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    Internet Reportage Politics Hardware Technology related words sought after illustration - pixiv diverting videos - Nico Nico Douga

    • 20 to protect people who live in Osaka ... u0026quot;cycle of povertyu0026quot; projects cut ¥ 18 billion (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      Cock (tap) close properly. Osaka City Heisei 22 fiscal year beginning in the budget, a record high cost of living protection. Mayor Hiramatsu Kunio likened the situation to not take water to stop the runaway state spending increase, the business system, such as rationalization for self-support recipients to prevent fraud and posted a 18 billion yen. The children will be raised in households receiving welfare later cycle of poverty break the new strategy to launch. According to the city last December, and that welfare recipients in the city of 100,000 ...

    • Willcom, corporate reorganization proceedings to begin - ¥ 2060 billion in total debt service will continue as before: Mobile - CNET Japan
      WILLCOM, February 18, the Board of Directors held yesterday, the company decided to initiate reorganization proceedings, filed with the Tokyo District Court said. Even after the petitioner has to continue to provide services to customers. Total debt is ¥ 2060 billion (end 2009 Mon 12 alone). This is a temporary restraining order from Willcom Tokyo District Court issued an order received various research and instruction instruction-cum-director. September 2009 have been working on projects from Mon to play for Industrial production and revitalize ...
      Willcom, 18 de febrero, el Consejo de Administración celebrada ayer, la empresa decidió iniciar el procedimiento de reorganización, presentado ante el Tribunal de Distrito de Tokio, dijo. Incluso después de que el peticionario tiene que seguir prestando servicios a los clientes. La deuda total es de ¥ 2060 millones de dólares (a finales de 2009 lun 12 solamente). Esta es una orden de restricción temporal de Willcom de Distrito de Tokio Corte emitió una orden que recibió diversas investigaciones y la instrucción de instrucción-cum-director. Septiembre 2009 han estado trabajando en proyectos de Lunes a jugar para la producción industrial y la revitalización de ...

    • Voyeur suspect in the skirt of an escalator at Shibuya station NHK employee arrested - MSN Sankei News
      As sneaking camera shots in the skirts of women, Shibuya Police Metropolitan Police Department is in the act of violating public nuisance Tokyo, NHK Broadcasting Technology Bureau, Technical Director of Media Technology Center, Mr. Masaru Tatsuki Takahashi (39) was arrested. He admitted the charges, according to police. Police arrested the three at around 17 pm, Shibuya (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) in the escalator inside has a digital camera and sneaking camera shots in the skirts of women. A passerby who witnessed the men arrested, handed over to the Shibuya police officer. ...
      Как красться камера выстрелы в юбки женщин, Shibuya лондонской полиции Департамента полиции в Законе о нарушении общественного порядка Токио, NHK вещание Технология бюро, технический директор Медиа-технический центр , был арестован Г-н Масару Tatsuki Такахаси (39). Он признал, что обвинения, по данным полиции. Полиция арестовала трех около 17 часов, Сибуя (Shibuya-ку, Токио) в эскалатор внутри встроена цифровая камера и камеры тайком выстрелов в юбках женщин. Прохожий, который был свидетелем мужчин арестовали, передали полицейским Сибуя. ...

