- O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/yoroshiku109/e/d131eeba274cdbb3e8506c952575e9ef [kinshiyasanokiseki] it includes also the consecutive championship victory and the like of the Osaka and Kobe cup and marking high prize 7 victory [kinshiyasanokiseki] il inclut également la victoire consécutive de championnat et semblable de la tasse d'Osaka et de Kobe et de la victoire élevée du prix 7 d'inscription
- gontan yosou saikai
http://ameblo.jp/gontan-cute/entry-10842854162.html Support of [kinshiyasanokiseki] we ask may, a liberal translation Appui [kinshiyasanokiseki] de nous demandons pouvons
- As for option of [supurintazu] S Hong Kong horse?
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/icarsunion/44013299.html As for [kinshiyasanokiseki] the place where it does not go according to schedule a little 0 e.g., with cancellation in gripes it becomes throwing, Quant [kinshiyasanokiseki] à l'endroit où il ne va pas selon le programme 0 par exemple, avec l'annulation dans les rognes il devient jetant,
- This week [supurintazu] S
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/la_punzel/34147720.html With the or Takamatunomiya commemoration where [kinshiyasanokiseki] rewinds [hana] difference 2 Avec ou la commémoration de Takamatunomiya où [kinshiyasanokiseki] rebobine [la différence 2 de Hana
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/talking-dog/entry-10493191617.html But [kinshiyasanokiseki] ability with respect to one, heavily same distance vanguard game winning by any means 0 Mais [capacité de kinshiyasanokiseki] en ce qui concerne une, fortement le même jeu de tête d'avant-garde de distance gagnant par tous moyens 0
- Present horse racing
http://ameblo.jp/with-angel/entry-10493891116.html [kinshiyasanokiseki] at last gⅰWin the better seed, a liberal translation [kinshiyasanokiseki] enfin gⅰGagnez la graine meilleure
- 1 keeper air (Takamatunomiya commemoration 2)
http://ameblo.jp/gour8tz/entry-10490845114.html [kinshiyasanokiseki] first gⅰIt is observed whether it can lead to the victory,, a liberal translation [kinshiyasanokiseki] premier gⅰOn l'observe s'il peut mener à la victoire,
- Japanese Letter
http://ameblo.jp/silverbullet324/entry-10493677281.html Concerning [kinshiyashiyanokiseki] and a thin forward, it is to have the element which can be recommended but (-> reference [kochira]) Pour ce qui concerne [kinshiyashiyanokiseki] et un vers l'avant mince, il est d'avoir l'élément qui peut être recommandé mais (- > référence [le kochira])
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/nt-colors/entry-10493669601.html You question with your [kinsashiyanokiseki] [me]!!! Time 1: When 08.6 furlong time 12.0 - 10.4 - 11.1 - 11.4 - 11.4 - 12.333.5-35.1 the fact that Baba is a little heavy is considered, a little fast pace was [kinshiyasanokiseki] 1 which is thought as kana: 08.634.0-34.6 [aruteimatoure] 1: 08.734.1-34.6 B B gal Don 1: 08.633.8-34.8 a thin forward 1: 08.634.1-34.5 a thin forward the front and back half being closest to flat, it is running efficiently, it is it is not, probably will be? Vous interrogez avec le votre [kinsashiyanokiseki] [je] ! ! ! Temps 1 : Quand 08.6 11.4 du temps de partie du mille 12.0 - 10.4 - 11.1 - 11.4 - - 12.333.5-35.1 le fait que le baba est peu un lourd est considérés, un petit pas rapide étaient [kinshiyasanokiseki] 1 qui est pensé comme kana : 08.634.0-34.6 [1:08.633 .8-34.8 du 1:08.734 .1-34.6 B B gallon Don d'aruteimatoure] un 1:08.634 vers l'avant mince .1-34.5 un vers l'avant mince l'avant et la moitié arrière étant les plus proches de l'appartement, il fonctionne efficacement, il est lui n'est pas, sera probablement ?
- 高松宮記念
http://blog.livedoor.jp/whooo_1229/archives/51269909.html [kinshiyasanokiseki] is [mashi], but that now one…
- 爆笑田中VS俺(高松宮記念)
http://lovekite.cocolog-nifty.com/sanchaku/2009/03/post-0649.html As for [kinshiyasanokiseki] front running never crushing defeat
- がんばれキンシャサノキセキ(高松宮記念)
http://yasutomi.blog85.fc2.com/blog-entry-456.html [kinshiyasanokiseki] male 6/57.0kg (moat declaration line) as a record of the horse where certainty is motto as for [oshiyansutekusu] of front running it was the result which cannot be agreed upon
Takamatsu memorial, Gamble,