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    • Koderanoburogu 4: ridiculous stories
      February 12, 2010 15:55 from a recent news story that makes no sense Sankei Life category, which listed a series of the reality of the Sea Shepherd, was an interesting read. Sankei quite seem to follow the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has now posted the other day and can interfere also declared that the bluefin tuna fishery, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society finally did not know what the hell you want. In the first place, they are opposed to whaling, whale or from the wise and in mammals, Resona ...
      2月12日,从最近的新闻报道是毫无意义产经新闻生活类,其中列举了海洋法牧羊人2010 15:55一系列现实,是一个有趣的阅读。产经新闻相当似乎遵循海洋守护协会已张贴有一天可能会干扰还宣布,蓝鳍金枪鱼渔业,海洋守护协会终于不知道到底你想要的。在首先进行,他们反对捕鲸,鲸鱼或以明智和哺乳动物,索纳...

    • u0026quot;An apology from the courtu0026quot; seeking菅家u0026#39;s description of the false charge: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)
      Sorry that the prosecution and irreversible -. 12 Utsunomiya District Court trial was held on October Ashikaga retrial of the case. Speak words of apology to the prosecutor not guilty after a closing argument, Mr. Toshikazu菅家(63) still looked fixedly at the prosecutor. After being arrested for murder 18 years and 2 months, the trial was concluded on day retrial.菅家 s wait is finally acquitted, false charges (defamation) and also to reveal the truth to people suffering from出Sanai again, he said. Apologize for the prosecution, either lawful ...
      Извините, что обвинение и необратимым -. 12 Уцуномия районном суде состоялся суд октября Асикага повторное судебное разбирательство по делу. Произносить слова с извинениями в адрес прокурора не виновны после закрытия аргументов, г-н Тосикадзу菅家(63) по-прежнему пристально посмотрел на прокурора. После ареста за убийство 18 лет и 2 месяца, судебный процесс был заключен на день судебного разбирательства.菅家 S ожидание наконец оправдали, ложным обвинениям (клевета), а также раскрыть правду людям, страдающим от出Санаи Опять же, сказал он. Приносим извинения за обвинение, либо законными ...

    • u0026quot;Passage Utakau0026quot; management hit a three speed cut abolished in July - 47NEWS (news and yon)
      Ferry Road and the two ferry companies Shikoku Takamatsu, 12, Takamatsu - Uno (Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture), Shikoku Transport Bureau filed a notice of abolition of the route. The discount rate and stagnant economy highway, to prospect for improving the business environment. March 26 date will be abolished. Same route, the Seto Ohashi Bridge was opened to traffic until 1988, was the main means of transportation between Honshu and Shikoku. According to the Shikoku District Transport Bureau, the actual transportation of the two routes is the average vehicle in the company rose 40 percent, but decreased 3 percent of passengers. Last December, two companies from 64 round trip ...
      码头道和两个小轮公司四国高松,12日,高松-宇野(玉野市,冈山县),四国运输局提出了一系列路线的取消通知。贴现率和停滞的经济高速公路,到前景改善营商环境。 3月26日期将被取消。同一航线的濑户大桥建成通车到1988年,是本州和四国之间的交通运输的主要手段。根据四国运输局,该两条航线实际的运输是该公司的平均车辆增长百分之四十,但下降百分之三的乘客。去年12月,两名来自64个来回的公司...

