il.

    • Pull out a newspaper advertising spending - Dentsu u0026quot;year 2009 ad spending in Japan,u0026quot; released: News - CNET Japan
      Dentsu February 22, 2009 total ad spending by media in Japan and statistics, estimated by industry advertising, 2009 ad spending in Japan (PDF) was released. Japan s total ad spending in 2009 was 5.1 trillion ¥ 9222 billion, compared with 11.5 percent. Internet, each medium was less than the satellite media. Total ad spending in 2008 (an increase of 95.3%) lower than the previous year, following two consecutive years. House of Representatives election, eco-car tax, plus materials and eco-point ...
      Dentsu 22 de febrero, fue liberado 2009 el gasto total de publicidad por medios de comunicación en Japón y las estadísticas, estimado por la publicidad de la industria, 2009 el gasto en publicidad en el Japón (PDF). El gasto total de publicidad de Japón en 2009 fue de 5,1 billón ¥ 9222 millones de dólares, en comparación con el 11,5 por ciento. De Internet, cada medio fue inferior a los medios de comunicación por satélite. El gasto publicitario total en 2008 (un aumento del 95,3%) menos que el año anterior, tras dos años consecutivos. Cámara de Representantes de la elección, el eco-impuesto de matriculación, además de los materiales y eco-punto ...

    • Money features large in his mobile phone in developing countries, international news side of the people: AFPBB News
      [AFP] February 22 to transfer money to pay family members - banks and ATM in a small number of countries, mobile phones, personal bank has been active as a. ■ bank accounts without payment of utility bills OK and who receive no salary in the bank account, money functions such as cell phones can transfer is becoming a powerful financial tools, especially in rural and remote areas around the world . The mobile phone has, people without a bank account, up to 10 million people in the world, said the ...
      [法新社] 2月22日至转帐支付家庭成员 - 在少数国家的银行和自动取款机,移动电话,“私人银行”已被答:积极没有水电费行■银行账户付款,谁收到任何银行账户的工资,货币功能,例如可以将手机正在成为一个强大的金融工具,特别是在世界各地的农村和偏远地区。 “手机,在没有银行账户的人,高达10亿世界人民说:”...

    • News painful (É ∀ `): Ishii 一氏 democracyu0026quot; Tottori, Shimane Japan Tibet. How people are living. How many cows. I have lately Yara mountains, sparsely populated places u0026quot;
      Ishii 一氏 democracy Tottori, Shimane Japan Tibet. How people are living. How many cows. I have lately Yara mountains, sparsely populated place, one name: Uho career φ ★: 2010/02/22 ( Mon) 21:40:39 ID:??? 0 Mr. Ishii democracy Tottori, Shimane Japan s Tibet Ishii constituency chairman of the Democratic Party 22, at a party held at the party s upper house lawmakers in Tokyo greeting, or I say, Tottori Prefecture Shimane Prefecture, Japan, Tibet is like a little ...
      Исии 一 氏 демократии , Тоттори, Япония Симанэ Тибете. Как люди живут. Сколько коров. За последнее время я Yara горы, малонаселенные места , одно имя: Ухо карьеру φ ★: 2010/02/22 ( Пн) 21:40:39 ID:?? 0 Г-н Ишии демократии , Тоттори, Япония Симанэ тибетских Исии округе председатель 22-демократическая партия, партия была проведена в верхней палате партии законодатели в Токио Приветствия , или я говорю, префектура Тоттори префектура Симанэ, Япония, Тибет, как маленькая ...

    • News painful (É ∀ `):u0026quot; If you choose such ... Nagasaki prefectural government in the Democratic gubernatorial race is taking a reasonable stance and Nagasaki, u0026quot;said Ishii and democracy ...u0026quot; like a threat, u0026quot;Voice
      If you choose such ... Nagasaki prefectural government in the Democratic gubernatorial race is taking a reasonable stance and Nagasaki, said Ishii and democracy ... like a threat, voice of one name: ☆ ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ Guta The weight harness ☆ φ ★ : 2010/02/22 (Mon) 12:59:53 ID:??? 0 Democratic Party mayoral and gubernatorial election, Machida, Tokyo, Nagasaki and the defeat of the three candidates recommended by the party, Ichiro Ozawa, Democratic Party Secretary Yukio Hatoyama and Prime Minister involving long money politics scandal of Christian and Hokkaido.
      Si elige el gobierno de la prefectura de Nagasaki como ... en la elección de gobernador demócrata está adoptando una postura razonable y Nagasaki , dijo Ishii y la democracia ... como una amenaza, la voz de un nombre: ☆ ☆ ◆ JSGFLSFOXQ @ ☆ Guta El peso del arnés ☆ φ ★ : 2010/02/22 (Mon) 12:59:53 ID:?? 0 elecciones de alcaldes y gobernadores del Partido Demócrata, Machida, Tokio, Nagasaki y la derrota de los tres candidatos recomendados por el partido, Ichiro Ozawa, del Partido Demócrata Secretario Yukio Hatoyama, y el Primer Ministro de la participación de largo la política del dinero escándalo de la cristiana y la de Hokkaido.

    • u0026quot;Inflation targetingu0026quot; trap of the discussion over the net - blog Yasushi Iwamoto
      On the net, inflation targeting is hot topics tend to be there, too soon unapproachable. In addition, care will be greatly missed from the debate is rife that the experts argue. But some people argue that well, but 玉石混交 state. What is important is how to sift through the information. When you are trying to communicate clearly to the general public and professional discussion, but I gently try to twist things difficult, in some cases ...
      Sur le net, «ciblage d inflation» est «chaud» des sujets ont tendance à être là, trop rapidement inaccessible. En outre, les soins va beaucoup nous manquer du débat est répandue que les experts soutiennent. Mais certaines personnes soutiennent que bien, mais 玉石 état 混交. Ce qui est important est de savoir comment passer au crible les informations. Lorsque vous essayez de communiquer clairement au débat public et des professionnels, mais j essaie doucement aux choses Twist difficile, dans certains cas ...

    • isologue - by Isozaki Tetsuya office: accounting for elementary elementary politicians you
      isologue - by office Isozaki Tetsuya [isologue (Isorogu) - by office Isozaki Tetsuya] is a business network and to comment on the blog that is related to the economy. 2010 February 17 article in the Asahi Shimbun the day, Shii said the prime minister needs to retained earnings of the corporate tax communism in the Shii, chairman of the Communist Party met with Prime Minister Hatoyama, Matsuno, deputy chief proposed in dismissal, and that was that and thinking about. Outrageous! What are you thinking ...
      isologue - по подразделениям Исодзаки Тэцуя [isologue (Isorogu) - на службе Исодзаки Тэцуя] является бизнес-сеть и дать свои комментарии в блоге, что связано с экономикой. 2010 Февраль 17 Статья в Асахи симбун день , Shii сказал премьер-министр должен Нераспределенная прибыль корпоративного коммунизма налог в Shii, председатель Коммунистической партии встретился с премьер-министром Хатояма, Мацуно, заместитель начальника предлагаемой при увольнении, а в том, что и думать. Безобразие! Что вы думаете ...

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