    • So Awesome Warota goats, but on clear something lowly creatures ... sheep. News │ 2 Channel
      1: sausage rolls (Kanto): 2010/02/18 (Thu) 00:56:38.53 ID: U9WN67rn before, may be introduced that our uncanny ability to climb a tree picture of a goat, a rugged mountainous The live goat is that they have the ability to easily climb up the cliff and it would probably rock. And show the actual shape of a goat climb a cliff, however, so I think that I think are impossible to ignore gravity. http://l ...
      1:香肠卷(关东):2010/02/18(星期四)00:56:38.53编号:U9WN67rn之前,可能会介绍说,我们的不可思议能力,攀登一个山羊,地势险峻的山区树图片活羊是他们有能力轻松地爬上悬崖,它可能会岩石。忽视山羊和实际攀登悬崖,但是,我认为,我认为是不可能被忽视的严重性。 http://l ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): blackout Linimo, 380 people trapped loophole unmanned systems - Social
      Operation of centralized command and the operation of Linimo headquarters. We can not open the door of the train stopped at a power outage u003d Aichi Rapid Transit between Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture and Nagoya City, Aichi, Nagakute Linimo The Morning Sun 18 of about 380 by the power outage trapped in train passengers Ta. Despite the power outage was restored 30 minutes later, there was also a maximum of one passenger was detained for about an hour, it highlights the weakness of unmanned systems. Linimo March 2005 the first domestic commercial operation beginning in January ...
      Opération de commandement centralisé et le fonctionnement du Siège Linimo. Nous ne pouvons ouvrir la porte du train s est arrêté à une panne d électricité u003d Aichi Rapid Transit entre Toyota City, Aichi et Nagoya City, Aichi, Nagakute Linimo The Morning Sun 18 sur 380 par la panne d électricité pris au piège dans les passagers du train Ta. Malgré la panne de courant a été rétabli au bout de 30 minutes, il y avait aussi un maximum d un passager a été détenu pendant environ une heure, il met en lumière la faiblesse des systèmes sans pilote. Linimo Mars 2005, l opération nationale le premier appareil commercial à partir de Janvier ...

    • Intrusion game sites, six small girls pretend to be someone else: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      As you break into someone else s ID and password for Internet game sites, Tokushima Prefectural Police, municipal small children 6年女Hashimoto, Wakayama Prefecture (12) taken into custody on suspicion of violating a law banning unauthorized access, Tokushima Prefecture, central to child consultation center notified. According to the announcement, the girl in the chat site (text conversation) in Tokushima City was met with three girls (15)聞Ki出Shita from ID passwords and 10 last year with 13, in Tokyo, a company General gaming sites to Party Games , Better to ...
      A medida que romper en algún otro nombre de usuario y contraseña para sitios de juegos de Internet, policía de la prefectura de Tokushima, municipales niños pequeños 6年女Hashimoto, Prefectura de Wakayama (12) detenido por sospecha de violar una ley que prohíbe el acceso no autorizado, Tokushima, Prefectura de centro a centro infantil de consulta notificado. Según el anuncio, la chica en el sitio de chat (conversación de texto) en la ciudad de Tokushima se encontró con tres chicas (15)闻Ki出Shita de las contraseñas de identidad y 10 el año pasado con 13, en Tokio, una empresa sitios de juegos General Parte Juegos , Mejor ...

    • Killing Time blog at speed ν Hokkaido district debt 5600000000000 yen [Hokkaido]
      1: tongs (Hokkaido): 2010/02/18 (Thu) 22:20:55.12 ID: z0zmycrb? PLT (12000) Hokkaido award points, healthy bodies around 5 trillion yen debt immediate way The strict fiscal December 17, changed the calculation method based on financial indicators of local fiscal health, fiscal year 2011-12 and was healthy bodies early into it announced it was avoided. However, also denied earlier redemption of the bonds and sense of makeshift road. Trillion ...
      1: щипцы (Хоккайдо): 2010/02/18 (Чт) 22:20:55.12 ID: z0zmycrb? PLT (12000) очков Хоккайдо награда, здоровых тел около 5 трлн иен задолженности путем немедленного строгого финансового 17 декабря, изменила методику расчета на основе финансовых показателей местного финансового здоровья, 2011-12 финансовом году, и был здорового тела раннее в ней было объявлено избегали его. Тем не менее, также опроверг ранее Погашение облигаций и смысл временные дороги. Триллион ...

