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    • Japan Post deposit limit, eliminated three years after final adjustments: Economic News: Finance: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      The government yesterday submitted to the Diet that postal reform bill in the Post Bank deposit limit (1,000 per 1 million) entered the final three years in the direction of elimination. Until removed, as a stopgap measure to limit to 3000 yen. If Japan Post Bank has expanded its business with the backing of the government s credibility, would likely increase pressure on the private sector, and to provoke a backlash from private financial institutions is inevitable situation. Haraguchi Affairs Minister Kamei and 12 talks in postal reform minister, has reached a broad agreement. During March ...
      Le gouvernement a présenté hier à la Diète que «le projet de loi de réforme postale dans la limite de dépôt Post Bank (1000 pour 1 million) est entrée des trois dernières années dans la direction de l élimination. Jusqu à l enlèvement, en tant que mesure d urgence visant à limiter à 3000 yens. Si Japan Post Bank a développé son activité avec l appui de la crédibilité du gouvernement, serait susceptible d augmenter la pression sur le secteur privé, et de provoquer une réaction des institutions financières privées est la situation inévitable. Haraguchi ministre des Affaires Kamei et 12 entretiens dans Ministre réforme postale, a conclu un accord large. Au cours de Mars ...

    • Beatles and Queen, EMI crisis management: Economic News: Finance: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      LONDON: British music giant Koreeda Satoshi] come out with an album of well-established many well known artists such as EMI Beatles and Queen are crisis management group to surface. 2009 to 400 million in assets and liabilities at the end of 800 pounds million (approximately ¥ 570 billion) had fallen into excessive debt that exceeds the auditing firm for business continuity, there are serious doubts, he said He seems to have. EMI, the European Investment Fund 07 years, was bought by Terra Firma, the financial crisis ...
      ЛОНДОН: Британский музыкального гиганта Корээда Сатоси] выйти с альбомом Налаженные многих известных художников, таких как EMI Битлз и Королева группа кризисного управления к поверхности. 2009 году до 400 млн. в активах и пассивах на конец 800 млн. фунтов (около ¥ 570 млрд) упала в чрезмерной задолженности, что превышает аудиторской фирмы для обеспечения непрерывности бизнес, есть серьезные сомнения, сказал он Он, кажется, есть. EMI, Европейский инвестиционный фонд 07 лет, была куплена Terra Firma, финансовый кризис ...

    • Agora: PIIGS countries and Japan for financial - Maeda Takuo
      Political economy of Japan s financial category for PIIGS countries - currently Maeda Takuo, and spread to the euro-zone countries of Greece s fiscal problems, PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain) problem, they become large enough to be considered Masu. Therefore, the euro against the yen has been falling against the dollar. IMM euro but Chicago has a large short position against the dollar. Maa, and currency trends is a small country in the Far East in the world ...
      Политическая экономия финансовых категорию Японии для стран PIIGS - в настоящее время Маэда Такуо, и распространиться на еврозону стран финансовыми проблемами в Греции , PIIGS (Португалия, Италия, Ирландия, Греция, Испания) проблема , они становятся достаточно большими, чтобы считаться Мас. Таким образом, евро по отношению к иене падает по отношению к доллару. IMM евро, но Чикаго больше коротких позиций по отношению к доллару. Maa, и курсовых тенденций является небольшой страной, на Дальнем Востоке в мире ...

    • Blog considering the Patriot: When the election is also helpful to be pedigree
      Ichiro Ozawa, who turned out to say Jeju Island. This is according to what Shimizu Kaoru Hatirou professor emeritus of Chiba University. Take a reference to the blog is easy to see because there Furinkazan. Professor Shimizu has concluded concludes. What politics has come to public office, as well as displays of assets, Masami, parents, indicating that it義務Dzukerubeki three teenagers from his grandfather, and so, Japan is unnecessary from the blood of those of Japanese ethnicity We can not put it in does not. ...
      一郎小泽,谁原来说济州岛。这是根据什么清水馨Hatirou千叶大学名誉教授。采取的博客提到很容易看到,因为Furinkazan。清水教授已经结束的结论。 “什么政治已经到了公职,以及资产,雅美,父母显示,表明它义务Dzukerubeki从他的祖父三名少年”等,日本是从日本民族的血液不必要我们不能把它放在没有。 ...

