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    Internet Reportage Politics Hardware Technology related words sought after illustration - pixiv diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga

    • Goody [! Nippon Kiteku ...] low cost next-generation reactor safety greedy Hitoshi Takeshi (1 / 3 page) - MSN Sankei News
      The prevention of global warming, about one per year based on 600 million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the growing expectations of a reduction in nuclear power generation, power industry and the government, public and private sectors together to become reactor manufacturer, the world s most advanced Next-generation light water reactors (reactor) is working to develop. In addition to safety measures, such as earthquakes and terrorist attacks, increased longevity of life of construction costs and operation period, a miser s nuclear project aims to reduce emissions of spent nuclear fuel. Next-generation light-water reactor construction costs by half, TEPCO Kashiwazaki weeding ...

    • Togetter (Tougyatta) - once u0026quot;principle theory of Beshikkuinkamu Hiroki Azumau0026quot;
      [First live TV Nikoniko times until morning! February 20] will be broadcast Saturday night (time TBA). [Theme] Basic income] [Moderator Panelists: Hiroki Azuma Kogai 凜 Amamiya + + Zyou Shigeyuki Suzuki Ken + + + Shirota Hide 彰 Hamano Satoshi [teacher] and you might want to watch before beating Yamamori Akira. After the introduction 『Yamamori Akira as a must-read literature』 basic income that has been raised.
      [Live Première TV Times Nikoniko jusqu au matin! Février 20] sera diffusée le samedi soir (heure à déterminer). [Theme] Le revenu de base] [Les panélistes Modérateur: Hiroki Azuma Kogai 凛 Amamiya + + Zyou Shigeyuki Ken Suzuki + + + Shirota Masquer 彰 Hamano Satoshi [enseignant] et que vous voulez voir avant de battre Yamamori Akira. Après l introduction Yamamori 『Akira comme un must-read littérature 』revenu de base qui a été soulevée.

    • News - ancient world - early humans were good at sailing (full article) - National Geographic Japanese Site
      Revealed some surprising facts from prehistoric ax was found on the islands of Greece. Homo sapiens (modern humans) long before reaching the age of Europe, who had been sailing in the Mediterranean had already. Two years ago, the valley of Crete in Greece, we had a team of archaeologists has excavated in Greece and the United States. About 11,000 were looking for a small stone was used by the national maritime traffic in the Mediterranean had been years ago. Stone Age hunter is 見Ataranakatta ...
      Выявлены некоторые удивительные факты из доисторических AX была найдена на островах Греции. Homo Sapiens (современный человек) задолго до достижения возраста Европе, который был плавания в Средиземном море уже. Два года назад, в долине Крит в Греции, мы были группой археологов раскопки в Греции и Соединенных Штатов. О 11000 искали маленький камень был использован национального морского судоходства в Средиземном море уже много лет назад. Каменный век охотник 见 Ataranakatta ...

    • About the phenomenon of unmarried 雑感 - Diary of Kin Nohu 雑感 Su
      http://d.hatena.ne.jp/WATERMAN/20100218/1266442253 talk about this issue is the pain, that is, Fertility and the problem is that non-Mote. Speaking of commentators have sharply cut this kind of problem, Mr. Masahiro Yamada, a sociologist, economists said Morinaga Takurou, Mr. Kadokura Takashi, what about Mr. Toru Honda, and novelist. Fertility and concluded that the problem is non-Mote, the advocate of the above ...

    • Anthrax cases, researchers concluded the crime alone committed suicide: International: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      WASHINGTON, Sung Yue Kurose Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on June 19, 2001, such as anthrax to Senate offices in Washington in the fall (Resona-tan) is sent into sealed bacteria with regard to the death of five persons, 08 7 committed suicide in January, the attack was carried out independently by the researchers conclude Bruce Ivins of U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, which announced the conclusion of the investigation. Justice Department report, researchers convince Ivins is the anthrax vaccine research and development of public involvement on the loose, terrorizing their own community ...
      WASHINGTON, Sung Yue Kurose Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), le 19 Juin 2001, comme l anthrax aux bureaux du Sénat à Washington à l automne (Resona-tan) est envoyé dans des bactéries scellé à l égard de la mort de cinq personnes, 08 7 s est suicidé en Janvier, l attaque a été menée de manière indépendante par les chercheurs concluent Bruce Ivins de U. S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases, qui a annoncé la conclusion de l enquête. Rapport du Département de justice, les chercheurs convaincre Ivins est le vaccin contre l anthrax la recherche et le développement de la participation publique à la dérive, terrorisant leur propre communauté ...