    • Efficiency and process time and equal opportunity | Takafumi Horie official u0026quot;Ameburo former president was working in Roppongiu0026quot; by Ameba
      Takafumi Horie official Ameburo former president was working in Roppongi by Ameba in general, or are known or Horiemon Horie. Comments are not reflected in real time. I want to contact you, info@takapon-jp.com Please contact us by email to. This mental exercise for our blogs and process efficiency equal time and opportunity, from the empress dowager problem, but he will not pull-tab issue, until a while ago twitt ...
      堀江贵文官方“Ameburo前总统正努力在六本木”的阿米巴一般,或已知或Horiemon堀江。评论是不反映在实时。我想与您联系,info@takapon-jp.com请通过电子邮件给我们。这对我们的博客和流程的效率和机会均等的时间从皇太后问题,心理训练,但他不会拉标签的问题,直到不久前twitt ...

    • Smoking ban in restaurants and hotels ... to notify the ministry: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      To prevent the harmful effects of passive smoking, close to the ministry, while local governments, schools, hospitals and restaurants that serve a notice asking you to ban smoking in principle, many more people to use as office decided. Smoking to designated areas separation of smoking areas is due to open and close the door and the movement of people tired of that flow to prevent smoke smoking areas, as measures of passive smoking is considered inadequate. As for facilities, theaters, department stores, government offices, stations, hotels, recreational facilities, buses, data ...
      Pour prévenir les effets nocifs du tabagisme passif, à proximité du ministère, tandis que les gouvernements locaux, des écoles, des hôpitaux et des restaurants qui servent un avis vous demandant d interdire de fumer dans principe, beaucoup plus de gens à utiliser comme bureau décidé. Fumer dans des zones désignées «séparation des zones fumeurs» est due à ouvrir et à fermer la porte et la circulation des personnes fatiguées de ce flux pour éviter les zones fumeurs de la fumée, que les mesures du tabagisme passif est jugé insuffisant. Comme pour les installations, les théâtres, grands magasins, des bureaux gouvernementaux, les gares, hôtels, installations récréatives, des autobus, des données ...

    • Kaori Manabe u0026quot;after the raid a humiliating feeling,u0026quot; termination lawsuit seeking office - MSN Sankei News
      Talent, avant garde (now Esutetokoporeshon City, Tokyo) as a loss of social trust and tax evasion, actress Kaori Manabe, they were a member (28), belonging to the office of the current contract and its cause it was a suit to cancel the Tokyo District Court said Thursday. Manabe s side in the lawsuit, as the target is raid the home between the cases was a humiliating feeling, that such claims. Mr. Manabe March 2008, the company currently ...
      Talento de vanguardia (ahora Esutetokoporeshon City, Tokio) como una pérdida de confianza social y la evasión fiscal, la actriz Kaori Manabe, eran miembros (28), perteneciente a la oficina del contrato actual y sus porque era una demanda para anular el Tribunal de Distrito de Tokio el jueves. Lado Manabe en la demanda , como el objetivo es atacar la casa entre los casos fue una sensación de humillación , que esas reclamaciones. El Sr. Manabe marzo de 2008, actualmente la empresa ...

    • Impression that Koreans. u0026quot;Flag, the Japanese national anthem is untrustworthy敬Wanai
      (Note: Here, mention about Japan s past sins) The individual no matter who do you think of the national flag and anthem, national flag and anthem of Japan is the national flag and anthem as a reality. Recent graduation season, seems to educate parents to sing the national anthem when seated. Seated to sing things that are right for students but also teachers and barking. China has a history peninsula and forced the people and that is, that理由Rashii. But I say from my Several regulations of Koreans living in Japan ...
      (Примечание: здесь упомянуть о прошлых грехов Японии) лица не имеет значения, кто вы думаете о национальных флага и гимн, флаг и национальный гимн Японии национальный флаг и гимн, как реальность. Окончания последнего сезона, кажется, просвещение родителей петь национальный гимн сидя. Сидящая петь вещей, которые подходят для студентов, но также учителя и лаяла. Китай имеет историю полуострова и заставил народ и что в том, что理由RASHII. Но я говорю от нескольких моих правилах корейцев, проживающих в Японии ...