    • Japan Post deposit limits, eliminated three years after final adjustment (Yomiuri) - Yahoo! News
      The government yesterday submitted to the Diet that postal reform bill in the Post Bank deposit limit (1,000 per 1 million) entered the final three years in the direction of elimination. Until removed, as a stopgap measure to limit to 3000 yen. If Japan Post Bank has expanded its business with the backing of the government s credibility, would likely increase pressure on the private sector, and to provoke a backlash from private financial institutions is inevitable situation. Haraguchi Affairs Minister Kamei and 12 talks in postal reform minister, has reached a broad agreement. March ...
      El gobierno presentó ayer a la Dieta que la ley de reforma postal en el límite del depósito Post Bank (1.000 por 1 millón) entró en los últimos tres años en la dirección de la eliminación. , Hasta la retirada, como medida provisional para limitar a 3000 yenes. Si Japan Post Bank ha ampliado su negocio con el respaldo de la credibilidad del gobierno, es probable que aumente la presión sobre el sector privado, y para provocar una reacción violenta de las instituciones financieras privadas situación es inevitable. Haraguchi el ministro de Asuntos Kamei y 12 conversaciones en ministro de la reforma postal, ha alcanzado un amplio acuerdo. De marzo de ...

    • [VA] The supporters of the losing party or if any-JanJan News
      [VA] to lose any supporters of political parties in February 2010 or 09 when the prosecution仁VA Makoto Izumi is Sun持Chi込Menakatta to prosecute Mr. Ozawa also spent one year investigation, the majority of the people, said Ozawa dirty image of success in刷Ri込Mu. However, its success or whatever it was successful. For example, the upper house election will affect the success I guess. According to opinion polls, but the Cabinet s approval rating fell surely,相変Wa approval of the Democratic Party ...
      [ВА] терять сторонников политических партий, в феврале 2010 года или 09, когда обвинение仁В. Макото Изуми является ВС持Чи込Menakatta преследовать Г-н Одзава также провел один год расследование, большинство людей , сказал Одзава грязные Имидж успеха в刷Ри込Му. Однако ее успех или что оно было успешным. Например, в верхней выборов повлияют на дому успеха , я думаю. Согласно опросам общественного мнения, а рейтинг одобрения кабинета упал конечно,相変Ва одобрение от Демократической партии ...

    • Financial Diary
      Hello everyone. Fujisawa is Kazu. Now, in a series of financial crisis stemming from subprime problems, financial engineering is that the villain is something, in fact, that is to say in a loud voice here to say that the people that helped firmly . First, subprime loans and poor credit is not the American people, when the debt is to build a house that most Americans. From a loan, or receive money from financial institutions where the people ...

    • Blog considering the Patriots: Kazuhiro Kokubo was a Democratic
      Japanese Olympic Committee, Kazuhiro Kokubo against Vancouver Olympic snowboard halfpipe team, and there is turbulence in the apparel, the verbal warning through the head coach Hagiwara Humikazu Seiko Hashimoto. Kokubo was asked about this at a press conference Monday, the competition is not affected.ーSu until you reflect stretched to respond with words and endings. Director Hagiwara is lack of awareness of himself. m Sorry very sorry and apologized. (From Newsletter) of Japan and the howling of the above ...
      Comité Olympique Japonais, Kazuhiro Kokubo contre Vancouver équipe olympique de snowboard half-pipe, et il ya la turbulence dans l habillement, de l avertissement verbal par l entraîneur en chef Hagiwara Humikazu Seiko Hashimoto. Kokubo a été interrogé à ce sujet lors d une conférence de presse lundi, «la concurrence n est pas affectée.ーSu jusqu à ce que vous reflètent« étendu à répondre avec des mots et des fins. Directeur Hagiwara est «manque de conscience de lui-même. Suis désolé vraiment désolé» et présenté ses excuses. (De la newsletter), du Japon et les hurlements de ce qui précède ...

    • LDP lower house member Kimura: Long live the prime minister criticized u0026quot;This is like surrender,u0026quot; the government u0026quot;no official etiquetteu0026quot; - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Three cheers to have manners? The government has 12 cabinet meeting on Tuesday, three cheers for the movements and that there is no law that has been aware of the decision with a written answer. The memorandum on the question of the LDP lower house lawmaker Taro Kimura, the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama three cheers for the palm of your hand (the front) for, well伸Basazu straight arms, the gesture seemed to mean surrender the statement said responded to. Mr. Kimura Kamitsuita of last November s reign your 20 Emperor anniversary celebration, the Prime Minister Hatoyama ...
      Tres hurras para tener buenos modales? El gobierno tiene 12 reunión de gabinete del martes, tres hurras por los movimientos y que no hay ninguna ley que ha sido consciente de la decisión de una respuesta por escrito. El memorándum sobre el problema de la baja diputado del PLD, Taro casa de Kimura, el Primer Ministro Yukio Hatoyama tres hurras por la palma de tu mano (el frente) para, así伸armas Basazu recta, el gesto parecía significar la entrega dijo el comunicado respuesta. El Sr. Kimura Kamitsuita de noviembre pasado el reinado de su 20 aniversario emperador , el Primer Ministro Hatoyama ...

