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○■ そして映画のテー である、破... And it is theme of the movie, request… to “of playback” after the destruction “akira” when it is magnificent sf animation, simultaneously, it is hot human drama!
○■ But, the martial law to m ake inside the United States, after being surprised to the development that, he grows hoarse, you admired to the conclusion that fbi arrests the commander of the troop,
○■ このような動きは ラクを再建... Because as for this kind of movement as for the reason which can reconstruct Iraq it is not, when the Iraqi people somehow it has obstructed, the person of the staff had explained
○■ Because this movie is the work 1998 of time before the 9.11, when releasing you saw, you think that you could not understand,
○■ この曲、盛り上が もすごいの... Because this tune, also rising it is enormous, while singing, to hear, somewhat, it is painful becoming oxygen deficiency feeling, is, a liberal translation
○■ Is, the story [tsu] [te] after honest that so probably necessary? Whether original edition of the first open time (91 minutes) the [tsu] [te], how it chops up where of these 108 parts, just a little it stopped wanting to try seeing, a liberal translation
○■ As for [mihiyaeru] [buri] [herubihi], with the actor/the supervision which participates in Germany, 'the shoes of [manito]' (2001) it is in the work which is introduced to Japan, a liberal translation
○■ ベネチア国際映画 2011... The Venice international movie festival 2011 orizzonti section exhibition
○■ As for [ouma] [obama], in 1960 in Kenya [obama] senior and first wife [kejia] (as for divorce it has not done) with it was born between
○■ でも、ハンニバル なぁ... So, as for Hannibal, a liberal translation
○■ The documentary which com es to the point of '[ateia] [arudaraji] of the producer, 'during the sunshine' producing of Babylon, to be accustomed to inquiring about the thing of husham al thabe with [mohamedo] [arudaraji] and that older brother of supervision of the Babylon sunshine', be produced
○■ あれは、この映画 主題歌... As for that, subject song of this movie
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