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    Sport related words Depression Coaching Psychological testing

    • Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • http://azt.air-nifty.com/tyoka/2012/04/post-9f9e.html

    • Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
      To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.

    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ponyasu007/e/6396763f7bda5096b76f597cc3ca2104
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
      Para obtener mas informacion, pregunte a los bloggers a enlazar.

    • http://ameblo.jp/hijikata/entry-11277077048.html

    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • , a liberal translation
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • http://blog.livedoor.jp/fwii8137/archives/51794832.html
      Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.

    • http://blog.livedoor.jp/katchan29/archives/51885608.html
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Inspection of first duty person, a liberal translation
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • [shiyarizu] [seron] (Charlize Theron)
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • [bu] and coming April 13th (Friday) that 1

    • [bu] and coming April 15th (Sunday) that 1, a liberal translation
      Sujets de fournir rapidement les dernieres japonais.

    • “Here Now “and “I feel Message”
      Nihongo , for multilingual communication

    • I'm here
      Encounter camp at today end -! It can return at last! After lunch eating, but starting what… (-. -;)As for Shiina it is in the place of such feeling

    • The closing being packed type self expression worksheet - with the classroom in the hygienic room you can use directly in the consultation room!
      The closing being packed type self expression worksheet - with the classroom in the hygienic room you can use directly in the consultation room!

    • Thinking concerning reply

    • Homecoming invitation
      It is dense, it is, is as for the [wa] night sleeping gently, when it increased you become aware, the mail ......Homecoming bosom it forces and this echoes and our class is the homecoming various reason bean jam which is thought that it is impossible, but don't you think? the largest reason [tsu] lever Toda where the manager is in Hokkaido well that to set aside, the approach met from the [do] [tsu], however it is the kana which is not, after the [o] graduating generally, it met rather in two years, from west Mr. unreasonable Mr. next President Mr. smoker mistake encounter mistake???? It is Mr. Date Mr. demon human mistake, it is about the people 2 person who is difficult to acquire [ji] [ri] Mr. preservation will Mr. troop teacher nickname approximately meeting with 3/1, it is [ru] what, you bit with is narrow town where the thing summer vacation which?…The local riot squad shelf it perseveres perhaps in connection with Koshien

    • Last ballad
      It purchased, of Nakamura 克 [sankuchiyuari] publication appraisal bb service encounter teaching aid to as itself but…

    • Picture book coating [tsu] [te]?
      Picture book coating, the book-reading game ([animashion]) with the skill which fuses coating as for the picture book coating which is the program of the new viewpoint where “the book-reading communication game” the program of the picture book coating which is, the communication study which begins coating, psychology, cerebral physiology, conformed to the theory with respect to the study such as nlp and constitute group encounter, reading the picture book and the picture book which raise the power 'human power which survives in today's society' tells good quality has become the tool which can be utilized in one step operation and every day, in field of education welfare medical talent education community, Osaka where participation is expected widely 4/19 (Day) 14: 00~17: 00 (it ended) Hiroshima 4/24 (the gold) 18: 30~21: 30 (it ended) Fukuoka 4/25 (the Saturday) 10: 00~13: 00 (it ended) Hita 4/25 (the Saturday) 16: 30~21: 30 (it ended) considerably 4/26 (day) 10: 00~12: 00 (child object it ended) considerably 4/26 (day) 14: 00~17: 00 (it ended) Morioka 5/16 (the Saturday) 13: 30~16: 30 Sendai 5/17 (day) 10: 30~13: 30 Nagoya 5/30 (Saturday) 13: 30~16: 30 Nagoya 5/30 (Saturday) 18: 00~21: 00 Picture book coating executive office info@ehon-c.com

    • The diary of mugisan
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , Japanese talking