    • Deflationary monetary easing can not be overcome even if the economics of deflation required ─ ─ Now (1) | Read Yukio Noguchi, an unprecedented economic crisis | Online Diamonds
      The biggest problem currently facing the Japanese economy is deflation, an idea that has been generally believed. The government last November in the monthly economic report, The Japanese economy is in mild deflation, the sources said. Government, declared deflation in 2006, since June, three of those years and 5 months. Yukio Hatoyama, Prime Minister, this year s policy speech of January 29 in the Sun, to overcome deflation, together with the Bank of Japan, we will proceed to a more powerful and comprehensive economic policy ...
      “最大的问题,目前日本经济面临的是通货紧缩,”一个已普遍相信的想法。去年11月,政府在月度经济报告,“日本经济处于温和通缩,”该人士说。政府“宣布通货紧缩”,2006年6月以来,这些年3 5个月。由纪夫鸠山首相,今年1月29日在Sun的政策讲话“,克服通货紧缩,与日本央行一起,我们将开始一个更加强大和全面的经济政策...

    • Japanu0026#39;s economic health of the Galapagos - Suzuki Wataru blog Gakushuin University Professor (Economics of Social Security Reform) - Yahoo! Blog
      In general, one discipline is established, in order to achieve the development to expand the horizons is essential to say the presence of high-quality standard textbook. The field of health economics, as for the Faculty of Folland, Goodman, Stano and Phelps, as a graduate school for Zweifel, Breyer, Kifmann has repeatedly proven as the textbook version, easy beginner, health economics and the latest standard access to, their environment is ready to study ...
      En général, une discipline est constitué, afin d assurer le développement à élargir les horizons est indispensable de préciser la présence de manuels scolaires de qualité standard. Le domaine de l économie de la santé, comme pour la Faculté de Folland, Goodman, Stano et Phelps, comme une école de troisième cycle pour Zweifel, Breyer, Kifmann a maintes fois prouvé que la version des manuels scolaires, débutant facile, économie de la santé et le tout dernier standard l accès à leur environnement est prêt à étudier ...

    • People the line between fantasy and reality - delusions of Sunday best
      We humans are probably people in the relationship between correlation and causation, and given them some facts, and circumstances behind it were stories have a habit of hand to form a picture. After sticking to the story, or away and ignored or distorted understanding of the facts and reasons for bad stories, they look at the facts wrong. Is often exciting for the story clearly and then, but the reality is boring晦渋,受Ke止Menai as real deal as far as the practical reality is desirable.
      Nosotros, los humanos son probablemente las personas en la relación entre la correlación y causalidad, y les ha dado algunos hechos y circunstancias detrás de ella fueron las historias tienen la costumbre de mano para formar una imagen. Después de pegarse a la historia, o fuera de ella y se ignoran o comprensión distorsionada de los hechos y las razones de las malas, se miran los hechos equivocados. A menudo es interesante para la historia con claridad y, a continuación, pero la realidad es aburrida晦渋,受Ke止Menai como verdadero negocio en la medida en la realidad práctica es deseable.

    • 5嫌Ubeki a Libertarian government is not one reason - himaginary Diary
      Economic, social, political | that is, yesterday introduced reason.com of William D. Eggers u0026amp; John O Leary of 1 / 13 is the title of the article ( Five Reasons Why Libertarians Shouldn t Hate Government ). The subtitle Plus, Five Big Projects That Went Well and Five That ...
      Экономические, социальные, политические | то есть вчера представил reason.com из Уильям Д. Эггерс u0026amp; Джон О Лири 1 / 13, название статьи ( Пять причин либертарианцев Если не ненавижу правительство ). Подзаголовок Кроме того, пять крупных проектов, которые шло хорошо, и пять из них, ...

