- 39W4D, to due date 3 days after*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/whoop-dewoo-ma7/entry-10795241824.html Being in Tokyo, becoming tired when, before the fountain of the Yoyogi park with, it has made the baud [tsu] well, a liberal translation Estando en Tokio, cansada cuando, antes de la fuente del parque de Yoyogi con, ha hecho el baudio [tsu] bien
- From flower Siberia don't you think?
http://yutaponn.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/post-7539.html The meeting not changing reason which appears in Tokyo town not understanding saying, it increases La reunión que no cambia la razón que aparece en la ciudad de Tokio que no entiende decir, aumenta
- Singing of the healing VOJA.
http://hisashi-y.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/04/voja-672e.html Returning to Tokyo, in the after a long time byte the fatigue not hiding, a liberal translation Volviendo a Tokio, en después de un octeto del tiempo largo la fatiga que no oculta
Yoyogi Park, Leisure,