- u0026quot;Lenders need to hedge funds,u0026quot; the FSA hearing from sole proprietorship
http://ameblo.jp/kui-ru/entry-10462552709.html June 18 The government is considering whether to review the revised Money Lending Business Law is the final day and the enforcement policy 6月18日,政府正在考慮是否審查修訂的貨幣貸款業務法律是最後一天和執行政策
- (One д ⊂) waa Newspapers
http://wataru4.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2010-02-19 June 18 The government is considering whether to review the revised Money Lending Business Law is the final day and the enforcement policy 6月18日,政府正在考慮是否審查修訂的貨幣貸款業務法律是最後一天和執行政策
- (つд⊂)ゴシゴシ新聞
http://wataru4.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2009-11-04-1 Law revision to the current lending limit of lending rates by 29.2% from 20% of total income and loan to take advantage of the lower third of the column below and keep to regulations, come into force next year is completely up to 6 Mon Ru that are 改正貸金業法は貸し出しの上限金利を現在の29.2%から20%以下に引き下げることや貸出総額を利用者の年収の3分の1に抑える総量規制などが柱で、来年6月までに完全施行され茹是
Revised Finance Law, Business,