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    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): McDonaldu0026#39;s outlets in Kanagawa Prefecture from 3 to smoking Mon - Society
      Kanagawa prefecture, Passive Smoking Ordinance in front of the four will be implemented from the month, McDonald s Japan (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo) on March 1, 2007, the prefecture, and 298 to the smoking ban to all shops, 17 announced. To the smoking ban is the first McDonald s Japan unit. According to the company, the prefecture of about 6 percent Niataru 180 stores already have the smoking ban. That about 50 stores and a complete separation of smoking areas, to complete separation of smoking areas is not about the smoking ban to 70 new stores. The ordinance is ...
      神奈川县,“二手烟条例在四个方面”,将于本月实施,麦当劳日本公司(新宿区,东京)3月1日2007年,县和298的禁烟所有商店,17公布。为了禁烟,是第一家麦当劳日本公司。据该公司介绍,约百分之六县Niataru 180商店已经有禁止吸烟。大约有50家,并有吸烟区完全隔离,以完成吸烟区分开,并非有关禁烟的70家新店。该条例是...

    • Yumi Kikuchiu0026#39;s Blog and Podcast: Stop! Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous. Please know and please spread
      2010/02/16 Stop! Cervical cancer vaccine is dangerous. Please know and are involved in life-critical emergency information please spread. Read Ikimashitara convinced, please help us to spread. Began to recommend the vaccine to young women at a hospital in Japan, cervical cancer vaccine, the worst side effects, do you know that there are likely to die shortly after inoculation. The independent investigation of the U.S. Moreover, it was reported that there is no effective vaccine.
      2010/02/16 Stop! Vaccin contre le cancer du col utérin est dangereux. S il vous plaît savent et sont impliqués dans la vie d information d urgence critique s il vous plaît se propager. Lire Ikimashitara convaincu, s il vous plaît nous aider à se répandre. A commencé à recommander le vaccin aux jeunes filles dans un hôpital au Japon , vaccin contre le cancer du col utérin,« le pire des effets secondaires, savez-vous qu il ya des risques de mourir peu de temps après l inoculation. L enquête indépendante de la U. S. En outre, il a été signalé qu il n existe pas de vaccin efficace.

    • Update: please read article criticizing those who insist on dress code for players Kazuhiro Kokubo | Digital Magazine
      photo: NEWSCOM players in the men s snowboard halfpipe Olympics in Vancouver, it has been criticized by players dressed Kazuhiro Kokubo many readers will know. Naysayer to yea-sayer you are reading this article I do not know if there is even a little interested in this issue, please read the story about now. Former trainer Ski Association of Japan, by Mr. Kogawa Motoyuki Kokubo problem mentioned in the article about it. Kokubo issues (long) ※ article ...
      Фото: NewsCom игроки в мужском сноуборд хафпайп Олимпийские игры в Ванкувере, оно подверглось критике со стороны игроки одеты Казухиро Вильдшек многие читатели будут знать. Naysayer к Yea-Sayer вы читаете эту статью, я не знаю, если есть хоть немного заинтересованы в этом вопросе, пожалуйста, прочитайте рассказ о картине. Бывший тренер лыжного спорта Японии, г-н Kogawa Мотоюки Вильдшек проблема , упомянутые в статье о нем. Вильдшек вопросы (длинная) ※ статье ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): car accident while crossing, the Fukuoka High Court recognized the responsibility of the bicycle - Society
      Contact with his car during a bike and go straight across the road accidents over the male passenger suffered serious injuries, the trial court of appeal for male defendants were convicted of injury by negligence bike 17, Fukuoka High Court was. Hiroo Suyama (or until Hiroo Su) The presiding judge was fined 300,000 yen (300,000 yen fine sought) to support the trial court and簡裁Fukuoka, dismissed the appeal by the defendant. Consider the appeal of the defendant. According to judicial officials, are accused of a positive side to accidental injury in a bike accident ...
      Le contact avec sa voiture lors d une moto et aller tout droit accidents de la route sur le passager masculin ont subi des blessures graves, le tribunal de première instance d appel pour les accusés de sexe masculin ont été condamnés pour blessures par négligence bike 17, Haute Cour de Fukuoka était. Hiroo Suyama (ou jusqu à ce que Hiroo Su) Le juge qui préside a reçu une amende ¥ 300.000 (300.000 yens d amende demandée) à soutenir le tribunal de première instance et简裁Fukuoka, a rejeté l appel interjeté par le défendeur. Examiner l appel de l accusé. Selon des responsables judiciaires, sont accusés d avoir un côté positif à une blessure accidentelle dans un accident de moto ...

