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    • u0026quot;Steel shotu0026quot; operation stop the investigation, to inspect the Osaka prefectural police: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Kashiwara City, Osaka, the JR Kansai Line tracks in the site 14, the problems that stop the fans get into the railway operation, police Kashihara, the violation of the railway service (enter the land train) and it is suspected, the next week also decided to inspect.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;came to mind meandering bikeu0026quot; and the boy allegedly killed two people hit by car - Society
      Boy hit by car and a motorcycle on the road as two people had been killed, the Fukuoka prefectural police Kokurakita 21, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu 下曽根 1-chome, Kamata Atsushi masseuse would suspect (34), and murder announced the arrest on suspicion of attempted murder and slaughtering. According to the police came to mind was so meandering drive and give the roar. Was thinking about doing a hit to kill it said. According to the announcement, Mr. Kamata 1 o clock yesterday morning, the city, Kokurakita Kirigaoka 3-chome Route No. 10, the prefecture ...
      Garçon frappe en voiture et une moto sur la route que deux personnes avaient été tuées, la police de la préfecture de Fukuoka Kokurakita 21, Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu 下 曽 根 1-chome, Kamata Atsushi masseuse serait suspect (34), et assassiner a annoncé l arrestation sur simple soupçon de tentative assassiner et d abattage. Selon la police est venu à l esprit était si méandres d entraînement et de donner le fracas. Pensais à faire un hit to kill il dit. 発表によると、鎌田容疑者は同日午前1時ごろ、同市小倉北区霧ケ丘3丁目の国道10号で、同県...

    • Killing Time at the speed ν blog when eating Japanese noodles, and why make a sound? Answer: The greater good sound
      1: something like a bar (Alabama): 2010/02/21 (Sun) 20:56:44.31 ID: QkLtmhkq? PLT (12030) award points want information about Japan, Lemon said Taiwan people (Nickname ) are published on the Internet bulletin board to post four questions. 1: when eating Japanese noodles, or make a loud Why? / 2: Differences of habit in Taiwan and Japan? / 3: Japan s unique culture and what? / 4: ...
      1: algo así como un bar (Alabama): 2010/02/21 (dom) 20:56:44.31 ID: QkLtmhkq? PLT (12030) puntos de premio quiere información sobre el Japón , dijo Lemon pueblo de Taiwan (Apodo ) se publican en el tablón de anuncios de Internet para enviar cuatro preguntas. 1: al comer fideos japoneses, o hacer un fuerte ¿Por qué? / 2: Las diferencias de hábito en Taiwán y Japón? / 3: la cultura única de Japón y qué? / 4: ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;In the past, about the motorcycle gang withu0026quot; tiger Light 57-year-old runaway charged - Society
      Aichi prefectural police, Nakagawa-ku, Bucheon-cho 1-chome, Nagoya City, Mr. Koyama Hazime unemployed (57) violating the Road Traffic Law (Prohibition of unsafe act jointly) and was arrested on suspicion of 21, was announced. Atsuta Police Station in the suspect Koyama after 1 am on Dec. 26 at the National Highway No. 1 near the No. 1 city, Atsuta-ku, while driving a pickup truck and five motorcycles and cars with a red light , and then spread to fill or road traffic hazards that gave rise to suspicion together. According to the police, small ...
      Полиция префектуры Аити, Накагава-ку, Пучхон-те 1-темэ, город Нагоя, г-н Кояма Hazime безработных (57) нарушают Закон о дорожном движении (Запрещение небезопасных действовать совместно) и был арестован по подозрению в 21, было объявлено. Atsuta полиции подозревают в Кояма после 1 утра 26 декабря в Закон № National Highway 1 возле города № 1, Atsuta-ку, а за рулем пикапа и пять мотоциклов и легковых автомобилей с красным светом , а затем распространилась на заливку или опасности дорожного движения, что дало повод для подозрений, вместе. По данным полиции, небольшой ...

