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    • TABLOG: TED.com is the highest level of English language learning content? - Livedoor Blog (blog)
      TED.com May 21, 2009, the highest level of English language learning content? Already, I have been introduced everywhere, TED.com site that has. Technology, Entertainment, Design to take the first letter, TED is Dasou. TED is a first-class person in the world, meeting once a year, a conference to be held. Presentation of the video, I have been released for free on the net, this ...
      TED.com 5月21日,2009年,最高级别的英语学习内容?目前我已经介绍了世界各地,TED.com站点具有。科技,娱乐,设计采取的第一个字母,TED是Dasou。泰德是首次在世界级的人,一年一次会议,会议举行。的视频演示,我已经发表在网上,免费这...

    • Consultants from the diary of time: limitations of one-point-intensive approach
      Time management and SCM experts earlier essay collection critical consideration, says goggle-eyed goby, Mr. Hata Masanori and this made the video for children I love animals, I watched the series with children, there is an interesting episode been. Dogs and cats, the object of interest in the ways, so different, but they. First roadside weed foxtail and one Hikkonui, and let the cats hang out in front of the ear. Cat grab it with his paw as now, are you gag ...
      Gestión del tiempo y los expertos SCM anterior examen colección de ensayos críticos , dice de ojos saltones gobio, el Sr. Masanori Hata y esto hizo que el vídeo para los niños Me encantan los animales, Yo vi la serie con los niños, hay un episodio interesante sido. Los perros y gatos, el objeto de interés en las formas, tan diferentes, pero ellos. Maleza en carretera Primera cola de zorro y una Hikkonui, y dejar que los gatos pasar el rato delante de la oreja. Gato agarra con la pata, como ahora, se siente náuseas ...

    • [You enjoy your life? Constitution] hypothermia increased muscle mass, dietary habits, improvement in sleep (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      What do you know how many times your normal body temperature? Was released last year, already more than 65 million copies Bestsellers 『will raise the body temperature and health』 (Sanmaku published) author, according to Dr. Shinji Saito, cause of the trouble that plagues modern man is so low in body temperature. The immunity of human body temperature to drop 30% to reduce the time. However, the average temperature for this 50-year Japanese I have fallen 0.7 times. 36.8 ~ 1950s average temperature was 36.9 degrees is now 36, ...
      Как вы знаете, сколько раз нормальная температура тела? Был выпущен в прошлом году, уже более 65 миллионов копий Бестселлеры 『повысит температуру тела и здоровья』 (Sanmaku опубликовано) автор, по словам доктора Синдзи Сайто, причину неполадок, от которого страдает современный человек настолько низкой температуры тела. Иммунитет от температуры тела человека отказаться от 30% до сокращения времени. Тем не менее, средняя температура для этого 50-летний японский я упал 0,7 раза. 36,8 ~ 1950-х годах средняя температура была 36,9 градуса в настоящее время 36, ...

    • Korin u0026quot;Red and White Plum Blossomsu0026quot;, found gold in the re-investigation - MSN Sankei News
      Gold (gilded) and had been drawn to the topic without the use of silver foil and the film National Treasure, Ogata Korin Red and White Plum Blossoms (cliff) I re-examined, it was found that gold was reported on April 14 . Korin looked over the major works of art history or common sense reversed, the future is likely to spark controversy. Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Tokyo six years ago, this is the original MOA Museum Holding (Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture) is professor of Tokyo University of Science Izumi Nakai (chemical analysis) were commissioned. Measured by X-ray diffraction crystal structure of the atom ...
      Золото (золочение) и было обращено на тему без использования фольги серебро и фильм Национальное сокровище, Огата Корин Красное и Белое Plum Blossoms (скала) Я пересмотреть, было установлено, что золото было сообщено 14 апреля . Корин посмотрел над основными работами истории искусства или здравый смысл обратить вспять будущем, вероятно, искры споры. Были введены в эксплуатацию научно-исследовательского института культурного свойства, Токио шесть лет назад, это оригинальный MOA Музей холдинг (Атами, префектура Сидзуока), профессор Токийского университета науки Izumi Nakai (химический анализ). По показателю рентгеновского дифракционного кристаллическая структура атома ...

