- [remonsukatsushiyu
http://ameblo.jp/juns-family/entry-10585767668.html Present morning it was going to hospital A manhã atual estava indo ao hospital
- The top it is good with walking
http://ameblo.jp/etsuko-go-66/entry-10236714597.html Today, accompanying the mother, went to walking!
Being warm, you called and it was weather* However just a little it has become cloudy, don't you think? Hoje, acompanhando a mãe, foi ao passeio!
Estando morno, você chamou e ele era o weather* entretanto apenas que um pequeno ele se tornou nebuloso, você não pensa?
- original letters
http://ameblo.jp/4236125/entry-10573089702.html Today, the mother friend, went to 3 groups and the giraffe beer factory Hoje, o amigo da mãe, foi a 3 grupos e à fábrica da cerveja do giraffe
- Japanese weblog
http://ameblo.jp/nanamomokayo/entry-10501471914.html Today when with good weather it moves shank o (^-^) the giraffe lemon of the o new commodity adult however it is not the new commodity, being defeated being attached to the tea and the water and the coffee, it increased this at hot extent! Horseradish taste of the baby star hard it is the [yu] [zu] pepper taste giant cone of the potato Hoje quando com bom tempo move a pata o (^-^) o limão do giraffe do adulto novo do producto do entretanto não é o producto novo, sendo união derrotada ao chá e a água e o café, aumentou este na extensão quente! Gosto do Horseradish da estrela do bebê duramente é [yu] [zu] cone gigante do gosto da pimenta da batata
- It is tasty*
http://ameblo.jp/tomo-hiiro525/entry-10514109660.html Today, good weather ~ Hoje, ~ do bom tempo
- weblog title
http://ameblo.jp/villagevoice/entry-10514117266.html Today giraffe lemon of adult Hoje limão do giraffe do adulto
Kirin Lemon, retail sales, Food And Drinks ,