    • Car hit a motorcycle, killing the boy u003d u0026quot;meanderingu0026quot; malice aforethought, the arrested men - police Fukuoka (newsletter) - Yahoo! News
      Running from the back of a motorcycle collided with the front passenger car, the boy had been killed as two people, the Fukuoka prefectural police Kokurakita 21, on suspicion of murder and attempted murder of masseuse would Kokuraminami-ku, Kitakyushu 下曽根, Kamata Atsushi suspect (34) was arrested. According to the police, Mr. Kamata in front of the motorcycle has been running it on the head and roar up the winding drive. Hiki殺Shi wanted to do it and said that. 1 suspect arrested at about 21 am, Kensington, Kokurakita Kitakyushu fog ...

    • Killing Time blog at speed ν Sankei u0026quot;Annan, brilliant gold!u0026quot; ← Image of this news sheet why seven out of eight independent blonde beauty photos that Kofi players
      1: diffraction grating (Osaka): 2010/02/21 (Sun) 20:33:50.03 ID: r2R6gkSQ? PLT (12001) Award points [] jump jump jump two sweep in Olympic history got in the spirit of the crown Ammann first two Ammann as winning two individual tournaments. Anthology said the legendary jumper Matti s (Finland) the most pull out a total of four gold medals in the hands of each individual match is a 28-year-old national hero status in Switzerland ...
      1: réseau de diffraction (Osaka): 2010/02/21 (Dim) 20:33:50.03 ID: r2R6gkSQ? PLT (12001) attribuer des points [] Jump Jump augmentation de deux pour balayer l histoire olympique obtenu dans l esprit de la couronne Ammann les deux premiers Ammann que de gagner deux tournois individuels. Anthologie , a déclaré le cavalier légendaire Matti (Finlande) le plus retirer un total de quatre médailles d or dans les mains de chaque match est un 28-year-old statut de héros national en Suisse ...

    • u0026quot;Hiki殺Sou and annoying motorcycles andu0026quot; arrest a man rear-ended - MSN Sankei News
      At around 21 hours a day, Kitakyushu, Kokurakita Kirigaoka National Route No. 10, Mr. Ryosuke Ueda of housework Tikuzyou Hatta Nishi-cho, Fukuoka Prefecture, car (18), Tobata-ku Kitakyushu-year-old boy (17) motorcycle 2 hit by cars, we fled the fall. Mr. Hashi Ueda died, the boy suffered head and neck injuries. Kokurakita police police on suspicion of murder and attempted murder, Mr. Kamata Atsushi a masseur would have turned himself in to police after Kokuraminami (34) u003d u003d 下曽根 ku Kitakyushu Kokuraminami arrested. The police ...
      Примерно в 21 часов в сутки, Китакюсю, Kokurakita Kirigaoka национальной дороги № 10, г-н Ресуке Уэда из дома Tikuzyou Хатта Ниси-те, префектура Фукуока, автомобиль (18), Tobata-ку Китакюсю-летнего мальчика (17) Мотоцикл 2 пострадал от машины, мы покинули осенью. Г-н Хаши Уэда умерла, мальчик страдал головы и повреждения шеи. Kokurakita полиция полицией по подозрению в убийстве и покушении на убийство, г-н Ацуси Kamata массажист бы сдался полиции после Kokuraminami (34) u003d 下 曽 根 ку Китакюсю Kokuraminami арестованы. Полиция ...

    • What was true of people hitting the bottom is below the human
      well Wakaran http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/togetter.com/li/6229 honest. No, this is truly funny people I know. However, normal or pedophile or say why, she s hitting the guy and the guy said or Hell Men write their own blog or illustrations Nokke perversiones? Be allowed their usual you doing, why does this guy not allowed to do? I say this because once two important things with me ...
      以及Wakaran http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/togetter.com/li/6229诚实。不,这是真正有趣的人,我知道。然而,正常或恋童癖,或者说为什么,她击中的家伙,这家伙说或地狱男人写自己的博客或插图Nokke perversiones?他们通常被允许你在干什么,为什么这家伙不能做?我这样说是因为我曾经两次重要的事情...