    • SSFSu0026#39;s reply to the comments (2 / 2) - Du-ri of
      (1 / 2) in the Yahoo board / negative ion monitoring room were meant to, so from here SSFS is connected directly to the answer, change the style below. * * * SSFS-kun, you seem to me from putting in my sight, it does not mean respect for myself, here is this thing I ll call you. SSFS-kun, you are de haut en bas I know the word ...
      (1 / 2)在“雅虎董事会/负氧离子监测室”的定义,所以从这里SSFS直接连接到答案,更改下面的风格。 * * * SSFS坤,你似乎从我的视线把对我来说,这并不意味着自己的尊重,这里是这件事我叫你。 SSFS坤,你是“去上奥中文浅说:”我知道这个词...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Tamiflu river pollution? Concerns about viruses resistant to the impact study - social
      The proliferation of antiviral drugs used in the new swine flu Tamiflu to explore the impact of living environment through the river, the Japan Pharmaceutical Association (Chairman Kodama Takashi) began a nationwide survey. The river is already the country has been identified with the trace amounts of metabolites, such as Tamiflu, believed to contain from sewage. Japan is the world s Tamiflu in the past seven percent estimated to consume, which sought to assess the environmental impact. Huy and metabolites in the body of the patient Tamiflu ...
      La prolifération des médicaments antiviraux contre la grippe porcine dans la nouvelle «Tamiflu» pour explorer l impact du cadre de vie par l intermédiaire du fleuve, la Japan Pharmaceutical Association (président, Takashi Kodama) a entrepris une enquête nationale. La rivière est déjà le pays a été identifié avec les traces de métabolites, tels que le Tamiflu, censé contenir les eaux usées. Le Japon est le Tamiflu dans le monde dans le passé, sept pour cent estimés à consommer, qui visait à évaluer l impact environnemental. Huy et de métabolites dans le corps du patient ... Tamiflu

    • To practice! For novice nurses, developing a trainer injection: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Saitama University research team and takes the syringe moderate force to quantify, the practice has developed a device that can be compared to the ideal number of veterans on a PC. Syringe when dealing with inexperienced nurses, and again the extra pain and blood, but in some cases they put the burden on patients, but only to learn the sensual. The research team is using to encourage the nursing students nationwide, is hiring a company to help us commercialize. Aims to streamline nursing, nurse veterans ...
      Saitama equipo de investigación de la Universidad y tiene la jeringa fuerza moderada de cuantificar, la práctica ha desarrollado un dispositivo que puede ser comparado con el número ideal de veteranos en un PC. La jeringa cuando se trata de personal de enfermería sin experiencia, y de nuevo el dolor y la sangre extra, pero en algunos casos ponen la carga sobre los pacientes, pero sólo para aprender el sensual. El equipo de investigación está utilizando para animar a los estudiantes de enfermería a nivel nacional, es contratar a una empresa que nos ayude a comercializar. Tiene por objeto simplificar la enfermería, los veteranos de la enfermera ...

    • Cannibalism - Uncyclopedia
      Cannibalism (in English: Cannibalism) and the people who ran out of rice, rice is the final term. [Edit] Summary Young people in the history of mankind in the battle of ethnic and national, that he was always a big presence, food is the two characters. First, not only to talk about even a few thousand years of history of agriculture began, the act that satisfies the appetite there is a minimum of human desire, luck really was the unfortunate fact of life. As a result, awfulness.
      Каннибализм (на английском языке: каннибализм), а также люди, которые выбежали из риса, рис является окончательный срок. [Править] Краткое описание молодых людей в истории человечества в битве этнического и национального, что он всегда был большим присутствием, питание это два символа. Во-первых, не только говорить о еще несколько тысяч лет истории земледелия началось, закон, который удовлетворяет аппетит есть минимальный человеческих желаний, удачи действительно прискорбный факт жизни. В результате, ужас.

