- Naruhito Masako probably will be expelled from the Imperial Family
http://asahina-kyouko.air-nifty.com/kabu/2011/11/post-09e4.html The communism person probably is to like to designate Masako as “the victim of emperor system” La persona del comunismo debe probablemente tener gusto de señalar Masako como “la víctima del sistema de emperador”
- Schwarze Einleitung des Filmes (35)
http://cinechameau.cocolog-nifty.com/polkatei/2011/12/34-523e.html With being defeated the surface where threat of communism differs, by the vital force of the American democracy, you have drawn Con la derrota la superficie donde la amenaza del comunismo diferencia, por la fuerza vital de la democracia americana, usted ha dibujado
- darai �� rama to obama �� chibetto no jinkenshingai
Usted puede llamar un partido sistema dictatorial de comunismo, de que que ha consistido con respecto al sacrificio del ciudadano,
- 菅 Naoto to reads the background which is converted “the deviation from nuclear dependence” empty “counter nuclear plant” and solves. 菅 As for the execution for Naoto “hara-kiri”, or “in regard to the city drawing around, it executes in the fire roasting”, death penalty?
http://blog.livedoor.jp/gold_7777/archives/51803127.html Because as for the nucleus of communism nation by one for defense as for the clean nucleus and the American nucleus with one for attack it rationalized in the dirty nucleus and selfishness, it was Porque en cuanto al núcleo de la nación del comunismo por una para la defensa en cuanto al núcleo limpio y al núcleo americano con uno para el ataque racionalizó en el núcleo y el egoísmo sucios, era
Communist Party, Politics ,