- More and more [sumashiyo].
http://kurousagi-sk405.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-43ec.html The camera the person whom it is ready it increased the Roppongi Hills's view point, the [zu] and others - along with the [tsu Die Kamera die Person, die sie es bereit ist, erhöhte den der Roppongi Ansichtpunkt Hügel, [zu] und andere - zusammen mit [tsu
- Roppongi of a certain day
http://maicorocororin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-6e6f.html To go to Roppongi Hills, because you remembered that Tokyo tower is visible cleanly from the stairway over there, “to try going to that, -!”With to spot Zu zu den Roppongi Hügeln gehen, weil Sie sich daran erinnerten, dass Tokyo-Aufsatz sauber vom Treppenhaus dort sichtbar ist, „zu, dem zu gehen zu versuchen, -! “ Mit zu Punkt
- roppongi hiruzu mori tawa^ kara �� roppongi hiruzukurabu he
http://ameblo.jp/keic-yosmt4804/entry-10731276383.html It arrived at the Roppongi Hills club, a liberal translation Es ankam in der Roppongi Hügelverein
- ososu giru �� kurisumasu �� neta bangaihen
http://akane-30.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2010/12/post-eee6.html You try to place the Roppongi Hills's illumination, a liberal translation Sie versuchen, die Ablichtung der Roppongi Hügel zu setzen
- opinion piece , evaluation / appreciation , feedback , issue .
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/yoshi123_4100/63746656.html Off-line meeting of [saki] sponsorship of the last week end [buro] friend was held in Roppongi and started going REPT (^o^) 丿 Assunto para a traducao japonesa.
- original letters
http://noribenz.cocolog-nifty.com/noribenz/2010/12/sophisticate-44.html The Roppongi [ke] and the coming hill now have entered the clean night enormously Das Roppongi [KE] und der kommende Hügel jetzt haben die saubere Nacht enorm erreicht
Tokyo Tower, Movie, Leisure,