    • ν wielding a samurai sword to Miss Deriheru blog called home in quick time waster, u0026quot;Who do you think is me!u0026quot; and threatened to arrest a doctor
      1: writing box (Nagasaki): 2010/02/17 (Wed) 15:07:20.21 ID: SMq3jlTG? PLT (12111) Medical benefits Deriheru lady holding a Japanese sword point, Who do you think is me! Fukuoka prefectural police Kurume police yesterday on suspicion of violation of hospital violence Onsen Aso (Aso City, Kumamoto Prefecture) doctors (45) u003d Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, police said. Suspect arrested around 12:40 am on 17 minutes, health delivery (non-store type sex shop) in the home through the ...
      1: cuadro de escritura (Nagasaki): 2010/02/17 (Wed) 15:07:20.21 ID: SMq3jlTG? PLT (12111) Las prestaciones médicas señora Deriheru la celebración de una punta de la espada japonesa, ¿Quién crees que soy yo! De la prefectura de policía de Fukuoka Kurume ayer la policía bajo sospecha de violación de la violencia del hospital Onsen Aso (Aso City, Prefectura de Kumamoto) los médicos (45) u003d Kurume City, Fukuoka, Prefectura de policía. Sospechoso detenido alrededor de 12:40a.m. en el minuto 17, la entrega de la salud (no-tipo de la tienda almacén de sexo) en el hogar a través de la ...

    • That person says that we speak Masahiro Mori - Infoseek News
      Kyotaro Nishimura, Seiichi Morimura, Yuichi Shinbo, Natsuo Kirino ... .... Stepping-stone for new mystery writer, Edogawa Rampo Prize-winning side and so on. Form a family that already has one, a double winner 85 years and another one rookie Keigo Higashino. Mozart sing a lullaby says Masahiro Mori was evaluated. However, he is not entirely new works. I have to do now. ● 1-month rent of five million yen 100 million yen to a friend 500-10000 delinquent debt of 600 million yen to 46-year-old film ...
      Kyotaro Нисимура, Сэйити Моримура, Юичи Shinbo, Natsuo Кирино ... .... Ступенью для нового писателя тайны, Edogawa Rampo премии стороне и так далее. Создание семьи, которые уже есть, то двойной победитель 85 лет и еще один новобранец Keigo Хигасино. Была оценена Моцарт спеть колыбельную , говорит Масахиро Мори. Однако он не совсем новые произведения. Я должен делать сейчас. ● 1-месячной аренды пяти миллионов иен 100 миллионов иен другу 500-10000 правонарушителя долг в 600 млн. иен на 46-летний фильм ...

    • During nap at daycare where he worked five years for molesting a girl, also shooting a video ... rearrest former nursery: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: Breaking News + from the board [society] where he worked during a nap at daycare for molesting a 5-year-old girl, also shot a video ... re-arrested former nurse - Saga, Aichi prefectural police, one career Uho φ ★ : 2010/02/17 (Wed) 20:35:56 ID:??? 0 to molesting a girl who worked for her in nursery school, as captured by cell phone, the Aichi prefectural police and Saga Investigators on Friday on suspicion of violating the law banning child prostitution and pornography and indecent assault, Saga ...
      ■前编辑:实时新闻+从板“[社会]在那里,他在睡在保育为猥亵5岁女童,也打出了视频...重新逮捕前护士-佐贺县,爱知县县警方,”一个职业有宝φ★ :2010/02/17(星期三)20时三十五分56秒编号:???0到谁猥亵少女,她曾在幼儿园,如手机,爱知县和佐贺县警方抓获上周五调查人员违反法律,禁止儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品及非礼,佐贺怀疑...

