- Lunch ...
http://ameblo.jp/menyu-1001-genji/entry-10462031956.html Free men s and mixed見Nakya figure ... something! No, no, it is important Olympic Games? Daisuke Takahashi in an effort to cheer o (^-^) o really love to watch the Winter Olympics 自由人的和混合见纳基亚数字...的东西!不,不,重要的是奥运会?高桥大辅,努力助威(^-^) Ø Ø真的很喜欢看冬季奥运会
- Congratulations
http://ameblo.jp/emikuro1968/entry-10462760178.html It was confirmed medals in figure skating, Daisuke Takahashi 这证实了数字滚轴溜冰,高桥大辅奖牌
- Japan VS somewhere
http://ameblo.jp/samurairinrin/entry-10461713634.html Nante figure skating, is likely to go together 南特花样滑冰,有可能一起去
- Figiasuketoguranpurifainaru with it, really?
http://ameblo.jp/rakud/entry-10406142063.html Figure skating is a question about the local watch 花样滑冰是一个关于本地手表问题
- Buying and selling.
http://ameblo.jp/gura1110/entry-10462703518.html Ne doing figure skating ( ∀ `) 氖做花样滑冰( ∀`)
- Stir-fry --
http://ameblo.jp/romi08/entry-10462842438.html Men s free skating 男子自由滑
- Congratulations! !
http://ameblo.jp/ame2blo2/entry-10462932042.html Figure skating competition is so very glad that someone is looking at the Olympic sport 花样滑冰的竞争的确非常高兴,有人在看奥运体育
- Olympic feel good ^ ^
http://crutonpapa.at.webry.info/201002/article_84.html Perform in the men s figure skating short program (from left) Nobunari Oda, Daisuke Takahashi, Takahiko Kozuka 在男子的数字执行花样滑冰短节目(左起)织田信长,高桥大辅,小冢孝彦
- Vancouver Olympic arbitrarily large expected
http://blog.livedoor.jp/daystyle/archives/51794071.html For figure skating, one is silver or Ando, Asada 对于花样滑冰,一个是银或安藤,浅田
- 高橋、カナダ到着も係員に連行される
http://ameblo.jp/tanabota-windfalll/entry-10391789278.html Grand Prix of Figure Skating (gp) 6 Series game, Skate Canada (opening at 20 Kitchener u003d Canada) to participate in Daisuke Takahashi (Kansai University) On the 17th, arrived in Canada on a flight wearing Toronto 大奖赛20基奇纳u003d加拿大)花样滑冰(gp)的6系列游戏,滑板加拿大(开放参与高桥大辅(日本关西大学)在17日抵达加拿大多伦多一个身穿飞行
- ≪フィギュア2009 Skate Canada≫SP高橋大輔2位スタート
http://ameblo.jp/sukinakoto/entry-10393177233.html Grand Prix of Figure Skating (gp) 6 Series game Skate Canada (skate canada) are held 国际滑冰联盟花样滑冰大奖赛(gp)的6系列游戏大奖赛“加拿大站”(加拿大站)持有
Daisuke Takahashi, Sport,