- Medical examination result, a liberal translation
http://masago-wex.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/02/post-0d44.html “There were 1 year old 6 month medical examinations of yesterday city, the body measured “Había 1 año los exámenes médicos de 6 meses de la ciudad del ayer, el cuerpo medido
- �� anime �� ge^mu �ۣ� gatsu �� nichi ( gatsu ) ���� gatsu ���� nichi ( tsuchi ) zakki
http://haiiro-no-nousaibou.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/05/post-312c.html The way of “[kachiya]” empress in full opening and body measurement doubtful sect “. . The iron fist… well to the research”. Fist sanction!!, a liberal translation La manera “[kachiya]” de emperatriz en la abertura completa y la secta dudosa de la medida del cuerpo “. El Iron Fist… bien a la investigación”. ¡Sanción del puño!!
- weblog title
http://mamanowa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/04/post-4e35.html “The note which is less crowded and is less crowded” will be made, record of growth will be acquired taking body measurement and the photograph “La nota que se aprieta menos y se aprieta menos” será hecha, expediente del crecimiento será adquirida tomando la medida del cuerpo y la fotografía
Body measurement, Health, Education,