http://ameblo.jp/kikigle/entry-11044682692.html So, above this, as for betraying her the [wa] which is something which is wanted stopping Assim, acima disto, como para trai-la [wa] que é algo que é parada querida
- Musical “cabaret” @ Hinase theater
http://yaplog.jp/u-me/archive/669 So, persevering enormously, the [ru] can [ji Assim, perseverar enorme, [ru] pode [ji
- 不毛地帯 #8
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/haku2245/51375805.html So, here should combine strength, a liberal translation Assim, aqui deve combinar a força
- 息のあった鶴瓶中居コンビにほのぼの~@仰天。
http://ameblo.jp/mahler0818/entry-10381066857.html So, as for [marie], being the same as Mr. Nishikawa, a liberal translation Assim, quanto para a [marie], sendo o mesmos que o Sr. Nishikawa
Abe Sadao, Drama,