    • kaiho_4-1-3.pdf
      Three. Yamazaki bread mold or why not act of deception on the public see Nagamura Hirokazu theory (Suzuka University of Medical Science), Yuji Watanabe spring is the beginning of last year Yamazaki bread mold or why not (緑風published) book called was published, just by looking at an enormous book store and felt ostracized because of food additives and non-scientific nonsense of always, never to see it bought. However, in early April 7 from a friend, a carcinogen potassium bromate in bread Yamazaki.
      Tres. Molde de pan Yamazaki o por qué no acto de engaño en que el público vea Nagamura teoría Hirokazu (Suzuka Universidad de Ciencias Médicas), Yuji Watanabe primavera es el comienzo del año pasado molde de pan Yamazaki o por qué no (绿风publicado) libro que se llama fue publicado, con sólo mirar a una tienda de libros enormes y se sentía condenado al ostracismo a causa de los aditivos alimentarios y no-tonterías científicas de siempre, nunca, para ver que compró. Sin embargo, a principios de abril 7 de un amigo, un agente cancerígeno bromato de potasio en el pan Yamazaki.

    • Social Science and hesitation in speech / social scientists, why u0026quot;howu0026quot; or just to discuss? (Bottom) monkeys recursive edit reading Classic: between / beyond readers
      Hen you look back on recursive / social science methodology語Rita Have they? Sociology of knowledge, questions the origins and production and distribution and distribution of knowledge. And while the study of knowledge and the knowledge that the sociology of knowledge in question, of course entered. Self-reference (to say something about yourself) is not all that dangerous, but the lingering danger of falling into a flood of relativism and pessimism of self-relative from (again, not all is not dangerous. Even if communication is not perfect ...
      Хен вы вспоминаете рекурсивных / социальные науки методологию语Рита ли они? Социология знания, вопросы происхождения и производства, распределения и распределения знаний. И хотя изучение знаний и знаний о том, что социология знания в вопросе, конечно, вошла. Self-ссылку (что-то сказать о себе) не так уж опасно, но сохраняющаяся опасность попасть в поток релятивизма и пессимизм самоуправления относительное от (опять же, не все это не опасно. Даже если сообщение не является совершенным ...

    • I wrote a book Marx (Laboratory of Trees Uchida)
      But after a long time to empty it, because so many back orders, or where to wear good, I do not know. As a rule (1) writing from those impending deadlines (2) from those with little time to write to the finish (3) will be the theme from the writing that will appeal. Deadline is something that is imminent suicide theory . After I wrote this from the other only English (I take some time to it). ...
      但经过很长的时间空,因为这么多回的订单,或穿好,我不知道。作为一项规则(1)从这些即将截止日期从时间较紧(2)以书面致函完成(3)将书面从主题,将提出上诉。截止日期是迫在眉睫的事情是“自杀论”。当我说从其他的英文本(我需要一些时间的话)。 ...

    • The semi-u0026quot;Thank youu0026quot; live four times the average life expectancy - Newspapers fiction
      Thank you love like positive word and call in every day larvae of cicadas, the cicada may live longer than the average of four times the Higurashi Professor Kazuyoshi Chiba University Radio (Entomology) is evident in research Ta. Article in the British science journal Fenomenon Mon 3 extra number (electronic version) to be published. Higurashi professor in 1981, larval rearing Niiniizemi two cases of large-scale reproduction of the natural environment and put each one pet per pet breeding. In doing so, while in the case of Thank you love the ...
      Merci amour comme mot positif et faire appel à toutes les larves jour de cigales, la cigale mai vivent plus longtemps que la moyenne de quatre fois la Higurashi professeur Kazuyoshi Chiba University Radio (entomologie) est évidente dans la recherche Ta. Article dans le magazine scientifique britannique «Fenomenon Mon 3 nombre supplémentaire (version électronique) pour être publié. Higurashi professeur en 1981, l élevage larvaire Niiniizemi deux cas de reproduction à grande échelle de l environnement naturel et de mettre un pour chaque animal d élevage animal. Ce faisant, alors que dans le cas de «Merci», «amour», «le ...