    • Twitter / Goro Hatada Yasuzi: Odakyu While the delay in personal injury, mass excursion only assume ...
      While the delay in Odakyu injury, but only assume a large number of elementary school field trip, teacher-led no-spam is scheduled to consider the workers. At 4:24 PM Feb 15thTwitBird iPhone
      Bien que le retard des blessures Odakyu, mais seulement assumer un grand nombre de voyage de l école primaire sur le terrain, dirigés par les enseignants no-spam est prévu d examiner les travailleurs. Au iPhone 4:24 PM février 15thTwitBird

    • In written questions to the National Center of foreigners to vote u0026quot;manyu0026quot; common sense book of the Society - MSN Sankei News
      This year the problem was pointed out that one wrong questions over the month of foreigners to vote in national university entrance exam, a new history textbook (Chairman Huzioka Nobukatsu) will send a written inquiry to the center, the questions There is a current textbook descriptions of 17 types corresponding to 35% and only 6 points out the types of questions asked to respond to the center. The center so far no problem with a lot of questions that do not conform to the textbook and had expressed the view. Criticism that the ...
      Este año, el problema se señaló que uno de preguntas equivocadas durante el mes de los extranjeros a votar en el examen nacional de ingreso a la universidad , un libro de historia nueva (Presidente Huzioka Nobukatsu) enviará una petición por escrito al centro, las preguntas Hay un libro de texto en las descripciones actuales de 17 tipos correspondientes a 35% y sólo 6 puntos de los tipos de preguntas a responder en el centro. El centro hasta ahora no hay problema con un montón de preguntas que no se ajusten a los libros de texto y había expresado la opinión. Críticas de que la ...

    • In fact, Japan was aiming for a falling birthrate: Nikkei Business Online
      Japan s declining fertility trends and how advanced or. Specializes in historical demography, economics, Sophia asked Professor Hiroshi Kito. - The population problem is a long-term perspective is essential. Are you ready to plunge into Japan s declining birthrate and how. Fact Kito 1974, Japan had staked out a clear aim to declining fertility. Population Council, an advisory body in the same year the ministry has claimed that efforts to curb population born in the White Paper. There is oil shock in 73 years ...
      日本的生育率下降的趋势,以及如何先进或。历史人口学,经济学专精,索菲亚城东宏教授问。 -人口问题是一个长远的角度看是必要的。你准备好投身日本的少子化,以及如何。事实上基托1974年,日本押出一个明确的目标,生育率下降。人口理事会,在同年部声称的咨询机构,努力遏制白皮书出生人口。有73年的石油冲击...

    • ASCII.jp: u0026quot;broadcastingu0026quot; the beginning of the end of the | Nobuo Ikeda u0026quot;Saibaribatarianu0026quot;
      Internet radio simulcast begins Mar 15 - Sun, 13 major commercial TV stations the company decided to simulcast the same as terrestrial broadcast content via the Internet. To participate in six stations in Tokyo and Osaka stations AM/FM6, and one of the shortwave stations. Overseas delivery of Internet radio stations at the same time it is granted, because so far the process is complex and that the copyright, only a fraction have been reluctant to distribute the net. Come here and seen everything in it is a radio station ...
      Transmisión simultánea de radio por Internet empieza 15 de marzo - dom, 13 de las principales estaciones de televisión comercial de la compañía decidió Transmisión simultánea en el mismo contenido de la radiodifusión terrestre a través de Internet. Para participar en seis estaciones de estaciones de Tokio y Osaka AM/FM6, y una de las estaciones de onda corta. La entrega de ultramar de las estaciones de radio por Internet al mismo tiempo que se concede, porque hasta ahora el proceso es complejo y que los derechos de autor, sólo una fracción se han mostrado reacios a distribuir la red. Ven aquí y he visto todo lo que es una estación de radio ...

