- [ririanu
http://blog.livedoor.jp/purin0402/archives/52251545.html It does [ririanu] after a long time Faz [ririanu] após uma estadia longa
- With town house tea drinking “Miyake store” of Kurashiki aesthetic area the lunch it did, the ♪, a liberal translation
http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/cakesweets/diary/201203280000/ The ♪ which also the infrequent unpolished rice has and, is tasty with having, a liberal translation O ♪ que igualmente o arroz unpolished infrequënte tem e, é saboroso com ter
- Spring season of change.
http://asbestos.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2012/03/post-7c5c.html When with the work which faces with your infrequent customer, already it becomes like this business is, it is accounting, how saying, and others the [re] increase it is, a liberal translation Quando com o trabalho que enfrenta com seu cliente infrequënte, já se torna como este negócio é, está explicando, como dizer, e outro [com referência a] o aumento ele são
- [totobatsugu] and recent condition, a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/tomatonatto0930/entry-11205473112.html It returned to the parents' home could show the face of the grandchild after a long time,, a liberal translation Retornou aos pais home poderia mostrar a cara do neto após uma estadia longa,
- Spring of 3 regeneration the day off (1), a liberal translation
http://ameblo.jp/vs-sakotsu/entry-11198202987.html It was after a long time directly in the house to be, with you think Realizava-se após uma estadia longa diretamente na casa ser, com você pensa
Spring Break, japanese culture, Leisure,