- The petite touring ♪ of [pokapoka] cheerfulness
http://hd-scarabeo-ec02.cocolog-wbs.com/blog/2010/11/post-6a33.html “A little over speed kana?”With thinking, the controller bull directly it is line correction possibility and the true highest partner with the rear brake “有点在速度kana ?”与认为,控制器公牛直接地它是线更正可能性和有后闸的真实的最高的伙伴
- Itami criminal part Kawahara Kazuhisa interview of large popularity TV drama series “partner”
http://mstlosedonkey.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-10-20 To remembering the thing of the former times when it returns “partner season8” special edition, in a flash, however you can remember, it is instant, don't you think? 对记住前时代的事,当它退回“伙伴season8”特刊,立刻时,然而您能记住,它立即的,您是否是不认为?
- Japanese talking
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/rabao1/diary/201012170006/ In “partner - in premiere test copying meeting of theater edition II”, 在“伙伴-在首放测试复制的会议剧院编辑II”,
- “Partner 9” started…As for the feeling, new combination already without being, the shank
http://blog.livedoor.jp/mikeai/archives/51180633.html The world “of the partner” seems like healthy 世界“伙伴”似乎象健康
- Partner season9 started!
http://towerofmusiclover.blog111.fc2.com/blog-entry-334.html Because “the partner” these several years, the only is the drama which is seen, because certainly you see with it is you think but, all story there is also a possibility of not appreciating,… 由于“伙伴”这些几年,唯一是看的戏曲,因为您一定看见与它是您认为,但是,那里所有故事也是不赞赏的可能性,…
- Don't you think? it is [ji] [yo] [u]…
http://ameblo.jp/bleu7r-sola/entry-10741715028.html Because “the partner” movie, you have not seen, the [tsu] which is seen 由于“伙伴”电影,被看见的您没看见, [tsu
- original letters
http://vian.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-11-08 Or “it is here truly?”
Partner: You think that “there is only here, 或者“它真实地在这里?”
伙伴: 您认为“有只在这里,
The Partner, Movie, Drama,