    • Compensation for defamation of character in their final conference series of articles each day - MSN Sankei News
      The girl died of cardiac surgery at Tokyo Women s Medical College Hospital Miss surgery Shinsho a series of articles published in that newspaper reported as equivalent to defamation, the publisher Shueisha doctor and former Mainichi Shimbun reporter The lawsuit sought damages appeal, No. 3 Petty Bench of the Supreme Court (chief justice Tahara Mutsuo) made the decision to dismiss the appeal conference and Shueisha. Reporters ordered to pay 80 million yen or two lower court was confirmed. 16 decision date. Former doctor was charged with manslaughter in fatal accident ...
      Девочка умерла от сердечной хирургии в Медицинском Колледже Токио Women s Hospital Мисс хирургии синсе серии статей, опубликованных в газете сообщили, что в качестве эквивалента диффамации, доктор Shueisha издателя и бывшего Майнити симбун Репортер В иске требовал возмещения ущерба апелляции, № 3 Петти коллегия Верховного суда (главный судья Tahara Муцуо) приняла решение отклонить апелляцию и конференции Shueisha. Была подтверждена Репортеры предписано выплатить 80 миллионов иен или два суда низшей инстанции. 16 принятия решения. Бывший врач был обвинен в убийстве в несчастном случае ...

    • Day of the French people: social mentality of the masses to support the elite-driven
      2010 February 17, mentality of the masses to support the elite-driven society Wednesday, Paris, France who feels destined to grow future leaders in France, as written in the future admission to the Grandes Ecoles to top become a candidate, the leader of other people is that you go through life carefree. Distinction will inevitably stricter. Is the motto of the French Constitution, set forth in the preamble to this freedom, equality, fraternity contradictory and Su ...

    • Saitama prefectural police arrested a college student to set up business server and I was at home, u0026quot;what would have been arrested for this?u0026quot; The topic on the net with: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: Breaking News + from the board [social] Saitama prefectural police arrested a college student and I was a business server set up at home, what would have been arrested for this? The topic on the Internet and career Uho 1 φ ★: 2010/02/17 (Wed) 20:13:27 ID:??? 0 nationalities while attending college, Yokohama City University (27), as revenue was expensive to set up a home server, He was arrested on suspicion of violating the Telecommunications Business Law, Saitama Urawa Azuma, police said. Delivered at home with no ...
      ■ Ancien Rédacteur en chef: Breaking Nouvelles + à partir du bord »[social] police de la préfecture de Saitama a arrêté un étudiant d université et j ai été un serveur d entreprises créé à la maison , ce qui aurait été arrêté pour ce que c est? Le sujet sur l Internet et« carrière UHO 1 φ ★: 2010/02/17 (Wed) 20:13:27 ID:??? 0 nationalités tout en fréquentant un collège, Yokohama City University (27), comme des recettes a été coûteux à mettre en place un serveur domestique, Il a été arrêté, soupçonné d avoir violé la Telecommunications Business Law, Saitama Urawa Azuma, selon la police. Rendu à la maison sans ...

    • u0026quot;Oh! Manhole, but one that the price of 26800 yen each pay 2.68 million yen Chatta! However, by taxes, well, guess itu0026#39;s OK wu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the board Oh! Manhole, but one that the price of 26800 yen each pay 2.68 million yen Chatta! However, by taxes, well, guess it s OK w 1 A (Tokyo): 2010/02/17 ( Wed.) 19:43:39.12 ID: bc +6 zVSs? PLT (12347) manhole ¥ 268 million total award one point? Construction contract bids and typos still accumulated materials / Sagamihara Sagamihara City, October 16, construction of public sewer Obuchi Fujino Town city ...
      ■ El ex editor: noticias de última hora de la junta , ¡Oh, pozos de registro, pero que el precio de ¥ 26,800 cada uno paga 2.68 million yen Chatta! Sin embargo, por los impuestos, bueno, supongo que es OK W 1 A (Tokio): 2010/02/17 ( mié) 19:43:39.12 ID: BC 6 zVSs? PLT (12347) boca de inspección ¥ 268 million indemnización total de un punto? Las ofertas de contrato de construcción y errores tipográficos aún acumulado materiales / Sagamihara Sagamihara, DF, 16 de octubre, la construcción de alcantarillado público de la ciudad Obuchi la ciudad Fujino ...

