- Can' t Buy Me Love….
http://ameblo.jp/jimmy-lsd/entry-10232791579.html [rorerugereiro] one. After being poured, it is taking hat off in the game nature which it pours and returns
- Riodejane color, color Rorerugere
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/ok-era/e/b5a8e95f41c2a85545e2047a38061847 If as for front running cent Ur s of Rio de Janeiro ↓ [rorerugereirorogero] it is honesty not to be able to buy with 14 wipeouts, but horse turn 13th
- Sprinters S analysis in order to fight members of
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/maronwing/49181325.html If [rorerugereiro] it runs, it is strong
- February Stakes
http://hirosi-morisita.iza.ne.jp/blog/entry/1464642/ [rorerugereiro] (last year 2 victories of 1200m lawn Takamatunomiya commemoration and [supurintazu] s) it chases escaping within 5 counts, crumbles up from the early first?
- 重賞追い切り特注馬情報/朝日チャレンジC,京成杯オータムH,セントウルS,3連発!
http://papagon.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-09-10 [rorerugereiro] (昆 the Mitsugi racing stable Fujita Shinji jockey) ramp assistant Ritto 52.2-37.9-24.8-12.4 this clock as the same horse which has established reputation in the training running does also the somewhat unsatisfactory air with this week ramp where you could see the clock which all the way cuts 52 seconds in large quantity, but worrying growing hoarse
- null
http://ameblo.jp/tucchie-37/entry-10233060739.html It was my pace of [rorerugereiro] the [a] it was done,…
- 今週の重賞(3/28,29)の枠順確定
http://uma-kake.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/03/32829-be1e.html It appeared also 3 heads of [rorerugereiro], [airuravuagein] and B B gal Don
Takamatsu memorial, Gamble,