    • Stretch vaccine, vaccination without pain and Osaka VB, flu-like effects - NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): major news - important news on various fields
      Pharmaceutical and biotechnology ventures Kosumedi University (Kyoto) has developed a vaccine using the stretched skin sheet. Shimi込Mi to seep into the skin with vaccine components from small protrusions on the surface sheet, immune effects. Animal influenza and tetanus, diphtheria was confirmed effective. More eliminating the pain caused by vaccination, but also to prevent infection of the vaccination in developing countries easy. Developed a group of Associate Professor, Professor and Okada, Shinsaku Nakagawa, Naoki Osaka ...

    • 169) Alternative Medicine tricks - u0026quot;herbal cancer treatment,u0026quot; given the
      Figure: Trick or Treatment? (邦訳 Title: Trick of alternative medicine), the book is to validate the results of alternative medicine based on rigorous clinical trials, the effects of many alternative medicine or equal to placebo effect, if The danger is that he is content to deny the many alternative medicine. Alternative medicine to believe instead of how important is the validity of scientific evidence, The placebo effect is not only the meaning of alternative medicine If you can logically explain ...
      Figura: Truco o Trato? (邦 訳 Título: Truco de la medicina alternativa), el libro es para validar los resultados de la medicina alternativa basada en rigurosos estudios clínicos, los efectos de la medicina alternativa muchas o igual a un efecto placebo, si El peligro es que se contenta con negar la medicina alternativa muchas. La medicina alternativa creer en lugar de lo importante es la validez de la evidencia científica , El efecto placebo no es sólo el significado de la medicina alternativa: Si puedes explicar lógicamente ...

    • We imposed a paradox - who live underground 手遊Bi
      Philosophy Psychology differentiate people who tend to tend to deny the existence of discrimination - Whoso is not expressly included in the comments above entry id: kntkm Nya ー have to say is highly problematic. Nevertheless, in the comments and Nya Bukumakome seems to have been a constant support. Bookmark Hatena - people who tend to deny the existence of discrimination tend to discrimination - Whoso ...
      Filosofía de la Psicología diferenciar a las personas que tienden a tienden a negar la existencia de la discriminación - El que no está expresamente incluido en los comentarios por encima de ID de entrada: kntkm Nya ー tengo que decir es muy problemático. Sin embargo, en los comentarios y Nya Bukumakome parece haber sido un apoyo constante. Agregar a favoritos Hatena - personas que tienden a negar la existencia de la discriminación tienden a la discriminación - Quien ...

    • High degree of satisfaction was a bronze medal from silver? International Rice Research News: AFPBB News
      AFP [February 20] The most important one in the Winter Olympics to finish in first place as no doubt, in fact, two more than a third dip in satisfaction is higher ranked players who have research results with the Canadian newspaper Globe and Mail (Globe and Mail) was published. Of Illinois (Illinois) Northwestern State University (Northwestern University), Victoria Medobeku (Vict. ..
      AFP [Февраль 20] Наиболее важным в зимних Олимпийских играх, чтобы завершить в первом месте, безусловно, на самом деле, более чем две трети окунуться в удовлетворении высокие рейтинги основных игроков, которые были опубликованы результаты исследований с канадской газете Глоб энд мейл (Globe и Mail). Штата Иллинойс (Illinois) Северо-Западного государственного университета (Northwestern University), Виктория Medobeku (Vict. ..

    • Literature survey of different manners in different areas is interesting - vocal exercises
      Delicious Living Review: CiNii find a paper on, what s with the Information Navigator is not CiNii papers and National Institute of Informatics, which is attached to a keyword search feature. But enough to be bored and can not use the keyword search. For social science, at least in magazines and have never even heard the name by entering the appropriate keywords, come out I do not know a lot of university bulletin.一応, descending citations but it has the ability to display, which ...