    • Young people, u0026quot;young peopleu0026quot; away. - What advertising, what?
      Young people from many different things away guess. Away from the car, away from alcohol, overseas trips away, going away ...... TV has already tired of hearing, including analysis. There are many strange and begin analysis. Once mean and why it is young I think because of the arbitrary assumption that the target for adults. For them young people and not young is not. Young people full of hope, but sometimes rebellious, full of curiosity but there have also cut loose. You know ...
      Молодые люди из разных вещах Away угадать. Гости из автомобиля, от алкоголя, зарубежные поездки гости, уходя ...... ТВ уже устали от слушаний, в том числе анализ. Есть много странных и начала анализа. После средней и почему это молодые Я думаю, из-за произвольные предположения о том, что мишенью для взрослых. Для них молодые люди , а не молодой не является. Молодые люди полны надежд, но иногда мятежный, полный любопытства, но есть также отделять. Вы знаете ...

    • Killing Time blog at speed ν] [by youth and young people nowadays Why not neat or part-time workers, men grazing ... u0026quot;Consumers do not consumeu0026quot; because mobile
      1: Shredder (Alabama): 2010/02/17 (Wed) 14:40:41.06 ID: lNrUM9Iy? PLT (12000) What young people these days Why not award points? ■ Niimura society neat little consumption, part-time workers, men ... ... and grazing, in keeping with young people is told in a variety of consumers do not consume as contributing to the inactivation of both the economy and society. But what is that really true. Or the simple standpoint that ...
      1:碎纸机(阿拉巴马州):2010/02/17(星期三)14:40:41.06编号:lNrUM9Iy?专利法条约(12000)什么青年人这些天为什么不奖励积分?■“新村社会”整洁的小的消费,兼职工作者,男... ...和放牧与青年人维持,是说在不同的消费者“不消费”为促进双方的经济和社会的失活。但什么才是真的。或者简单的立场,...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Office of consumer issues open letter on Appleu0026#39;s iTunes - Society
      Apple s music site iTunes (Apple) Store (store) in the multiple problems that no damage will be charged the price of the body by the user in mind, the consumer agency on the 17th, the company s relationship call the person and handed the open letter. The number and amount of damage, Efforts to determine the cause, and if there are plans to open a consultation over the phone, 5 items.
      Site de musique d Apple iTunes (Apple) Store (magasin)» dans les multiples problèmes qu aucun dommage ne sera débitée du prix de l organisme par l utilisateur à l esprit, l Agence de la consommation le 17, la relation de l entreprise appelez la personne et a remis la lettre ouverte. Le nombre et le montant des dommages, les efforts pour déterminer la cause, et si on envisage d ouvrir une consultation par téléphone, 5 items.

    • Citizenu0026#39;s fake science and criticism - u0026quot;feelings of global warmingu0026quot; feeling to write a
      18:07 | finalvent is written with you. Asahi editorial rice meal - food education for the sake of: asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/finalvent/20100215/1266193668 quoted an editorial in Asahi Shimbun, and But an editorial in the Asahi Shimbun, such as this, but I would not be the target of criticism fake science. Fake science is critical to citizen, citizen is left basically ...
      18:07 | finalvent está escrito con usted. De arroz editorial Asahi comida - educación alimentaria por el bien de: asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/finalvent/20100215/1266193668 citó un editorial del Asahi Shimbun, y Pero un editorial en el Shimbun, Asahi, como este, pero no sería el blanco de las críticas falsa ciencia. Falsa ciencia es fundamental para los ciudadanos, los ciudadanos son, básicamente, a la izquierda ...

    • Restrictions on the amount of controversy Nippan / Publisher 5% reduction in January, a new culture screams - Newspaper Publishing Industry --
      The one started Mon Nippan total control when referring to the controversy that publishers and bookstores. To suit the situation of one-counter sales of a few minutes suppliers from Mon Nippan commissioned as a target from 5 percent reduction was carried out. Therefore, the majority of publishers book buying department at the counter of a sudden, there were numerous or more will be cut by half the number you want. Until now we had total control, and reduce it from the publisher can not even angry over the triple. Also a major bookstore in the heart of consignment ...
      Тот начал пн Nippan тотальный контроль , когда речь идет спор, что издатели и книжные магазины. С учетом положения из одного рецепта продажи нескольких минутах ходьбы от поставщиков пн Nippan эксплуатацию в качестве мишени из 5 процентное сокращение не проводилось. Таким образом, большинство издателей книги покупке департамента по борьбе вдруг, существуют многочисленные или более, будет сократить вдвое число вы хотите. До сих пор мы имели полный контроль, и сократить его с издателем не могут даже разгневался на тройной. Кроме того, основной книжный магазин в центре груз ...

