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    • Why not make a nice desktop breaking Shiba Inu?
      207 Name: below, you will receive a VIP名無Shi Kawarimashi the [sage]: 2009/09/30 (Wed) 01:12:38.91 ID: xS57Q4 + N0 do? 209 Name: below, you will receive a VIP名無Shi Kawarimashi the [sage]: 2009/09/30 (Wed) 01:14:08.55 ID: KeaEzHAB0u0026gt;u0026gt; 207 KI · MO · I ☆ 217 Name: following the名無Shi VIP Kawarimashi Shima sent to the ...
      207名称:下面,您将收到一个贵宾名无施Kawarimashi的[圣人]:2009/09/30(星期三)01:12:38.91编号:xS57Q4 + N0期怎么办? 209名称:下面,您将收到一个贵宾名无施Kawarimashi的[圣人]:2009/09/30(星期三)01:14:08.55编号:KeaEzHAB0“”207碘化钾莫·我☆217名称:继名无石贵宾Kawarimashi岛发送到...

    • Bae and Ji Geek: Web piracy mandate to manage and monitor?
      Working group was established to consider the introduction of mandatory piracy technology to automatically detect the Internet connection services business is an interim report to be released next month. Yet, so I do not know the material detailed in the following sentence is just my paranoia is there, you feel quite bulky Is this the extent of the impact. Internet connection service providers (providers) Look at the word What I just ISP I think it may be, in view of the legal limitation of liability provider ...
      Grupo de Trabajo fue establecido para examinar la introducción de la tecnología de la piratería obligatorias para detectar automáticamente la conexión a Internet de servicios de negocio es un informe provisional que se publicará el mes próximo. Sin embargo, por lo que no conocen el material detallado en la siguiente frase es sólo mi paranoia está ahí, te sientes muy voluminosos ¿Es esta la medida del impacto. Los proveedores de servicios de conexión a Internet (proveedores) Mira la palabra Lo que acabo de ISP Creo que puede ser, en vista de la limitación legal del proveedor de la responsabilidad ...

    • Visual Source Safe is madness to use - we do not believe for God Nante
      Opportunity. Neta original. Why the hatred for Visual SourceSafe? Is it really as bad as everyone says?: Programming the VSS I do not trust the programmer to use it. (You have declared) Please note that the proper translation percent. Occasionally appear, in the discussion of whether religious Spending any version control tool, I have Microsoft Visua ...
      Возможности. Нету оригинала. Почему ненависть к Visual SourceSafe? Неужели это так плохо, как все говорят?: Программирование VSS я не доверяю программист его использовать. (Вы заявили) Обратите внимание, что надлежащее процент перевода. Иногда появляются, в обсуждении вопроса, будь то религиозные Хобби любых инструментов контроля версий, у меня Microsoft Visua ...

    • Tech Wave: Google, Buzz to the service itself can be removed after criticism of the privacy issues u003d
      February 14, 2010 17:49 News Categories Google, Buzz to the service itself can be removed after criticism Yukawa u003d Hakjang privacy issues (tsuruaki) Google is a Twitter-like Buzz yet only a few days after announcing a four that s been, following criticism about the privacy features are improved and people. U.S. 13, the date and time according to Google s official blog, Buzz-mail services from popular features of gmail ...
      2月14日,2010 17:49新闻分类谷歌,口碑的本身可以批评后,汤川u003d鹤章的隐私问题(鹤明)谷歌删除服务是一个Twitter的一样“嗡嗡”,但仅仅几天,在宣布4这是继对隐私功能得到改善的批评和人民。美国13日的日期和时间从Gmail的热门功能据谷歌官方博客,时髦的邮件服务...

    • vol.01 Introduction to PHP for non-programmers, Recorded on 10/02/14 h2ospace on USTREAM. Technology
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    • Figures 3D to help me or do not own a printer making: Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo), blogs Gadget Guide
      DIY, Mac / PC related gadgets (fun items) to help us build on what figures do not own a 3D printer on: 2010.02.14 15:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] minicar is not merchandising It also looks to make! The thing is is that millions of 3D printer, CupCake CNC a whopping ¥ 157,500 price. You must own item for the kit ...
      Bricolaje, Mac / PC relacionadas con gadgets (artículos divertidos) para ayudarnos a construir sobre lo que las cifras no posee una impresora en 3D: 2010.02.14 15:00 Comentarios [0] Trackbacks [0] minicar no es de merchandising También espera que hacer! La cosa es que es que millones de impresora 3D, CupCake CNC la friolera de ¥ 157.500 de los precios. Recuerda que debes tener el tema para el kit ...