    • Kokubo, u0026quot;good to the incumbentu0026#39;s own styleu0026quot;: Skiing: News: Vancouver Olympic Games: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Kokubo ski Nice style, then the incumbent (February 18 13:44) The Vancouver Olympics Day 6 of 17 (Japan time 18), in the men s snowboarding halfpipe, finishing eight place, Kazuhiro Kokubo (Tokai large) is also the final qualifying, only to make a slip of his thought. I was different, his style was good to finish the incumbent. I want to thank who have supported me, he said. (February 18th 13:44) [Go to Full Text] Sukisunobo HP Finals, country ...
      久保滑雪“尼斯风格,那么现有的”(2月18日13点44分)在温哥华冬奥会17日的第6(日本时间18日),在男子雪板半管完成8位,和宏国保(东海,大)是“最后的排位赛也只作他的思想滑。我是不同的,他的风格很不错,完成的责任。我要感谢支持我的谁,”他说。 (2月18日13时44分)[进入全文] Sukisunobo惠普决赛,国...

    • 20 to protect people living in Osaka, one after the絶Tazu Relocating: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Largest number of welfare recipients across the country reaches 2.3 times 10 years ago, but costs continue to swell protection, Osaka City suffer a heavy burden on financial difficulties. 18 of the city was announced in the budget for fiscal 2010, the cost of protection (¥ 2863 billion) in the general account increased to account for 16.9 percent. The city is eligible to strengthen measures to protect illegal businesses and poverty absorb the cost of the plans to achieve the compression, and transferred from person to receive the code for the purpose of protection after絶Tazu, bankruptcy protection (insolvency) even a real band ...
      Plus grand nombre de bénéficiaires d aide sociale partout au pays a atteint il ya 2,3 fois 10 années, mais les coûts continuent d enfler la protection, la ville d Osaka souffrent d un lourd fardeau sur les difficultés financières. 18 de la ville a été annoncée dans le budget pour l exercice 2010, le coût de la protection (¥ 2863 milliards d euros) dans le compte général augmentée pour tenir compte 16,9 pour cent. La ville est admissible à renforcer les mesures visant à protéger les entreprises illégales et de la pauvreté absorber le coût des plans pour réaliser la compression, et transférés d une personne à recevoir le code à des fins de protection après绝Tazu, la protection de la faillite (insolvabilité) «Même un véritable groupe ...

    • u0026quot;Loved the taste so that awareness and train responsiblyu0026quot; - action to improve rail magazine Manor - Hatena Bukkumakunyusu
      Loved the taste so that awareness and train responsibly - a hobby that s taken action to improve railway railway magazine manners iron shot when the abolition of the line and rush to the vehicle and Iron Funeral and the draft Trains are also profound just because of the fans. Rail fans of women, so-called Tetsuko such as a boom, and even now the old days, people do not enjoy a little railroad fan. However, it has recently been questioned, too much shooting and vehicle nuisance in some心無I rail fan. Shooting ...
      Me encantó el sabor, por lo que la concienciación y formación de manera responsable - una manía que ha tomado medidas para mejorar los modales de tren de tren revista balas de hierro cuando la supresión de la línea y se precipitan en el vehículo y Iron Funeral y el proyecto de Los trenes son también profundas sólo por los aficionados. Fans Tren de las mujeres, los llamados Tetsuko como un boom, y hasta ahora los viejos tiempos, las personas no disfrutan de un ventilador pequeño ferrocarril. Sin embargo, recientemente ha sido cuestionada, tiro demasiado y las molestias de vehículos en algunos无心I fan ferrocarril. Shooting ...