    • Poison-pen letter to his former students, high school teacher arrested: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Against the father of a student, as a cease and desist letter slandering what Buraku discrimination, police Kurume, Fukuoka prefectural police on Thursday said Kokubun-cho, Kurume-shi, public high school teacher Yoshida Takeshi (Takeshi) suspect (37) to threat, was arrested on charges of obstruction of business. According to the announcement, Mr. Yoshida from September to October last year, city officials man the school boy s father (38) who, in addition to the Buraku discrimination slanderous language, immortal coffin (casket) is just around the corner APPLICATIONS 3 (Sanzu) cross the river and write ...
      Contre le père d un étudiant, en tant que mise en demeure calomnier ce qu est la discrimination Buraku, la police Kurume, Fukuoka police de la préfecture a déclaré jeudi que Kokubun-cho, Kurume-shi, public High School Teacher Yoshida Takeshi (Takeshi) suspect (37) à menace, a été arrêté sur des accusations d obstruction de l entreprise. Selon l annonce, M. Yoshida de Septembre à Octobre l année dernière, les fonctionnaires municipaux homme le père du garçon école (38) qui, en plus de la discrimination Buraku langue diffamatoire, immortelles Coffin (cercueil) est juste au coin Applications 3 (Sanzu) traversent la rivière »et à écrire ...

    • u0026quot;The whale kill us,u0026quot; Sea Shepherd activists protested - MSN Sankei News
      Prime Minister Rudd held talks with Foreign Minister of Australia Katsuya Okada, 20, in front of Japanese Embassy in Canberra, said anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd activists gathered more than 30 people, I Japan, a whale of our Mortal and to put up a banner, while Japan urged to stop whaling in the Antarctic Ocean. Activists, the first two went to Japan on the high seas also demands the immediate release of SS Minami Akira Maru captain Pete Bethune. Reported by the SS If Japan s brutal mass whale ...
      Премьер-министр Радд провел переговоры с министром иностранных дел Австралии Кацуя Окада, 20, перед японским посольством в Канберре, сказал против китобойного промысла Море Пастырь активистов собралось более 30 человек: Я Япония, кит нашей смертны и мириться баннер, а Япония призвала остановить охоту на китов в Антарктике. Активисты, первые два отправился в Японию, в открытом море и требует немедленного освобождения С. Минами Акира Мар капитан Пит Бетьюн. Отмеченные СС Если кит жестокие массовые Японии ...

    • Food industry in trouble, u0026quot;smoking banu0026quot; to notify the ministry: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Schools and hospitals, restaurants and hotels, where many people use a rule, the smoking ban -. Contents of such notice, give to local governments near the Ministry of Health. Goals and efforts, however, just what the smoking ban rather than cut the rudder separation of smoking areas, such as resistance to foot traffic will inevitably affect the food industry. What measures will lead to advances in passive smoking in Japan is said to be delayed compared to the West. In addition to efforts to quit smoking, smoking hopes to deepen the debate. Ministry officials, health department director said.
      学校和医院,饮食及酒店业,很多人都使用的规则,禁烟-.该通知的内容,给附近卫生部地方政府。目标和努力,但是,正是禁烟,而不是减少,如抗客流量的吸烟区,舵的分离将不可避免地影响到食品行业。采取哪些措施将导致日本在被动吸烟的进步,是说要延迟不如西方。 “除了努力戒烟,吸烟希望深入讨论这一问题。”卫生部官员,卫生部门负责人说。

