- [Mail renewal] the [chi] it seems the sushi
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/hirono2110/diary/201106160000/ The [chi] it seems the rose sushi it is said, but, a liberal translation [Qui] parece o sushi que cor-de-rosa se diz, mas
- It is birthday - it is, a liberal translation
http://blog.livedoor.jp/tas13498/archives/51413640.html Although the [chi] it seems the sushi super is, because it was tasty, - it is Embora [qui] pareça o sushi super é, porque era saboroso, - é
- Sushi, a liberal translation
http://tropical.cocolog-nifty.com/twins/2012/01/post-b4a6.html The [chi] it seems with the sushi useless it seems, useless seems even with the hand winding sushi Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
- The Japanese food lunch it is distant the poult way
http://bosubuhi.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-50a6.html The [chi] it seems it is to steam the sushi, a liberal translation [Qui] parece o sushi (volume para baixo
- 14 years old
http://harumosamegu-mama.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/10/14-77e6.html The [chi] it seems we celebrating with the menu, sushi and the pork stake and the potato salad, pre- receiving from the family, delightfully so was [Qui] parece nós que comemoramos com o menu, o sushi e a estaca da carne de porco e a salada de batata, recepção pre- da família, deliciosa assim que era
- Twin cream custard*, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/nojiko-keikolove-0809/entry-11108580043.html The [chi] it seems it becomes the sushi, the ~☆, a liberal translation [Qui] parece de factura o sushi
- If you become aware
http://blog.livedoor.jp/shunsuke77/archives/51915246.html The [chi] seems the sushi came out yesterday, - male increase and the combining, a liberal translation [Qui] parece o sushi saiu ontem, - o aumento masculino e a combinação
- After the pink it seems the sushi, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/takahideww/36476534.html While the [chi] seems the sushi while the mother to drop the chopstick, while dropping the ragged United States from the mouth, cutting many degrees in the sleeve and the laver attaching while pouring the beer with the hand being attached which is dangerous the all-inclusive food, a liberal translation Quando [qui] parecer o sushi quando a mãe para deixar cair o chopstick, quando deixando cair os Estados Unidos ásperos da boca, cortando muitos diplomas na luva e na alga que unem quando derramando a cerveja com a mão que está sendo unida que é perigosa o alimento inclusivo
- Varieties. . ., a liberal translation
http://fuku-roku.tea-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-9976.html The [chi] it seems making the sushi [Qui] parece de factura o sushi
- Today
http://katamonotabetamono.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-2250.html The [chi] it seems the soup of the sushi and the clam [Qui] parece o sushi (volume para baixo
- Para traducir la conversacion en Japon.
http://blog.livedoor.jp/sho1960/archives/51915168.html The [chi] it seems in the sushi in dampening fixed turn cooking of the flower of the soup greens of the clam [Qui] parece no sushi em umedecer o cozimento reparado da volta da flor dos verdes da sopa dos moluscos
- Yesterday, poult celebration, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kazusan97/39158999.html The [chi] it seems drinking the soup of the clam in the sushi [Qui] parece bebendo a sopa dos moluscos no sushi
- Dairy product & cartridge sesame pulling out menu
http://pono-chie.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/02/post-ff09.html The [chi] it seems the sushi and the reed blotch, to do, because the [so], the paste, (the photograph it is for daughter, [goma] riding, it increases) _ [qui] parecer sushi e de lingüeta mancha, para fazer, porque [assim], pasta, (fotografia estar para filha, [goma] equitação, aumentar)
- In inside Christmas, a liberal translation
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/syn_style/30094389.html The [chi] it seems the cherry tree is in the boiled rice of the sushi the [bu], scattering laver and blue [shiso], the way of, the tuna and the salmon, the rammer, it is placed, * (the human ´ω `*) [Qui] parece que a árvore de cereja está no arroz fervido do sushi [bu], dispersando a alga e azul [shiso], a maneira de, o atum e os salmões, o rammer, ele está coloc, * (o `humano do ´ω *)
- Inside frozen food that 1
http://band-lesson.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/06/post-d678.html The [chi] it seems being able to use even in tool of the sushi, very convenience [Qui] parece podendo usar-se mesmo na ferramenta do sushi, muito conveniência
- anshin naomi bi^chi ��
http://hana-marine.air-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/2011.html The [chi] it seems eating, ranger boiled rice such as sushi, tempura fixed food and dragon rice field frying fixed food of the [ma] [gu] [ro] extremely, the large full stomach (the ^^♪ [Qui] parece comer, arroz fervido guarda florestal tal como o sushi, alimento reparado tempura e campo do arroz do dragão que fritam alimento fixo do [miliampère] [gu] [ro] extremamente, o grande estômago cheio (o ^^♪
- raisusarada ikaga ��
http://et-bist.cocolog-nifty.com/mainiti/2011/09/post-ec9f.html Whether the [chi] it seems at the time of the sushi likely, it is possible to the tool material to try seasoning, is!, a liberal translation Se [qui] parece na altura do sushi provavelmente, é possível ao material da ferramenta tentar temperar, é!
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://potano-hirune.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-098d.html The [chi] it seems in the sushi the soup [Qui] parece no sushi a sopa
- tanabata no nichi
http://sora-stitch.tea-nifty.com/blog/2011/07/post-42da.html As the [chi] seems the eel which was inserted in the sushi likes, only the eel searching, you eat, a liberal translation Enquanto [qui] parece a enguia que foi introduzida no sushi gosta, simplesmente a enguia que procurara, você come
- These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
http://noririn-lunch.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2011-07-06 The [chi] it seems the sushi and brown side [the lunch] [compilation, a liberal translation [Qui] parece o sushi e o lado marrom [o almoço] [compilação
- It starts making, appreciation! You took care
http://tamura.air-nifty.com/1961/2011/04/post-25b8.html The [chi] it seems in the sushi the soup [Qui] parece no sushi a sopa
- 4
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/megumi808080/28363067.html The [chi] it seems the sushi scratching ball juice fox noodles, a liberal translation [Qui] parece o sushi que risca macarronetes da raposa do suco da esfera
- Poult
http://a-kono-a.jugem.jp/?eid=99 The [chi] it seems the favorite food of the male potato of the sushi clam! How thinking, that from among day somewhere it is good than being what kind of nice the greatest in the world it is lovelier poult inside the [ru] Toshi the needing which is [Qui] parece o alimento favorito da batata masculina dos moluscos do sushi! Como pensando, isso entre do dia em algum lugar ele é bom do que sendo que tipo de agradável o grande no mundo ele é uma ave jovem mais encantadora dentro [ru] do Toshi a necessidade que é
- How much regardless…
http://nattoukurabu.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-8cc1.html The [chi] it seems cutting the tool material and the like where the sushi remains in the small awakening, in the vinegar rice [Qui] parece de corte o material da ferramenta e semelhante onde o sushi permanece no despertar pequeno, no arroz do vinagre
- Poult festival
http://midori-s.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-4a66.html The [chi] seems the sushi Mai the [do] is the mother 11 people after seems made the sushi properly with the joint work my 3 [Qui] parece o MAI do sushi [faça] é o pessoa da mãe 11 após parece feito o sushi corretamente com o trabalho comum meus 3
- Poult way
http://hon6.cocolog-nifty.com/gudaguda/2011/03/post-2b90.html The [chi] it seems you bought the sushi [Qui] parece que você comprou o sushi
- After all the [chi] it seems in the poult celebration the sushi
http://today-terumasa.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2011/03/post-e474.html Although the [chi] it seems the sushi we love Embora [qui] pareça o sushi nós amamos
Chirashi sushi, Cooking,