    • Mathematics徒然day we will be at FC2 | Friedman u0026amp; Schwartz 1929-1933 』to『 big contraction, u0026quot;Federal Reserveu0026quot; to u0026quot;banku0026quot; while reading it in two空目
      I pretended it did not work last time in front this time I would like to quote parts of interest to me. First, biting at the beginning. And pour the自戒,奉Jitai to some person somewhere, Marshall有Ri難Ki御大your words. Debate is clear from these experiences is to be interpreted rationally investigate the facts, the fact is that Toi not learn anything. This experience also tells us that the next addition. Theorist in all of the most thoughtful and lacking in sincerity, facts and data ...
      J ai fait semblant qu il n a pas fonctionné la dernière fois en avant, cette fois, je tiens à citer des passages de l intérêt pour moi. Premièrement, mordant au début. Et versez le自戒,奉Jitai à une personne quelque part, Marshall有Ri Ki难御大vos paroles. Débat ressort de ces expériences doit être interprété de façon rationnelle enquêter sur les faits, le fait est que Toi apprennent rien. Cette expérience nous dit aussi que l ajout suivant. Théoricien dans tous les plus réfléchis et manquant de sincérité, des faits et des données ...

    • Ozawa u0026quot;meltdown Liberal Democrat administration for nowu0026quot; - MSN Sankei News
      Ichiro Ozawa, secretary general of the Democratic Party 13, in a speech in Tokyo, The change of government, the Liberal Democratic Party itself or a meltdown, the situation had not become a body without a political party, adding, The immediate Besides we are not responsible for repeated political mistakes, while the Democratic administration, he said, you shut the expectations of the people s democracy that reason alone, that does not have to like心Gakenai or betrayed, says Ta. As for the security of the Far East has increased the instability ...
      Ichiro Ozawa, el secretario general del Partido Democrático 13, en un discurso en Tokio, El cambio de gobierno, el Partido Liberal Democrático en sí o un colapso, la situación no se había convertido en un cuerpo sin un partido político , y agregó, la inmediata Además no somos responsables de repetir los errores políticos, mientras que la administración demócrata , dijo, que cerró las expectativas de la democracia de la gente que la sola razón, que no tiene que gustar心Gakenai o traicionado , dice ta. En cuanto a la seguridad del Lejano Oriente ha aumentado la inestabilidad ...

    • Blog considering the Patriots: Itu0026#39;s the tool I Yeah. Whatu0026#39;s happening with it right?
      I saw this news story but a bit old. In the article encouraging e-mails also showed that crisscross the Deputy Secretary General Mr. Ozawa advocates Koshiishi hustle, , using multiple devices such as changing the name in the LDP advocates net, and so have many people otherwise condemned or to incite public opinion and that of the LDP and agents, showed that there was to distribute a copy of the e-mail of encouragement Ozawa submitted to his Web site. Saying that agents of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and that behind the scenes ...

    • u0026quot;My brother is innocent and not heard,u0026quot; said Hatoyama Kunio - MSN Sankei News
      Minister Hatoyama Kunio former floor of the Liberal Democratic Party on Tuesday, a press conference in Tokyo, Kunio 12 as what I heard from a former finance minister Kaoru Yosano said on the day the House of Representatives Budget Committee, to borrow the money to the mother was Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama For that he said My brother had to borrow the money (from mother) is not listening, he said. Mr. Kunio, the mother about what he said by phone two years ago, Big Brother is full of minions they are very expensive to have to say you care. Minions are not you? introduced ...
      Ministre Hatoyama Kunio étage anciens du Parti libéral-démocrate, le mardi, une conférence de presse à Tokyo, Kunio 12 comme ce que j ai entendu à partir d un ancien ministre des finances Kaoru Yosano a dit le jour de la Chambre des Représentants Comité du budget, pour emprunter l argent à la mère a été Premier ministre Yukio Hatoyama Pour cela, il dit: «Mon frère a dû emprunter de l argent (de la mère) est à l écoute pas», dit-il. M. Kunio, la mère de ce qu il a dit par téléphone il ya deux ans, «Big Brother est plein de mignons, ils sont très coûteux d avoir à dire vous vous souciez. Minions n es-tu pas? introduit ...

    • Dot-com topical: u0026quot;I know people go in,u0026quot; Prime Minister, the approval rating plummeted to Boyaki?
      I know people go in, Prime Minister, the approval rating plummeted to Boyaki? I know people go in, Prime Minister, the approval rating plummeted to Boyaki? Yukio Hatoyama was 12 at the prime minister was given an early Valentine s chocolate cake from a pair of women journalists in the prime minister s second prime minister. After this, from the reporters, This year, the most bitter feelings before the cake is sweet When asked, Are you going to do but hard to be yourself, to know when you go in public, painful How hard way ...
      Sé que la gente entra, el primer ministro, el índice de aprobación cayó a Boyaki? Sé que la gente entra, el primer ministro, el índice de aprobación cayó a Boyaki? Yukio Hatoyama fue de 12 en el primer ministro se le dio un pastel de chocolate de San Valentín principios de un par de mujeres periodistas en el primer ministro del primer ministro segundo. Después de esto, de los periodistas: Este año, los sentimientos más amargos antes de la torta es dulce cuando preguntó: ¿Qué vas a hacer, pero difícil de ser uno mismo, para saber cuando vas en público, dolorosa ¿Qué camino difícil ...