    • 6 defamatory Buraku discrimination in student house document copy u0026quot;消E失Serou0026quot; high school teacher arrested on suspicion of threatening Kurume / West Newspapers
      6 defamatory Buraku discrimination in student house document copy 消E失Sero high school teacher arrested on suspicion of threatening Kurume, February 21, 2010 06:44 Category: Social Kyushu, the male high school teacher, Kurume, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, boys school Buraku discrimination and slander to the attention of the student s father, lost off (U), let me, the contents of a postcard or letter writing and a total of six and have strengthened the communication suspected perpetrators, 21 Kurume police early Saturday morning, threatening The other suspect, city, Kokubu-cho, Yoshida Takeshi high school teacher (Takeshi) suspects ...
      6 diffamatoires discrimination Buraku en copie maison des étudiants document E 消 失 Sero professeur de lycée arrêté, soupçonné de menacer Kurume, Février 21, 2010 06:44 Catégorie: Social Kyushu, «l enseignant de sexe masculin du secondaire, Kurume, Fukuoka, Fukuoka, écoliers Buraku la discrimination et la diffamation à l attention du père de l élève, «perdus hors tension (U), permettez-moi , le contenu d une carte postale ou la rédaction de lettres et un total de six ans et ont renforcé la communication les auteurs présumés, 21 policiers Kurume tôt samedi matin, menaçant L autre suspect, la ville, Kokubu-cho, Takeshi Yoshida professeur de lycée (Takeshi) des suspects ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): host the Olympics in Tokyo, Dentsu of works contracts to 8 billion yen to 32 percent - Politics
      To host the 2016 Summer Olympics activities, Tokyo is about a 06-09 year PR contract with outside vendors and businesses in 41 out of 100 million yen, about 8 percent Niataru major advertising company 32 billion yen in the contract, the Dentsu indicate that they are ordered. That without a bid, the audit committee to audit report released in Tokyo near the fairness of the contract, with competition to ensure economic efficiency, the selection of contractors will be required careful consideration, he said. According to the official bid, has signed a contract with Dentsu in Tokyo, ...
      Para alojar el 2016 los Juegos Olímpicos de actividades, Tokio se trata de un contrato PR 06-09 años con proveedores externos y empresas en 41 de los 100 millones de yenes, un 8 por ciento Niataru empresa de publicidad Clase 32 millones de yenes en el contrato, el Dentsu indican que se ordenan. Que sin una oferta, el comité de auditoría a la auditoría informe publicado en Tokio, cerca de la equidad del contrato, con competencia para garantizar la eficiencia económica, la selección de contratistas se requiere un examen cuidadoso , dijo. De acuerdo con la oferta oficial, ha firmado un contrato con Dentsu en Tokio, ...

    • Australian Foreign Minister u0026quot;sued not stop whaling and the International Court of Justiceu0026quot;: Politics: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      [Perth (Western Australia) u003d 21 Okada Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Miyai morning (Tuesday morning Japan time), met with Australian Foreign Minister Smith in the city of Perth. The whaling issue, Mr Smith is the International Whaling Commission (IWC) if not stop Japanese whaling in Antarctic waters and also through negotiations, according to the International Court of Justice plans to sue the Australian government. In a joint press conference after the meeting, Mr Smith is 22, the phase-out of whaling in the Antarctic Sun also announced that it proposed to the IWC. Come and efforts on resolving the disagreement.
      [Перте (Западная Австралия) u003d 21 Окада министр иностранных дел Тосимицу Miyai утро (утро вторника по японскому времени), встретился с министром иностранных дел Австралии Смит в городе Перт. Китобойный вопросу, г-н Смит Международной китобойной комиссии (МКК), если не остановить японский китобойный промысел в водах Антарктики, а также путем переговоров, в соответствии с Международным Судом планирует подать в суд на правительство Австралии. В совместной пресс-конференции после встречи г-н Смит 22, поэтапного китобойного промысла в Антарктике ВС также объявила, что она предлагает МКК. Приезжайте и усилий по урегулированию разногласий.

    • JR Hokkaido: public ... with the whole freight car of the Shinkansen - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Shinkansen train (D) vehicles loaded with the shipment of conventional lines. Under stair Daburutorabasa to move, and quickly switch rails u003d in Higashi-ku, Sapporo, February 21, 2010, the entire line of conventional trucks for freight vehicles taken Shinkansen lines Nakata equipped with on-train train of vehicles of the 21st, JR Naebo plant Hokkaido (Sapporo Higashi-ku) was published in the press. Interval and the Seikan Tunnel to Hokkaido Shinkansen to practice shared by bullet train and a freight train speeds ...
      新干线列车(d)车辆装载常规线出货。下楼梯“Daburutorabasa”的移动,快速切换铁轨在东u003d区,札幌,2010年2月21日,常规车全线为采取新干线货运车辆中田英寿配备了“关于一条龙培养21,JR Naebo植物北海道(札幌市东区),是在报刊上发表的车辆”。间隔和北海道的青函隧道的新干线实行共享的子弹列车,货运列车速度...

