- First time…
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/jump_today/44087380.html The nail was struck for the first time! Because it is unskillful the mother, I persevered! So just one time your own hand, the hitting [tsu] [chi] [ya] [tsu] you are…(It was painful enormously, -) the noon the rice ball and the pig juice, the burning potato was very tasty, is O prego foi golpeado pela primeira vez! Porque é desajeitadamente a mãe, eu perseverei! Tão apenas uma vez sua própria mão, a batida [tsu] [qui] [ya] [tsu] você é… (era doloroso enorme, -) o meio-dia a esfera de arroz e o suco do porco, a batata ardente era muito saboroso, é
- Watermelon, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/ascniigata/archives/51269580.html When it is winter, reacting to the sound, “paw” of the burning potato house, it was to make a noise Quando é inverno, reagindo ao som, “pata” da casa ardente da batata, era fazer um ruído
- Harvest festival inside town (it burns, the potato)
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/slide_271828/e/6002b026ee02d0174aacc4f476228138 For the first time looking at the “stone burning potato”, when eating, it was something which is thought the “how awkward burning potato” Pela primeira vez olhando “a batata ardente de pedra”, ao comer, era algo que é pensado “como a batata ardente inábil”
Baked sweet potato, Food And Drinks , japanese culture,