- To tell the truth .........
http://ameblo.jp/psychedelic009/entry-10793507718.html tv animation “Warring States basara two” Satoshi ~ inner part state compilation ~/Morikawa the Warring States travel Nabi 之 Nakai harmony 哉 打仗电视的动画“陈述basara二” Satoshi ~内在零件状态编辑~/Morikawa打仗的状态旅行Nabi之Nakai和谐哉
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/tokuso-danshi/entry-10596388995.html tv animation “Warring States basara two” Satoshi ~ inner part state compilation ~/Morikawa the Warring States travel Nabi 之 Nakai harmony 哉 打仗电视的动画“陈述basara二” Satoshi ~内在零件状态编辑~/Morikawa打仗的状态旅行Nabi之Nakai和谐哉
- いやーやっぱさぁ
http://blog.livedoor.jp/dt_takatoshi_suki/archives/50809206.html [watsuka] of ff and the correct sect of Warring States basara, a liberal translation [watsuka] ff和打仗的状态basara正确学派
- 『戦国BASARA FES. 2010 蒼の陣/紅の陣』 開催決定!
http://ameblo.jp/lovemomo7/entry-10385761642.html The special event limited to on the first of tv animation 'Warring States basara' holds! 特殊事件的时刻限制了到在电视动画‘打仗的状态basara’举行!
Nakai Kazuya, Anime,