    • [mamikurabu] 2nd time. Today was Mr. Tamura.
      June 24th (the wood) the occasionally rear (it is busy weather, (the ^^;)) This time when today the previous physical condition where [mamikurabu] time is 2nd also the friend who does not come being defective and the like coming, was delightful and is, we inviting Osamu one Mr. the Tamura of this school professor, “parenting and advancement of the child” story… with the theme,Was…As for this day such one ~ it is and they are not contents, “the mother and the father” everyone and others, play pleasantly and, the kind of game which can assure communication in feeling (group encounter) without exchanging the word which is done, participant everyone tries lining up to birthday order, the “birthday line” and “die talking” etc.…While enjoying, after a little also exchange of the people starts becoming soft in the house which is tension feeling, ending, there is a word, park kind of debut where conversation has bounced, but this time again is, but “[mamikudebiyu] “with respect to feeling? While “you play”, it could have the time the people of the house will be relieved if it is delightful, although is leaving with the person of the house a little, the child played which vigor the fullest capacity! The clay and you played with the drawing coming and block, “the boiled rice it was possible (in the cow of the puppet doll)! If” “the salt you do not apply! ” Etc.…As furthermore feeling becomes loose from the one time eye, don't you think? as for the next time which was delightful and is July and you probably will all the way play the ~

    • The [ji] [yo] it is, the [ho] -*
      Now the forest sun and Hirakawa's joy full moral education summary [chi] [yu] [u] (the ~_~;)Clarification encounter system roll playing introspective method of moral dilemma structuration system value the many [wa] - (the ´д `) handle education consultation does most dangerously and the w [ma] [ji] drops is to do when you drop, license it is to take to do, the [a] - this way and all-night kana…However zzz which would like to sleep (3 hours you took a nap laughing)

    • Someone?
      Это мнение , for multilingual communication

    • My pace…
      Essa opiniao , linked pages are Japanese

    • As for whiskey of year opening
      New year opening, because the whiskey which first was drunk is not the case that every day when it is [gurenhuidetsuku] you drink after all so in large quantities, and the whiskey which was drunk in these one weeks or less [gurenhuideitsuku] 5 cups, and the balun tine as a quantity of beginning the year you call 1 containers with the lock the place with the lock is gentler one or, [gurenhuideitsuku], it changes as usual obtaining does not do, but after all the tasty single malt it puts out [gurenhuidetsuku], you feel at rest with anytime and in that sense that it is Scotch which can be drunk, also this year there is no regret separately in this year first drinking [gurenhuideitsuku] 1 years may,With including the thinking which is said, the next balun tine perhaps was odds and ends of encounter lodging together of counseling of end of year, that you thought it was the selection of best, whether already a little it is, but when the [gu] and others it does it tried inserting, only 1 cups it was, recently when drinking [burendetsudo], [teichiyazu] is many, but it is the whiskey where of course, also the balun tine is tasty, also, that it is tasty to tell the truth, have no other choice but to 1 cups the whiskey parties and the like having tried probably to be few with lodging together whose ratio of the woman who is proof is high, when you brought [kateisaku], it was less crowded almost in one evening, stocked the balun tine urgently, but it is tastyRuining, [shitsukari] the name which is called to the return which is drunk the balun tine it is the extent which the one which memo it keeps doing is even then as for the well, tasty whiskey being appraised delightful this year to be pleasant we would like to keep associating with the whiskey,

    • DDO: Rare encounter
      Well also the fact that it has fallen there being a client, it is to turn [korusosu] field and QUEST with solo, but the rare encounter of [korusosu] encounter it does at all so far, if you inspect, because as for pop position you understand simply, because the ginger, it is this width, it is to turn with the kana which among those it can encounter, freely and easily, but it cannot encounter either 1 bodies, with, it is his own luck? The client who is surprise stabilizing, because it seems that is moving, entering into grp gradually, honestly passing through ww, perhaps, without being able to meet to rare encounter, [korusosu] graduation well, so is this way in addition the field per ww and [seshiriansutetsupu], as being confused but…