    • u0026quot;An outpouring of anger in Okinawa and the wrong answeru0026quot; (Masahide Ota) - Exhibition diary where people where Hosaka
      』Shukan Asahi this week s interview will be published in the former governor Masahide Ota. 『Answer incorrectly, an outpouring of anger in Okinawa, Ota says』 over four pages titled keeps talking. Actually, it was an interview without taking water but talked three hours, as the amount had to shrink to about one-fifth. Now, Futenma issue, Mr. Ota said the proposal is very seasonal. My interview, if they hope to help deepen the understanding of this issue. Why ...
      』Shukan Asahi interview cette semaine sera publié dans l ancien gouverneur Masahide Ota. 『Réponse incorrecte, effusion de la colère à Okinawa, Ota dit』 plus de quatre pages intitulé continue de parler. En fait, c était un entretien sans prendre l eau, mais a parlé de trois heures, que le montant dû réduire à environ un cinquième. Maintenant, question de Futenma, a déclaré M. Ota la proposition est très saisonnière. Mon entrevue, s ils espèrent contribuer à approfondir la compréhension de cette question. Pourquoi ...

    • Food industry in trouble, u0026quot;smoking banu0026quot; to notify the ministry (Yomiuri) - Yahoo! News
      Schools and hospitals, restaurants and hotels, where many people use a rule, the smoking ban -. Contents of such notice, give to local governments near the Ministry of Health. Goals and efforts, however, just what the smoking ban rather than cut the rudder separation of smoking areas, such as resistance to foot traffic will inevitably affect the food industry. What measures will lead to advances in passive smoking in Japan is said to be delayed compared to the West. In addition to efforts to quit smoking, smoking hopes to deepen the debate. Ministry officials, the health ministry said ...
      Las escuelas y hospitales, restaurantes y hoteles, donde muchas personas utilizan por regla general, la prohibición de fumar -. Contenido de la notificación, deberá darle a los gobiernos locales, cerca del Ministerio de Salud. Objetivos y esfuerzos, sin embargo, sólo lo que la prohibición de fumar en vez de cortar el timón de la separación de zonas de fumadores, como la resistencia a la circulación a pie, inevitablemente, afectará a la industria alimentaria. ¿Qué medidas piensa llevar a avances en el tabaquismo pasivo en Japón se dice que es retardado en comparación con el Occidente. Además de los esfuerzos para dejar de fumar, fumar espera profundizar el debate . Los funcionarios del Ministerio, el Ministerio de Salud ...

    • Man arrested on suspicion of murder and causing death, hit from behind by a group of motorcycle gangs, u0026quot;the annoying loud, pissed offu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the board, a man arrested on suspicion of murder and causing death, hit from behind by a group of motorcycle gangs, the annoying loud, pissed off, 1 nets (Tokyo): 2010/02/22 (Mon) 00:25:33.58 ID: tA5hbFJy? PLT (12009) arrested a man on suspicion of murder on the bike hit by car meandering anger award 18 points year-old boy died, police Kokurakita Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, Kokurakita 17-year-old minor road in No. 10, two motorcycle units.
      ■ бывший редактор: последние новости из совета, человек арестованы по подозрению в убийстве и причинении смерти, ударил из-за группой мотоцикл банд , раздражает громкий, пьяный Off , 1 сетей (Токио): 2010/02/22 (Пн) 00:25:33.58 ID: tA5hbFJy? PLT (12009) арестовала мужчину по подозрению в убийстве на велосипеде пострадали от автомобиля извилистая гневом Премия 18 очков летний мальчик скончался, полиция Kokurakita Китакюсю, Фукуока, Kokurakita 17-летний несовершеннолетний дороги № 10, две единицы мотоциклов.