    • Book adventure screensaver DELETE QUEST III IE6 version
      Screensavers written for IE6 mildly adventurous users get a warning DELETE QUEST III IE6 version. That book of adventure screensaver DELETE QUEST III is, IE6 has only been back! If people involved in web production, and anyone IE6 Gigigi If the world is there are things I thought. Users are using IE, upgrade gently / to switch browsers ...
      Заставки, написанные для IE6 слегка авантюрный пользователи получают предупреждение DELETE Quest III IE6 версии. Это Книга о приключении Скринсейвер DELETE Quest III является, IE6 имеет только назад! Если люди, участвующие в Сети производства, и любой в IE6 Gigigi Если мир Есть вещи, подумал я. Пользователь используете IE, обновление мягко / переключить браузер ...

    • Web Works Entertainment would like to see people who are involved in four elections: president Rokesuta Diary
      First among people who can make the Web may appear on the talked-about works of entertainment. Interface in the future this will or this concept works like this come out of the topic. Although not required, leave it to introduce some will work smoothly in many cases to know the topic. 1984 (George Orwell)
      En primer lugar entre las personas que pueden hacer de la web puede aparecer en la se habla de obras de entretenimiento. Interfaz en el futuro esto será o este concepto funciona así salir del tema. Aunque no es obligatorio, deja de introducir algunas funcionarán sin problemas en muchos casos a conocer el tema. 1984 (George Orwell)

    • Twiangulate
      Login or Join Twiangulate to: * Hide people you follow * Easy follow * Autofill search * Watch searches * Search recommendations
      Войти или зарегистрироваться Twiangulate на: * показывать людям вы следуете * * Легкий следить автозаполнения поиска * Смотреть поисков * Поиск рекомендациях

    • PLUS PK-513L cutter to cut the uptake in magazine ScanSnap S1500M, Dropbox and share GoodReader I put the iPhone! ! [Mac] [net] [iPhone] [Rakuten today] [Shopping] - No Second Life
      Life is only once. There is no second life. I want to live life well why only once. Gave the title from such feelings. PLUS PK-513L cutter to cut the uptake in magazine ScanSnap S1500M, Dropbox and share GoodReader I put the iPhone! ! [Mac] [net] [iPhone] [Rakuten today] [Shopping] Mac and iPhone and perfected the art of single use ...
      La vida es una sola vez. No hay segunda vida. Quiero vivir la vida bien por qué sólo una vez. Dio el título de esos sentimientos. PLUS PK-513L cortador para cortar la captación en la revista ScanSnap S1500M, Dropbox y compartir GoodReader puse el iPhone! ! [Mac] [net] [iPhone] [Rakuten hoy] [Compras] Mac y el iPhone y perfeccionado el arte de un solo uso ...

    • Heuristically determined Vimperator verb plug keywords - hitode909 diary
      You want to search for words that look unfamiliar, that often. The words themselves do not know beating again is tiring, so even bothered to select with the mouse, and then automatically extracted keywords are present, there only have to choose from, it made a plug Vimperator. Page to watch something,: hsearch Then, out of the keyword in the page automatically, choose things from there, you can search. Take a video ...
      Вы хотите, чтобы поиск по словам, которые выглядят незнакомо, что часто. Слова сами по себе не знаю, избиение вновь утомляет, так что даже потрудился выберите с помощью мыши, а затем автоматически извлекаются ключевые слова находятся, существуют только на выбор, он сделал Plug Vimperator. Page смотреть что-то: hsearch Тогда из ключевых слов на странице автоматически, выбирать вещи оттуда, вы можете произвести поиск. Возьмите видео ...

    • URAMAYU - eyebrows back - | irresistible if you want to probe Hate
      Recent Hatena bookmarks wanted irresistible. I can think only of day and night Hate probe. I wrote an entry probe Hate also want to buy too many until now. Hate and envy bloggers probe force grosser Raifuhakkuentori Google calendar or write it. Good luck and try Google Chrome extensions at once (the probe without taking any at all Hate, yes Hate probe which has grossed抜Kasa bloggers to follow and imitate a story ... ...
      Dernières signets Hatena voulait irrésistible. Je ne peux que penser au jour et d une sonde haineux de la nuit. J ai écrit une sonde d entrée Hate voulons aussi acheter un trop grand nombre de clients. La haine et l envie blogueurs sonde de force Grosser Raifuhakkuentori Google Agenda ou l écrire. Bonne chance et essayer Google Chrome extensions à la fois (la sonde sans tenir du tout haineux, sonde oui haine qui a rapporté抜blogueurs Kasa à suivre et à imiter une histoire ... ...