    • Twitter / Pi Mako: In this situation, u0026quot;Sorry I could forgive Piyo neta ^ ^u0026quot; ...
      In this situation, Sorry I could forgive Piyo neta ^ ^ Hey I m in the money if you excuse the 通Jire. Desho people ask you climb up the wall anyway what is being said. Twit at about 3 hours ago
      В этой ситуации К сожалению, я мог простить Piyo Нету ^ ^ Эй я в деньги, если вы извините 通 Jire. Desho люди спрашивают, вы поднимаетесь по стене все равно, что говорят. Twit примерно в 3 часа назад

    • English learning community for people serious about learning English in the community for people serious about (1)
      I Hate Pat Hottentori arrived, I ll explain more in detail in the blog! 2010 s time http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100219230508 Let s sixth year that is nearing an end. New Year s Day this year established a goal of going? TOEIC 900 points in what year? Welcome to study abroad this year? But will such a goal is completely forgotten that I have been busy lives. The most serious enemy for people too busy social life every day ...
      我恨帕特Hottentori后,我将详细说明在博客更多! 2010年的时候http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100219230508让我们的第六个年头是接近尾声。元旦,今年设立了一个走出去的目标?托业考试900分在哪一年?欢迎留学今年呢?但这一目标是完全忘记了,我一直在忙碌的生活。对于人们最严重的敌人太忙碌的社交生活每一天...

    • Their naturopathic animal Oganikkushoppu Homeobashi [Maple]
      ● Benefits: The elimination of free radicals in the body. Please cum drinking and Homeobashi. Detoxification of the body require oxygen. (To get rid of waste) cells can not be done and is still Kakaeta toxins, even worse 作Ri出Semasen energy metabolism also. ● How to drinking dose varies by weight. Weight 100kg 10 cc 50kg 5 cc cap about 1 cup of 2.7cc (about) one drop at a bird, about five drops of medium-sized dogs.
      ● Avantages: L élimination des radicaux libres dans l organisme. S il vous plaît potable sperme et Homeobashi. Détoxication de l organisme ont besoin d oxygène. (Pour se débarrasser des déchets), les cellules ne peuvent pas être fait et est encore toxines Kakaeta, pire encore 作 Ri 出 SEMASEN métabolisme de l énergie aussi. ● Comment boire à la dose varie selon le poids. Poids 100 kg 10 cc 50 kg 5 Cap cc environ 1 tasse de 2.7cc (environ) une goutte à un oiseau, environ cinq gouttes de chiens de taille moyenne.

    • Character will change / fix instead of u0026quot;addu0026quot; - while waiting for a dead meme
      He will go to him steeped in cutlet lost shoe ramblings.持Tezu you can not get the move on self-confidence. It s definitely something missing from not self-provision. The bigger picture, what she is afraid to change. How can humans change, but also struggling to change what is or is not what. I ll share my thoughts about things like that. This is not the original which means that not all are entirely my own learning * 1, the current ...
      Irá a él impregnado de chuleta perdido divagaciones de zapatos.持 Tezu usted no puede conseguir el cambio en la auto-confianza. Es definitivamente algo no falta en la libre disposición. El cuadro más grande, lo que le tiene miedo al cambio. ¿Cómo pueden los seres humanos cambian, pero también está luchando por cambiar lo que es o no es lo que. Voy a compartir mis pensamientos acerca de cosas como esas. Este no es el original lo que significa que no todos están totalmente de mi propio aprendizaje * 1, el actual ...

    • Why mathematicians came to the United States - Statistics + ε: American Life research study
      Recently, the Department of Mathematics Professor Rafail Khasminskii (Distinguished Professor) was a party to celebrate his retirement. He, Moscow State University and a former pupil of Dynkin and Kolmogorov, probability analysis (parameter estimation) and left a great achievement in the asymptotic theory. MathSciNet database, according to a mathematical treatise, his ...
      Недавно кафедрой математики профессор Рафаил Хасьминского (почетный профессор) является участником отпраздновать свой выход на пенсию. Он, Московского государственного университета и бывший ученик Дынкин и А. Н. Колмогоров, вероятностный анализ (оценка параметров) и оставил большое достижение в асимптотической теории. MathSciNet базу данных, в соответствии с математическим трактатом, его ...