    • Useless to dissolve fat diet with low-power laser processing - A Successful Failure
      Medical science and people of all ages who suffer from a diet will be more. But might it soon be things of the past. Low cost liposuction is much safer than existing methods, in close soon (maybe even at home) will be able to receive. Also no longer restricted diet for weight loss, but is not required to exercise. Zeroa the name of the new method (Zerona) said. The right figure shows a snapshot of the video s introduction, to put it simply, an external laser light.
      La ciencia médica y las personas de todas las edades que sufren de una dieta será más. Sin embargo, podría pronto ser cosas del pasado. Liposucción de bajo coste es mucho más seguro que los métodos existentes, en estrecha pronto (tal vez incluso en el hogar) podrán recibir. Además, ya no restringir la dieta durante la pérdida de peso, pero no está obligado a hacer ejercicio. Zeroa el nombre del nuevo método (Zerona), dijo. La figura de la derecha muestra una instantánea de la introducción del vídeo, para decirlo llanamente, una luz de láser externo.

    • Low-frequency wind for wind power eco honor or really harmful? (Sankei Shimbun) - Yahoo! News
      Tomamae town overlooking the Sea of Japan in the form 42 windmills spread of Hokkaido. Not close to residential areas, the problem is not happening (Photo Sugiura Mika) (Photo: Sankei Shimbun) student of eco-friendly renewable energy, wind . Health advocates are expected to emit a low frequency wind power, according to this, in recent years has increased. Low-frequency adverse health effects if there is really -. Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Ministry of wind power (environmental assessment method) Add to agree on the principle of target, the argument起Ko wind ...
      Tomamae ville surplombant la mer du Japon dans le formulaire 42 moulins à vent propagation de Hokkaido. Pas à proximité de zones résidentielles, le problème n est pas le cas (Photo Sugiura Mika) (Photo: Sankei Shimbun) étudiant de l éco-énergie renouvelable conviviale, vent . Défenseurs de la santé sont attendus à émettre une puissance de basse fréquence du vent, en fonction de cela, ces dernières années a augmenté. Basse fréquence des effets indésirables sur la santé s il ya réellement -. Environmental Impact Assessment Act, le ministère de l énergie éolienne (méthode d évaluation environnementale) Ajouter à s accorder sur le principe de la cible, l argument起vent Ko ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): poles of Saturn, taken 15 years concurrent degree Aurora Hubble - Science
      The polar aurora is a glowing look of Saturn, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope u003d NASA, ESA provided NASA (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) is 11, the shiny look of Saturn s polar aurora at the same time , and announced that it has taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. Of the poles of Saturn seen from Earth is only about 15 times a year. Rare phenomenon, is clearly captured by Hubble. Aurora is electrically-charged particles emitted by the sun, the magnetic field of the planet ...
      La aurora polar es un aspecto brillante de Saturno, tomada por el Telescopio Espacial Hubble u003d NASA, la ESA facilitó la NASA (NASA) y la Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA) es de 11, la mirada brillante de las auroras polares de Saturno, al mismo tiempo , y anunció que ha tomado con el Telescopio Espacial Hubble. De los polos de Saturno visto desde la Tierra es de sólo 15 veces al año. Fenómeno raro, es claramente capturado por el Hubble. Aurora está cargado eléctricamente las partículas emitidas por el sol, el campo magnético del planeta ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): waste of research funds, after sorting study was fairly young - Society
      Laboratory microscope wealthy expensive replacement every 1-2 years left on the device type was not used to fall -. According to a summary of the situation of young researchers in the lab wasted like this. Reflect the harsh realities of sorting out under the project of administrative reform conference, summarizes the recommendations aimed to strengthen science and technology. The summary is a volunteer organization of about 1,500 people participate in neuroscience. About 170 people answered the questionnaire, 11 have pointed out how the cost of waste and the use of a percent ...

