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    • Prime Minister Hatoyama u0026quot;difficult Noboru Sadau0026quot; u0026quot;retained earningsu0026quot; remarks / criticism from the Union / u0026quot;I asked for higher wages in the New Komeito governmentu0026quot; - Akahata
      Attention in the spring offensive is now being Tatakawa regular salary Yukio Hatoyama s remarks regarding the prime minister, even within the Democratic Party s largest coalition of aid agencies do not know the feelings of the workers, the voice of the are nervous. Think the coalition can understand that the current economic situation is not so easy. For our managers, the situation can easily raise I do not think, Prime Minister Hatoyama, 26 January night, the annual pay raise and secure the United reporter s question about what is asked, answered. Rating ...
      Attention lors de l offensive de printemps est maintenant Tatakawa «salaire régulier», remarque Yukio Hatoyama concernant le premier ministre, même au sein de la plus grande coalition du Parti démocratique des agences d aide ne sait pas les sentiments des travailleurs», la voix du sont nerveux. «Penser la coalition peut comprendre que la situation économique actuelle n est pas si facile. Pour nos dirigeants, la situation peut facilement soulever, je ne pense pas, a déclaré le Premier ministre Hatoyama, 26 nuit Janvier, le salaire annuel augmenter et de sécuriser les-Unis question de journaliste sur ce qui est demandé, répond. Cote de popularité ...

    • [2001] The new report, u0026quot;in which he is民主党Rashi Edano freshman termu0026quot; Deputy Prime Minister Kan - MSN Sankei News
      Finance Minister Naoto Kan told about the appointment of Deputy Prime Minister Yukio Edano administrative reform of land purchased by the case and fund-management organization Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party. - Does not say much about the issue of Mr. Ozawa. Naoto Kan, as politicians are not enough in the position of finance minister is now important to the economy as soon enact a budget that s given me the best job for now. The problem of money in politics is a long-term Given the gradual but are often disappointing in the sense that many problems remain.
      Ministro de Hacienda, Naoto Kan dijo sobre el nombramiento del Vice Primer Ministro Yukio Edano la reforma administrativa de los terrenos adquiridos por el caso y la recaudación de la organización de gestión de Ichiro Ozawa, el secretario general del Partido Demócrata. - No dice mucho sobre la cuestión del Sr. Ozawa. Naoto Kan, los políticos no son suficientes en la posición del ministro de Finanzas, ahora es importante para la economía lo antes aprobar un presupuesto que me ha dado el mejor trabajo por ahora. El problema del dinero en la política es a largo plazo Habida cuenta de la gradual, pero son a menudo decepcionantes en el sentido de que muchos problemas persisten.

    • Gazing at the Celestial Blue u0026quot;theory was proposed as an experimental science of historyu0026quot;
      This is late Murayama Takashi (chastity), the teacher was elaborated based on data from the vast history, being built, a magnificent demonstration was proposed as a science, the period of civilization is the doctrine that east-west change in 800 years. It is the civilization of the east-west two and one 800 every two years alternating prosperity and decline, the double helix structure to 1600 is a year round, what it is. Speaking of the double helix, Watson-Crick and his colleagues was that 1953 was awarded the Nobel Prize that DNA is famous for the laws of this civilization ...
      Это поздний Такаши Мураяма (целомудрие), учитель был разработан на основе данных с огромной историей, строятся, великолепная демонстрация была предложена в качестве науки, период цивилизации является доктриной, которая с востока на запад изменений в 800 лет. Это цивилизация Восток-Запад два 800 и один раз в два года поочередно процветания и упадка, двойная структура спирали на 1600 круглый год, что это такое. Говоря о двойной спирали, Уотсон-Крик и его коллег в том, что 1953 году была присуждена Нобелевская премия, что ДНК является известный по законам этой цивилизации ...

    • NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): The Liberal Democratic faction collapsed in three Komura faction
      Likely to accelerate the collapse of the factions in the LDP. Komura faction to withdraw from the fact that two people, houses lawmakers are three of us together. Proportional representation party failed to win endorsement of the House of Councilors election in summer President Taku Yamasaki, former vice president of the Yamasaki faction, have difficulty surviving. Factions of mine will come out with a dowry. Former Foreign Minister Masahiko Komura is mid-January, saying to him for no member of the faction. Komura said that because of the frustration that could reduce the factions at once. Murakami Seiitirou Hazime reform the financial ministers were members of the Yamamoto Yuuzi Komura faction ...
      Susceptibles de acelerar el colapso de las facciones en el PLD. Facción de Komura de retirarse del hecho de que dos personas, casas de los legisladores son tres juntos. Parte de representación proporcional no logró la aprobación de la Cámara de los Consejeros de las elecciones en el verano de Presidente Taku Yamasaki, ex vicepresidente de la facción de Yamasaki, tienen dificultad para sobrevivir. Las facciones de la mina va a salir con una dote . El ex ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Masahiko Komura, es a mediados de enero, diciendo que a él para que ningún miembro de la facción. Komura dijo que debido a la frustración que podría reducir las facciones a la vez. Murakami Seiitirou reforma Hazime los ministros de finanzas eran miembros de la facción Yuuzi Yamamoto Komura ...

    • The humor of the theory of a power struggle between the alleged Ozawa Ozawa u003d Feedback - hair cut flowers and thinking space浮游
      Ozawa theory and the power struggle indictment before the decision, gave the title Shikatsumerashii. Needless to say, Kita Ozawa been repeated allegations against so far is one of those captured. These claims will be able to cut a position to say things and defend the basic Ozawa speaking. The media carry the hot water when the land purchase scandal Ozawa, Ozawa to assume the composition of many against the prosecution, read, hear or have been given to imposing視Ru as confrontational. Ozawa s move ...
      Одзава теория и обвинительный акт борьбы за власть до принятия решения, дали название Shikatsumerashii. Излишне говорить, Кита Одзава повторяются обвинения до сих пор является одним из тех захватили. Эти требования будут иметь возможность сократить позиции что-то говорить и защищать основные выступивший Озава. СМИ несут горячей воды при покупке земли скандал Озава, Озава предположить состав многих против преследования, читать, слушать или были предоставлены введении视Ru как конфронтационная. Одзава переходим ...

    • Unusual short-term money market China? ! - Memorandum of Pierre Kaji.
      Shanghai interbank market rate (SHIBOR) from the data. Overnight things one week one week two things it s not inconceivable that the effects of a temporary increase in demand for fund-month but not before the Spring Festival, February 12 This is clearly the deposit reserve ratio was 0.5 percent on Tuesday it should take effect and the increase comes at Moro. SHIBOR watch the data as long as the situation of supply and demand of money market funds in July 2009 seems to have a major shift taking place since September. Reserve deposit ...
      上海银行同业市场利率(Shibor的从数据)。隔夜事情一周一周两件事情也不是不可能的,在对基金的需求,临时增加的影响,本月但在春节前,2月12日这显然是存款准备金率0.5个百分点周二它的影响和应采取的增加,正值莫罗。 Shibor的看着作为供应和货币市场资金需求情况,在2009年7月的数据似乎只要有一个重大转变,到9月以来发生。储备存款...

    • The Liberal Democratic from me. u0026quot;Transferu0026quot; reason: Nikkei Business Online
      - We ll hear is in order. First of all, why it all came to the LDP. At December 18 issued a resignation letter Friday afternoon, there were no request from the Democratic Party behind the scenes. At that time, the Liberal Democratic Party front bench would be the election. Tottori prefectural chapter and it s not what the party had to say. I Tamura it is completely different. Not matter. Honestly, I did leave the LDP election is better, you d also were more likely to win as an independent rather than participate. Had not been promised a run for the Democratic Party ...
      - Vamos a oír está en orden. En primer lugar, por lo que todos llegaron a la LDP. Al 18 de diciembre emitió una carta de renuncia la tarde del viernes, no hubo petición del Partido Demócrata detrás de las escenas. En ese momento, el banco de Partido del Frente Liberal Democrático sería la elección. Capítulo de la prefectura de Tottori, y no es lo que el partido tenía que decir. I Tamura es completamente diferente. No importa. Sinceramente, me dejó la elección del PLD es mejor, también se había más probabilidades de ganar como independiente en vez de participar. No se había prometido una carrera por el Partido Demócrata ...