    • Person of leisure \ (^ o ^) / Preliminary: Japanese are u0026quot;hardworking,u0026quot; u0026quot;serious issue and a collective ² Ê Ôu0026quot; u0026quot;try hard to stand up to anything,u0026quot;取Ri柄era ends as well? - Livedoor Blog (blog)
      Japanese hardworking, serious issue and a group ² Ê Ô try hard to stand up to anything, 取Ri柄era ends as well? Japanese hardworking, serious issue and a group ² Ê Ô try hard to stand up to anything, 取Ri柄era ends as well? 1 Name: Mixer (Alabama) [] Added: 2010/02/11 (Thu) 23:44:15.70 ID: EImL6BYe BE :568328235-PLT (12000) award points Japanese are hardworking ...
      Japonais travailleur , question sérieuse et un groupe ² Ê« o »s efforcent de tenir tête à rien ,取Ri柄ère se termine ainsi? Japonais travailleur , question sérieuse et un groupe ² Ê« o »s efforcent de tenir tête à rien ,取Ri柄ère se termine ainsi? 1 Nom: Mixer (Alabama) [] Added: 2010/02/11 (jeu.) 23:44:15.70 ID: EImL6BYe BE :568328235-PLT (12000) attribuer des points Japonais sont travailleurs ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Next year a pair of pandas to Ueno Zoo, from China - Society
      Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara told a news conference 12 days, one pair of giant pandas from China to borrow a pair early next year, announced it would raise at Ueno Zoo. Breeding work well. The zoo has since the 2008 death of four ring-ring in January, the panda had been absent. According to the capital, after negotiations with the Chinese government borrowing costs, was $ 95 million (equivalent to 8500 million) has agreed in principle to pay to help fund the Wildlife Conservation Society China panda protection. Satoru Ishihara ...
      东京都知事石原慎太郎在记者会上说12天,一个来自中国的大熊猫借一对明年初宣布将筹集上野动物园。育种工作。该动物园自4环,在1月环2008年死亡的大熊猫已不存在。据首都后,我国政府的借贷成本的谈判,是$ 9500.0万(相当于85.0亿),已原则上同意支付资金,以帮助野生动物保护协会中国大熊猫的保护。悟石原...

    • Ueno Zoo Panda is back - MSN Sankei News
      Seen in Ueno Zoo again this endearing figure u003d January 20, 2010, published pandas at the zoo for the Shanghai World Expo in Shanghai (co) Ueno Zoo is Japan s first zoo (Taito-ku, Tokyo) highlights the The giant panda Lingling two years since the death in January was a four year absence in the zoo pandas had been since April to resume the breeding of pandas exhibit again yesterday showed. Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara said at a press briefing. The Tokyo zoo last spring and ...
      Visto en el Zoológico de Ueno de nuevo esta figura entrañable u003d Enero 20, 2010, publicado pandas en el zoológico de la Exposición Mundial de Shanghai en Shanghai (CO) Zoológico de Ueno es el primer zoológico de Japón (Taito-ku, Tokio) destaca la El panda gigante Lingling dos años desde la muerte en enero fue un período de cuatro años de ausencia en los pandas del zoológico había sido desde abril para reanudar la reproducción de pandas gigantes muestran de nuevo demostró ayer. El gobernador de Tokio Shintaro Ishihara, dijo en una conferencia de prensa. El zoológico de Tokio en la primavera pasada y ...

    • DV perpetrator, whether the judge should be arrested by the police? - Pierced with a giraffe on his head
      February 10 to Sun, the city of Ishinomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, three are men and women who bites, that incident a woman taken away. The 18-year-old male perpetrators. The man killed A former girlfriend s sister and a friend, A s abducted by a car. In the following reports and information to people coming. Mr. A from DV perpetrators and victims there, in February last year that there had also entered the shelter. In addition, A s sister said, and the violence of men favor the A s, which had been some talk恨Ma. Still more ...
      10 февраля ВС, город Ishinomaki, префектура Мияги, три мужчины и женщины, которые укусов, что инцидент женщину увезли. 18-летний мужчина виновных. Человек убил сестру бывшей подругой и другом, похитили в автомобиле. В следующих докладах и информации для людей, приезжающих. Г-н Д. В. из преступников и жертв там, в феврале прошлого года, что также вошла в приют. Кроме того, сестра сказала, и насилия в пользу мужчины, который был какой-то разговор恨Ма. Еще больше ...

