- 20110728 early dawn…?
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yest_on_erday/25420801.html Also [sazabi] does lv30 exceeding callous Toda, the ♪, a liberal translation Également [sazabi] fait lv30 dépassant Toda dur, le ♪
- Shopping, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kaki-azu/entry-10913149587.html [sazabi] only it is lady's, the [te, a liberal translation [sazabi] seulement c'est la dame, [te
- Going on board…
http://sazaby9966.livedoor.biz/archives/51620452.html [sazabi] loving like the 煌 [bi] and kana town applying? Say say… it is different, (the sweat [sazabi] aimant comme l'application de ville de 煌 [Bi] et de kana ? Dites disent que… elle est différente, (la sueur
- Gundam UC 2nd chapter
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/tokaiteio1211/60470916.html From [sazabi] [katsukoii]! Full [hurontaru] does when the mask is removed, Ikeda talks, also the scratch of the ww amount which is not visible being attached to only [shiyaa] properly, the [ru], De [sazabi] [katsukoii] ! Complètement [hurontaru] fait quand le masque est enlevé, Ikeda parle, aussi l'éraflure de la quantité de ww qui n'est pas évidente étant attachée à seulement [shiyaa] correctement, [le RU],
sazaby, Anime, Fashion,