- At parents' home, one week…
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/tulsii/e/39e6099950cf25799acbb47969daf31e That much, it had become far, the [tsu] lever, a liberal translation Que muito, ele se tinha tornado distante, a alavanca [do tsu
- To - the [tsu], it does not print 2000 Yen bill, it is even!, a liberal translation
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/townguide-ikebukuro/e/40d9a8a019e5d526f659405c25e44c68 You did not know that, Você não soube aquele,
- Spring the day off
http://ameblo.jp/oyakohawaii/entry-11211079450.html From the time “any Egypt things there is a large quantity in the ruble”, that the place of the yearning which knows in the picture book, has wished to go Do tempo “todas as coisas de Egipto lá são uma grande quantidade no rublo”, isso que o lugar do anseio que sabe no livro de retrato, desejou ir
Spring Break, japanese culture, Leisure,