- And the [tsu] [chi] it waited?
http://me-so-ku-kan.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/07/post-5dbc.html Well, then somehow reviving, if (so you said, opportunity of revival was the encounter group ......) It is to go to the volunteer, but Gut dann irgendwie wieder belebend, wenn (so sagten Sie, Gelegenheit von Wiederbelebung die Treffengruppe ...... war), ist sie, zum Freiwilliger zu gehen, aber
- It was decided that grade making small school high grade is reprinted to 12 prints with encounter.
http://ameblo.jp/yamakan1213/entry-10513846196.html In grade making as for encounter absolutely effective En japones , original meaning
- Strange encounter
http://blog.livedoor.jp/agurikamikaze/archives/51652635.html To tell the truth but even in hayato you have received it is with the counter, Zu die Wahrheit aber sogar im hayato zu sagen, das Sie es empfangen haben ist mit dem Kostenzähler,
Encounter, Sport,