    • And Masaru Sato u0026quot;differential equation (laughs)u0026quot;, Chapter pretend neta: liber studiorum
      Hey, do you think would like to try something new to this blog. Here, said Masaru Sato (+ α) so as to present the material, the people doing the blog, I hope it s nothing else to write about. Hey are you to say such things and why ... .... I m not suggesting that things considerably Masaru Sato Tonchinkan know is, and specifically trying to point out that, because not familiar with that area, morning sickness help write a shame that poor red Tsu .. .
      嘿,你觉得想尝试新的东西此博客。在这里,表示佐藤胜(+α),以目前的材料,做博客的人,我希望它没有别的写。嘿,你说这种事情,为什么... ....我不是说事情相当胜佐藤Tonchinkan知道的是,特别要指出的是,因为不熟悉这方面,晨吐帮助编写一个耻辱,贫穷红津.. 。

    • Again, u0026quot;sold in the United States to bomb the basic theory of Hideki Yukawau0026quot; the ugly of Henry Oates and gag a conspiracy theory - kojitaken Diary
      Conspiracy, O. Henry, this is a bad guy never learn. BLOG version of Henry Oates himself a bypass u003d seek charges against a man suspected of donations, including the LDP Kaoru Yosano. But had a research assistant at RIKEN Komagome Nante was Hideki Yukawa, allegations that he sold to the United States was the basic theory of the atomic bomb research there. As always while, when I read an article full of conspiracy theories is discharging ugly guy climb the wall. The guy in the previous article below ...
      Conspiracy, O. Henry, c est un bad guy never learn. Version BLOG des Henry Oates lui-même une voie de contournement u003d des accusations contre un homme soupçonné de dons, y compris le LDP Kaoru Yosano. Mais avait un assistant de recherche à RIKEN Komagome Nante était Hideki Yukawa, des allégations qu il a vendu aux États-Unis était la théorie de base de la recherche bombe atomique là. Comme toujours, tandis que, quand je lis un article plein de théories de conspiration s acquitte vilain escalader le mur. Le gars dans l article précédent ci-dessous ...

    • The Liberal Democratic from me. u0026quot;Transferu0026quot; reason: Nikkei Business Online
      - We ll hear is in order. First of all, why it all came to the LDP. At December 18 issued a resignation letter Friday afternoon, there were no request from the Democratic Party behind the scenes. At that time, the Liberal Democratic Party front bench would be the election. Tottori prefectural chapter and it s not what the party had to say. I Tamura it is completely different. Not matter. Honestly, I did leave the LDP election is better, you d also were more likely to win as an independent rather than participate. Had not been promised a run for the Democratic Party ...
      - Мы будем слышать в порядке. Прежде всего, почему все это пришло к ЛДП. На 18 декабря опубликовала заявление об отставке пятницу днем, не было запроса от Демократической партии за кулисами. В то время, Либерально-демократическая партия передняя скамья будет на выборах. Префектуры Тоттори главы, и это не то, что партия должен был сказать. Я Тамура это совсем другое. Не имеет значения. Честно говоря, я оставил выборах ЛДП лучше, вы бы тоже было больше шансов выиграть в качестве независимой, а не участвовать. Не было обещано запустить Демократической партии ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;Many Japanese people like to be affected foreign idiotu0026quot; Finance Minister Kamei - Politics
      Finance Minister Shizuka Kamei, 12, at a press conference Monday, in relation to long-term debt rating outlook lowered Japan s foreign credit rating agencies, I will be on Japanese abroad. Just like many stupid and said, and ways of rating showed the public s attitude towards complaints. April, Minister of Finance is supposed to have oversight of credit rating agencies. Mr. Kamei is 90 percent of Japanese government bonds in the country they are digested, the story that is not digested in a foreign country, he said. On its rating for government bonds.
      财政部长静香龟井,12日,在周一的记者招待会上,就长期债务评级展望下调日本的外国信贷评级机构,“我会在日本国外。就像许多愚蠢的”,说,和评价方法显示,市民对投诉的态度。 4月,财政部长应该有信贷评级机构的监督。龟井静香是“百分之九十的日本政府债券在消化他们的国家,这个故事不是外国消化,”他说。在其“政府债券的评级。

