http://ameblo.jp/momonj/entry-10674819773.html Today was work after a long time Hoje era trabalho após uma estadia longa
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://ameblo.jp/dwna6/entry-10809972543.html Today in the return of work, approached to the Bick camera Hoje no retorno do trabalho, aproximado à câmera de Bick
- yukirudama
http://ameblo.jp/abechan05/entry-10753404851.html Because the snow accumulated today a little, the [a] the daughter goes properly and the [ma] which is the [ru] was made Porque a neve acumulou hoje um pouco, [a] a filha vai corretamente e [miliampère] que é [o ru] foi feito
- o sanpo shashin
http://ameblo.jp/tmfactory02/entry-10806530257.html Today, from afternoon, drove the Chita peninsula freely and easily on the lower road Hoje, da tarde, conduziu a península de Chita livremente e facilmente na estrada mais baixa
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