    • Prime Minister Hatoyama, who meet the needs of the communist expressed Shii consider corporate tax on retained earnings: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: Breaking News + from the board, [Prime Minister Hatoyama politics, his answer to the demands of the communist Shii expressed taxation of retained earnings of the companies considered one career Uho φ ★: 2010/02/17 (Wed) 19 : 23:00 ID:??? 0 Minister Yukio Hatoyama on Friday afternoon, met in the National Assembly and the Communist Party Chairman Kazuo Shii, and exchanged views on economic policy. According to the same party, Mr. Shii damage the economic growth of retained earnings of large corporations in Japan, he said, while Prime Minister ...

    • This is to put Japanese people eat rice in the back of a fork with the left hand is doing well right ... - Yahoo!知恵袋
      Questions on: 2008/1/17 22:29:42 resolved on: January 22, 2008 17:23:41 Number of respondents: 7 Views: 252,094 to social bookmarking From: Yahoo! Post to Hatena bookmark bookmark post (social and bookmark) mhh_h2001 eat rice with a fork when the correct manner that it does not exist. Do, since Furenchi, the Italian and continental cuisine rice is absolutely out of this ...
      Questions sur: 2008/1/17 22:29:42 résolu le: Janvier 22, 2008 17:23:41 Nombre de répondants: 7 Vues: 252094 à partir de bookmarking social: Yahoo! Poste à Hatena post signet signet (social et mettre en signet) mhh_h2001 manger du riz avec une fourchette lorsque la manière correcte qu elle n existe pas. Faire, puisque Furenchi, la cuisine italienne et continentale riz est absolument hors de cette ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): The police arrested the doctor to pull out a sword Miss Deriheru, Fukuoka Prefectural Police - community
      Japan threatened a woman with a sword called a sex shop type from dispatch, police, Kurume, Fukuoka prefectural police on Friday, the 8-chome, Kurume, Aikawa Azuma, Yuji Tashiro doctor suspects work (45) and arrested on suspicion of violating the law against violence announced. Tashiro suspect pulled just love to watch the sword has denied the allegations and said. According to the announcement, Mr. Tashiro around 12:40 am on 17 minutes, female employees of the store called home from the health delivery dispatch type manners (25) for Japanese sword (blade about 70 centimeters) ...
      Япония угрожает женщина с мечом называемый тип секс-шоп от направления, полиция, Куруме, префектуры Фукуока полиция в пятницу, 8-темэ, Куруме, Аикава Адзума, Юдзи Тасиро врач подозревает, работа (45) и арестовали по подозрению в нарушении закона о борьбе с насилием объявила. Тасиро подозреваемый вытащил просто люблю смотреть меч отрицает обвинения и говорит. Согласно сообщению, г-н Тасиро около 12:40 утра на 17 минут, работниц магазина позвонил домой из медико-санитарного направления тип манеры (25) для японского меча (лезвием около 70 сантиметров) ...

    • Michelin 『economists who wish to have the 2010 ... - Economics Lovers Live
      People want, I put a comment or Hate probe. The total number to 100 within one week越Etara material persuade them (?) Let It then haggle over the publication OTA (Wind Dragon Pony * 1Twitter surprised why Petit read the following remarks. I have not seen this yet, such Are you saying you like this wuzu_are enthusiastic, too! half of the economists are Shimawa ... I m speaking only in the last step and w! in! RT @ YJSZK: I shook Mr. Miyazaki s stories Ekomishu 2010, ...
      人们希望,我将评论或仇恨调查。总人数在一周内越Etara材料,100说服他们(?)让然后在出版物的OTA讨价还价(风龙小马* 1Twitter奇怪为什么珀蒂阅读下面的话。我没有看到这个动作,例如你是说这样的wuzu_are热情呢!一半的经济学家你是Shimawa ...我只是在最后一步,瓦特说:中!@ YJSZK逆转录:我摇摇宫崎先生的故事Ekomishu 2010年, ...