    • taku0026#39;s Blog: basic income security of regional energy and food self-sufficiency in local currency.
      Saturday, February 13, 2010 basic income security of regional energy and food self-sufficiency in local currency. Today, that participate in the fun. Happy project. I think that place money. It had been my idea from last year, Talking on this occasion, very Uketa. I tried to up the blog. Declare themselves, and by exposing it to realize a little近Dzuketai. Okay! Let s go before. 16広Ga November 2009 Takeharu Kato from the Northeast Sun.
      Saturday, Février 13, 2010 de base de la sécurité du revenu régional de l énergie et l auto alimentation-suffisance en monnaie locale. Aujourd hui, qui participent à la fête. Bonne projet. Je pense que placer de l argent. Il a été mon idée de l an dernier, en parlant à cette occasion, très Uketa. J ai essayé de le blog. Déclarer eux-mêmes et en l exposant à réaliser un petit Dzuketai近. Okay! Let s Go auparavant. 16 Novembre 2009広Ga Takeharu Kato de l dim. Nord.

    • Prime Minister Tymoshenko, Ukraineu0026#39;s presidential election photos to admit defeat legal battle international news photos 4: AFPBB News
      Kiev, Ukraine (Kiev) in a televised address to Yulia Timoshenko (Yulia Tymoshenko) Prime Minister of Ukraine (2010, February 13 shooting days). (c) AFP / PRIME MINISTER PRESS-SERVICE POOL / ALEKSANDER PROKOPENKO February 14 [AFP] (add photo) Viktor Yanukovych in Ukraine s presidential runoff election (Viktor Yanukovi ...
      De Kiev, Ucrania (Kiev), en un discurso televisado a Yulia Timoshenko (Yulia Tymoshenko) Primer Ministro de Ucrania (2010, 13 de febrero días de filmación). (c) AFP / PRIMER MINISTRO DE PRENSA-SERVICIOS DE POOL ALEKSANDER Prokopenko 14 de febrero [AFP] (agregar foto) Viktor Yanukovych en la segunda vuelta de elecciones presidenciales de Ucrania (Viktor Yanukovi ...

    • Inflation target major countries u0026quot;from 4 percent in peacetimeu0026quot; IMF recommendations are - NIKKEI NET (Nikkei Net): Major news
      International Monetary Fund (IMF) on November 12, from peacetime 4% to allow it to raise the level of interest rates and higher inflation, it is desirable to widen the scope for interest rate cuts during economic shocks like the financial crisis published a paper. It shapes the debate began in earnest review of the interior shows the lessons of the crisis, macroeconomic policy. Rethinking macroeconomic policy, the paper entitled, IMF research director who Buransharu of three people surveyed.頼Renaku minutes as the U.S. monetary policy, there is a heavy financial burden on taxpayers.
      国际货币基金组织(基金组织)于11月12日,由平时“4%”,使它能够提高利率和高通胀水平,是可取的拓宽,在金融危机等经济冲击的范围降息发表的一篇论文。它塑造了辩论内政部认真审查开始显示了危机,宏观经济政策的经验教训。 “宏观经济政策的再思考”,题目是,国际货币基金组织研究部主任的文件谁Buransharu三受访者。頼Renaku作为美国货币政策分钟,有一个沉重的纳税人的经济负担。