    • Three cheers: u0026quot;No movements of the officialu0026quot; written answer, the Cabinet decision - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Three cheers to have manners? The government has 12 cabinet meeting on Tuesday, three cheers for the movements and that there is no law that has been aware of the decision with a written answer. The memorandum on the question of the LDP lower house lawmaker Taro Kimura, the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama three cheers for the palm of your hand (the front) for, well伸Basazu straight arms, the gesture seemed to mean surrender the statement said responded to. Mr. Kimura Kamitsuita of last November s reign your 20 Emperor anniversary celebration in the neck Hatoyama ...
      Trois fois bravo pour avoir mœurs? Le gouvernement dispose de 12 réunion du cabinet le mardi, trois hourras pour les mouvements et qu il n y a pas de loi qui a été au courant de« la décision d une réponse écrite. Le mémorandum sur la question de la baisse député maison PLD Taro Kimura, le Premier ministre Yukio Hatoyama trois hourras pour la paume de votre main (le front) pour bien伸Basazu bras droits, le geste semble signifier remise», indique le communiqué répondu. M. Kimura Kamitsuita de Novembre dernier de «règne vos 20 Empereur anniversaire dans le cou Hatoyama ...

    • [2ch] New speed quality: Hiroshi Fujioka, u0026quot;something is wrong in this country. You Never like three years playing in the Great War Nante million people commit suicideu0026quot;
      Hiroshi Fujioka, greed and power in Japan think suicide Great War actor Hiroshi Fujioka 2010/2/12 15:44, the original Hirorashiku that many of the concerns of contemporary Japanese society suicide. Something is not right in this country. Fujioka, who committed suicide a year in Japanese society to question more than three million people. Now, even in wars around the world, so to speak I never like 3 million people die, and economic supremacy, greed, individualism, the spread of Japanese self-centrism, in the war .. .
      藤冈弘,贪婪和日本的电力认为自杀“伟大战争”演员藤冈弘2010/2/12 15点44,原Hirorashiku是当代日本社会自杀的许多关切。 “有些事情是不正确的在这个国家。”藤冈,谁犯在日本社会自杀问题的每年300多万人。 “现在,即使在世界各地的战争,可以说我从来没有像300万人死亡,”和经济霸权,贪婪,个人主义,日本自我传播中心主义,在战争中“.. 。

    • u0026quot;Silicon Valley is a crisis,u0026quot; local organizations report - Research and Statistics News: ITpro
      Silicon Valley is the stagnation of its vitality, are losing their competitiveness. This area is now in a crisis ---. Silicon Valley non-profit research reports such Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network and Silicon Valley Community Foundation the 2010 American Time was released on February 11. According to the report, the California state government s rapid economic growth and China and India ...
      “硅谷是其生命力的停滞,正在失去其竞争能力。这个地区正处于危机之中现在 ---.硅谷的非盈利的研究报告,例如合资企业:硅谷网络和硅谷社区基金会2010年发表的美国时间2月11日。据报道,加利福尼亚州政府经济的快速增长,中国和印度...

    • Prime Minister Hatoyama cry from just mutter! Government spending in the Obama administration u0026quot;bareu0026quot; Battle of the | those who destroy the business model | Online Diamonds
      Are beginning to talk about Twitter, the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama. However, ○ ○ ○ today had been lovely and just like the murmurs, President Obama, let alone five years in Internet use, it would take 10 years to 20 years behind. Look at the following site evidence. USA Spending (U.S. government spending) and the site with the names straight, but strangely, its contents cool. For example, under the right come out 2009 ...
      已经开始谈论Twitter的,首相鸠山由纪夫。然而,“○○○今天是”可爱,就像杂音,总统奥巴马,更遑论互联网的使用5年,将需要10年至20年落后。请看下面现场的证据。 “美国消费(美国政府支出)”,并与网站的名称直,但奇怪的是,其内容凉爽。例如,在右侧走出来“2009年...

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