    • In fact, Japan was aiming for a low birth rate is unmarried, marry late, howling of the losers ..., overlapping the mismanagement in the old moral: Nikkei Business Online
      Japan s declining fertility trends and how advanced or. Specializes in historical demography, economics, Sophia asked Professor Hiroshi Kito. - The population problem is a long-term perspective is essential. Are you ready to plunge into Japan s declining birthrate and how. Fact Kito 1974, Japan had staked out a clear aim to declining fertility. Population Council, an advisory body in the same year the ministry has claimed that efforts to curb population born in the White Paper. There is oil shock in 73 years ...
      Japon, les tendances de baisse de fertilité et comment avancé ou. Spécialisé en démographie historique, l économie, Sophia a demandé au professeur Hiroshi Kito. - Le problème de la population est une perspective à long terme est essentielle. Êtes-vous prêt à plonger en baisse de natalité du Japon et comment. Fait Kito 1974, le Japon a misé sur un objectif clair à la baisse de fertilité. Population Council, un organisme consultatif dans la même année, le ministère a affirmé que les efforts pour enrayer population née dans le Livre blanc. Il ya choc pétrolier en 73 ans ...

    • Twitter /入海: What we call for the resolution of the Ainu as an indigenous people ...
      What Yabaku and I think that the resolution calling for the Ainu as an indigenous people? Let s indigenous peoples. Tatte likely going to be a hoax maybe grabbing their land that come the Japanese attack. about 6 hours ago from TweetDeck
      ¿Qué Yabaku y creo que la resolución que pide a los ainu como pueblo indígena? Vamos a los pueblos indígenas. Tatte probablemente va a ser un engaño tal apropiación de sus tierras que vienen del ataque japonés. alrededor de 6 horas ago from web

    • Protect life, u0026quot;I want to work to worku0026quot; system to a spoiled Takeshi Masu - Yasuo Tanaka: Breaking hamster
      Welfare is I want to work to work system to a spoiled Takeshi Masu - News Categories Yasuo Tanaka 1: Uho career φ ★: 2010/02/16 (Tues) 15:16:30 ID:??? 0 household welfare The year 2008 the national stage also exists in 1,148,766 households. 3.9% increase YoY. 2.39% per the total number of households, since fiscal 1992, is steadily increasing. Earmark, but surged past one and a half years in Osaka last month 10 protege 100,000 households ...
      福利是“我要努力工作”制度,一个被宠坏猛玛-新闻分类田中康夫1:有宝生涯φ★:2010/02/16(周二)15时十六分30秒编号:???0“家庭福利“2008年是国家阶段也存在于1148766户。比去年同期增长3.9%。 2.39%的家庭占总数的1992财政年度以来,正稳步上升。耳,却激增,在过去一年半来大阪上个月10门生10万户...

    • Taro Kono official site | rules and values
      A few days before the incident had caused a snowboard apparel Kokubo players. Not in the mood for a little to this case. Because I feel like being confused with the rules and values. I think Japanese players at the airport dressed sloppily and I think that quite a few Kokubo. Kokubo players dressed and I think I m one look bad. However, that would be mainly minority youth may be wrong with Japanese bread called back. Chairman of the Federation of Skiing very uncomfortable with the development ...
      Quelques jours avant l incident avait provoqué un vêtement joueurs snowboard Kokubo. Pas d humeur pour un peu de cette affaire. Parce que j ai envie d être confondue avec les règles et valeurs. Je pense que les joueurs japonais à l aéroport vêtus avec négligé et je pense qu un certain nombre Kokubo. Kokubo joueurs habillés et je crois que je suis une mauvaise image. Toutefois, ce seraient surtout les jeunes des minorités mai tort avec du pain japonais rappelé. Président de la Fédération de ski «très mal à l aise avec le développement ...

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