    • Between professional and amateur - tabby cat diary
      Today s wild view that Motsuta Us | 15:22 | None takes you tried to destroy the illusion of Shinichi Fukuoka suggests from the above mentioned in the media such as newspapers, Shinichi Fukuoka opinion, the relationship between biodiversity and living against the view of how strongly to the people you manage without taking it - that raises the question, says pears. He claims that Shinichi Fukuoka, is a sense of 分際 my life, has avoided an unnecessary conflict. To limit their food, like other species infringe the area to be able to coexist ...
      今天的野生认为Motsuta我们| 15时22分|无需要你“,试图破坏慎福冈的假象”上述提到的在媒体,如报纸,真一福冈意见显示,生物多样性与生活的关系反对意见多么强烈的人你不服用管理 - 这引起了一个问题,说梨。他声称,福冈伸一,是一个分际,我的生活,感觉一直避免不必要的冲突。为了限制他们的其他物种一样侵犯了辖区的食物,能够共存...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): element No. 112 is u0026quot;Koperunishiumuu0026quot; naming and its international institutions - Science
      Katsuta Toshihiko SAN DIEGO u003d] Today, the heaviest element in existence has been officially recognized by the element No. 112, Koperunishiumu was named. The name is named after the famous Polish astronomer Copernicus proposed the heliocentric theory, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the birthday of Copernicus, February 19, 1473, according to the announced 19 days. This element, in the year 1996 German Institute for Heavy Ion (GSI) and synthesis of the first international team ...
      Katsuta Toshihiko SAN DIEGO u003d] Aujourd hui, l élément le plus lourd dans l existence a été reconnue officiellement par l élément n o 112, Koperunishiumu» a été nommé. Le nom tire son nom du célèbre astronome polonais Copernic a proposé la théorie héliocentrique, l Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée (UICPA), l anniversaire de naissance de Copernic, Février 19, 1473,« selon l annonce 19 jours. Cet élément, en l an 1996 l Institut allemand des ions lourds (GSI) et la synthèse de l équipe internationale d abord ...

    • Any idiot with zero investment in English Comp TOEIC900 only one way to reach
      Is loose, no you do not spend money on the 言語Gotoki. The fools. I have been letting 10 million 稼Ga Yeah from what many idiots in one prep Maa. What the fuck is http://www.fmylife.com/F FMyLife read that day. This day at least five are self-explanatory. The better to read the comments, I was bothered. Good addition to print. The important thing is to remember reading in mind. They say. Learn to roll context we mention the word? Do 笑Wasen. Oh ...
      Рыхлый, ни вы не тратите денег на 言语 Gotoki. Дураки. Я позволю 10 миллионов 稼 Ga Да от того, что много идиотов в одном Prep Maa. Что это ебать http://www.fmylife.com/F FMyLife читать в этот день. В этот день по меньшей мере пять говорят сами за себя. Лучше читать комментарии, мешал мне. Хорошим дополнением к печати. Важно помнить чтении в виду. Они говорят. Научитесь Roll контексте мы упоминаем слово? Ли 笑 Wasen. Ох ...

    • Prepared to learn the theory of discrimination - Whoso is not expressly included
      There are differentiated by having the opportunity to teach at several universities for research in the past. Course of its kind (the theory of discrimination ), the students again and again, there was a need to carry the physical three one note. Discrimination problem problem of discrimination in the formal themes that may face the same discrimination as other themes such as family and the media that no fair / unfair (who is bad or in?) Jump to conclusions Since only three issues that are conjugated, all ...
      Существуют дифференцированные по имея возможности преподавать в нескольких университетах для проведения исследований в прошлом. Курс такого рода ( теория дискриминации ), студенты снова и снова, что необходимо для осуществления физической три из одной ноты. Проблема дискриминации проблема дискриминации в официальных тем, что могут столкнуться с дискриминацией же как и другие темы, такие как семья и средства массовой информации, что никакой справедливой / несправедливо (который является плохой или не?) Поспешных выводов Поскольку только три вопроса сопряжены, что все ...