    • Reading monkey prohibited without the correct knowledge of all the problems without studying selected Classic: between / beyond readers
      Answer from multiple choice (or wrong) answers a question someone is from the entrance exam to exam, meets with everywhere. If you can not study hard enough, even if you are not studying at all No, you have whopping graze. The point is always the correct choice among alternatives (mistake) is to note that there is. When I stand in a position to make the problem, the problem with making a choice, the correct one, so hidden in the overhang from other mistakes ...

    • When you accomplish something big, to do first - My Life in MIT Sloan
      When I started writing my thesis this writing, I try to write a story that is interesting instructors. Business School, writing a thesis at graduation is not a prerequisite, choose their own supervisor, may take this writing the summary and ask to be a supervisor. I write a book based on the contents of the thesis, and we always thought so, then stand the idea of the book chapters, has written a summary went fine. I knew we had the reaction, the reaction of the doctor This is ...
      Quand j ai commencé à écrire ma thèse de cette écriture, j essaie d écrire une histoire qui est intéressante instructeurs. Business School, écrit une thèse à l obtention du diplôme n est pas une condition sine qua non, de choisir leur propre supérieur hiérarchique, mai profiter de cette écriture du résumé et de demander d être un superviseur. J écris un livre basé sur le contenu de la thèse, et nous avons toujours pensé ainsi, alors résister à l idée des chapitres de livres, a écrit un résumé s est bien passé. Je savais que nous avions la réaction, la réaction du médecin This is ...

    • Test to get a permanent job in Oxford - the last line of defense 2
      I heard enough interesting notes. Exam is simple: We are dropping the ball, find the acceleration of gravity only. The examination will have all the necessary test equipment such as ball and a stopwatch. It s also solvable problem in high school, junior high or they can be small if the experiment will be間違Enakere experimental procedure. How to conduct an experiment, keeping records, the test appears simple: you answer when called. Value of gravitational acceleration is known, all candidates are 9.8 m. ..
      J ai entendu assez de notes intéressantes. Examen est simple: «Nous sommes l abandon de la boule, trouver l accélération de la pesanteur» seulement. L examen aura tous les équipements de test nécessaires, tels que billes et un chronomètre. Il est aussi résoluble problème à l école secondaire, premier cycle du secondaire ou ils peuvent être faibles si l expérience sera间违Enakere procédure expérimentale. Comment mener une expérimentation, la tenue de registres, le test semble simple: vous répondez lorsqu il est appelé. Valeur de l accélération gravitationnelle est connu, tous les candidats est de 9,8 m. ..

    • Shigotano! - In the new era u0026quot;inputu0026quot; u0026quot;outputu0026quot;
      Than 40 years ago, surrounding us information environment has changed dramatically. To obtain information only from newspapers and books and papers, like the cost is almost close to free through the Internet from individuals in the age of things is to allow people access to information. Such changes in the environment is also changing situation of no choice but to get people to work with information technology and touch. If you leave the old way, if you bury one s head in this information society, you will have quickly consumed by the wave of information. ...
      Que, il ya 40 ans, qui nous entoure environnement de l information» a changé de façon spectaculaire. Pour obtenir des renseignements que des journaux et des livres et papiers, comme le coût est presque aux gratuitement par Internet auprès de particuliers dans l âge des choses est de permettre aux gens d accéder à l information. Ces changements dans l environnement est aussi en mutation situation d absence de choix que d amener les gens à travailler avec les technologies de l information et le toucher. Si vous quittez la vieille manière, si vous enterrer la tête dans cette société de l information, vous aurez rapidement consommé par la vague de l information. ...