    • Katmandu - experiencing different culture in the London track/truck travelling
      impressions , original meaning

    • You would like to settle your own problem even a little mainly
      Self analysis accompanying []; ; (-. -; ) It is topic of the report, “oneself analyzes on the basis of the theory which was done with class” the [tsu] [te] suitable you face by your the painful writing brush does not advance easily because and it means to keep taking apart also the negative part, may spit the news item which becomes sees and the handle is not -; Dream you saw and the [re] were not and, you did not draw either the picture and, doing also the collage or, the material where either the miniature garden is not done the existence, present existence and the body which keep searching dying by your, - sloppy w it ends trance personal, logical medical therapy and gestalt medical therapy, whether it is? Among w such, today (11 days) from to 14 days, it is the encounter group which Mr. Mikio Hosei Shimizu who goes to the encounter group has sponsored, because until now only the [do] [nu] - doing it was, however insecurity is huge, it keeps combining also knight-errantry!

    • * When the event report * “the air says is attached well! Law” Wakabayashi Hiroshi line publication commemoration seminar of heart
      kanji character , linked pages are Japanese

    • Today although the board game was done, the [ya].
      Today although it went the [ya] it was pleasant in off-line meeting of the circle of the board game, the [gemukuizu] [hekisagon] error answer which [ya] today was done whether the game which reproduces [hekisagon] of the former times when the reply person who is done is searched is the [ya] [do] it is you think of the [ya] becoming dim, the key is the [ya] it is it is it solves, when - the game which gathers [ya] card game made in [re] [dominionraiku] you write, it is suspicious, however it is full opening, because [dominion] is turned to the origin, very the strategy [gu] [ri] [gu] [ri] and in the difficult game sea urchin being too difficult is the [ya] “is solves, - the [re] ~ enlargement of building start ♪~” the additional pack,Although seems with the [ru], although the [ya] [so] is also the [ya] place even [dominion] the game where [kiyara] of [ya] [a] puppet wind east game east comes coming out all the way was however the [ya] to be excessively in knowledge and others, enjoyed [ya] east, rule of the [ya] puppet you have forgotten to do, however… the game setting which remedies the animal which falls ill [saikopetsuto] mind is terrible, although the [ya] be in the [ma] which very solves the [ya] [do] in the strategy and, win the [ya] to be [ya] cat amount delicate [kozumitsuku] encounter type of extraterrestrial who can be chosen 50 type American cod, completely - designates unreasonable as about the [tsu] [te] the [ya] furthermore, the gameSelection the [ya] you can use also the ability of the extraterrestrial who is applied in and, although also the special card, even in addition artifact there is about a mountain the [ya] consume entirely in the [ya] bean jam the [ya] to be, the American deteriorated and forgot keeping stacking even the tough [ya] [a] ice-cream ice steadily, exceeding the limit, in order to go, as for the game ice which can make of the mutability of world think after the hand [zu] biting prohibiting and, today remembering 'the game before doing, shuffles the card properly!!' Even the [ya] without fail the [ya

    • [deizuni] [isutawandarando] 1
      Spring day off last yesterday, Saturday which does to tdl compared to being less crowded, we would like to hurt, however is, being packed after all with anytime, now from the shank - April, the Easter event starts, is lovely even outside the hotel egg… this time, although weather was good, don't you think? Almost the cloud, it is not necessary to be cold 1 days, the middle while it wore it could not disperse the protection against the cold clothes which are and, the [tsu] [te] thinking were stacked in the car, to end it is as for labor assistant cold of the extent which wants [hokaron]! Well, don't you think? it goes in, tdl after approximately half year, when coming, don't you think? display cute this time, first pass of the buzz taking, directly in making, the better callous being densely facing toward [kozumitsuku] encounter, the head, the chart and the reverse side, choosing the part which by yourself like, it makes assemble average it is coming out, yesterday 1st being patient here, being original the fact that it has lined up here is, being able to make the character egg charm is popularity, it is with as for shank completion this [hu] [hu] [hu]… [puruto] saying, the popularity person [mikimini] staying the [tsu] it continues