    • Prime Minister Hatoyama u0026quot;considering taxation of retained earningsu0026quot; - Toyotau0026#39;s retained earnings increased 0.1% in the 40,004 people employed in 1000 | Scrum
      Scrum government officials and General Workers Union (general public countries) Blog ★ fellow countries in the general public at non-regular regular, but I put one Union. ★ Tsukurou! So without a great workplace! Hirogeyou initiative of government agencies working poor! Ai wheel and General Workers Union supported National Public Service ★ (general public countries) is the country s institutions and its affiliates (such as nonprofit organizations or Agency) is working with fellow unions. Workplace without a union, but not limited to permanent staff, part-time employees, including employees of non-regular employees who sent ...
      Scrum的政府官员和普通工人联盟(一般公众的国家)博客★研究员各国在非一般市民,经常定期,但我提出这样的联盟。 ★Tsukurou!因此,没有一个伟大的工作! Hirogeyou倡议政府机关工作的穷人!艾轮和普通工人联盟支持的国家公务员★(普通)公众国家是国家的机构及其附属机构(如非营利组织或机构)正在与同事工会。工作场所没有工会,但不限于长期工作人员,兼职员工,包括非雇员,谁发送定期的员工...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Imperial Household Agency allow researchers to enter the tomb first大塚山Kawachi - Culture
      Kawachi大塚山allowed to enter the tomb of researchers u003d 18, Songyuan Habikino Osaka, from helicopters, Asahi Shimbun, Japan s leading shot-largest mound Takuya Isayama, tomb大塚山Kawachi (Osaka, office Habikino Songyuan, helpful place Otsuka tomb) at 18 pm, and Japanese Archaeological Association Archaeological History system 16 into the mound was inspected by the Society for Research. Have been severely restricted from entering the past, now the Imperial Household Agency, in response to requests from the Society. Timing and structure of the mound and built ...
      Kawachi大冢山autorisés à entrer dans le tombeau de chercheurs u003d 18, Songyuan Habikino Osaka, à partir d hélicoptères, Asahi Shimbun, tiré prestige reconnu au Japon en importance monticule Takuya Isayama, tombeau大冢山Kawachi (Osaka, Office Habikino Songyuan, serviable monument funéraire Otsuka) à 18 h, et le japonais Archaeological Association Archéologique système histoire 16 dans le monticule a été inspecté par la Société pour la recherche. Ont été sévèrement restreint de pénétrer dans le passé, maintenant l Agence impériale, en réponse aux demandes de la Société. Calendrier et la structure du monticule et construit ...

    • Business Committee will hold a site tour of consecutive crossing Keio Line - Chofu Home
      Keio Line is a continuous crossing project, is promoting the project in 2012 aiming to complete the year. Of these, the Committee will hold a site tour of the tunnel shield between Chofu Station Kokuryou station construction is complete. Date: February 20, 2010 (Sat) 10:00 to 15:00 (morning reception held rain or shine ~ 10:00) ※ When crowds, and ticket distribution and may be asked to wait. Meeting place: Kokuryou shaft (2 minutes walk from Keio Line Kokuryou Station North Exit) (reception) ...
      Кейо Линия непрерывного перехода проекта, продвижении проекта в 2012 году, направленных на полный год. Из них Комитет проведет Тур по сайту проходческого щита между Chofu строительство станции станция Kokuryou завершена. Дата: February 20, 2010 (суббота) 10:00 до 15:00 (утра состоялось при любой погоде ~ 10:00) ※ Когда толпы, и билет распределения и могут попросить подождать. Место встречи: Kokuryou вала (2 минутах ходьбы от Keio Line Kokuryou выход станции Северный) (приемная) ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): The University of Tokyo who passed 54 million graduates Shimotsuma Hazime高u0026quot;Resurrection prestigiousu0026quot; Aim - Social
      Brochure informing the creation of a scholarship. School nickname Cherry for (sulfur), named for the 54 successful candidates passing Tokyo million -. Kamikaze Girls High School, one of Ibaraki Prefecture (of 834 students who) made this system for the younger alumni. Enhance the motivation of students in the region, revival prestigious school real purpose is to aim at. However, In high school, only to a specific university entrance, a system that would allow that money to pay the odd that has some doubts. The successful candidates will be eligible for spring ...