    • Airborne laser gun, successful邀撃goals! : Obuiekuto Weekly
      Laser experiments succeeded in destroying target of boost phase ballistic missile defense system airborne laser gun. U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA; Missile Defense Agency) published in the February 11 date. Airborne Laser Testbed Successful in Lethal Intercept Experiment └ [PHOTOS u0026amp; VIDEO] As of yesterday I still write ...
      Experimentos con láser logrado destruir objetivo de impulsar la fase de sistema de misiles balísticos de defensa pistola láser aerotransportado. U. S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA; Missile Defense Agency), publicado en la fecha del 11 de febrero. Airborne Laser Banco de pruebas exitosas en el experimento letal Intercepción └ [FOTOS Y VIDEO] A partir de ayer sigo escribiendo ...

    • Laser-capture device to intercept a fly (video) | WIRED VISION
      Previous article 5km underground global perspective through real time: a laser device to intercept mosquitoes caught in the U.S. military plans (video) Ken Denmead February 13, 2010 This year s TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference, California being held in Long Beach. Last year, the theme of a speech that Bill Gates has said the risk of malaria TED has been hot in the venue to release the mosquitoes, if ...

    • Have you seen a rainbow in January? : Gizmodo Japan (Gizmodo), blogs Gadget Guide
      NASA / Space things, general camera, have you seen the rainbow of the month science? Date posted: 2010.02.13 15:00 comments [0] Trackbacks [0] not a word to the incredibly beautiful! If rainbow is a rainbow after the rain, this is Moon Bow (Moonbow). Bridge over the River is a moonlight sky. Japanese name is Rainbow Mon (moonlight) . Rare atmospheric phenomenon caused by the nearly full moon, to capture the shape and it is very difficult ...
      НАСА / Космос вещи, общие камеры, вы видели радугу месяца, наукой? Дата: 2010.02.13 15:00 Комментарии [0] Trackbacks [0] не словом к невероятно красивая! Если Радуга радуге после дождя, это лук Луны (лунная радуга). Мост через реку лунном небе. Японские имя Радуга ПН (Moonlight) . Редкое атмосферное явление, вызванное почти полная луна, захватить форму и очень трудно ...

    • The end of Betelgeuse: signs of a supernova and its power - Active Galactic: 11 daily torture and natural science and dimensional
      21:51 | Recently, for Betelgeuse of Orion provocative by the news broke. Constellation Orion is easy to enjoy the city but easy to remember. Must write and if it might break the Orion shoulder. Stars hang from the canopy rather than the death of massive stars in our eternal existence of a milestone for hardening was transient in the life of millions of trillions of years almost. As the diversity of human death, there is also the death of a star personality. It s weight and composition, the presence of antagonist and ...
      21:51 | В последнее время, Бетельгейзе Ориона провокационными известием сломал. Созвездие Ориона легко пользоваться города, но и легко запомнить. Должны написать и, если это может нарушить плече Ориона. Звезды повесить из-под полога, а не смерти массивных звезд в нашем вечном существовании вехой для закалки была преходящей жизни миллионов триллионов лет почти. Как разнообразие человеческой смерти, есть также смерти звезды личности. Это весу и составу, наличием антагониста и ...

    • Results of the health minister referred to his homeopathic length - Not so open-minded that our brains drop out.
      Homeopathy | 00:102010 Budget Committee January 28, Sun * Homeopathy is one mention of his health minister in length. Interaction problem Yamane Takaharu upper house member of the Democratic Party * 2 * 3 by starting with questions to the Prime Minister Hatoyama. ○ Good morning Mr. Yamane Takaharu. First, I ask the Prime Itashitai the integrated health care issues. But I think it is rather basic principles of integrative medicine to medical and patient-centered medicine combines Western medicine with traditional world total ...
      Homéopathie | 00:102010 budget Janvier 28, Sun * L homéopathie est une mention de son ministre de la Santé de longueur. Interaction problème Takaharu Yamane chambre haute membre du Parti démocratique * 2 * 3 en commençant par les questions aux Hatoyama Premier ministre. ○ Bonjour Monsieur Takaharu Yamane. Tout d abord, je demande au Premier Itashitai les questions de soins intégrés de santé. Mais je pense que c est plutôt les principes fondamentaux de la médecine intégrative de la médecine et de médecine centrée sur le patient combine la médecine occidentale avec un total monde traditionnel ...