    • Nature of Mind/Encounter CD sale!
      February 17th, the moat where cd where the moat & Hamazaki quartet changing encounter are new becomes sale 秀 Akira (piano), Hamazaki crossing the ocean (sax), to go to tour in the various place which is the album of the 渾 body which with 4 people of Yutaka the Hirose Jun next (drums) and Takase (bass) records in the October tour opening, to do Sawayama performance, hearing in propriety everyone who is one of the result of eating and drinking together because the death which we would like to receive always it carries basically, don't you think? voice please apply with anytime, we ask may!

    • It failed finally!
      日本語 , Feel free to link

    • Poor chat proudly
      29 days which have been surprised (the wood) my seminar application is continued here several days, say say such a thing you have been surprised, it is it is not, it is you have been surprised to something which is? It is the seminar which is done with Tokyo Machida in this, the application which from Gifu prefecture, and Mie prefecture has come, it is, “, it is still in time?”The body became hot, because you were impressed, it is thorough removes the stress of conversation of the workplace where the new extremely mind where the satisfactory human relations where the day which is may enter shout, more and more, is are built can be acquired * 2nd Tokyo communication seminar * The teacher industry (the coating [serapisuto] lecturer counselor) * the business man (business hearing proposition type sales) * the starting a business house (the one where you would like to acquire self-confidence by your the communication in connections constructing) * with poor conversation as proud * The connections technique & construction skill builds the further reliance relationship with the customer of the human relations which inside the company stabilizes * you knowing by your deeply from communication, you acquire self-confidence, * the primary factor which obstructs human relations thoroughness removal * Story of acquisition & the partner of the tilt hearing acuity which few words hears conversation and takes and the method which understands feeling deeply & the how to choose the word which can point to the person more feeling well * new self understanding with communication - Lecture: It is necessary for communication and it is three which passes- Practice practice①: 'Sympathetic understanding (conversation) case practice'- Practice practice②: 'Encounter workshop' other things * Schedule: April 29th Thursday * Opening time: 13: 30~16: 00■ opening place: Machida citizen center 1st board room (from the Tokyo Machida station walking 5 minute) * audit charge: 6000 Yen (the bank it shakes and is packed and prepayment), the fixed capacity 10 parting 4→32 name inquiries & application this office@counselinglife.com * replying the mail of the guide, receive the how to carry it receives and as for the details which verification you ask 診 setting, as for the personal computer from this you can view the how portable telephone from this

    • To the ceramic piste and the how to coach are troubled to the collection customer
      As for the trouble another free psychological test & diagnosis of Suzuki's whom it is possible in 30 seconds which pass this 澤 receiving free coating some time ago long, method of writing [burogu] and the point of the collection customer were recognized, it is Suzuki of the conversational technique navigator of heart, is long 澤, free coating being enormous, in the ceramic piste and the method of coaching which are troubled to the shank collection customer, the method of becoming the starting a business house which can be sold in 90 days which are the recommendation! Every month customer it can acquire the ceramic piste and the coach coating which “makes sell” individual politely checking my sight and the [burogu] article, teaching the improvement point by the fact that and, it tries to answer to question and the questioning which the 澤 coach gives out long, again the problematical point and the improvement point keep being verified in by your, it is after all similar to the counseling which is, while by your keeping making word, “eight [tsu]!”With it does, it is taken densely, is with while repeating such exchange of the shank, from counter-measure concretely, and from the motivation which keeps becoming real, furthermore to rise, the better seed (the ^^) the 澤 coach, thank you long-----------------Well, Suzuki's seminar double is held on April 25.29th * with 1st encounter workshop fixed capacity 8 parting 3 name other things, the machine of the human relations which you cannot experience under any condition minute and the workshop where you can experience deep communication * to deepen 2nd Tokyo communication seminar fixed capacity 15 parting 13 name self understanding, to train self-confidence, theory and know-how because it becomes positively communication of the other person as for open details, as for the personal computer from this, you can view the how portable telephone from this and, consulting to Suzuki directly, like if one now, being free, consultation is possibleAs for the personal computer from this, as for the target=_blank> portable telephone as for you who can view details from this the melancholia? As for melancholia check to this popularity [burogu