    • How to make world-class lifestyle - very wealthy worries
      The world stage home jobs how to make world-class lifestyle! → Canada → France after Russia and has been flowing, fragile tropical living in Singapore. During the current struggle to build a world-class life in London with her husband of Australians! HOMEABOUTARCHIVESBOOKSCONTACTHNWIs (High Net Worth Individuals) is called a race. Capgemini and Merrill Lynch each have ...
      Les emplois à domicile scène mondiale comment rendre le monde le mode de vie de classe! → Canada → France après la Russie et a coulé à flots, vivant tropicaux fragiles à Singapour. Au cours de la lutte actuelle pour construire un monde de vie de classe à Londres avec son mari des Australiens! HOMEABOUTARCHIVESBOOKSCONTACTHNWIs (High Net Worth Individuals) est appelée une course. Capgemini et Merrill Lynch ont chacun ...

    • Softbank u0026quot;fish in troubled watersu0026quot; hamper the reconstruction of critical WILLCOM (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      WILLCOM is Japan s only PHS手Gakeru a restructuring last year, is one of nine workouts a month ADR (alternative dispute resolution), since in the process, about five months after a stray, was forced to organize legal Ta. In addition, fish in troubled waters to try to expand the force by Softbank, the public-private joint venture Corporate Rehabilitation Services Organization doubt that the composition is helping a lot of rehabilitation outcome is uncertain. ■ Softbank great benefit of helping to expand its influence, consider corporate revitalization support mechanism ...
      WILLCOM sólo Japón PHS手Gakeru una reestructuración año pasado, es una de las nueve sesiones de entrenamiento de un mes ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution), ya que en el proceso, unos cinco meses después de una perdida, se vio obligado a organizar jurídica ta. Además, pescar en río revuelto para tratar de ampliar la fuerza por parte de Softbank, el público-empresa conjunta privada Corporativo de Servicios de Rehabilitación Organización duda de que la composición está ayudando a muchos de los resultados de la rehabilitación es incierto. ■ beneficiarse Softbank gran ayuda a expandir su influencia, las empresas consideran mecanismo de apoyo a la revitalización ...

    • Killing Time blog at speed ν ← ¥ 2863 million in welfare costs, Osaka
      1: Hotchkiss (Alabama): 2010/02/18 (Thu) 14:47:54.43 ID: 5G8 + RHGH? PLT (12000) Osaka welfare benefits expense increased 17 percent point, blow up this year s budget-cutting measure. Osaka on April 18, 6905 of 1 trillion yen of its 2010 fiscal year general fund budget beginning. Improve the budget balance, total public works spending and cut personnel costs and 489 billion yen, up 10 Years 5-year reduction targets (2250 billion) to achieve ...
      1: Хотчкисс (штат Алабама): 2010/02/18 (Чт) 14:47:54.43 ID: 5G8 + RHGH? PLT (12000) Осака за счет социальных пособий увеличился на 17 процентных пункта, взорвать бюджет в этом году общие меры. Осака 18 апреля 6905 по 1 трлн иен его 2010 финансовом году общий бюджет Фонда начала. Улучшение сбалансированности бюджета, общий объем государственных расходов работ и сократить расходы на персонал и 489 миллиардов иен, до 10 лет 5-цели году сокращение (2250 млрд), чтобы добиться ...

