- [ke] [tsu] or one body
http://ss074864.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1523559/ Don't you think? Takamatunomiya commemoration this time it was earnest wish achievement type, this week sinking [deshita] ps 3rd, start 悔 you stop
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/cocoawanko/entry-10493478311.html Thinking also the background and the like, you bought Takamatunomiya commemoration from the Iwata jockey
- Taketoyo jockey fall injury
http://ameblo.jp/ksr-as/entry-10492824196.html With Takamatunomiya commemoration the horseman power in [suzukakozuuei] which is schedule Furukawa good fortune. The jockey does the horseman power
- 2010 Silk Road Stakes year retrospective
http://ameblo.jp/keibanogakkou/entry-10452937771.html If you asked whether it becomes step to Takamatunomiya commemoration, you think that it was the delicate result,
- 北海道思い出シリーズ☆世界で1番スキな馬☆
http://ameblo.jp/y1f-ygak-ma33m/entry-10314584550.html With Takamatunomiya commemoration you took care, 祐 one it did not fall and the [te] was good don't you think? the [e
- 早い週末。
http://blog.livedoor.jp/bluewin8141/archives/51353746.html Takamatunomiya commemoration you called this, but coming out, from the side -
Takamatsu memorial, Gamble,