    • Former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura, u0026quot;for no money,u0026quot; then, too, and also that u0026quot;If that performance continues to politics, people do not trustu0026quot; - Zope diary junkie
      Former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura, for no money, then, too, and also that If that performance continues to politics, people do not trust JBpress - Mr. Ozawa is a retired full of political scandal. If you continue to stay as long divided the Democratic Party - former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura http://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/2755 Moominpappa and nicknamed, twinkle countries with less familiar with former New Party Sakigake leader , former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura.
      Ancien ministre des Finances, Masayoshi Takemura, «sans argent», puis, aussi, et aussi que «si l exécution continue à la politique, les gens ne font pas confiance JBpress - M. Ozawa est un ancien plein de scandales politiques. Si vous continuez à rester le plus longtemps divisé le parti démocrate - ancien ministre des Finances, Masayoshi Takemura http://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/2755 Moominpappa et surnommé , les pays Twinkle avec moins familiers avec le chef du Nouveau Parti Sakigake anciens , ancien ministre des Finances, Masayoshi Takemura.

    • Ozawa, secretary general, u0026quot;there is nothing in the prosecutionu0026quot; under indictment bullishness - MSN Sankei News
      Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party on Wednesday, told reporters in an interview at a hotel in the city of Kurume, Fukuoka Prefecture, his fund-management organization Mountain Land Committee under the Political Funds Control Law violations of the Political Ethics Hearing Committee ( Political Ethics trial) have been raised about seeking to attend, I will speak anywhere, any court Political Ethics, whatever, is no substitute for the prosecution. can not get money that is clearly illegal it came from, and the people that have that understands, and to attend court denied Political Ethics ...
      Ichiro Ozawa, el secretario general del Partido Demócrata el miércoles, dijo a los periodistas en una entrevista en un hotel en la ciudad de Kurume, Prefectura de Fukuoka, la recaudación de la organización de gestión de Mountain Land Committee de los Fondos Políticos violaciónes Ley de Control de la Ética Política Comisión de Audiencias ( Política de Ética de prueba) se han planteado sobre la búsqueda de asistir, Voy a hablar en cualquier lugar, cualquier tribunal de ética política, lo que sea, no es un sustituto de la acusación. no puede obtener el dinero que es claramente ilegal vino, y las personas que tienen que leen , y para asistir a la corte negó Ética política ...

    • The Liberal Democratic from me. u0026quot;Transferu0026quot; reason: Nikkei Business Online
      - We ll hear is in order. First of all, why it all came to the LDP. At December 18 issued a resignation letter Friday afternoon, there were no request from the Democratic Party behind the scenes. At that time, the Liberal Democratic Party front bench would be the election. Tottori prefectural chapter and it s not what the party had to say. I Tamura it is completely different. Not matter. Honestly, I did leave the LDP election is better, you d also were more likely to win as an independent rather than participate. Had not been promised a run for the Democratic Party ...
      - Мы будем слышать в порядке. Прежде всего, почему все это пришло к ЛДП. На 18 декабря опубликовала заявление об отставке пятницу днем, не было запроса от Демократической партии за кулисами. В то время, Либерально-демократическая партия передняя скамья будет на выборах. Префектуры Тоттори главы, и это не то, что партия должен был сказать. Я Тамура это совсем другое. Не имеет значения. Честно говоря, я оставил выборах ЛДП лучше, вы бы тоже было больше шансов выиграть в качестве независимой, а не участвовать. Не было обещано запустить Демократической партии ...

    • Political action - oh, and come to
      Go無沙汰was a crisis. So there was not anything going, I just had to organize in favor of debt accumulated manuscripts, does not decrease the administrative burden persists even during the last (or rather the entrance that continues to grow) there persists even faced with grim , also came out there and I thought everybody is the same dumb now. And should not be in too much trouble During a short break and I also rather like this. For such work published during this time, the completion soon. Well ...