    • I read the introductory letter code technology for programmers 2010-02-14 - sometime in the future / hyoshiok Diary
      For example, know the meaning of the following words, programmers do not know I have heard often, but recommended books. Unicode/UTF-8/UTF-16/USC-2/JIS X0208/JIS X0212/JIS X0213/SJIS/EUC-JP/CP932/ISO-2022-JP/ASCII/Latin-1/ISO 10646/ISO 8859-1 / surrogate pair / garbled characters / character-dependent models / hankaku ...
      Por ejemplo, saber el significado de las palabras siguientes, los programadores no saben que he oído a menudo, pero los libros recomendados. Unicode/UTF-8/UTF-16/USC-2/JIS X0208/JIS X0212/JIS X0213/SJIS/EUC-JP/CP932/ISO-2022-JP/ASCII/Latin-1/ISO 10646/ISO 8859-1 / par suplente / caracteres ilegibles / caracteres modelos dependientes / Hankaku ...

    • Add operations can be reproduced many times recorded on the browser u0026quot;DéjàClicku0026quot;: A Hacker Life [Japanese Version], informative blogging life and also work well Konasu Lifehacks
      Firefox, Mozilla, add-ons, free software, add-ons that can be reproduced many times recording operation art work on the browser DéjàClick posted on: 2010.02.14 20:00 comments [0] Trackback [0] WEB site do Repeat the same operation and that many times, like a time machine, right Hotohoto becomes sick. DéjàClick is a record of the operation of the browser, my generation ...
      Firefox, Mozilla Add-ons, des logiciels libres, add-ons qui peut être reproduit à plusieurs reprises l enregistrement des oeuvres d art opération sur le navigateur DejaClick posté le: 2010.02.14 20:00 Commentaires [0] Trackback [0] Site web ne Répétez la même opération et que parfois beaucoup, comme une machine moment, le droit Hotohoto devient malade. DejaClick est un enregistrement de l opération du navigateur, ma génération ...

    • Hiromitsu Takagi @ diary of the home - Why Does Google Sutoritobyukamera problem lies in the Kōtarō
      ■ Why did Google last month or Sutoritobyukamera Kōtarō the problem lies, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (federation), but has released a written opinion on the Street, in a recent press conference that was about it, there are anecdotal reports Ta. Opinion on the Internet search system on the map reflect the number of people and houses, Japan Federation of Bar Associations, 2010 January 22, the first day the purpose of opinion 1 (abbreviation) by third parties independent of the government agencies .. .
      ■ Почему Google последний месяц или Sutoritobyukamera Котаро проблема заключается, Японская федерация ассоциаций адвокатов (федерация), но выпустил письменное мнение по улице, на недавней пресс-конференции, что вокруг него, есть непроверенная информация Та. Мнение о системе веб-поиска на карте отражает количество людей, и дома, Японская федерация ассоциаций адвокатов, 2010 Январь 22, в первый день цель мнения 1 (аббревиатура) третьи лица независимы от государственных органов .. .

    • jQuery produced web sites for use in severe cases and recommend the introduction of the people who make design * book neta Home
      Making use of web-site 『jQuery jQuery Introduction to Design, rather than viewed as a program book that captures the design description. This strategy has become a means for designers. It was just recommended introduction of ultra-personal. This author is Mr. Nishihata. Several times in my blog I m Kai articles jQuery color when it is the people who told me that the to-R. February 2010 will be released on the 15th, bookstores ...
      制作使用网页『jQuery的jQuery的设计入门,而不是作为一个程序书,捕捉设计描述效果。这一战略已成为设计师的手段。这只是建议引入超个人。本书作者是先生Nishihata。有几次在我的博客文章,我启jQuery的颜色时,人们告诉我,谁对- R的。 2010年2月将公布的15日,书店...

    • From Vim to Emacs, so I changed to introduce useful functions - development of eight white
      Mr. Fukamachi, Why do not these days? Lately? Is cold is cold. I am looking forward to spring and the cold became suddenly want to use Emacs, so I tried to transfer. Emacs do? I got used well, it is faster in Vim Yappa Chau said in cold blood is Emacsen or it s time. Emacs.el has been finalized, so I will try to even up. Troublesome move buffer EmacsーWhat do you really slow start, Ki ...
      M. Fukamachi, pourquoi ne pas ces jours-ci? Lately? Fait froid» est froid. Je suis impatient de printemps et le froid devenait soudain souhaitez utiliser Emacs, donc j ai essayé de transfert. Emacs faire? J ai bien utilisé, il est plus rapide dans Vim Yappa Chau a dit de sang-froid est Emacsen ou il est temps. Emacs.el a été finalisé, donc je vais essayer de même pas. Déplace le tampon Troublesome EmacsーCe que vous ne commencez vraiment lent», «Ki ...