    • And the [tsu] [chi] it waited?
      However it is in the midst of the extolment test, this time the position being and solving the test and in the past, it was the impact which it receives with that volunteer concerning the volunteer whom you use in escape, mistily was, it is the shock carrying back, one week or less, being able to make rounds in nightmare, and the appetite infidelity it increased, well, then somehow reviving if (so you said, opportunity of revival was the encounter group ......) It is to go to the volunteer, but Contents of the volunteer whom you spoke then and the [chi] [ya] [tsu] it is it is don't you think? the circumstance hit, with my problem Don [pi] plain gauze, unintentionally later, from the specialist who comes at that time “mistily putting, please return”, reached the point…However the [u] - it is, it is helpless, the kana which is what - From mistily, now of the volunteer it is from amount of the Japanese history, impact receiving, it increases

    • It was decided that grade making small school high grade is reprinted to 12 prints with encounter.
      En japones , original meaning

    • Japanese weblog
      kanji , for multilingual communication

    • Japanese weblog
      [a]! Perhaps, well this time with [bu] [tsu] flying system, with Toyama the storm of the spring blows, in the [bu] the imperial ancestor/founder emperor it faced to the shrine first thickly,… to the Kureha heights which are the gathering place of everyone before to here I who do not have street-smarts in the middle which faces as for your this mountain of the extent where the imperial ancestor/founder emperor thickly the Kureha mountain which has the shrine understands was different and as for my gastralgia in the middle which faces to the back roundly pain… quite like stomach volume the ~ which round and round is one no what?! When the imperial ancestor/founder emperor thickly the shrine the Takeuchi document (inside the fungus is the [ji] [yo]) is the roots, the oven, as for me you have not read it is, but certainly, difficult 'flying that the book', you think is until everyone whom arrives this time of the meditation time of the [gurandeingu] centering & the protection you saw for the first time in the between one person car, the true [tsu] kind of white which the spark on the reverse side of the eyelid… this and one body? And the road it is not with everyone the road? Piste? It keeps walking and you worship with this shrine individual worshipping method Torii being visible and [reikisakuru] flow to land from the foot of course but it is, the one which enters from above the [u] [tsu] withstanding the [kitsuku] [tsu] [te] stifling green, 'it does with the dragon, the [yo]!'The [tsu] [te] end [chi] ~ [n] [so] [tsu] or the ~ it accepts and gets off the mountain why?'six senses purity and six senses purity…' with you speak and the hand has tied sign and the ~ of change? The place where it comes returning, the Kureha heights first is method of psychology, 'sge encounter' as an experience thought when 'returning, in everyone love wells up in the ~' all people who [hagu] would like to do and is dear and the meditation earth unifies with rather intense bgm, everyone after the just a little consciousness which is unified being distantly it seems that is bgm which opens [chiyakura] which extremely has a fit of coughing, finally after that it reached the point where the body floats lightly and the surface of the head [zawazawa]… [goniyogoniyo]… after meditation ends, consciousness it became dim and became dim and it drank the water which does not return to the body very, it returned mentioning the candy andThe card of creative power and the power which pull the card of light it keeps accelerating

    • 授業づくりネットワーク東京大会が終わる
      Essa opiniao , for multilingual communication

    • ふっふー
      En japonais , please visit the following link

    • 忘らるる者の帰還[Anashti Sul deity Quest]・その2
      belief , Feel free to link

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