    • Professor Krugman says, the tragedy of Spain: Far East Blog
      Current difficulties, the European Union (EU) has become a financial problem in Greece, the Bank of Sweden Prize winner, Professor Krugman has pointed out is the problem in Spain. The per them, let me summarize briefly for the understanding of future trends. The most explicit reference to Professor Krugman, the Telegraph newspaper dated 4 Fears of Lehman-style tsunami as crisis hits Spain and Portugal (...
      Les difficultés actuelles, l Union européenne (UE) est devenue un problème financier, en Grèce, la Banque de Suède lauréat du Prix, le professeur Krugman a souligné le problème en Espagne. Les données par eux, permettez-moi de résumer brièvement à la compréhension des tendances futures. La référence la plus explicite au professeur Krugman, le journal Telegraph daté du 4 Les craintes de« Lehman-style tsunami crise frappe l Espagne et le Portugal (...

    • Child allowance, 11 paid farewell marbles and Prime Minister Hatoyama year u003d u0026quot;残Shitakunai debtu0026quot; (newsletter) - Yahoo! News
      Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama was on August 14 at a meeting held at Prime Minister s Office a debt that such children do not want to pay. Child allowance funds (the budget), while reducing waste, can afford to conceive that I basically do it in minutes how ta , he said. 4 to start in January and sorting business squeeze in the second bullet (working out) in 2011, but funding was appropriated to pay child shows fiscal policy, also suggested that if the revenue shortfall would pay tied to the marbles. ..
      El primer ministro Yukio Hatoyama fue el 14 de agosto en una reunión celebrada en la Oficina del Primer Ministro, una deuda que esos niños no quieren pagar. Los fondos de subsidio infantil (el presupuesto), mientras que la reducción de residuos, puede permitirse concebir que, básicamente, lo hacen en los minutos ta , dijo. 4 para iniciar en enero y selección compresión de negocios en la segunda viñeta (elaboración) en 2011, pero los fondos se asignaron a pagar niño muestra la política fiscal, también sugirió que si el déficit de ingresos pagaría vinculados a las canicas. ..

    • Ozawa, secretary general [hanging] (1) Mr. Ozawa, u0026quot;The Internet and radio poll numbers are exactly the oppositeu0026quot; (14 days) (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general [hanging] (1) Mr. Ozawa, The Internet and radio poll numbers are exactly the opposite (14 days) (1 / 2 pages) Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party 14, Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture company said in an interview reported in the Hoterunyupuraza Kurume. Interaction is as follows. [] The upper house election - the upper house election in electoral districts that have more than one of the recruit holding multiple policies are having trouble adjusting to the national No, not so much to damn - changes to this policy no ...
      Итиро Одзава, генеральный секретарь [подвесной] (1) г-н Одзава, Интернет и телефонные номера радио опрос ровно наоборот (14 дней) (1 / 2 страниц) Итиро Одзава, генеральный секретарь Демократической партии 14, Куруме Город, префектура Фукуока Компания заявила в интервью сообщил в Hoterunyupuraza Куруме. Взаимодействие состоит в следующем. [] Верхней выборы доме - доме верхние выборы в избирательных округах, которые имеют более одного призывника проведение нескольких политики возникают проблемы с адаптацией к национальным Нет, не столько к черту - изменения в этой политике нет ...

    • Initial cost of their works belongs 1K [us] [Key money]: Arufarufamozaiku
      Room 774 s residents: 2008/11/06 (Thu) 09:21:09 ID: KOM8j + pA 1k bus 0 Unit 20 million key money deposit internal porosity Yet two months real estate s 7,774 residents Room: 2008/11 / 06 (Thu) 15:37:17 ID: ycARtrcC @ In the first month rent Okayama 25 cleaning fee brokerage Key money is a man s 8,774 inhabitants of Room: 2008/11/06 (Thu) 15:42:56 ID: l2z ...
      774室的居民:2008/11/06(星期四)九时二十一分09秒编号:KOM8j +功率放大器经销商总线0股20000000礼金存款内部孔隙率,但两个月房地产的7774居民房:2008/11 / 06(星期四)15时37分17秒编号:ycARtrcC @在第一个月租金冈山25清洁费经纪礼金是一个人的8774居民的房间:2008/11/06(星期四)15时42分56秒编号: l2z ...