    • Mule Q: u0026quot;Hey, Google Street Viewu0026#39;ll you seen theu0026quot; act of two men in a strange way
      Hey, Google Street View ll you seen the actions of two men in the world in a strange way, I often get into the news with footage of those strange, Google Street View. The duo is shooting for in Google I saw a car in Norway. It means that their means Google will be delivered on the map (such as Boca will be the face). I realized I did not notice that I do not know what it is that two people have taken action. ...
      Hey, Google Street View ll-vous vu les actions des deux hommes dans le monde d une manière étrange, je reçois souvent dans les nouvelles avec des images de ces étranges, Google Street View. Le duo tourne en Google, j ai vu une voiture en Norvège. Cela signifie que leurs moyens de Google seront livrés sur la carte (comme Boca sera le visage). J ai réalisé que je n ai pas remarqué que je ne sais pas ce que c est que deux personnes ont pris des mesures. ...

    • USB Connection u0026quot;Stoneu0026quot; is released, just a stone
      USB Connection stone , a unique PC Nantomo goods USB Pet Rock has emerged from ThinkGeek. Just because the stone is not just a gimmick what stones. Although the retail price is 1,180 yen (see new products this week found that the reference). Only palm-sized stone with a USB cable, a very surreal look USB Pet Rock. Goods USB system is a joke or something gimmick punch , but what there is, this ...
      USB Connexion de pierre , un unique PC marchandises Nantomo USB Pet Rock a émergé de ThinkGeek. Tout simplement parce que la pierre n est pas juste un gimmick quelles pierres. Bien que le prix de détail est ¥ 1180 (voir nouveaux produits cette semaine, a conclu« que la référence). Seuls Palm-sized pierre avec un câble USB, un look très surréaliste USB Pet Rock. Les marchandises système USB est une blague ou quelque chose gimmick «punch», mais ce qu il ya, ce ...

    • Google Chrome and I together transcendence useful extension - Patent Kai Den
      Google Chrome was released, but extensions knew, but I did not thoroughly checked, WiFi fairly recently I read that entry I Beauty Mayumi知Rimashi that Chrome is a substantial extension of . URAMAYU - eyebrows back - | Google Chrome Firefox extension allows you to move back! One favorite extensions http://uramayu.typepad .... 9
      Google Chrome fue liberado, pero las extensiones sabía, pero no ha comprobado fehacientemente, WiFi hace poco leí que la entrada de belleza Mayumi知Rimashi que Chrome es una ampliación sustancial de . URAMAYU - cejas de nuevo - | Google Chrome extensión de Firefox te permite mover de nuevo! Una de las extensiones de favoritos http://uramayu.typepad .... 9

    • Art of office workers take advantage of iPhone busy commuter - Chapter Operations | iPhone Diary of ordinary workers
      IPhone 8 in January 2008 from the day of my lifestyle to get to (especially those spent on the train) has changed significantly. And to use Google Reader, Twitter also started. For granted that what you want now, is a novelty at the time was full of fresh discoveries every day. Benefits of using Google Reader is as follows. Information can be managed without omission見逃Shitakunai unread (coming into the hand) Full text information (or part of) the ...

    • u0026quot;Free full releasedu0026quot; in the publishing industry exceeded 10 million copies surprise u0026quot;campaign freeu0026quot; (1 / 2): J-CAST News
      Finally the two sales of publications and published amid a deepening recession trillion yen cut in, publishers are seeking new ways of promotion. One of them, before release of the book Electronic Version of the net to distribute free campaign free is. Industry is unprecedented attempt to hit more than 10 million copies produced. Electronic and paper in a different sense of what Cloud Computing 』Inpuresujapan new book. Unless before its release, the electronic version of the same layout of books and paper ...
      最后的两个销售出版物的出版在一片经济衰退加剧万亿日元,出版商正在寻求新的方式促进削减。其中之一,这本书之前,“电子版”的网,免费派发“行动自由”的版本。工业是前所未有的尝试,以达到超过10万张生产。 “电子和纸在一个什么”云计算』Inpuresujapan新书不同的感觉。除非之前释放,书籍和纸张相同的布局电子版...

