- It was fall -
http://damien.jugem.jp/?eid=842 To 4 years old it was about 1 months after Zu 4 Jahren alt war es ungefähr 1 Monate nachher
- 瑞 6 year old 9 months, oh body measurement of 2 year old 6 months, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/narukeya/63789715.html 瑞 6 years old entered 9 months on the 6th, a liberal translation 瑞 6 Jahre altes eingegeben 9 Monate auf dem 6.
- It is not②[gu] seeing* Body measurement*, a liberal translation
http://meisei-y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-76b8.html April, May and while it wears the clothes they are the children who do body measurement, but this time dispersing clothing for the first time, it did body measurement April, Mai und während es die Kleidung trägt, die sie die Kinder sind, die Körpermaß tun, aber dieses zerstreuenzum ersten mal kleiden des mal, es taten Körpermaß
- In 4 year old 5 months ♪, a liberal translation
http://kou3056.blog87.fc2.com/blog-entry-599.html It was May 18th (Wednesday) 4 year old 5 months 18. Mai (das Wasser) war es 4 Einjahres 5 Monate
Body measurement, Health, Education,