    • Your sleep in the Emperoru0026#39;s reign allegations surfaced Matsuno Kan and 20 year anniversary - MSN Sankei News
      People celebrate the coronation celebrations for 20 years, will meet Emperor waving a lantern to the cheers of the visitors, the Empress u003d November 2009 on Thursday evening (Photo national) finance ministers and deputy prime minister and Naoto Kan Lai Matsuno H. Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary, was held last November sponsored by the government in January, Emperor, reigned for 20 years ceremony allegation that had been asleep in the middle of the government s Cabinet approved a written answer in 12 days exposure was. Taro Kimura said in the memorandum on the question of the Liberal Democratic Party (the ceremony) Deputy Prime Minister Vice-chairman of the Executive Committee Kan, the sky ...
      Les gens célèbrent la fête du couronnement de 20 ans, rencontrera l empereur agitant une lanterne à la grande joie des visiteurs, l impératrice u003d Novembre 2009 sur le jeudi soir (national Photo) ministres des Finances et vice-Premier ministre et Naoto Kan Lai Matsuno H. Le chef adjoint de cabinet, a eu lieu en Novembre parrainé par le gouvernement en Janvier, «Empereur régnait pour la cérémonie des 20 ans allégation qui avait été endormi au milieu du Cabinet du gouvernement a approuvé une réponse écrite dans les 12 jours d exposition a été. Taro Kimura dit dans le mémorandum sur la question du Parti libéral-démocrate (la cérémonie) Vice-Premier Ministre Vice-Président de la Kan Comité exécutif, le ciel ...

    • new employees in a recent blog ν quick time waster u0026quot;If you take an incoming call is good in everyone. The rookie is wrong to imposeu0026quot;
      1: give Satsuma (Osaka): 2010/02/12 (Fri) 22:25:32.65 ID: Qei70A0s? PLT (12056) award points ★ take the role of the new phone, does it? The new right? Depends I had the phone if it stays together. to impose a rookie s crazy, senior I need someone取Ranakya.取Reyo m about a half-baked call from the object of discussion or take the phone who I do not know anyone who has spent the and ...
      1: dar Satsuma (Osaka): 2010/02/12 (vie) 22:25:32.65 ID: Qei70A0s? PLT (12056) puntos de adjudicación ★ tomar el papel del teléfono nuevo, es verdad? El derecho de nuevo? Depende de Tuve el teléfono si permanece unida. imponer un novato es una locura, senior Necesito a alguien取Ranakya.取Reyo m sobre un medio cocer llamado de objeto de discusión o tomar el teléfono que yo no conozco a nadie que ha pasado la y ...

    • Billy is the brother of Fire posters videos smiling ! : Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the board, the poster of a fire that big brother video Billy smiling! Komagome pipette 1 (Aichi): 2010/02/12 (Fri) 18:20:11.41 ID: 69/hutx6 ● ? BRZ (10011) The unique educational benefits in the new signs point / branch Hukushima Minami杉妻City Fire Department has posted signs Fukushima unique杉妻Branch Fire Department fire prevention awareness Hukushima Minami (Director Shishido Kazuya) to 8, unique new sign ...
      ■ бывший редактор: последние новости с борта , плакат огня, большой брат Видео Билли улыбается! Komagome пипетка 1 (Айти): 2010/02/12 (ПТ) 18:20:11.41 ID: 69/hutx6 ● ? BRZ (10011) Уникальная образовательная выгоды в новой точке Знаки / Филиал Hukushima Минами杉妻Управления пожарной охраны города разместил признаков Фукусима уникальный杉妻отделение пожарной противопожарной осведомленности Hukushima Минами (директор Shishido Kazuya) до 8, уникальный новый знак ...

    • On Twitter u0026quot;economic development projects in the cityu0026quot; and expanded to the Kyushu region (1 / 2): J-CAST News
      Internet service called communications revolution comparable to the mobile phone and e-mail Twitter (Twitter) . Right now users in Japan are concentrated in the metropolitan area and tourist information in the local mall revitalization of PR there is a growing movement to utilize. Twitter is what you can change the region. Twitter + Radio + electronic billboards lord of the whole city in Fukuoka City PR shop information tweet on Twitter and found that a little ...
      De servicios de Internet llamada revolución de las comunicaciones comparables a las de telefonía móvil y de correo de correo electrónico Twitter (Twitter) . Ahora los usuarios de Japón se concentran en el área metropolitana y de información turística en la revitalización del centro comercial local de PR hay un movimiento creciente a utilizar. Twitter es lo que puede cambiar la región. Twitter + Radio + carteleras electrónicas señor de la ciudad toda la información en la ciudad de Fukuoka PR tienda pío en Twitter y encontró que un poco ...