    • Tried to destroy the illusion of Shinichi Fukuoka - if it takes no
      Fukuoka s talk about the unique biodiversity in a very specific view about the relationship between living things and (at worst thing of the past) to the views. Are talking like this in a newspaper article, for example. Fukuoka: I do not like insects since childhood, my hand was raised in a butterfly. May noticed that time. For example, larvae of the swallowtail butterfly, the orange and eat only leaves of pepper. The larvae of the swallowtail butterfly A butterfly species is very close, parsley ...
      Parler de Fukuoka, sur la biodiversité unique dans un point de vue très spécifiques sur la relation entre les êtres vivants et (au pire chose du passé) aux points de vue. Parlent comme ça dans un article de journal, par exemple. Fukuoka: Je n aime pas les insectes depuis l enfance, ma main a été soulevée dans un papillon. Mai remarqué que le temps. Par exemple, les larves du papillon machaon, l orange et manger des feuilles seulement de poivre. Les larves du papillon machaon Une espèce de papillon est très proche, persil ...

    • CiNii find the papers in, and should not be taught. - Review life tasty
      About one week here, and go to the computer room of the department, has seen an undergraduate writing a report. Doing so, CiNii people they have many fine articles in the keyword search, but I tell you that whoever these useless. CiNii Information Navigator is a paper and National Institute of Informatics, which is attached to a keyword search feature. But enough to be bored and can not use the keyword search. For social science, at least in the appropriate key.
      Alrededor de una semana aquí, y vaya a la sala de informática del departamento, ha visto a un estudiante por escrito un informe. Si lo hace, la gente CiNii tienen muchos artículos finos en la búsqueda de palabras clave, pero yo os digo que cualquiera que estos inútiles. CiNii Información Navigator es un papel y el Instituto Nacional de Informática, que se adjunta a una función de búsqueda de palabras clave. Pero lo suficiente como para ser aburrido y no puede utilizar la búsqueda de palabras clave. Para las ciencias sociales, al menos en la tecla apropiada.

    • English learning community for people serious
      2010 a year s time 1 / 6 Let that be nearing an end. New Year s Day this year established a goal of going? TOEIC 900 points in what year? Welcome to study abroad this year? But will such a goal is completely forgotten that I have been busy lives. The most serious enemy society for people with every day that I m too busy living. Around the students can still realize that it is their lazy. Ore (I) is a guy not ... I will also be immersed in such self-loathing. But it is a social person ... etc.
      Temps 2010, une année, 1 / 6 Que ce soit touche à sa fin. New Year s Day a instauré cette année un objectif d aller? TOEIC 900 points en quelle année? Bienvenue à étudier à l étranger cette année? Mais un tel objectif est totalement oublié que j ai eu une vie très chargée. La société la plus sérieux adversaire pour les personnes qui vivent tous les jours que je suis trop occupé. Autour des élèves peuvent encore se rendre compte que c est leur paresseux. Ore (I) est un gars pas ... Je vais également être immergé dans de tels auto-dégoût. Mais c est une personne sociale ... etc

    • Cancer is a fungus, and I was treated with sodium bicarbonate. - NATROM Diary
      He is a former doctor Shimonchini Italy, for the etiology and treatment of cancer, which claims to have a very unique theory. ■ David Eisenhower quotes from the official Japanese blog information. Dr. Tullio Shimonchini intelligent and brave, Italy (Tullio Simoncini) is one such example. He refused to bow to huge pressure after the gene had to face was how to deal with cancer and their identity and continued to fight against it. The Shimonchini crimes and ...
      Бывший врач Shimonchini Италия, в этиологии и лечения рака, которая утверждает, что очень уникальная теория. ■ Дэвид Эйзенхауэр цитаты из японской официальной информации блога. Доктор Туллио Shimonchini умный и храбрый, Италия (Туллио Симончини) является одним из таких примеров. Он отказался подчиниться огромным давлением после ген был лицом, как бороться с раком, и их самобытность и продолжает бороться против этого. Shimonchini преступления и ...

    • NASA beautiful transcendence great shock when the school broke the supersonic rocket launched! - IDEA * IDEA ~ 100 Raifuhakkuburogu of expression Managers
      Name (required) Mail address (private) (required) URIRemember personal infoYes NoComment some of you can use HTML tags for style specifications. Add Your CommentTrackbacks: 0Trackback URL for this entryhttp: / / www.ideaxidea.com/archives/2010/02/supers ...
      Nombre (requerido) Dirección de correo electrónico (privado) (requerido) URIRemember personal infoYes noComment algunos de ustedes puede usar etiquetas HTML para las especificaciones de estilo. Agregue su CommentTrackbacks: 0Trackback URL de esta entryhttp: / / www.ideaxidea.com/archives/2010/02/supers ...

