- Î 700UZ…
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/gan3dou/64763090.html 1st as for Î, 2,3rd as for Olympus, a liberal translation 1-ое как для Î, 2,3rd как для Olympus
- Whether for the first time,, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/kurasan-iiotoko/entry-10812375603.html The burning [chi] it is according to [burogu], her, the Olympus penlight of the pancake lens attachment was bought, don't you think? it is Горение [хи] оно согласно [burogu], она, penlight Olympus приложения объектива блинчика купил, вы не думайте? оно
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pokapoka-hirune/e/16d30259418fe6419b109a6ee0aee948 , a liberal translation Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.
- With just Olympus is not completed problem!
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/pokapoka-hirune/e/c9a90ff927290abbebe8e1b3e6f7f04c Finally, Olympus acquisition incident could pick up with also television news Окончательно, случай приема Olympus смог выбрать вверх с также телевизионными сообщениями
Olympus, Hardware, Business,