    • Recent new recruits, u0026quot;If you take an incoming call is good in everyone. The rookie is wrong to imposeu0026quot;: Arufarufamozaiku
      ■ Former Editor: breaking news from the board of new employees recently, If you take an incoming call is good in everyone. The rookie is wrong to impose give one Satsuma (Osaka): 2010/02/12 (Fri) 22: 25:32.65 ID: Qei70A0s? PLT (12056) award points ★ take the role of the new phone, does it? the rookie right? If you take an incoming call is good in everyone. s push into the strange new senior Preparative someone ...
      ■ бывший редактор: последние новости с борта новых сотрудников последнее время , если вы принимаете входящий звонок хорошее в каждом человеке. Новобранец неверно навязывать дают одну Сацума (Осака): 2010/02/12 (Пт) 22: 25:32.65 ID: Qei70A0s? PLT (12056) начислять баллы ★ берет на себя роль нового телефона, делает это? новобранец права? Если Вы принимаете входящий звонок хорошее в каждом человеке. S отодвинуть на странное новых старших Препаративная кого-то ...

    • I have to revise our労基法light and - that are my Toriaezu
      Amendment労基法if two people just society must be aware of in April 2010 Labor Standards Law will be enforced from the date of the amendment. This will change the ways of big business ... We all know what that might be? (I did a while ago, but now a familiar face) of the change anything? What would change is as follows. Labor Standards Act (Act No. 94 of Showa 22) to amend some of the following. (Omitted) in the first paragraph of Article 73 no. ...
      Поправка労基法если два человека справедливого общества должны быть осведомлены о в апреле 2010 года трудовых норм Закона вступят в силу с даты внесения поправок. Это приведет к изменению способов большого бизнеса ... Мы все знаем, что бы это могло быть? (Я сделал какое-то время назад, но теперь знакомое лицо) Из-либо изменить? Что изменится, заключается в следующем. Labor Standards Act (Закон № 94 от Showa 22), чтобы изменить некоторые из следующих действий. (Опущено) в первом пункте статьи 73 нет . ...

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): u0026quot;Looking for love,u0026quot; the police are confused uproar in the police to search Twitter - Social
      Boyfriend missing men. Information Please -. Less than 140 characters tweet to send over the Internet Twitter last month in this search request for Touching the rush. The local police were issued from the police to search for a real family, rushed the phone day and night to make sure the truth from people who saw your tweet. Lovers is found safe, police officials are could be a denial of service and are confused by the uproar caused by new net service. 1 / 18 at noon ...
      男友失踪男子。信息请-.少于140个字符“鸣叫”,以通过Internet发送“Twitter的”上月在这个“摸急于”搜索请求。当地警方发出警方为寻找一个真正的家庭,送往电话日夜,以确保从人们谁看你的鸣叫真相。 “恋人”被发现的安全,警方官员是“可能是拒绝服务”,是由新的网络服务所引起的轩然大波混淆。 “1月18日中午...

    • Undermine [Japanese] from the field of education u0026quot;language-chan 2u0026quot;
      Die to 氏Nu More and more children and writing -. Such reports, this month drew nationwide attention in education meeting held on. Death to he expressed in the slang of the Internet (u003d word epidemic). We re starting a major influence on children s language ability is the Internet slang educators often express a sense of crisis is. 3, the reported net slang for national education meeting held in Akasaka, Tokyo, high school language teacher teaching Ookawara Mikihito Shimane jellyfish (...
      Morir a 氏Nu Cada vez más niños y la escritura -. Estos informes, este mes llamó la atención nacional en la reunión celebrada en la educación. La muerte a él , expresó en la jerga de Internet (u003d epidemia de palabra). Estamos comenzando una gran influencia sobre la capacidad de los niños el lenguaje es la jerga de Internet los educadores a menudo expresan una sensación de crisis. 3, informó el argot red nacional de educación para la reunión, celebrada en Akasaka, Tokio, de alta escuela profesor de enseñanza Ookawara Mikihito medusas Shimane (...

    • Internet Life Life Released Since opening the first new products | Life insurance net
      The Dear Life Insurance Net Life Insurance Co., disability insurance for individuals will be the first full-fledged (Disabiriti) insurance to workers, the two Net Life Insurance Co. will launch in late Mon (URL: http : / / www.lifenet-seimei.co.jp/ Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Akira Osamu Deguchi, the Life Net Life ) on February 10, Thank you for the approval of new products from the FSA Mashita. 5 this month in 2008 ...
      亲爱的寿险净人寿保险有限公司,伤残保险的个人将是第一个全面的(Disabiriti)“保险的工人,”两网人寿保险公司将在周一晚发布(网址:http :/ / www.lifenet-seimei.co.jp/总部:千代田区,东京都,社长:彰修Deguchi,在“生命网人寿”)于2月10日,谢谢了新产品,金融服务管理局批准你た。 5本月初在2008年...