    • Video: New Volvo S60 and recognized pedestrian collision avoidance system
      Rather than today s automobiles to control their own machine, you can do with becoming a robot with computer assistance. The new sedan has just released one of the Volvo S60 cars that way. To detect pedestrians in front of the car has the ability to avoid a collision. The name feature rear-end collision warning system with automatic avoidance Furuotobureki and pedestrians. English said Pedestrian Detection with Full Auto Brake . ...
      而不是今天的汽车,以控制自己的机器,你可以用电脑成为帮助机器人。新的轿车刚刚发表的沃尔沃S60轿车的方式之一。检测车前行人有能力避免碰撞。这个名字“功能追尾碰撞预警与自动回避Furuotobureki及行人系统。”英语说:“行人检测全部汽车制动”。 ...

    • Financial Diary: gifted young students disappeared to?
      2010 Feb 13, Sun gifted young students disappeared to? The last entry was in middle school take a lot of unexpected reactions. And it is very interesting as we came to one question many people. How did such a great elementary school students and adults going on? I question. And this time I ll answer the question. Conclusion and say nobody was all I answer. And say a little more, but nobody, Yappari ...
      2010 Fév 13, dim. de jeunes étudiants doués disparu? La dernière entrée était au collège prennent beaucoup de réactions inattendues. Et il est très intéressant car nous sommes arrivés à une question de nombreuses personnes. Comment un tel grand élèves du primaire et des adultes va t-il? Je m interroge. Et cette fois, je vais répondre à la question. Conclusion et disent Personne n a été tous je réponds. Et dire un peu plus, mais personne, Yappari ...

    • Brain science explains the theory. u0026quot;Concentrationu0026quot; increases training for three single vendor (President) - Yahoo! News
      Brain science explains the theory. Concentration increases over three vendor president separate two 12th (Fri) 10:00 min Distributor / Economics - General Economics ■ Why the remaining 10 to come to Beijing and the Olympic Committee s delegate selection would miss out on the meters world record辰巳国際水泳場when he went to Tokyo and was asked me, I was surprised to see the Olympic swimmer Kosuke Kitajima. Remaining 10 meters, I had to get out before the body than half the world s record clear. Covering, right! I have stood up involuntarily, time ...
      La ciencia del cerebro, explica la teoría. Concentración aumenta más de tres proveedores presidente separar dos 12 (Vie) 10:00 min Distribuidor / Economía - Economía General ■ ¿Por qué los otros 10 para llegar a Beijing y de selección de delegados del Comité Olímpico se perderían en el registro de metros del mundo辰巳国际水泳场cuando se fue a Tokio y se me pidió, me sorprendí al ver el nadador olímpico Kosuke Kitajima. Restantes de 10 metros, tuve que salir antes que el cuerpo de la mitad de récord del mundo claro. Cobertura, a la derecha! Me han levantado involuntariamente, el tiempo ...

    • How do think the question put on? - Vocal exercises
      How do graduate can fail to call: you hear in the others leave, and ask for it if you have any tips please let me know how抱Ki question when I heard people question I will answer. Together to ask questions, the following two steps go through the find missing information to clarify the missing information to notice the lack of information, knowledge of the matter is discussed (general knowledge, expertise) knowledge of the topic to tell you (presentation ...
      Как выпускник может не вызвать: вы слышите в других отпусков, и спросите его, если есть какие-то советы пожалуйста, дайте мне знать, как抱Ги вопрос, когда я слышал, как люди вопроса Я отвечу. Вместе задавать вопросы, следующие два шага пройти через Поиск пропавших без вести информации , чтобы прояснить недостающую информацию , чтобы заметить отсутствие информации, обсуждается знанием дела (общие знания, опыт) знаний тем, чтобы рассказать вам (презентация ...

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