- Kana
http://gokurakuhiho.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/337/ “'Gundam' ([temasonku] ゙)?”[tsu] [chi] [u] voice is many, it seems ¿““Gundam” (゙ [del temasonku])? ” [tsu] [ji] [u] la voz es muchas, él parece
- コーチングスクール
http://blog.livedoor.jp/nakamura66shinichi/archives/51548483.html When starting in 2005 October, “in the district, Toyama it means that among the excessiveness” voice is many from around, but if the air is attached, already immediately it has been about probably to be 4 years, a liberal translation Al comenzar en el 2005 de octubre, “en el districto, Toyama significa que entre la voz del excessiveness” es muchas de alrededor, pero si se ata el aire, ha sido ya inmediatamente alrededor probablemente ser 4 años
Ohashi Collection, Reportage,