    • asahi.com: Well, u0026quot;Nagano Prefectureu0026quot; Itoigawa! ? - Niigata My Town
      ■ from the tail of Niigata Prefecture in the high hurdles smolder transfer theory, in Nagano, Japan as a souvenir of the sea 婿入Ri who should be treasured -. Among Assembly members and managers and is part of Itoigawa City, he moved to the theory are ongoing in Nagano Prefecture. Hurdle to the practical move but it is not high, and the opening and look ahead to the future situation of the city and the Hokuriku Shinkansen, will talk about wonder, it s not the idea. (Endou Yuuzi) ◇ has started to move when the regional system, and Itoigawa, Niigata Prefecture.
      从新泻县在高尾■闷烧障碍,在长野,日本转移理论,作为“海上婿入日纪念”谁应该珍惜-.在大会成员和管理人员,是鱼川市的一部分,他提出这一理论在长野县进行中。跨栏的实际行动,但不高,以及开放和展望城市未来局势和北陆新干线,将谈论怀疑,这不是想法。 (Endou Yuuzi)◇“开始移动时,区域系统,和鱼川,新泻县。

    • asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): a new generation of grazing Namahage sideline,脅Sazu muss - Society
      Acanthurus Amano determine whether they have a winter vacation homework. Meet the needs of parents started the tradition this year u003d Oga, Akita Prefecture, has been designated a National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property in North China City, Akita Prefecture, Namahage are on shaky. Put a face of a man, Yeah, big crying child is (or not) - and go after a wild child, but the flavor is to, changes in the community in recent years, work in silence grazing system new generation came to prominence. Namahage like Acanthurus Amano , the children ...
      Acanthurus Amano déterminer si elles ont un devoir de vacances d hiver. Répondre aux besoins des parents ont commencé à la tradition cette année u003d Oga, Akita Prefecture, a été désigné immatériel national importants Folk biens culturels en Chine du Nord de la ville, la préfecture d Akita, Namahage sont disponibles à la tremblante. Mettez un visage d un homme, Ouais, grand enfant qui pleure est (ou pas) - et aller après une enfant sauvage, mais la saveur est, les changements dans la communauté ces dernières années, le travail en silence système de pâturage nouvelle génération ont connu la notoriété. Namahage comme Acanthurus Amano , les enfants ...

    • Watch a tape. Cassette watch moves
      You re moving image you seen the tape also says other sites? . Did you mean the world s first page here? . (May be just such a stupid guy no one else) will upload some images Dzutsukono corner. (The smaller the image is too noisy limit for the server. Be easy to see and use the expanded capabilities of the browser!) SONY EXIST SONY UX SONY CDix Ⅰ SONY Compact Cas ...
      Vous déménagez à l image que vous vu la cassette dit également d autres sites? . Did you mean première page, le monde est là? . (Mai être juste un gars stupide personne d autre un) mettra en ligne quelques images Dzutsukono coin. (Plus l image est limite trop bruyant pour le serveur. Être facile à voir et utiliser les capacités étendues du navigateur!) EXISTENT SONY SONY SONY UX CDIX Ⅰ Sony Compact Cas ...

    • Education in a unique new signs / Branch Fire Department杉妻Hukushima Minami (Topics People Friends Fukushima)
      Awareness in a unique new signs / branch Hukushima Minami杉妻City Fire Department has posted signs Fukushima unique Shishido, director of fire prevention awareness and fire signs unique branch杉妻Hukushima Minami (Director, Shishido Kazuya) to 8, unique The new sign is introduced, I attracted the attention of the region. New signs were posted on the wall of the same branch, the city s Hirata Satoru Koori (25) says that production over 10 days. 2008 has been donated from the same branch was a sign, the second time in four. Dale ...
      Осведомленность в уникальном новых знаков / филиала Hukushima Минами杉妻Управления пожарной охраны города разместил признаков Фукусима уникальный Shishido, директором пожар осведомленности предупреждения и тушения признакам уникальный杉филиала妻Hukushima Минами (директор Shishido Kazuya) до 8, уникальные Вводится новый знак, я привлек внимание в регионе. Новые знаки были вывешены на стенах одной и той же отрасли, Хирата города Сатору Koori (25) говорится, что производство более 10 дней. 2008 год был дар от того же филиала был знак, во второй раз в четыре года. Дейл ...