    • News painful (É ∀ `):u0026quot; to stop inviting expressions of discrimination u0026quot;Capcom gameu0026quot; Sengoku BASARA3 u0026quot;in leprosy petition Society
      Stop discrimination lead to representation of the Capcom game Sengoku BASARA3 in the name of one petition Leprosy Society: easel (Tokyo): 2010/02/18 (Thu) 08:27:44.70 ID: w9UCQTL7? PLT 2月16, the Japanese Society for Hansen s disease in a major game publisher Capcom, I want to avoid this kind of representation lead to prejudice and discrimination and submitted a written request. This is a popular video game in Capcom s Sengoku Hansen BASARA3 』...
      Stop discrimination conduisent à la représentation du jeu Capcom Sengoku BASARA3 dans le nom d une pétition Leprosy Society: chevalet (Tokyo): 2010/02/18 (Thu) 08:27:44.70 ID: w9UCQTL7? PLT 2月16, la Société japonaise pour la maladie de Hansen dans un important éditeur de jeux Capcom, je veux éviter ce genre de plomb représentation aux préjugés et la discrimination» et a présenté une demande écrite. Il s agit d un jeu vidéo populaire dans Sengoku Hansen Capcom BASARA3 』...

    • u0026quot;Political considerations hadu0026quot; confessed the former Supreme Court Justice Sonobe impact of the decision of foreigners to vote - MSN Sankei News
      1995 local election voting rights to permanent foreign residents was the Supreme Court (voting rights) concerning the grant, non-binding precedent theory near part is not banned by the Constitution, the judge said the problem with former Supreme Court Justice Itsuo Sonobe joined the Sankei Shimbun before the court for 18 days (the Koreans in Japan) had a soothing sense. political considerations had made it clear. Upon further decision, a person subject to grant local suffrage (Koreans in Japan they) be limited to a very limited permanent residents that ...
      1995 los derechos de voto para las elecciones locales de residentes extranjeros permanentes fue la Corte Suprema de Justicia (derechos de voto) sobre la concesión, no la teoría precedente vinculante cerca de parte no está prohibida por la Constitución, el juez dijo que el problema con el ex juez del Tribunal Supremo Itsuo Sonobe se unió el Sankei Shimbun ante el tribunal durante 18 días (los coreanos en el Japón) tenía una sensación relajante. consideraciones políticas , aclaró. Tras otra decisión, una persona sometida a conceder el sufragio local (los coreanos en el Japón) se limitará a un residente permanente muy limitado , que ...

    • u0026quot;Atamawarui Co., Ltd.u0026quot; u0026quot;Banzai Toyama Co., Ltd.u0026quot; u0026quot;Yes, Inc.u0026quot; What I wonder why sheu0026#39;s such a name? : Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editors: Business news + from the board [topic] (rare), follow the mystery of the name! - Do you wonder why she s such a name? [02/17] 1 Right Stuff ◎ φ ★: 2010/02 / 17 (Wed) 00:10:12 ID:??? in the world is, Well, company name is not it? involuntarily or with suspicious eyes, a strange-sounding name is quite catchy and funny misunderstandings. Reasonably thought to be named, and why that name? Such care.
      ■ бывших редакторов: Бизнес новости + с борта [теме] (редко), следуют тайне имя! - Вы почему она такая фамилия? [02/17] 1 Right Stuff ◎ φ ★: 2010/02 / 17 (среда) 00:10:12 ID:?? в мире: Ну, название компании, не так ли? непроизвольно или с подозрительными глазами, странно звучащее имя довольно броские и забавные недоразумения. Разумно думали назвать свое имя, и почему это имя? Такой уход.

    • Person of leisure \ (^ o ^) / Preliminary: Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, u0026quot;Why Japanese dedicate his life to work? Why am obtained with common sense or death by overworku0026quot; - livedoor Blog (blog)
      Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, Why Japanese dedicate his life to work? Why am obtained with common sense or death from overwork Associate Professor University of Tokyo, Why Japanese dedicate his life to work? Why am obtained with common sense or death from overwork the one name: rolls squid (Osaka) [sage] Added: 2010/02/16 (Tue) 23:04:28.09 ID: PBMYrjX1 BE :653654063-PLT (12056) point award in society hope when considering the layer lost hope ...
      助理教授,东京大学,“为什么他的生命献给日本工作?为什么我有常识或过劳死”副教授东京大学获得的,“为什么他的生命献给日本工作?为什么我有常识或过劳死获得“一个名字:卷鱿鱼(大阪)[圣人]时间:2010/02/16(星期二)23:04:28.09编号:PBMYrjX1成为:653654063 -血小板(12056)点,在社会奖”希望“在考虑层失去了希望...