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): U.S. military training weapon u0026quot;inhumanityu0026quot; bullets used white phosphorus Oita 日出生台 - Society
      U.S. Marine Corps live-ammunition exercise was published. The scene was shot in the blue bullets believed that white phosphorus M825 was marked u003d 3, field exercises in the town 日出生台 Kusu, Oita, Oita Prefecture 日出生台 taken Makoto Akira 藤脇 (Hijiu Dai) and two training grounds from 11 U.S. Marines from Okinawa to live-fire training in the Sun, could lead to burns and heavy exposure to the human body, the bullets are using white phosphorous as a weapon in the brutal criticism Ta be found. From local civic groups on the voice of the opposition ...
      美海军陆战队实弹演习已经出版。现场被射中认为,白磷“M825”的特点u003d 3,外地在城市日出生台玖珠,大分县大分县日出生台演习采取诚晃藤胁(Hijiu蓝色子弹だい)演習場で2日から11日まで実弾射撃訓練をした在沖縄米海兵隊が、人体に触れると重いやけどにつながる可能性があり、非人道的兵器として批判のある白リン弾を使ってい大发现。从上反对声音的地方民间团体...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;messenger from Ryuuguuu0026quot; mystery deepens often drifted to the Sea of Japan - Science
      Oarfish found in Fukui Prefecture u003d 3, Echizen Matsushima Aquarium offers two years of a long deep-sea fish if the fish found since last fall oarfish have drifted into a series of Sea of Japan coast. Confirmed that at least only around 19 fish aquarium and marine center. Ecology did not know most from the old omen of fish harbinger of an earthquake, and there is a legend in and around. Why only this season. Just deepens the mystery. For years, working at the aquarium ...
      Oarfish trouve dans la préfecture de Fukui u003d 3, Echizen Matsushima Aquarium offre deux ans d un long poisson d eau profonde, si les poissons se trouvant oarfish depuis l automne dernier ont dérivé en une série de mer de la côte du Japon. A confirmé qu au moins seulement autour de 19 poissons d aquarium et centre marin. L écologie ne connaissais pas la plupart de l ancien présage de« poissons »annonciateur d un séisme , et il est une légende dans et autour. Pourquoi seulement cette saison. Just approfondit le mystère. Pendant des années, travaillent à l aquarium ...

    • Yun force or even a big military parade and colorful Datsu - GIGAZINE
      Spectacular parade to march in perfect order to march soldiers aboard a military band played the most important military ceremony outside the dignity of the countries evince. Overlooking the parade with it because of the considerable army of where you are on an impressive show up conditions of a country and a strong tradition. In the country that also has a rather unique performance we are and what images are also impressive. See below. Crazy Military Parades - Photo Gal ...
      Espectacular desfile para marchar en perfecto orden de marcha de los soldados a bordo de una banda militar interpretó la ceremonia militar más importante fuera de la dignidad de la Evince países. Con vistas al desfile con ella debido a la considerable ejército de dónde se encuentra en una impresionante muestra hasta las condiciones de un país y una fuerte tradición. En el país que también tiene un desempeño bastante singular que somos y lo que las imágenes también son impresionantes. Véase más abajo. Crazy desfiles militares - Foto Gal ...

    • Togetter (Tougyatta) - together, u0026quot;says Shirota Hide 彰u0026quot; Beshikkuinkamu reason to support the u0026quot;Conclusionu0026quot;
      Heated debate Nikoniko live until morning, THIS VERSION Basic Income (キ Ø ¯ 』February 20 (Sat) 24 minutes at 30 - Takafumi Horie Amamiya Karin + + + Zyou Shigeyuki Suzuki Ken + 彰 Hamano Satoshi Shirota Hide + + + east Kogai Hiroki (Chair) Lecturer: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv11239369 Yamamori Akira live together in Tsuito
      Горячие споры Nikoniko дожить до утра, Эта версия основной доход (キ Ø ¯ 』20 февраля (суббота) 24 минут при 30 - Takafumi Хори Amamiya Карин + + + Zyou Сигеюки Suzuki Кен + 彰 Хамано Сатоси Широта Hide + + + Восток Когай Хироки (председатель) Лектор: http://live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv11239369 Yamamori Акира жить вместе в Tsuito