    • 1880 Italian photographer who has taken a valuable picture of the landscape and tell the customs of Japanu0026#39;s - GIGAZINE
      1880 Speaking of the West s most are still unable to enter the free time in Japan, the early Meiji era of Japan in 1873 was an Italian Adolfo Farusari held a photo studio in Yokohama, alien has taken many photos to sell as souvenirs to tourists and foreigners. By skilled artisans one single picture is painted by hand the influence of a fantastic atmosphere at the time was surprised to see the Japanese Nosuta and was not even born today ...

    • If Kino Ayumi university laboratory courses | lab lively production project
      If Kino Ayumi Laboratory Department University , the summary of personal feelings Miyano is a member and the guy that the organization can be and Sang-Hi teacher, a skit for you to understand more concretely , 『NEO』 workers are represented in the form of case studies like parody. This is the students, to teachers sycophant or recommended, the teacher should be the thing that is never recommend one. Say one thing students will rely on teachers, students and teachers rely on ...
      Si Kino Ayumi laboratorio del Departamento de la Universidad , el resumen de los sentimientos personales Miyano es un miembro y el tipo que la organización puede ser y Sang-profesor Hola , una parodia para que usted pueda entender más concretamente , 『』 NEO trabajadores están representados en forma de estudios de caso, como parodia. Se trata de los estudiantes, a los profesores adulador o recomendado, el profesor debe ser lo que nunca se recomiende uno. Decir una cosa los estudiantes se basará en los profesores, estudiantes y profesores se basan en ...

    • Microwave chocolate + at u0026quot;light speedu0026quot; experiments to determine | WIRED VISION
      CEO Steve Jobs earlier article that back one s words six examples of election betting casino sports, betting large microwave following article on chocolate in real-time + speed of light experiment to see Kathy CeceriAll February 18, 2010 images: Kathy Ceceri would zap a surplus of chocolate on Valentine s Day, one of the physical constants can one ascertain the speed of light. Chocolate is the perfect material for this experiment.
      Steve Jobs, PDG précédent article que retour ses mots« six exemples de l élection de paris sportifs casino, de paris à micro-ondes grand article sur le chocolat en temps réel + vitesse de la lumière expérience pour voir Kathy CeceriAll Février 18, 2010 Images: Kathy Ceceri serait zap un excédent de chocolat sur la Saint-Valentin, l une des constantes de la physique peut-on vérifier la vitesse de la lumière. Le chocolat est le matériau parfait pour cette expérience.

    • I do not taste Rape disease - pierced with a giraffe on his head
      Another title in the street, but what I m talking to a late hour. Four or five days, the anonymous diary, why his taste humiliation Agarimashita articles that have led to what I wrote. I can not imagine even in the delusion和姦from being rejected by women in real life http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100210012057 anonymous diary written that this is disgusting. In anger over here over there, and discriminatory remarks.
      Otro título en la calle, pero lo que estoy hablando con una hora de retraso. Cuatro o cinco días, el diario anónimo, ¿por qué su humillación gusto Agarimashita artículos que han llevado a lo que escribí. No puedo imaginar ni siquiera en la ilusión de 奸 和 de ser rechazado por la mujer en la vida real http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100210012057 anónimo diario escrito que esto es repugnante. En la ira por aquí por allá, y los comentarios discriminatorios.

    • Mule Q: ... I was surprised to ability level unruly goats climb the cliff
      Unruly level abilities ... before I was surprised to climb the cliff of the goats, may have the uncanny ability to introduce a picture of a goat climb a tree, the mountain goats live in steep, rocky cliffs would I have the ability to easily climb up and get going. Sight of a goat and actually climb the cliff, however, so I think that I think are impossible to ignore gravity. Can you patently obvious ability of wild animals, please visit the rock-climbing goats.
      Aptitudes d un niveau indisciplinés ... avant que je fus surpris de gravir la falaise de la chèvre, de mai ont l étrange capacité à introduire une photo d une chèvre grimper à un arbre, les chèvres de montagne vivent dans des abruptes falaises rocheuses serait J ai la capacité de grimper facilement et y aller. Vue d une chèvre et fait grimper la falaise, toutefois, je pense que je pense est impossible d ignorer la gravité. Peut capacité vous saute aux yeux d animaux sauvages, s il vous plaît visitez le escalade chèvres.

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