    • Cabinet declining fertility problems - research notes sociologist
      Ke tea Temashita lawmaker Seiko Noda, the declining birthrate issue Bukkake just before sociology. To accelerate the declining birthrate of the LDP: Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Seiko Noda, the House of Representatives interview (Nikkei Business, 2010.2.15) while the contents together, try to put a comment. I ll tell you first, please correct knowledge and literature in their Ataru (how much would come out in search). Here is abrasive due to information only. Later, So do what an increasing number of children in (cont. ..
      Ke thé député Temashita Seiko Noda, Bukkake taux de natalité en déclin question juste avant la sociologie. Pour accélérer la baisse de natalité du PLD: député du Parti libéral-démocrate Seiko Noda, la Chambre des représentants interview (Nikkei Business, 2010.2.15) pendant que le contenu ensemble, essayez de mettre un commentaire. Je vais vous dire d abord, s il vous plaît une bonne connaissance et de la littérature dans leur Ataru (combien sortirait à la recherche). Voici abrasif en raison de renseignements seulement. Plus tard, «Alors, que faire d un nombre croissant d enfants», dans (cont. ..

    • Yumi Kikuchiu0026#39;s Blog and Podcast: Stop! Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous. Please know and please spread
      2010/02/16 Stop! Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous. Please know and are involved in life-critical emergency information please spread. Read Ikimashitara convinced, please help us to spread. Began to recommend the vaccine to young women at a hospital in Japan, cervical cancer vaccine, the worst side effects, do you know that there are likely to die shortly after inoculation. The independent investigation of the U.S. Moreover, it was reported that there is no effective vaccine.
      2010/02/16 Stop! Vaccin contre le cancer du col utérin est dangereux. S il vous plaît savent et sont impliqués dans la vie d information d urgence critique s il vous plaît se propager. Lire Ikimashitara convaincu, s il vous plaît nous aider à se répandre. A commencé à recommander le vaccin aux jeunes filles dans un hôpital au Japon , vaccin contre le cancer du col utérin,« le pire des effets secondaires, savez-vous qu il ya des risques de mourir peu de temps après l inoculation. L enquête indépendante de la U. S. En outre, il a été signalé qu il n existe pas de vaccin efficace.

    • Michelin 『economists who wish to have the 2010 ... - Economics Lovers Live
      People want, I put a comment or Hate probe. The total number to 100 within one week越Etara material persuade them (?) Let It then haggle over the publication OTA (Wind Dragon Pony * 1Twitter surprised why Petit read the following remarks. I have not seen this yet, such Are you saying you like this wuzu_are enthusiastic, too! half of the economists are Shimawa ... I m speaking only in the last step and w! in! RT @ YJSZK: I shook Mr. Miyazaki s stories Ekomishu 2010, ...
      Люди хотят, я положил свой комментарий или ненавидеть зонда. Общее число до 100 в течение одной недели материальных越Etara убедить их (?) Let It затем торговаться по поводу публикации ОТА (Ветер Dragon Пони * 1Twitter удивлен, почему Петя прочитал следующие замечания. Я не видел этого еще, например Ты говоришь, что, как это wuzu_are энтузиазмом, тоже! половины экономистов Shimawa ... я говорю только в последнем шаге и W! в! @ RT YJSZK: Я пожал историй Г-н Миядзаки Ekomishu 2010, ...

    • Taro Kono official site | rules and values
      A few days before the incident had caused a snowboard apparel Kokubo players. Not in the mood for a little to this case. Because I feel like being confused with the rules and values. I think Japanese players at the airport dressed sloppily and I think that quite a few Kokubo. Kokubo players dressed and I think I m one look bad. However, that would be mainly minority youth may be wrong with Japanese bread called back. Chairman of the Federation of Skiing very uncomfortable with the development ...

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