- Japanese talking
http://ameblo.jp/nanana7557/entry-10260444549.html 'There is no come animated picture and to seeing' the [tsu] [te] being the real thing it increases” “No hay cuadro animated venido y a ver” [tsu] [te] ser el auténtico él aumenta”
- That you did in the diary of the seeing paragraph, it is.
http://ameblo.jp/highspeedtuuuuube/entry-10509098260.html But “beauty girl soldier what there is?” * However 'we liked,' [danku] (it does) [suramudanku Pero “soldado de la muchacha de la belleza cuál allí es?” * No obstante “tuvimos gusto,” [danku] (hace) [suramudanku
- 変だけどいいの★「天地人」第19回
http://nara-rino.cocolog-nifty.com/kokka/2009/05/19-e91c.html 'Heaven and earth person', as for your present subject “change of instinct temple” “Cielo y persona de la tierra”, en cuanto a su actual “cambio sujeto del templo del instinto”
- 映画『GOEMON』試写会。
http://ameblo.jp/fujimon89-gumi/entry-10251897420.html 'As for [kiyashiyan]' it is not seen, but it is “En cuanto [kiyashiyan]” a él no se ve, pero es
- 5/24 5/31 6/07 BASARA
http://myhome.cururu.jp/bsr_10ve/blog/article/21002718055 'As for the enemy there is an instinct temple!!'
The plain gauze well!! The [a] it is to do, riding in the pony, k which participates (you probably will say nothing “En cuanto al enemigo hay un templo del instinto!!”
¡El pozo llano de la gasa!! [A] es hacer, montando en el potro, k que participe (usted no dirá probablemente nada
Honnouzi, Video Game,