    • [Write] assistant political slant of the National Assembly debate until the government too much vanity tea Oko (1 / 4 page) - MSN Sankei News
      Life, life .... I will protect the lives of everyone. Protect the life of the earth! Great. Really I think so. But You sound Are you Really understand the gravity of life? Oh, yeah! I m happy as a friend if you love everyone. The fraternity. This world is going to be happy everyone. Not just the world. I ll be happy space! Well .... Yeah sure. Then an American friend why Get out of How do you say What is it? So, it s outrageous, huge ...
      «La vie, la vie .... je saurai protéger la vie de chacun. Protéger la vie de la terre! Great. Vraiment, je pense que oui. Mais You sound Êtes-vous vraiment comprendre la gravité de la vie? Oh, yeah! Je suis heureux comme un ami si vous aimez tout le monde. La fraternité. Ce monde va être tout le monde heureux. Non seulement le monde. Space je vais être heureux! Et bien .... Ouais, bien sûr. Puis, un ami américain pourquoi sortir de Comment pouvez-vous dire ce que c est? Donc, c est scandaleux, énorme ...

    • 5嫌Ubeki a Libertarian government is not one reason - himaginary Diary
      Economic, social, political | that is, yesterday introduced reason.com of William D. Eggers u0026amp; John O Leary of 1 / 13 is the title of the article ( Five Reasons Why Libertarians Shouldn t Hate Government ). The subtitle Plus, Five Big Projects That Went Well and Five That ...
      Экономические, социальные, политические | то есть вчера представил reason.com из Уильям Д. Эггерс u0026amp; Джон О Лири 1 / 13, название статьи ( Пять причин либертарианцев Если не ненавижу правительство ). Подзаголовок Кроме того, пять крупных проектов, которые шло хорошо, и пять из них, ...

    • Very basic gap in understanding about the debt: Silent Voices細Ki
      To talk to ordinary people and to adhere strictly to fiscal consolidation, and there is a gap between yourself and something with them, I noticed that something原因Rashiki I thought it was a lot. Japan s government debt is 600 trillion yen strength is not there, they re like I believe that one day they will suddenly have to return one day off a lot. We look at the actual annual return of 100 trillion yen, the new 120 has said repeatedly that much rent trillion yen. He ...
      Pour parler aux gens ordinaires et à se conformer strictement à l assainissement budgétaire, et il existe un écart entre vous et quelque chose avec eux, j ai remarqué que quelque chose原因RASHIKI je croyais que c était beaucoup. Dette publique du Japon est de 600 trillion yen force n est pas là, ils sont comme je crois qu un jour ils seront soudain de revenir un jour de congé par lot. Nous regardons le taux de rendement annuel réel de 100 milliards de yens, la nouvelle 120 a dit à plusieurs reprises que le loyer beaucoup milliards de yens. He ...

    • Ozawa a full investigation of the political scene! If you continue to stay as long divided the Democratic Party - former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura JBpress (Japan Business Press)
      Conducted an exclusive interview JBpress former Finance Minister Masayoshi Takemura, over the Prime Minister and Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama Ichiro Ozawa, Democratic Party, money politics and heard about the problem. Ozawa said in the past for the establishment of the Hosokawa administration together, Mr. Takemura is better to quit cold turkey, and retire from politics recommendation was. Ozawa to stay as long if we continue, in the Democratic Party, anti-Ozawa, invited the rebel lawmakers have split the party and warnings issued. Out the Liberal Democratic Party, formed the New Party Sakigake in the case or ...

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