    • Togetter (Tougyatta) - together u0026quot;about four small Peropero Incidentu0026quot; Who or what failed, u0026quot;u0026quot; What would that I had and how u0026quot;u0026quot;
      2) who caused the biggest uproar together. As information flows in the inner core of the turmoil of this seaweed is released to the stock flow in about like going to frown at best. Critical mass trash critical blog together exactly the same composition (who once intended as a result anyway) has been established. FTTH 2010-02-20 22:27:25
      2)谁造成了最大的骚动起来。内輪ノリのフロー情報としてはせいぜい眉をひそめる程度で流れて行くようなものをストックして公開したのが今回の騒動の核心。 “临界质量垃圾”“关键博客在一起”完全相同的组成(谁曾因此而打算无论如何)已经建立。光纤到户2010年2月20日22时27分二十五秒

    • Hiroyuki u0026quot;Nau was too stupid to opposition from advocates Beshikkuinkamuu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the plate, Hiroyuki Nau was too stupid to opposition from advocates Beshikkuinkamu 2 like the one bar (Shizuoka): 2010/02/21 (Sun) 21: 40:16.31 ID: fnK05GZK? PLT (12000) discussed recent award Beshikkuinkamu hollow points, is becoming a hot topic Beshikkuinkamu mechanism. He s got to all the people handing out little by 7 million, or welfare, ...
      ■ Ancien Rédacteur en chef: nouvelles de dernière heure de la plaque , Hiroyuki Nau est trop stupide pour l opposition de défenseurs de Beshikkuinkamu 2 comme le bar d un (Shizuoka): 2010/02/21 (Dim) 21: 40:16.31 ID: PLT fnK05GZK? (12000) a discuté des points attribution récente creux Beshikkuinkamu, devient un sujet chaud mécanisme Beshikkuinkamu. He s got à toutes les personnes remettant peu à 7 millions, soit du bien-être, ...

    • Beshikkuinkamu empty discussion: Hiro Yuki @ open SNS
      [What] is a community-kun. I think I write them right here or news or something. Now, recent empty discussion Beshikkuinkamu Oira blog is becoming a hot topic Beshikkuinkamu mechanism. He s got to all the people handing out little by 7 million, or welfare of a story or Shimaou lost the civil servants involved in social welfare. Nde, I saw the TV I m Beshikkuinkamu discuss it. D until morning ...
      [Lo que] es una comunidad-kun. Creo que escribo aquí o noticias o algo así. Ahora, la reciente discusión vacía Beshikkuinkamu Oira blog está convirtiendo en un rojo vivo Beshikkuinkamu mecanismo. Tiene a todo el pueblo repartiendo poco a 7 millones, o el bienestar de una historia o Shimaou perdido los funcionarios implicados en el bienestar social. Nde, vi la tele me Beshikkuinkamu hablar de ello. D hasta mañana ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;Offering free for schools is the exclusion of Koreau0026quot; kidnapped minister, the minister - Society
      4-month implementation plan of free school over the abduction issue 洽 Nakai minister, and to exclude students who are attending schools throughout Korea Koreans in Japan, Tatsuo Kawabata asked the Minister of Education official sources said Thursday the government was doing. Expected based on the condition that I not go to the abduction issue. The free system of high school, while tuition at public schools to fit in about a year s tuition equivalent to public school students in various schools, including private school and pay 12 million yen.
      4-месячный план осуществления свободной школы по вопросу о похищениях министр 洽 Накаи, и исключать учащихся, посещающих школы по всей Корее корейцев в Японии Тацуо Кавабата спросил министра образования официальные источники говорили четверг правительство делает. Ожидать, исходя из условия, что я не пошел на проблему похищений. 高校無償化制度では、公立で授業料をとらないようにする一方、私立高校や外国人学校を含む各種学校の生徒にも公立の授業料相当額として年約12万円を支給...