    • News painful (É ∀ `): [whaling] Sea Shepherd ship rocket attack injured three sailors Japan ...
      [Whaling] Sea Shepherd ship rocket attack injured three sailors Japan ... one name: permanent marker (West): 2010/02/12 (Fri) 10:50:10.25 ID: k2rdT5IB? PLT Japanese fleet in Antarctic waters The anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd, whaling continues to interfere with the evening of 11 from 12 early Saturday morning (Japan time) through and fire a rocket at whaling boat, made a fresh attack. Patrol ship Minami Akira second round of the three crew were on deck ...
      [La caza de ballenas] Sea Shepherd cohete buque ataque hirió a tres marineros Japón ... un nombre: marcador permanente (Oeste): 2010/02/12 (vie) 10:50:10.25 ID: k2rdT5IB? PLT flota japonesa en aguas antárticas La lucha contra la caza de ballenas grupo del Mar Pastor, la caza de ballenas continúa interfiriendo con la noche del 11 del 12 sábado por la mañana (hora de Japón) a través de y disparar un cohete contra la caza de ballenas en barco, hizo un nuevo ataque. Buque patrullero Minami Akira segunda ronda de la tripulación de los tres estaban en la cubierta ...

    • Prime Minister Hatoyama u0026quot;Ke Bukkake tea, and that was at times easier for the opposition ...u0026quot;: Preliminary hamster
      Prime Minister Hatoyama Ke Bukkake tea, and that was at times easier for the opposition ... Politics Category 1: ink pad (West): 2010/02/11 (Thu) 12:35:56.61 ID: 8M/iQnRD? PLT (12001) Award points She was easier to get in before, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama 11 days 63-year-old birthday on Wednesday night, Prime Minister s office staff in anticipation of your success were open, pour out one s distress after the change of government there is a scene. Own case disguised donations.

    • Put to the needy and depressed? Prospective flood recession u0026quot;scholarshipu0026quot; newspaper reality of | Friendship cry in the heart of social inequality | Online Diamonds
      Speaking of old newspaper delivery, the ultimate gadget ten part-time job system. Now, however, that are popular in this work. Instead of taking over a newspaper to get to college, live-work scholarship newspaper, and it has been inundated with people wishing. Speaking of labor hours and never easier job is not major. But most newspapers in Scholarship Foundation, 2010 as it s popularity has already filled the frame of the fiscal year recruiting. Newspapers scholarship committee representative said, this has decreased dealer jobs ...
      Hablando de la entrega de periódicos viejos, el último gadget diez parcial de sistema de empleo de tiempo. Ahora, sin embargo, que son populares en este trabajo. En lugar de tomar más de un diario para llegar a la universidad, en vivo el trabajo de becas de periódico, y se ha inundado con las personas que deseen. Hablando de las horas de trabajo y de empleo nunca es fácil no importante. Pero la mayoría de los periódicos de la Fundación de Becas de 2010 como su popularidad ya ha llenado el marco de la contratación del año fiscal. Prensa representante del comité de becas, dijo, esto ha disminuido el empleo distribuidor ...

    • The repatriation Africa
      気Gatsuitara, hot in Africa. 1:00, his stay in Africa as a body, so they can not through Dounimo discourse, a little thought here. Severe problem in Africa is very complex. Mandarake that Japanese people do not know particularly well. International cooperation in relation to the three was still not clear to the end of his life in the area for about a year, and often still do not understand. I do not know about you but I think it s better to keep one s mouth, still lived in the land ...
      気Gatsuitara, chaud en Afrique. 1:00, son séjour en Afrique en tant que corps, de sorte qu ils ne peuvent pas par le discours Dounimo, un peu de réflexion ici. Grave problème en Afrique est très complexe. Mandarake que les japonais ne savent pas très bien. La coopération internationale dans le cadre des trois n est toujours pas clair à la fin de sa vie dans la région depuis un an environ, et souvent ne comprennent toujours pas. Je ne sais pas pour vous mais je pense que c est mieux de garder la bouche, vivait encore dans la terre ...

