- 国連決議案を骨抜きしようとする中国:バカにされる日本~朝日新聞6月9日夕刊から
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/69-e1b4.html <As for China the same Japan and the United States individually conference <quanto para a China o mesmo Japão e de Estados Unidos a conferência individualmente
- 「縦深が浅い日本の全領土が報復打撃圏」:韓国・中央日報にはズバリ、北朝鮮の対日脅しの文章が載っていた~中央日報5月28、29日
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/52829-ffbe.html <Concept of “enlargement control”, if American ally receives mushroom, is the concept that it adds retaliatory strike with the same war potential level as the case where Continental United States receives attack <o conceito da “do controle ampliação”, se o aliado americano recebe o cogumelo, é o conceito que adiciona a batida de represália com o mesmo nível potencial da guerra que o caso onde Estados Unidos continentais recebem o ataque
- キッシンジャーの「日韓核武装」発言は日本核武装阻止の決意を示唆したか~読売新聞6月1日夕刊+共同通信配信
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/06/61-f06b.html <On that “necessary thing is to do the conference where the inside of the United States Japan and Russia, Korea and contents is dense”, that recognition was shown <nessa “coisa necessária está fazer a conferência onde o interior dos Estados Unidos Japão e Rússia, Coreia e índices é denso”, que o reconhecimento estêve mostrado
- 朝日新聞は今度は「軍事は駄目」と北朝鮮擁護~5月26日各社社説から
http://hakusanjin.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2009/05/526-9ed0.html But <, because how it is threat, saying, the fact that it is not realistic to aim toward the solution by military power, is the recognition which related country has shared including the United States and China and Japan Mas
Kim Jong-il, Politics ,