    • Beshikkuinkamu empty discussion: Hiro Yuki @ open SNS
      [What] is a community-kun. I think I write them right here or news or something. Now, recent empty discussion Beshikkuinkamu Oira blog is becoming a hot topic Beshikkuinkamu mechanism. He s got to all the people handing out little by 7 million, or welfare of a story or Shimaou lost the civil servants involved in social welfare. Nde, I saw the TV I m Beshikkuinkamu discuss it. D until morning ...
      [最新]是一个社区坤。我想我在这里写出来或新闻什么的。现在,最近空讨论Beshikkuinkamu法规办公室博客正在成为一个热门话题Beshikkuinkamu机制。他需要所有的人分发了700万太少,或一个故事或Shimaou福利失去社会福利有关的公务员。恩戴,我看到了电视,我Beshikkuinkamu讨论。 Ḏ到早晨...

    • u0026quot;I do not have to increase the abolition of prescription false positiveu0026quot; - Apes! Not Monkeys! Main
      Today February 20, Asahi Shimbun (NYSE Osaka) in opposition opinion field, I do not have to increase by eliminating false positive aging, Iwamura Tomohumi Interview with attorney of former Legislative Council member entitled being. Law Subcommittee on Criminal Justice Legislative Council debates over the abolition of the statute of limitations. (...) For example, I also want claims of alibi and the defendant from the case 40 years, has been charged after a brief 50 years, someone who you think you could find an alibi 4 ...
      Hoy 20 de febrero, Asahi Shimbun (NYSE Osaka) en la opinión de la oposición campo , no tengo un aumento del envejecimiento de la eliminación de falsos positivos , Iwamura Tomohumi Entrevista con el abogado del ex miembro del Consejo Legislativo de derecho siendo. Ley Subcomisión de Justicia Penal debates del Consejo Legislativo sobre la abolición de la ley de prescripción. (...) Por ejemplo, yo también quiero reclamaciones de coartada y que el demandado el caso de 40 años, ha sido acusado después de una breve 50 años, alguien que usted cree que pueda encontrar una coartada , 4 ...

    • Fundamentalists to destroy the Japanese customer - Rails going on!
      This entry for example. This entry was written by modern people declared refugees, who left the company in less than six months long-awaited job after graduating from college. Reason is Pawahara, is no overtime, no holidays and so on. Can be a good reason to give up any, I think. I asked, Japan is bad! Sights more psyched! Every time I write the entry, You do not need more growth, Japan ww It was a wonder to get a comment like, Recently ...
      Cette entrée par exemple. Cet article a été écrit par des personnes modernes a déclaré réfugiés, qui a quitté l entreprise en moins de six mois tant attendu emploi après avoir obtenu son diplôme de collège. La raison est Pawahara, n est pas d heures supplémentaires, pas de vacances et ainsi de suite. Peut être une bonne raison de renoncer à tout, je crois. Demandai-je, Sights Le Japon est mauvais! Plus excité! Chaque fois que j écris à l entrée: «Vous n avez pas besoin de plus de croissance, le Japon ww Ce fut une merveille pour obtenir un commentaire similaire, récemment ...

    • 10 years after the advertising industry - said the current situation and future of the advertising industry - Yahoo! Blog
      Play message: After such a major advertising agency, public relations consultant. Ue to identify issues, and business styles from the strategy action plan is proposing to significantly alter the 10 years. Year 2010 is now 10 years ago in 2000. In the advertising industry, the Internet is still a big swell and it did not. However, DeNA, Cyber Agent, GMO, and was started as a company Rakuten. ...
      Escuchar mensaje: Después de esa agencia de publicidad más importante, asesor de relaciones públicas. Ue para identificar los temas y estilos de negocios del plan de acción de la estrategia se propone alterar significativamente los 10 años. Año 2010 es ahora de 10 años en 2000. En la industria de la publicidad, la Internet sigue siendo un gran oleaje y no lo hizo. Sin embargo, Dena, Cyber Agent, OGM, y se inició como una empresa Rakuten. ...

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