    • Of the conference: that the Ainu u003d young child suffering from Nakagawa gauze arrows - Daily jp (Mainichi)
      Year after being appointed in Hokkaido. To the Ainu, the indigenous peoples throughout the interview, the first witness after they have been discriminated against. In January, the government Council for the Promotion of Ainu policy (Hirofumi Hirano, Chief Cabinet Secretary Chair) was formed, the environment surrounding the Ainu are entering a historic turning point. Taking this opportunity, I want to think again about the discrimination against the Ainu. Seriousness of the discrimination against the Ainu, the experience myself. Ainu men from the Ainu of Japan are similar to the bottom layer, without having to raise together.
      Год после своего назначения на Хоккайдо. Для айнов, коренных народов во время интервью первого свидетеля после того как они подверглись дискриминации. В январе правительство совета по содействию политике айнов (Хирофуми Хирано, главный секретарь кабинета министров председатель) был сформирован окружающей айнов вступаем исторический поворотный момент. Пользуясь случаем, хочу вновь подумать о дискриминации в отношении айнов. Серьезность дискриминации в отношении айнов, опыт себя. Айну мужчин из айнов Японии похожи на нижнем слое, без повышения вместе.

    • Japan attacked the crew with a rocket ship Sea Shepherd footage of three people with mild tension (1 / 2 pages) - MSN Sankei News
      The anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd continues to interfere with Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctic waters for the evening of 11 from 12 early Saturday morning (Japan time) through and fire a rocket at whaling boat, made a fresh attack. Patrol ship Minami Akira second round of the three crew were on deck the spray of bullets people butyrate (spray), bathed, and were treated on board. Have symptoms such as swelling of the face. Sea Shepherd Steve Irwin issue of the mother ship (vessel Netherlands) introduced this new campaign and ...
      Les anti-chasse du groupe Sea Shepherd continue d interférer avec la flotte baleinière japonaise dans les eaux de l Antarctique pour la soirée du 11 à partir de 12 tôt samedi matin (heure du Japon) par une fusée et le feu au bateau de pêche à la baleine, a fait une nouvelle attaque. Navire de patrouille Minami Akira second tour» de l équipage, trois étaient sur le pont du spray de personnes balles butyrate (spray), baigné, et ont été traitées à bord. Présentent des symptômes tels que gonflement du visage. Sea Shepherd Steve Irwin, de délivrer le navire-mère (navire Pays-Bas) a présenté cette nouvelle campagne et ...

    • Katsuma unable to live in, even Sugarenai Kayama: Nikkei Business Online
      And has been back and forth between Tokyo and Osaka to experience the city and the region. I like that in Osaka city from fine, you feel that the gap between Tokyo and visits would be more Ikabakari region. Every one, instead of coming out to Tokyo,見直Sou more local is a slogan that many years ago. Agree if they want to revitalize the region, and myself, who has worked in Osaka. But office began worrying some good local city recently. Region are still alive. It ...
      Et a été-et-vient entre Tokyo et Osaka à l expérience de la ville et la région. J aime bien que, dans la ville d Osaka d amende, vous sentez que l écart entre Tokyo et les visites seraient plus Ikabakari région. Tout le monde, au lieu de sortir à Tokyo,见直Sou plus locale» est un slogan qui, il ya de nombreuses années. D accord si elles veulent revitaliser la région, et moi-même, qui a travaillé à Osaka. Mais le bureau a commencé préoccupe certains urbains locaux bon récemment. Région sont encore en vie. It ...

    • Has never been published until now, u0026quot;9.11u0026quot; shocking pictures captured the moment in the collapse of the building - GIGAZINE
      September 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S. 11 incident happened a day known as 9.11 There are photos and video a lot so far, and too shocking pictures have not been published yet, the public will Photography is one of those shocking pictures Ta. More from below. New World Trade Center 9 / 11 aerial images from ABC News | Mail Online these photos ...

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