- Thought @ drama “pride” 4th story: Friendship of the man and nature of the woman * there is [netabare],
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-12-3 Thought @ drama “pride” 4th story: Friendship of the man and nature of the woman * there is [netabare], [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 4ème : Amitié de l'homme et de la nature du femme * il y a [netabare], [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 3rd story: It is beautiful, it comes and shape of the leader * there is [netabare
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-11-4 Thought @ drama “pride” 3rd story: It is beautiful, it comes and shape of the leader * there is [netabare] [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 3ème : Elle est belle, elle vient et forme du chef * il y a [netabare] [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 8th story: There is tragedy & [netabare],
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-18-6 Thought @ drama “pride” 8th story: There is tragedy & [netabare], [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 8ème : Il y a tragédie et [netabare], [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 6th story: * There is [netabare] to the mother,
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-17-2 Thought @ drama “pride” 6th story: * There is [netabare] to the mother, [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 6ème : * Il y a [netabare] à la mère, [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 7th story: There is disturbance & [netabare],
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-18-4 Thought @ drama “pride” 7th story: There is disturbance & [netabare], [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 7ème : Il y a perturbation et [netabare], [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 10th story: There is desire & [netabare],
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-20-2 Comentarios sobre este , Comentarios sobre este , Feel free to link
- Thought @ drama “pride” 11th story (last time): There is pride & [netabare] of the name, love
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-26-5 Thought @ drama “pride” 11th story (last time): There is pride & [netabare] of the name, love [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 11ème (la fois passée) : Il y a de fierté et [netabare] du nom, amour [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
- Thought @ drama “pride” 2nd story: There is strength which are not defeated lonely & [netabare] which
http://himezakura.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-05-10-2 Thought @ drama “pride” 2nd story: There is strength which are not defeated lonely & [netabare] which [TV drama thought] [compilation @ histoire pensée de « fierté » de drame 2ème : Il y a force qui ne sont pas seuls et [netabare] qui défaits [drame de TV pensé] [compilation
Ishida Yuriko, Drama,