    • Long and complex string rid of! Screenshot easily write a script u0026quot;Sikuliu0026quot;: A Hacker Life [Japanese Version], Mede Lifehacks informative blog Konasu work very well during the life
      Apple, GTD, Linux, MacOS, Microsoft, Windows, free software, long strings and complex art work get away! Screenshot easily write a script Sikuli posted on: 2010.02.13 11:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] The operation is repeated several times while frequently and want to automate the script, just not write the code the brood.
      Apple, GTD, Linux, MacOS, Microsoft, Windows, logiciel libre, les longues chaînes et des oeuvres d art complexes get away! Capture d écran facilement écrire un script Sikuli posté le: 2010.02.13 11:00 Commentaires [0] Trackbacks [0] L opération est répétée plusieurs fois en plus fréquemment et que vous souhaitez automatiser le script, il suffit d écrire pas le code le couvain.

    • Grab a cool desktop image around the child Uebudezainarashiku envy the people who make their home * book neta
      There was a storm of entry so that the lovely wallpaper. The wallpaper was compiled together with the entries so incidentally discovered in the past. But please spare time to come. The following entries are 50 different wallpaper wallpaper that had been introduced. 50 Gorgeous Wallpapers to Spice Up Your Desktop - Noupe even more of them, I personally feel that three Tamaran Naa pick one. ...
      Il y avait une tempête d entrée pour que le fond d écran lovely. Le papier peint a été compilé avec les entrées de sorte découverte fortuite dans le passé. Mais s il vous plaît temps libre à venir. Les entrées suivantes sont à 50 wallpaper wallpaper différentes qui avaient été introduites. 50 Fonds d écran Gorgeous Spice Up Your Desktop - Noupe encore plus d eux, je pense personnellement que trois Tamaran Naa en choisir un. ...

    • Quote of the book on Twitter Share ~ Inbook.jp
      Twitter ~ InBook.jp share in the quote of the book is to quote a line to share your favorite books and favorite cartoon.出来上Garimasu your bookshelf that you can post a line on the web just as you like. 204 Rank 1 Rank 2 Serif 185 applause 124 applause third Serif 98 Serif 24 applause 127 applause 5 Rank 4 Rank 0 Serif 13 Serif 24 applause 55
      Twitter ~ Compartir InBook.jp en la cita del libro es para citar a una línea para compartir los libros de su favorito y favorito de dibujos animados.出来上Garimasu su biblioteca que se puede enviar una línea en la web como usted quiera. 204 Fila 1 Fila 2 Serif 185 aplauso 124 aplausos tercera Serif 98 Serif 24 aplausos 127 Aplausos 5 rango de 4 Rank 0 Serif 13 Serif 24 aplausos 55

    • Softbanku0026#39;s poor telecommunications infrastructure investment | Investment No. 80
      ※ ARPU · · · Average Revenue Per User: average income per subscriber. (Unit: yen) per capita rate of communication is almost the same Docomo and KDDI, SB is low compared with the two companies is more than 1,000 yen. SB thanks the other two have waged a price war has forced the companies forced to follow suit. User can not be too low as no. SB Yu indirectly by all mobile phone mobile phone business going ...
      ※ ARPU · · · Средний доход на одного абонента: средний доход на одного абонента. (Единица измерения: иена) на душу населения скорости связи почти такой же Docomo и KDDI, СО является низким по сравнению с двумя компаниями более чем 1000 иен. СО благодаря двум другим вели войну цен заставило компании вынуждены следовать этому примеру. Пользователь не может быть слишком низким качеством нет. С. Ю. косвенным всех мобильных телефонов мобильных телефонов собираюсь ...

    • Bookmarklet any such use in an integrated browser u0026quot;Quixu0026quot;: A Hacker Life [Japanese Version], informative blogging life and work well even Konasu Lifehacks
      Apple, Firefox, Google, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Mozilla, Safari, Web tools, free software, art work, get organized, such as a bookmarklet in the browser using an integrated art of all life Quix posted on: 2010.02.13 14:00 comments [0], a track ...

    • I want to know tutorial illustrator 40 | CREAMU
      want to increase the skills of the illustrator. Is such that you recommend, 『40 Fundamental Illustrator Tutorials You Must Know』. I want to know is a collection of illustrator tutorials. There are a few things I feel good, I will introduce some. How to Create a Gearbox Settings Icon Using Simple Sh ...

    • Timetables, coupons ... I do not know surprisingly? The most useful Google Maps - Hatena Bukkumakunyusu
      Timetables, coupons ... I do not know surprisingly? The most useful Google Maps can use the Web as a map from totally familiar Google Maps is not just knowing the location of destination, and a bunch of useful features. This time, I want to check before you leave us in the Google Maps How convenient, I tried to collect.

    hotentry - hatena bookmark, Internet, Reportage, Politics , Hardware, Technology,

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